20 of 1949 - Amending Section 3619, relating to licenses billiard and pool tables. ROLL GALL April 19, 9
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,194
Affleck l I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . .
Mr.Chairman . . l/f)
Ordinances of Sat Lake City, Utah, a 944, as amended by an
ordinance passedlby the Bod. f Commissioners on December 18,
1946, relating to es.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 3619 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, •1944, as amended by an ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners on December 18, 1946, relating to
licenses, be and the same is hereby further amended to read as
"SEC. 3619. BILLIARD AID POOL TABLES. (a) It shall be
unlawful for any person to operate, keep or maintain within
the limits of Salt Lake City for public use or hire any
billiard or pool table or similar table on which games are
played except that the License Assessor and Collector shall
issue annual, licenses as hereinafter provided to keep, main-
tain, or operate for public use or hire any of such tables
solely within the boundaries of the following district:
Beginning at the intersection of the north side of
North Temple and the east side pf North State Street,
running thence south to the north side of South Temple
Street, thence east to the west side of Third East Street,
thence south to the south side of Fifth South Street, thence
west to the east side of State Street, thence south to the
north side of Thirteenth South Street, thence west to the
west side of Main Street, thence north to the south side
of Fifth South Street, thence west to the west side of Sixth
West Street, thence north to the north side of North Temple
Street, thence east to the place of beginning
(b) All applications for license contemplated by this
section shall state the number and kind of tables and the ad-
dress of the proposed business, and shall be filed with the
License Assessor and Collector. Upon the payment to the City
Treasurer of a sum equal'tto fifteen dollars ( ;15.00) per ann
in advance for each table specified in such application, whic'
sum shall in no event exceed the stun of One hundred Dollars
(;;,100.00) for any one place of business, annual license shall
be issued by the said License Assessor and Collector."
SrCTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
Ifirst publication,
II Passed by the Board of Comm asioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this /gday of G2 -tom_, A. D. 1949.
City TCecorder.
Y6 —
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
• APR 19 1949
g ,v `fec.,
Cltakt. 21 —t9yy
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
Legal Notices
TION 3619 of the Revised Ordinances deposes
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as Beingfirst duly sworn and says that he is the ad-
amended by a ordinance paned by 1y
the Board of Commissioners on De-
cember 19,1946,relating to licenses. vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
Be it ordained by the Board of
commiesioners of Salt Lake City, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
SECTION 1. That,Section 4619 of Utah.
t of U
the Rebind Ordinances of Salt Lase 1.
oCrdin nce Utah,passed by e the dBoared d of
Commissioners on December 18,1946,
Is hereby`further'be amene a the
That the advertisement
r follows: m road
TABLES (a) ehall be
keepful' 1.1 _)1_.i;i1?1 1.^f7 L'-:;i c-`.'
mfor aintain within the I``mtts of Salt
Lake City for, biin'bed'or hire any
billiard or pool table or similar tle
on which games are played except
that the License Assessor and Col-
lector shall issue annual licenses a
hereinafter provided,to keep,main-
tain, or operate for public use or
re any of such the boundaries tables
of` solely
the fol
Beginning at the intersection of was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
the north side of North Temple and
the east side of North State Street,
Bidnne h,enye foytta ls.tle..nrch day of A. D. 19
e t deuth Temple street,thence
s t, the west side of Third East
et, thence south to the south
aide of
Fifth Street, Str et '.;t1 .';.1 :� ,1�i )
t the east Ride o Stat thence south to the north aide of and was published
Thirteenth South Street,thence west
to the west Bide of Main Street,
thence north to the Ruth aide f
Fifth South Street, thence west to the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
the t side of
thence Eenn north to Sixth,north side
side of
North TempleeStreet,thence east to day of A. D. 19
the piece beginning.
(b) All applications for license
contemplated by this section shall �
:state the number and kind of tables
and the address of the filed be
Licese proposed busi-
Assessor Ber shall and and Collector. Upon
the payment to the city Tr<.urer Adverti-
sing Cler
of a equal to fifteen dollars
.(81e.00)per annumin advance for
each table specified 1n such appli-
cation,which sum shall inn event
teed the sum of One Hundredol-
lars 4100.00) for any one place of
sued`nay theueald Licensee Assesso is-r to before me this - •ijta day f
aria Collector."
SECTION 2. In the opinion f
the Board ofCominieeioner., It is A.D. 19.,-2..
necessary to tits peace, health and -
safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake Clty that this ordinance be-
come ffective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall
take effect upon Its first publication,
Paned by the Board of Commis- VV�'/
lonere of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
19th day of April, A. D. 1949. - -.
L.Temporary Chairman. Notary Pu is
City Recorder.
Published April 20,1949.
o I' ,A.`-1 ,
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