20 of 1950 - Curb and Gutter Extention No. 156, 5th and Final Estimate Salt Lake City,Utah, .- ,195
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . .
Lingenfelter . . �' '' �
Mr. Chairman . . / I AN ORDINANCE
property (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 156) for the purpose of
grading, constructing concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk (where
sidewalk is not now built), drainage system, a pavement„consisting
of a 5-inch gravel base, with 1 3/4 inch asphaltic concrete wearing
course and i-inch sheet aslphalt seal coat, and private driveways
on Texas and ;Ningv Streets from 21st South Street to Parley's Way.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the
same upon the property hereinafter described (Curb and Gutter Exten-
sion No. 156) for the purpose of grading, constructing concrete curb
and gutter, sidewalk (where sidewalk is not now built), drainage
system, a pavement consisting of a 5-inch gravel base, with 1 3/4
I\L inch asphaltic concrete wearing course and 4-inch sheet asphalt seal
coat, and private driveways, to-wit:
Lot 2 and the east 4.0 ft. of Lot 1, Lots 3 to 20 incl.,
and the north 24.19 ft. of Lot 21, Block 1; Lot 1 and the east
3.0 ft. of Lot 3, Lots 9 to 28 inel. and the north 14.39 ft. of
Lot 29, Block 2; Lot 7 and the east 3.0 ft. of Lot 6, Lots 31
to 51 incl., Block 2; Lot 23, 25 and the north 11.44 ft. of
Lot 26, Block 4; Lot 1 and the west 4.0 ft. of Lot 2, Lots 3 to
31 inclusive, and the north 1.64 ft. of Lot 32, Block 3; all in
Country Club Heights, a subdivision of part df the Northeast
1/4 Section 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; beginning at
the southeast corner of Lot 51, Block 2, Country Club Heights,
a subdivision of part of the Itheast 1/4 Section 22, thence
south 50.0 ft., being a part of the Northeast 1/4 of Section
22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading,
constructing concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk (*here sidewalk is
not now built), drainage syate*, a pavement consisting of a 5-inch
gravel base, with 1 3/L+ inch asphaltic concrete wearing course and
4-inch sheet asphalt seal coat, and prive driveways as follows:
30 foot Roadway, curb and gutter, (walk built and pav-
ing exempted).
Texas Street - west side, south 77.13 ft. from 21st
South Street and north 75.0 ft. from Parley's Way; east side
- south 77.17 ft. from 21st South Street and north 59.39 ft.
from Parley's Way.
King Street - west side - south 77.13 ft. from 21st
South Street and north 75.0 ft. from Parley's Way; east side
- south 77.17 ft. from 21st South Street and north 44.64 ft.
from Parley's Way.
' 30 foot Roadway, curb and gutter and paving (walk built)
Texas Street - west side - from 77.13 ft. south of
21st South Street to 75.0 ft. north of Parley's Way; east
side - from 77,117 ft. south of 21st South Street to 59.39 ft.
north of Parley's Way.
King Street - west side - from 77.13 ft. south of
21st South Street to 75.0 ft. north of Parley's Way; east aid.
from 77.17 ft. south of 21st South Street to 44.64 ft. north
of Parley's Way excepting that portion beginning at a point
173.0 ft. south of 21st South Street, thence south 52.0 ft.
30 foot Roadway, curb and gutter, !� ft. walk and paving.
King Street - east aide beginning at a point 173.0
ft. south of 21st South Street, thence south 52.0 ft.;
the portions of said streets opposite the property hereinbefore an.
hereinafter described to be especially benefited by said improveme t,
and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said
property will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount o
the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assesses
at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot
frontage upon said portions of said streets, fronting upon and to
the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceedin:,
330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said p. -
cels of land is Thirty-Thousand, Three Hundred Eighty-five and 17/ 00
(430,385.17) Dollars; Three Thousand Nine Hundred Fourty-four and
69/100 ($3,944.69) Dollars for thirty (30) foot roadway - curb and
gutter (walk built, paving exempted), or Seven and 12/100 (47.12)
Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being
554.03 feet of abutting property; Twenty-three Thousand Three Hun-
dred Ninety-seven and 00/100(423,397.00) Dollars for thirty (30) f.ot
roadway - curb and gutter and paving (walk built), or Ten and 02/190
(410.02) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property,
there being 2,335.03 feet of abutting property; Six Hundred Twenty
three and 48/100 (4623.48) Dollars for thirty (30) foot roadway -
curb and gutter, paving and four (4) foot walk, or Eleven and 99/1*0
(411.99) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, th=re
being 52.00 feet of abutting property; and Two Thousand, Four Hund ed
Twenty and 00/100 (42,420.00) Dollars for private driveways, there
being fourty-four (44) at Fifty-five and 00/100 ($55.00) Dollars fo,
each private driveway; the cost of construction of which driveways,
and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter set out and all w,th-
in the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned,
which is the total abutters' cost and cost per,front foot of said
improvement, according to the contract entered into for the perform
ance of said work and making said improvement with Better Bu&ldings
Inc. dated the llth day of August, 1949, and the Treasurer is hereb
authorized and directed o assess in accordance with the provisions
pf this ordinance for the purposes herein mentioned.
Fronting on the west side of Texas Street.
The north 77.13 ft. of (Lot 2, and the east 4.0 ft. of Lo
1), Lots 1 and 2 of Blk. 1; and beginning at the intersection of th
west line of Texas Street and the northerly line of Parley's Way,
thence north 75.0 ft., Lots 18 to 21 incl. of Blk. 1; Country Club
ieights, a subdivision of the N.E y of Sec.22, T.1 S.,R.1 E.,S.L.B.: M.
Fronting on the east side If Texas Street.
The north 77.17 ft. of (Lot 1, and the west 3.0 ft. of
Lot 3), Lots 1 and 3 of Blk. 2; and beginning at the intersection
of the east line of Texas Street and the northerly line of Parley'
Way, thence north 59.30 ft., Lots 27 to 29 incl. of Blk. 2; Count
Club Heights, a subdivision of the N.E.4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1
E., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the west side of King Street.
The north 77.13 ft. of (Lot 7, and the east 3.0 ft. of
Lot 6), Lots 6 and 7 of Blk. 2; and beginning at the intersection
of the west line of King Street and the northerly line of Parley's
Way, thence north 75.0 ft., Lots 23, 25 and 26 of Blk. 4; Country
C3ub Heights, a subdivision of the N.E.4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1
E., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the east side of King Street.
The north 77.17 ft. of (Lot 1, and the west 4.0 ft. of
Lot 2), Lots 1 and 2 of Blk. 3; and beginning at the intersection
of the east line of King Street and the northerly line of Parley's
Way, thence north 44.64 ft., Lots 30 to 32 incl. of Blk. 3; Countr
Club Heights, a subdivision of the N.E.* of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R.1
E., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the west side of Texas Street.
The north 29.87 ft. of the south 43.87 ft. of (Lot 2, an.
the east 4.0 ft. of Lot 1), Lots 1 and 2 of Blk. 1; Lots 3 to 17
incl. and the south 14 ft. of Lots 1 and 2, Lots 1 to 17 incl. of
Blk. 1; and beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 18, Block 1,
Country Club Heights, thence south 25.19 ft. of Lot 18 of Block 1;
Country'Glub Heights, a subdivision of the N.E 4 of Sec. 22, T. 1
S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the east side of Texas Street.
The north 29.83 ft. of the south 43.83 ft. of (Lot 1, an.
the west 3.0 ft. of Lot 3), Lots 1 and 3 of Blk. 2; and Lots 9 to
26 incl., the north 5.0 ft. of Lot 27 and the south 14.0 ft. of Loss
1, 3, and 4, Lots 1, 3, 4 and 9 to 27 incl. of Blk. 2; Country Clu.
Heights, a subdivision of the N.E.y of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the west side of Zing Street.
The north 29.87 ft. of the south 43.87 ft. of (Lot 7,
and the east 3.0 ft. of Lot 6) Lots 6 and 7 of Blk. 2; Lots 31 to
51 incl. and the south 14.0 feet of Lots 5 to 7 incl., Lots 5 to
7 incl. and 31 to 51 incl. of Blk. 2; beginning at the northeast c.rner
of Lot 23, Block 4, Country Club Heights, thence south 11.44 ft.,
Lot 23 of Blk. 4; Country Club Heights, a subdivision of the
of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; and beginning at the
southeast corner of Lot 51, Block 2, Country Club Heights, thence
south 50.0 ft., being a part of the N.E.4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R.
1 E., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the east side of King Street.
The north 29.83 ft. of the south 43.83 ft. of (Lot 1 and
the west 4.0 ft. of Lot 2) Lots 1 and 2 of Blk. 3; Lots 3, 4 and 7
to 29 incl. and the south 14.0 ft. of Lots 1 and 2, Lots 1 to 4
incl. and 7 to 29 incl. of Blk. 3; and the north 7.0 ft. of Lot
30 of Blk. 3; Country Club Heights, a subdivision of the N.E.4 of
Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the east side of King Street.
All of Lots 5 and 6 of Blk. 3, Country Club Heights, a
subdivision of the N.E. of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M.
TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. (455.00 per driveway)
Fronting on the west side of Texas Street.
The north 107.0 ft. of Lot 2, the north 20.0 ft. of Lot
4, the north 20.0 ft. of Lot 6, the north 20.0 ft. of Lot 8, the
north 18.0 ft. of Lot 10, the north 19.0 ft. of Lot 12, the north
17.0 ft. of Lot 14, and all of Lot 16; all in Blk. 1, Country Club
Heights, a subdivision of the N.E.4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the east side of Texas Street.
The north 107.0 ft. of Lot 1, the south 14.0 ft. of Lot
l;tthe north 24.0 ft. of Lot 12; Lot 14 and the north 6.0 ft. of
Lot 15, Lots 14 and 15; all of Lot 16 and the north 4.0 ft. of Lot
17, Lots 16 and 17; Lot 18 and the north 2.0 ft. of Lot 19, Lots
18 and 19; all of Lot 20; Lot 22 and the north 2.0 ft. of Lot 23,
Lots 22 and 23; all of Lots 24 and 26; and the north 14.39 ft. of
Lot 29; all of Block 2, Country Club Heights, a subdivision of the
N.E.g of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.
Fronting on the west side of King Street.
The north 107.0 ft. of Lot 7; the north 20.0 ft. of Lot
32; all of Lot 34; Lot 36 and the north 8.0 ft. of Lot 37, Lots 36
and 37; Lot 38 and the north 13.0 ft. of Lot 39, Lots 38 and 39;
the north 19.0 ft. of Lot 41; the north 25.0 ft. of Lot 43; all of
Lot 45;; the north 15.0 ft. of Lot 48; all of Lots 50 and 51; all
in Block 2, Country Club Heights, a subdivision of the N.E.4 of
Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M.
Fronting on the east side of King Street.
The north 107.0 ft. of Lot 1; the south 14.0 ft. of Lot
1; All of Lot 8; Lot 10 and the north 9.0 ft. of Lot 11, Lots 10 a d
11; Lot 12 and the north 11.0 ft. of Lot 13, Lots 12 and 13; Lot 1
and the north 13.0 ft. of Lot 15, Lots 14 and 15; the north 16.0 f .
of Lot 17; the north 19.0 ft. of Lot 19; the north 22.0 ft. of Lot
21; all of Lot 23; Lot 25 and the north 3.0 ft. of Lot 26, Lots 25
and 26; Lot 27 and the north 6.0 ft. of Lot 28, Lots 27 and 28; an.,
Lot 29 and the north 7.0 ft. of Lot 30, Lots 29 and 30; and all of
Lot 31; all in Blk. 3, Country Club Heights, a subdivision of the
N.E.4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M.;
as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the
entire depth of the same ownership back from said streets, not ex-
ceeding 330 feet, and to collect said tax.
SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City
Treasprer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of
Equalization and Review of the property described in Section 1 of
this ordinance (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 156) of Salt Lake Ci y,
for the purpose of grading, constructing concrete curb and gutter,
sidewalk (where sidewalk is not now built), drainage system, a pav:-
ment consisting of a 5-inch gravel base, with 1 3/4 inch asphaltic
concrete wearing course and 1-inch sheet asphalt seal coat, and
private driveways upon said portions of said streets, is hereby
confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed
lists, and the report of the Board of Equalization and Review to
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, are hereby ratified,
approved and confirmed.
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in ten equal yearly
installments as provided by law and ordinance, with interest on th=
whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable
at the time each installment is due; provided, however, that one
or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole
tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the
date this ordinance becomes effective. One or more installments
in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax,
may be paid after said fifteen days and before the first inetallme,t
becomes due by paying the same with interest from the date of levy
to the date such first installment is due. One or more installmen s
in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax,
may be paid on the date any installment becomes due by paying the
amount thereof and interest to the date of payment. Default in the
payment of any such installment of principal or interest when due
shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal and interest to beco.e
due and payable Immediately and the whole amount of the unpaid
principal shall thereafter draw insterest at the rate of ten per
cent per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date of sa e
or foreclosure, the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid install
ments past' due with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum
to date of payment on the delinquent installments, and all accrued
costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to
pay in installments in the same manner as if default had not occur
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day afte
its publication.
" -8-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 71j day of. Z-a_-c-[( , A. D. 19 �
____, c Mar . ) \
0/rye,c,, ' ,4'./ 2_.)
/ /
G y 'ecor•er.
Curb and Gutter Extension No. 156
5th and Final Estimate.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notices •
property(Curb and Gutter Extension It V3a1 1
No.156)for tiro purpose f grading.
Udewalb(where sidewalk e curb disgut-
built,,drainage sy,trm.a Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
ment consisting of a 5-Inch gravel
cretebase, with 1.1k course
Inchsphalti - vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper,
hoot wearing d -Inch
driveway asphalt
Texas cane King Streets published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
from 21st South Street to Parley's
Conlmisslonersneol bEalt„stake City,rCltyt of Utah.
SECTION 1. That the Scud Commissioners of Salt Lake,City does
thehereby levy the tax and acme da£ That the advertisement
property t e rft ed
(Curb an Gutter ExtensionNoer described
or the purpose a grad1ng, con-
structing to curb a muer. An__.0.rdina-nae--5i11..Aa_._2.0
dewalk(where sidewalk Its t now
builtg of a system,a,p2vsment
consisting of a 6-Inch Rravcl
with Ink Inch asphaltic, concrete '-' 1
mearmg course and,%-inch sheet as. ---------Quxh...&..P,uLtEr. exten..inn_.Ao_...1.5.Ez
whys seal coat, and private drive-
ways,Lots23ato 20 the
Incl..,and the°north
24.19 ft.of Lot 21, Block 1;Lot 1
and the east 3.D ft.of Lot 3,Lots
9 to 0E Incl., and the north la 39
ft. of cat Block 2; Let 3 and was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
the east 3.0 ft. of Lot 6, Lots 31
to 51 Incl.,Block 2;Lot 23,25 and
the north 11.44 1t,of Lot 26,Block day of A.D.19
4;Lot I and the west 4.0 ft.of Lot
2, Late 3 eb 31 Inclusive. and the
north 1.54 1Cl of Lot 32,Sleek 3;all
In Country p Club Heights,a east l-
Sect of part of Inc . 1 E..aae ,: and was published on March , 1950
Section 22,T. 1 S. R 1 E.,S. L.
ast dl o.; beginning et. nu the south-
corner CountryClub Heights,a1 subdivision'
of part f the Northeast„e Section the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
32. thence.rout„ 50.0 ft.. being a
part o[the Northeast V of Section A.D.19
23 T.1 S.;R I E S.L.H.S M. dayof This tax Is levied todefray the �..
expense of grading,constructing eon-
curb s b and gutter, sidewalk id Ik-
(whorl alb Is not now built),
drainage system a pavement consist: 777
11 Inch 5-Inch grand base• with Advertising Clerk /phallic ,etc ar)ng
sousc and 1/4-Inch sheet asphalt seal
lorout and private driveways as f,l-
g0 feat Roadway, curb and I
I 1 alk built and paving xempte4).
Texas Street.—rvest side. south
p'1.13 f:.from 21st South Street and
:x thelde5-°son„„"nd from
ma'hi corn to before me this 9 Yoh day of
fromSout Parley's{pay north 59.,ae ft.
King Street—west. side _ south A.D.1.9.50_._
p's.13 ft.from 21st South Street and
70.17 ft..from 01st
South.Street Street and north 44.64
i ft.from Parley's WI, ,t
All Roadway,oadwaa, curb and salter
and R built.).
(walk 1, F/Jy
Texas sot ,side — from
i.f it.souuthh of of 21 215t South Street
to v v 1�2n�—�"',/
T5.i ft. north of Parley's hWee:hf NotaryL ub,i e
east side—from77,19 ft. oath f G
ofSouth 010000 to 59-39 ft.north
of Parley's Way.
King Streit—west aide—tom'/'l.13
It. south of clot South Street to
side ft.north f Parieo'o Wof.•east
side from 9'1.19 ft. oath of 21st
South Street to 44.64 ft,north of
Parley's War exc.ptl111 that portion
bra;nning at a Spointtreet.
173.0 thence
f °1st South Street, thrice south
all !on Roadway, end softer,
4!I n walk and paying
King walk
et.-east. skt beginning
ot a pointr1910 rt. south of 'PH.
nth Street. throe,.. utb 62.0 [
the pbr'lens of tail streris
Pori lee the property d be torn and 30 f O. i ff61 L, e d lye as
hereinafterdescribed toU.especial- 9.0 t of Lot E t 6 and'/ s
benefited by Id Improvement. :u. 1 Lot f;l 3. incl. and ut,
end It ls.'.ny sth IRA -rntlelyd ` south 140 feel of Lots 5 to-7 Incl.,
nil re ospsh ell that said n roveao ^to 5 0to,4 Incl.and 31 to rt Innst
nspall0110 benefit!, l hcrrhy t Elkper of Lotn23. At the northeast
In the fall amount.o.'the tax 011 Pee corner to Lot he Black 4.Country
and said n nets is of land OreLot 21 efts,t.hen4.south 11.14 lint
'Ito,t ate red'tee e9ce and nil," Lot 23 c iSI,b(t 4: Country Clint
rate in a nr�d upon with the of 500., T.I S.,F. !tun N.E.s/e
linear font frontage u port said Or 0t 5.,,.22 T. L 3.,F.l E.,B. 2 B.
'Inns of said snores.fronting the upon A:t c norand l l,00 00. p4 the uth-
and to the back
deref of the a east corner !Lot th,Block u,Corm-
ownership nog 3 hark therefrom e not ere- try Club Heights,thence south 50.0
h loot 330}net. end the Led hire- 3 being T.
Part of the N,F.'/a f
he levied and to hn assessed noon Sec- 2. T. 9.. R. 1 K. 8, L.
said oncosts f land is T tvflye and
H,00 M. SF10 ten
.3.Saki yearly
Mon he P3y-
and,0Three$3 trend red 1Dghty-:lye and Fronting on the rest side of King Able in ion ritual y arly instal leering
19/t00 L�5300(01`51 Dollars: Three Street Provided by lam and n
nodHundred fi.9/rr0 ls5,90d.nn1 Dollars for I 01 0 ft.of 0 s and the west k. paid at th^rate of fire n e^I!pier
Inlay COl feu' ,ps ring
d [l, t Lot 2,4 Lo[s 1 and 2 of Ash. I u , payable at the rtllue each
gutter!walk hull!,pa 0o¢ex1.i tO'o1, O Lbls,.3.4 and 9 to 29 incl.and Installment Is due' provided, Mor-
tars and 12 00 !.'].t f1 l:01 the south 44.r ft,of Leta 1 and 2 that o of o
00'111prr [top ty, linear foot of tote I incl.and]to 29 teal stnllments in theorder paynn',e r06
00003 of a' Lhg['e Fe.:nq 1 B:to 3, and the north ou Pr ft.C 4b the whole la v be pairs without
Twent feel T abutting•Three
Lot 30 of bOI 3', Country B.ub Interest within fifteen ,i51 days
'fired Ninety-seven
von a011 'lures stun- Heights,2 subdivision 1..n of the N.E.r/ from the date this ordinance he,
Nlnrty-arson and Oil yln01 to tof&7.422. T. 1 5..R. 1 E., S. L. a affective. One or r Install
19R 101 Dollars for thirty 0011 font 0 h.. mots In the order In which they are
red warlkburl and 'ten a and Pay- 30 FOOT ROADWAY, CURB AND Oran,
o the whole special tax,
Inn;(milk hull"or e Tr and 0/near WALE.
PAVING AND 4 FOOT 3 ba paid after sold fifteen days
f.o t of node-`per]rule nr linear - WALK. end before the flew' Installment lir-
toot of abutting fee property, there Fronting on the east aide of Sing s due.by paving the w'fh
heir:2-135.0n feet of abutting peep St.oat. Interest from the date same
levy to
arty'Six Hundred Twenty-101 Thirty and All of Lots 0 d 6 of H 3, Ihe date such first installment Is
111 f10100 eS 62'3.49) Dnllare inr eCountry Club Heights,n subdivision 1 due_ One n so"e installments In
trio(loot d in 1 (41ury and glitter f the.S. of Soo.M.
T. 1 S. the order Sr whichthey arc savable.
Vivien and tonne Ohl 119 walk. or R. 1 E-.S. L. S. S D. or site wiole pedal tea, ri v he.
lever and 90/100 (t,i1.911 bu ting PROPERTY DRIVEWAYS A66ASS I AD PRI- aid nn he date and Installment
{ter front'h loiter Loop of n feeltnf TOTS EGUAR IN ADDITION becomes due by paving the amount
property, 'hare being end JTwnl Thou- TO TH':REGULAR ASSESSMENT. hereof end Interest to the date.of
root..ln¢ property: n 3511,g per driveway) If meet nDefault In the payment
and, Four 20.001ed Twenty and F Street.
on the nest ride of Texan of nv suet!Installment of principal
onle0 010010.00) nett era for rev•orb- The h- n interest.when due aha-J eau a tun
e delve war 00 theta being r "- The 2.0 . 00 ft. 0.Lot 2, the whole of the unpaid principal a d
four 00 01 Fifty-five and 00/100 north 20.0 lit, 6f Lot 0 the 0 north lnteresr,to heroine due and pa0alnl
drive01 Donate for n con ruction 2n.0 lit.of Lot 6, the open 01 20.0 lit, Immediately And the hole amount
driveway, h L t construction 11 L e. the north 1R.0 ft. (Lot o. the unpaid p 1 Ip 1 shall there,
he which d the P+ I0.I0 nth 19-0 it o1 Lot.lal the after d' Interest t thef en
ne n 1 thereby 1 hereinafter a rat Loth . fl lit of Lot 14.and all Club p. cent n- tit Id hot
I 'hr 'ld F la I..of Lot I6- I tt Rik 1 o (lop 00 timeprior e the date t In
the Inn+ Mocks and streets a ve Heigh., subdivision of the N.➢'/ toroth➢Ise. the o 1r pay
eslie nsI which It I.no total Foo_ n(Ser.22.T.1 5. R.1 E..S.L.H. the amount of all unpaid lns'llle
hl 0 M, meets past dun with Interest et the
Ors' nosh and rust per [emir, Lost
of said race entered
rewording e Fronting on the earl.lde e{Teaas rateo 01 ten per cent per ntot ha
the cirane0i. enftd Into for the ThStre
daple of payment an the-dell sourer
f 1d d m k u north l0'l0 [r n1 Lot In the Ids/aliments. and d costs,
1 gf I 1 pro with Brt'ee south 14.0 ft, of Lot 1' he north d shall thereupon b.restored to
Hilldin_.e Inc. Ile. 11th day 24,0 ft. of Lot 12.Lot 14 and the Iin riche .h raftni tore ilia[ August, 1941. and the'1'rcasnfer north 6.0 ft t Lot 15,Lots 14 and I`1011(0 ns:n`he same per esi1
is hereby authorlt.ed and directed to IP,all of Lot 16 a north 4.0 ft, default had not occurred.anteat
1 'd - with the pro- of Lot 17 Ihts 16 and IT, Lot 18 SECTION 4,This r!Tinton,than
of 1. f Ill,ordinance for the P,I r- end thenorth 2-0[t Let 10.Lots sake.effect one day ft . nub,.
poses'hero) mentioned_ - o and 10all of Lot 20,Lot 22 and cation.
THLRTY FOOT ROADW AC. CURB The north 20 lit,of hp and
lase 22 Passed ba the Board of _ou -
tND ClLrTT('IR IW A[.iC BOIL'I'AND And^.3; x' of Lois 20 and 26:and Inn are of oalt Lake City.Utah,this
PAVING EXEMPTFDI the north 14.39 IL of Lot on; all Lth day of March,A.D.1950_
Fronting on the areal stele^f Texas of Block 2,Country Club Heights, EARL.J.GLADE,
gtreet. subdivision of the N E i/c of 04. 21, M vox,
The !h't'i.13 ft. t Il nf.2.and T.1.5 t. I the
the 4.0 f Lot II Lots 1 a d Fronting on the .t Ida of King (,SALT Cif R c.o*def.
f Elk. 1' a beginning at. the. HILL NO.20.
Intersection n1 the west line of Tletta0 Thenorth 100.0 ft.nL Lot.L:the Curb and Gutter E t erasion Nn,
Iin'of north 30.0 N.of I all n(Lot ' 156.
to thetreet n tootth ! 0 ft Parley',
14':L fi and theh P.0 ft.of 3th d Final EstimoLe-
1 -.1. f HIk 1' Country lot 3 Lots 36 and 3:Lot 38 and PuWishedi arch ith,1930.
ofSHeights,a T vl S..1 of the N.P..L.
eO n 'ih 13 north of I f 39,Late 38 l' '--
of a 21.sT. 1 fie.A.. 1 a'... S.L. d 39:the ft p Ir of L al 4 or
B,}Touting the at 1 2,no:t.n'LN.^1: all f
Streeton the east_side of Texan lt1 45 tots
08 th,0 I Pi N..t Lot Bock
Street. elf 020(0x C0 and 5_;AI',in, Block '
The north tl'It. It.n7(Let L,and 2, Country try ChM.N ,Heights.00e a shbT 1
the west 3.0 ft. of Lot 31. Lots 1 - aloe or the N.�_r� P G<c. 22,T,1
and 3 of HIP. 2: and bast line at Eo S.L.eat;Od
the 0 Intersection of the east line of Fronting Sreet. on the east side of Kling
and tun northerly ly line The n.
P Parley's0,000 Way_ n loci north h II ', The north 10'+0 O.of 1 Ant L. the
Co Lots 17 In 10 s. of H11: 2; sow th 110 (t. of north 1' All of Lof
Cou!he Club Hefg Soc a.u'0 lsl nn 8: L11 10 ant the I: t rL. of
F !he N.F..4a f Soc. 22, T. 1 fl., Lot 1'.Lo is 30 and L_:Lot 12 and
F. 1 F.,S.t o h M the north 11.0[[.of Lot,12, is 10
Fronting no the arse stein of King and I.1: Lot 19 antl the north 13.0
Sheen f'- of Lot 15. Lets 19 sad l6; the
The north 7R t.t it,of IL1f.'0 and r nr[11 16.0 id: of Lot 1'1;the n r 1.
the east 3,0 ft.of L.n'.nn,tot.,r and 19.L ft. f Lot 19:the north 22.0 11,
'1 of Blk. 2 end beginning Si the of Lot 21:ell 01 Get T,Lot 25 a d
Intersection of the west Ito.of King the north 3.0 ft.of Lit 16,lints 25
Street and the northerly line of Par- end 26: Lot 27 And the n rth 6 0
Iry's Way.
Vhence 35.0 ft.. Ire bt Let OP. Lots 3'!and 28: red
d 26 n r
Logs 23, unf I Lot 2.9 and the north 7.0 ft.of Lot,
try Club An15hs, + subdivision 3n. Lots 29 and 30:and all Of icon
the N.E.r/t of Sec.22.T. l S.,R.1 ;l: all In 9:'4. 2. Cnun�r'y l:l'.
Heights,a enbr ''4 ivfeion 'the N.L.
Fronting nn the east aide of King ot Sec,22.T.I F.,R.1 (10 B.L.R.
roil., t Moe: x the sa shown'r on
The north'l ft
[t.of f Lot L and . the official plats said 110 to Ihe
the west l f[ tot gi_ Lots t o beck•r depth= f the s, mein
a e 3 of Olin 1,rand beginning at 33ek fromraids Coles,spin creole■
h Intersection f the east line o. 3n0 d tocollect saidassessment
Street d h. northerly44.64 tine I a SECTION 2.That the assessment
1 Parley's i W 2 north 44.64 nor b the City Cod Treasurer,as
ft., Late 30 [ 12 Incl.a of RI1,. 3: approvedr
CnitntiV Club'Heights. subdlylslnn nr r.en, .am Pletetl
of Sec 22. T
nt the N.F,!'4 . 1 S.. the Board of F.anallr,af ion and R. 1 E.,5 L.H.01 M. view of the property described In
30 FOOT ROADWAY, CURB AND Seetlon 1 of this ordinance 'Curb
DOTTER AND PAVING (WALK and Dot0,2110 In. for
Kn. 156) of
Ss't Lake.Clry, foe the purpose of
BUILT) rading constructing concrete c rig
kl'nnllnc nu the wenside of'fosse And Sutter, sidewalk (where side-
Street. walk 1s not now bul,. drainage
'Trite north 2987 ft,of the south system. a pavement consisting of
ft o ft f(Lot i2.s and the east 0 5-inch gravel base, with 164 Inch
li !Lot L1, hots . and2 b1 BIIC asphaltic concrete wearing course And
: I 3 to 1I Intl,and the a nth '.-1nr11 sheet eenhalt sealoat.and
td It.o!Lets I and o Loins t to Ie private.driveways.upon sad portions
Incl.of Hlk I and be ginning set the e1 said streets.La hereby confirmed
northeast corner of Lot In.Block I.
and tM1r a s a ntl r-n v Cl t tun Heights, then 1 south turned 1^rs Id ncarmplated a lists, Ind
2T10tl ft of Lot 18 of Sleek : a r
Country Lllub Heights_ subdivision the report of the Hoard of E9oJs>a-
0 + Finnan in 'ha ',card of
of the N EL/.of Sec.22 L'_1 S.,R. Conlon - f Salt,Lake.CI._ ace
1 E., S.L.B_As M. hereby n I�atlted. a110000ed and con
Fronting n the east side.of Texan Orin en
Tho orth 29.32 ft of the south'
43.93 ft. of (Lot 1, and the es t
• 3.0 ft. of Lot 3L Lots I and 3
lk. 2. and Lots 9 to 26 inch,
the north 5.0 ft.o Lot 27 and the
o'th 14.0 ft, of ofo 1 3, And d,
L ts Lots 1 3. 4 and 0 to 29 teal. f
Elk'x.Country Club Heights,a s b-
divislnn of the N E.I! of Sr, 22,
E. e H.4 M
FrStrreet. on the west ride of King
The north 29.89 [L, of the south
QZ 0