20 of 1972 - Amending Section 74, Article 2, establishing a joint Traffic Advisory Council between Salt Lake City HULL'.MLL
ATOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, March 21 19 72
Mr.Chairman /l
Barker yi ; I move that the Ordinance be passed.
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC. 74 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake
City, Utah, referred to in Article 2 of Title 46, pertaining to
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Sec. 74 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City,
referred to in Article 2 of Title/ pertaining to administration, be,
and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 74. Traffic advisory council. There is hereby estab-
lished a joint traffic advisory council between Salt Lake City
Corporation and Salt Lake County. Said council shall consist
of (a) five lay members serving without compensation to be
appointed by the Salt Lake City Board of Commissioners; (b)
five (5) lay members serving without compensation to be appointed
by the Salt Lake County Board of Commissioners; (c) one member
appointed by the Director of the State Department of Highways,
who may be a resident of either Salt Lake City or Salt Lake
County; and (d) six ex officio members, to-wit:
(1) One member of the Board of County Commissioners
as designated by said Board.
(2) One member of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City as designated by said Board.
(3) The head or director of the Traffic Engineering
Department of the City.
(4) The head or director of the Traffic Engineering
Department of the County.
(5) The Salt Lake County Sheriff or a representative
from the County Sheriff's department.
(6) The Salt Lake City Police Chief or a representative
from the City Police Department.
Sec. 74.1 The term of office of each lay council member of
the City-County Advisory Council shall be as follows:
(a) The initial term of two members, one from the
County and one from the City, shall be for the
period of one year and thereafter for the period
of five years, which initial term shall be set out
by the appointing body at the time of appointment.
(b) The initial term of two members, one from the
County and one from the City, shall be for the
period of two years and thereafter for the
period of five years, which initial term shall be
set out by the appointing body at the time of
(c) The initial term of two members, one from the
County and one from the City, shall be for the
period of three years and thereafter for the
period of five years, which initial term shall
be set out by the appointing body at the time
of appointment.
(d) The initial term for two members, one from the
County and one from the City, shall be for the
period of four years and thereafter for the
period of five years, which initial term shall
be set out by the appointing body at the time
of appointment.
(e) The initial term of two members, one from the
County and one from the City, shall be for the
period of five years.
Sec. 74.2. The terms of office of the two ex officio members
who are members of the Boards of Commissioners shall be for their
respective terms of office as a commissioner or at the pleasure
of the respective Boards of Commissioners.
Sec. 74.3. The term of office of the member who is an employee
of the Utah State Department of Highways shall be at the pleasure
of the director of the said Department of Highways.
Sec. 74.4. The term of office of all other ex officio members
shall be continuous during the existence of the departments
Sec. 74.5. It shall be the duty of the traffic advisory council,
and to this end, it shall have authority to:
(a) Provide lay advice for the Traffic Engineering
Departments of the City and County concerning motor
vehicle and pedestrian traffic and the attendant
problems related thereto;
(b) To study and report upon all phases of traffic problems,
including but not limited to traffic flow and traffic
(c) To carry on educational activities in traffic matters;
(d) To work, advise and make recommendations regarding
public safety, convenience, parking, traffic rule
enforcement, engineering, technological advancement
and public relations on traffic problems;
(e) To receive citizens' complaints and to publish reports
and make recommendations regarding traffic matters to
appropriate agencies for sound official programs and
safety improvement.
Sec. 74.6. The council shall have no power to execute any con-
tracts whatsoever, to make expenditures of public funds, or in
any way obligate the City or County in any way whatsoever."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health, welfare and safety of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pub-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 21st day of March, 1972.
BILL NO. 20 of 1972
Published March 24, 1972
ADM-a0A ,.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Betty Phelps-
Lak C11v,Utah 1 ed to In Anti
r TIllo A6 pertaining to ad-
oeest5t eta eof bs itn La carcitvf Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
s�T10N r.•Tn t s ]A of a,° tising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
Iferrec otln of ti li L ke Tine re-
'Ile tl+o In.Atli I` f Tie, A6,
'pertaining to rebyadministration,be,and newspaper printed in the English language with generalcis-
,rehas:, Is - mended to
;teas a a.Traffic culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
Sec a: mby established
oadvisoryie a .
Thee Ie M1 ebY.treat h d:a joint
rraffl ydyyYlsorY councik b+weep San County,in the State of Utah.
Co+Y"S r,`), l.ntlt-s II S stst of.
(a)aV l it a b¢ra 9 p ds".
Y ¢ alma to bb P i,+etl by That the legal notice of which a copy is attachedhereto
i[0.ts;_'eke airy ram
of comb's-
,servIYs;'(67 out l.]l nsa i e bees
ving lM1vil f Co en La ken to be
�Ppo Anger
b Uth¢5 If.Lake Countv
ISPar$of 2'ommlS:PpaYa; ((��r _An Ordinance�emtainin�,_ta_aclministra'tiQn.__Bill__
.mein erg appointed by the Di for —
ofa+he.$fate Upelfmear ft HlA.
ithers'Salltta Lake city.art5It Lakel
county; d m)six ex ofaeio mem-, No. 20 of J-972,_._
fibers, +d-wlim. --
(1)OC emb.er of th¢Board f;
.,Countl Commissioners as designatof!
bV saidneoara
Commissioners bar t the Board 5
if Innia9ed byS Saofi Salt Lake'CItY a j
de(3)The'h ada1or edrret�tor of the
Traffic yy Enalneering Department or,
th(4CIThe head r director of the'
;Traffic Enalneerine Department'ofl
lilts County.
(5)The salt lake County Sheriff!rorepresentative from the County!
'.5herliTe department.
(6)The Salt Lake City Police, i-�
I Chief a raMiltativo rrpr the
'CSe.74.1 The term was published in said newspaper on —r'.(a.rsh_ZJ• 9 2.
Sec.']4.1 The lair f office f
n lay council member of all
I'�cfiacom,m (,tivL•ary counau shall
two mem-
be Ang i rnl met Coug(t%d ff: --
ftlnftht CItY IdtYh (11 th+p I.
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P Yrtl"Yfafive and thereafterci i ---
nal term sh u b set ui by+n Legal Ad�rttsing C.le}�k
ppoln+tnn body at the time of
ePpoinrmenr, em-
(cl.T,he frotlnttterm
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bars, e
from a ev.ears�Shalt he tot dhe p¢YIOd
;onihr¢p yeaYs.and tnereatter for ins
Iled f five f 005 i hick Initial
errm o y be sat our by the appoint-' day o f
Ina btldV of the time of apfOlNment. 2 .fah
(d)Tne.at term for two mere ^Y.
S bars, from me coon+y d o.to before me this
fro pthe rCv,sham d'foY the P rr
tl f food veers tl thereafter for
the patina t fiyl v¢arh' mob im A.D. 19_ 2
ttal term shall be 581 out by the �,—_,
-apppolMinp body i the time of—--
ap(j Th it tI 1 term of two mem-' .
b Y5'p e f the County and one
f theCity, hall be for the per, / -
odS f f'i,i. be
terms of office of / ,L^_ Y
rha=rr fbclo a bars ho are �� /�Y�.G =_tip
mrs s of the Boards of C ti s
onea hall ne for their respective
r NotaryPublic
atthe race pleasure n commissioner ve (b)To study and report Upon all
t.the fComm f the respective ph.aces of+saint problems,icluding
f Commissioners.of butt not regulations,
s, traffic flow and
Secb member who
The term tyke of the +ratite regulations;
h Is employee f the (el 7 r mo educational activi-
Uiah,Sfate Department f Highways ties ita0Flc on
nalpbe at the pleasure of the throe- (�j tTo' ark,advise and ke r c-
tor (the said DeParimenl of High- entlations regarding public sate-
w5e'c:74.4.The term of office of all eY.convemencel,parking,traffic rule
other x fficio members hall be nfprcemenn ergineering,technelogi-
cal a traffic problems;'
public relations
hnlinuous during the existence o,of on iralfic problems:
r`h¢departments Yepresented. 7o receive citizens'Complaints
Sec.id.5.It hall co the dU+Y f and to'publish
the 1eaific eshall v un Il, d io. reedinmendatlons reports and traffic
this ',It shall hamilauthority foitel matters to appropriate agencies for
official programs and safety
Traffic Engineering aDeparimelntaloot pound }
iha City 'nd Coun+V on rn w Sec.mver.o The council shank have motor v hide nd proble lancilated p
,d the attendant problems related whatsoever,to make expenditures f
thereto; he lCityu or orsCounty inr in nanyawaybiwhat-
of Comm 2. issioners It on of the
say,to the peace, health,welfare
Lakes City +hatefhisabilttlinanue Sr
o f0ctive immediately.
oSECTION I.This ortlinance hall
rake;ste ci upon ifs first opubltcailon.
,cassetl bV the Boartl f Commis-
s of Saif Lake City,Utah,this
415f day of March,1972.
M mayor
R rder
RILL Ned 2U of 191f
Published March 2A,19I2 (g-)).