20 of 1980 - Confirming the assessment rolls and levying a tax for the assessment of property in Curb and Gutter ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE confirming the assessment rolls and levying a tax providing for the assessment of property in the Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Curb and Gutter Special Improvement District Extension 38-539 for the purpose of paying the cost of curb and gutter, driveways and other miscellaneous work necessary to complete said improvements in the proper and workmanlike manner; and establishing the effective date of this ordinance. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, hereby confirms the assessment rolls for Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County Curb and Gutter Special Improvement District Extension 38-539 (the "Improvement District") and hereby finds that the assessments are -just and equitable; that each piece of property within the Improvement District will he henefitted in an amount not less than the assessment to be levied against said property; and that no piece of property listed on the assessment rolls will hear more than its proportionate share of the cost of such improvements. SECTION 2. The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, does hereby levy a tax to be assessed upon the real property described in the assessment rolls for. the Improvement District. The assessments shall be levied on a front foot basis in the amounts set forth in the assessment rolls, a copy of which is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this ordinance. The property being assessed is within the boundaries of the Improvement District all as is more particularly described in the Notice of Intention adopted by the City Commission on the 8th day of August 1978. Said description is incorporated herein by this reference. The assessments hereby levied are for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of curb and gutter, driveways, and miscellaneous work necessary to complete the improvements in a proper and workmanlike manner. Said assessments are hereby levied and assessed upon each of the parcels of real property described in the assessment rolls. The assessments are levied to the extent the properties being assessed are especially benefitted by the improvements to be constructed within the Improvement District. Said assessments are levied at equal and uniform rates. The tax hereby levied and assessed is in the total sum of $15,233.74 and consists of $8,918.61 or $7.94 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 1,123.25 feet of curb and gutter and miscellaneous; $2,162.45 or. $2.44 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 886.25 feet of miscellaneous; and $4,152.68 for constructing private driveways. The amount of the tax hereby levied and assessed does not exceed the total cost of the improvements in said special improvement district, including interest on interim warrants a 10% allowance for administrative costs. SECTION 3. The assessment rolls prepared by the City Treasurer are hereby confirmed, ratified and approved. The tax based upon the assessment rolls is levied and assessed at equal and uniform rates with the full depth of each parcel of real property to be assessed within the Improvement District. SECTION 4. The whole or any part of the assessments for said Special Improvement District may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days after this ordinance becomes effective. Any part of the assessment not paid within such fifteen (15) day period shall be payable over a period not to exceed ten (10) years from the effective date of this ordinance in ten (10) substantially equal annual installments with interest on the unpaid balance of the assessment at the rate of seven percent (7%) per annum from the effective date of this ordinance until due. At such time as bonds are issued for the Improvement District in an amount not in excess of the aggregate total of unpaid assessment balances, the interest rate at which interest will accrue on the unpaid balance of the assessment shall be modified -2- to equal the average interest per annum of said bonds. Interest shall he paid in addition to the amount of each such installment annually at the time each installment becomes due. After said fifteen (15) day period, all unpaid installments of an assessment levied against any piece of property (but only in their entirety) may be paid prior to the dates on which they become due, but any such prepayment must include an additional amount equal to the interest which would accrue on the assessment to the next succeeding date on which interest is payable on any special improvement bonds issued in anticipation of the collection of the assessments plus such additional amount as, in the opinion of the City Treasurer, is necessary to assure the availability of money to pay interest on the special improvement bonds as interest becomes due and any premiums which may become payable on redeemable bonds which may he called in order to utilize the assessments thus paid in advance. Default in the payment of any installment of principal or interest when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal and interest to become due and payable immediately, and the whole amount of the unpaid principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date of sale or foreclosure the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments past due, with interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum to date of payment on the delinquent installments, and all approved costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to pay in installments in the same manner as if default had not occurred. SECTION 5. The officials of Salt Lake City, Utah, are hereby authorized and directed to take all action necessary and appropriate to effectuate the provision of this ordinance. SECTION 6. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 7. An emergency is hereby declared, the preservation of peace, health and safety of Salt Lake City and the inhabitants thereof so requiring. Immediately after its adoption, this ordinance shall be -3- signed by the Mayor and City P.ecorder and shall he recorded in the ordinance book kept for that purpose. Said ordinance shall be published once in the Deseret News, a newspaper published and having general circulation in Salt Lake City, Utah, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, this 18th day of March , 1980 . Gi ,.J4-6 c CHAIRMAN ATTEST: CITY RECORDF Transmitted to Mayor on March 18. 1980 Mayor's Action G ) j(-7- MAYOR ATTEST: Ze CITY RECORDER V (SEAL) BILL NO. 20 of 1980 Published March 27, 1980 (Certified copy of ordinance sent to City Treasurer's Office March 18, 1980) -4- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Shana D. Conaty ORDINANCE AN levying a tax l°oviding for NANCE confirming assessment of the property In the Salt Lake Cite.Salt Lake County,Curb'end Gutter Special Improvement o weak'Extension rivew38-539 br the PUrPOother r`of aer Beingfirst duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal Me cost of curb and Butter,drivewayq and other miscella work ne Sealy to<amptete id ImprpVemenis theS RET y 0 aieer d workmanlike manner; said establishing Me ever advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily five date or thise by the (except Sunday) newspaper Be b ordained b♦the to Council f Salt Lake C Utaha. g SECTION,. The any Council.of Salt d La e Cif own with p per printed in the English nareby enty Cu Re assessment reci for Sad Lake t Di Salt language general circulation in Utah, and Lake County Curb he Gunner a end is emend hereto, findsExM t at assay fie"Improvement are d eutnab and hereby published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the finds That the assessments are lust and equ.'iable;that each 'properly amount not �titan Oline Uistrictsseeaoctt o State of Utah. y niece e een,igdthan to levied against an sold property/1 and that piece of Property listed on the...Amen,rolls will bear more than Ns pram, flonale share of cost of such improvement. hereby levtOaa t n The City b a sensed upon the he real ypcqUtah, ydde_ That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto l. The assbed essmhe ents shall be rolls ailed on or as fin°nt fool bolas In the sus set forth its the assessment rdts,aaaddseCopy of which is Pub notice of an ordinance confirming this ordinance.Th grope athd Dv being aQasssesased is within thebounds, ming assessment des at the improvement District all as Is more particularly scribed in Re Notice of Intention adopted be the City rolls levying a tax Commission on the 6th day of roAugust lap.Say description is & ley In CurbExtension incorporated herein by ereby levied e'a for the purpose at Pay- ing t & Gutter llsce laheeys construction necessary of curb cuesuletetthedimpro driveways, 3 a proper and workmanlike„like manlier. # 8-539) ° Sald assessments are herein/levied and assessed up each of the parcels of real property deecrIbedb tn the assess e lies being Tassessed areeeshshecialle bioodnelitt d by the imp ovvee m is to be Constructed within the Im oremeot Platelet.Sale ass snsenls are levied at equal and en aine °The tax hereby levied had es. Is In the legal sum of nt loot2of abutting property far cessoraellty 1,,11223.2 of linear oriOath and gutter and obscellerseetSi AS,1WR:46 or 64:44 gee linger ar front fool o1 auditing property far constructing Sf4.26 feet of' miscellaneous; and$4,154.48 for eonsteuctiog maven,delve- vayTneamo°ntaf thetaahereby levied and assessed dose no , waspublishedinsaidnewspaperon March 27, ].980 Cued the fatal cost of the ntMW Ira.lemente In said Special I prover eWnt district,a eclyynp I rol.thleey t oo ialeclal Warrant a SECTION 3 TR aeeee ls Pr rod by fie Cary T arehereby confirmed, tidied and a proved.The (( f based ec the assessment rolls i led and assessed a I�.1 �\ equal aannae uniformrates lib Ma fug depth 04 loch pa 1 of A (-� � reef SECTION 4nTheawtole or any oeR of.the assessmentslfor / d p Special Im twat I y be paid n it inter i Legal AdvertisingCler es, ill fifteen 051 dap afterthisordinancebecomes lfec l A p Ill r hot paid within .,fifteen _ - (15)day period shall be payable over,period not to exceed ten DM years from the effective date of Isis ornInanCe In ten f 0)sithstantiany equal annual instaltrnents with interest on the unpaid balance of the a.-..sesionant at the rale of sevene me this 2nd Percent unie duo, Af Mich rime al credence aroaissuedfor the day of Imprnuomem Olatrict in an amount not in excess of the aggre- which ihell Latrwitl'dcassessment o on the entry to oirrhe rum an- �D. 19 80 garshah be nzetllled°In equal the average Interest pe of said bonds. Intones shall be id in addition to Mae amount of each such Itashilitrient annually at the time each installment becomes due.After satd fifteen(151 day period,all paid installments of an assessment Mated against any piece of property Riot Only In their el a y)may he I»id prior to O, the oaf. {clash hen be due,but h prepay ` 1 t I I do additional f I t the Interest /( p which would accrue Rm assessment to the mid cceedl / , _.= ' J�I,;� Cr_. v - dale on which War,.16 payable on any special al p'y meat NotaryPublic hands ISSUM anticipation M the collection of the d gigs plus sac{ s secual amount as,In the a anal o1 the City Treasurer -s r y to mitreInya avallnbnds m eta est beco mess)doe anon sane irern untwhich roatrbe am; niir isle o tedoemebie hoe ds w In.hidsam'0 shad in Drool to Default in the paymentof env installrnent a,m'Mcipol w interest when all,'snail cause the whole of the,,„pals princi- pal end interest to become due and payable Immedialety.and the whole amount of the condo Principal shill thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten psrceni(10%)per{i r urn until paid,hal M any lime prior to the date of sale or foreclosure the p may r the amount of ail unpaid installments past due,°with Interest at the rale of fen percent(Iu%)par annum to dale of pavmpd the delinquent installments,and all throved coots.and tfnall thereupon berestored to the right ereafter to nay In installments In the same manna as if default had net occurred. SECTION S.The officiate of Salt Lake City,Utah,are hereby authorized ell dNeecled to take all action necosear and apple ie to etf°clue.,the provision of this ordinance. V wllh H is rdlinaancearordinances hdrebY er°C eeeale.parts thereof in conflict SECTION I.An emergence IS hereby declared,�the Punter cation 01 peace,health and safety of Salt Lake city and the 'habitants thereof requiring.Immediately alter its adaP- tion,this ordinance shall be signed by the Mno av and Clly Recorder and shall be recorded in the ordinance book M oance kept for that purpose ° Said ordinance shall ne u,Ilsllnce in the Deseret ews.a newspaper mlblienedand having general circulation " lake City,ediatnly uponits passage apd Utah.and and Puhllc effect atlon as imm rege,red by law. PASSED AND APPROVED s THE CITY n-OF We SALT I.AKE CITY.UTAH,this ll day of March,,iced. RONAL!,J.wit I TEHAD C HA PMo AN ATTEST: stll.DRED V.DIOhlAs1 CITY RECORDER Trensmilted rn Mecnr on aaar<I,Ie.19 n Mavnr's Actin" TED I.`MESON MAYOR ATTEST: MILDREDV OEP.WIGHAM CITY RECOR osLL NO.zo,rant Plnbishod March St,,9e0 A.46