200 of 1910 - Ordinance 200 of 1910 – Amending Sections 3 and 11, relating to intoxicating liquors. AN ORDINANCE .
An ordinance amending and re-enacting Sections 3 and 11 of an ordinance
relating to intoxicating liquors,. defining terms and providing for tamount
and repealing that part of said ordinance defining a res ;a.uran keeper
to be paid for license,^passed by the City Council December 19, 1910, and
approved by the Mayor December E1, 1910, the came being Seotions 3 and 11
of Chapter IXIV of the Ordinances of Salt Lake City, relating to intoxicat-
ing liquors, passed by the City Council April 6, 1909, and approved by the
Mayor April 7, 1909.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Seotions 3 and 11 of an ordinanoe relating to intoxi-
eating liquors, defining terms and providing for amounts to be paid for
licenses, passed by the City Council December 10, 1910, and approved by the
Mayor December E1, 1910, the same being Sections 3 and 11 of Chapter IZIV
of the Ordinanoes of Salt Lake City, relating to intoxicating liquors,
passed by the City Council April i, 1909, and approved by the Mayor April
7, 1909, be, and the same are, and 'soh of said emotions is hereby amended
and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
.o;; : SECTION 3. TERMS DEFINED. A manufaoturer, as contemplated in
o r4 74 this ordinance, is a person, firm, association or corporation Who from
I ro C Fr*
raw material sianufastures any spirituous, vinous, salt or other intoxi-
eating liquors, and sells the same in kegs, casks, barrels, bottles or
ro7fn), eases; but no such manufactured article shall be cold or otherwise die
!r,N J)r: otr
posed of to be drunk on the premises of the aanufaoturer.
A wholesale dealer, as contemplated in this ordinance, is a person, l,
firm, association or corporation who sells or otherwise disposes of
spirituous, vinous, melt or other intoxicating liquors in any quantity
of five gallons or More, or one dosma bottles or more; but no suoh
liquors shall be sold or disposed of to be drunk on the premises where
A manufacturer's' agent, as contemplated in this ordinanoe, is any
person, firm, association or corporation, who, as agent or representa-
tive of a manufacturer or manufacturers of malt or beer outside of
Salt Lake City, sells the seas in kegs, casks, barrels, bottles or
s$y L;
An ordinance amending and re-enaoting Sections 3 and 11 of an ordinance
relating to intoxicating liquors, defining terms and providing for amount
and ,repealing that part of said ordinance defining a restaurant: keeper
to be paid for lioenas,l‘passed by the City Counoil December 19, 1910, and
approved by the Mayor December 21, 1910, the same being Seotiona 3 and 11
of Chapter XXIV of the Ordinances of Salt Lake City, relating to intoxioat-
ing liquors, passed by the City Council April 6, 1909, and approved by the
Mayor April 7, 1909.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Seotiona 3 and 11 of an ordinanos relating to intoxi-
eating liquors, defining terms and providing for amounts to be paid for
liosnses, passed by the City Council December 10, 1910, and approved by the
Mayor December 21, 1910, the same being Sections 3 and 11 of Chapter XXIV
of the Ordinances of Salt Lake City, relating to intoxicating liquors,
passed by the City Council April B, 1909, and approved by the Mayor April
7, 1909, be, and the same are, and saoh of said sections is hereby amended
and re-enaotsd so as to read as follows:
Sec, 2. That that part of th®c ordinance relating to intoxicat-
ing liquors, passed by the City Council December 19, 1910, and approved
by the Rayor December 21, 1910, defining Restaurant Keeper, which is
as follows:
"A restaurant keeper, as contemplated in this ordinance, is
a person, firm, association or corporation who or which conducts a
general bRsiness of cooking and serving meals to the general public
in a restaurant, cafe, hoarding house or hotel, where such meals are
cooked and prepared."
be and the same is hereby repealed.
A wholesale dealer, as oontempiatea to rule vrtt4Aauoo, .. «
firm, association or corporation who sells or otherwise disposes of
spirituous, vinous, salt or other intoxioating liquors in any quantity
of five gallons or store, or one dozen bottles or more; but no saoh
liquors shall be sold or disposed of to be drunk on the premises where
A manufeotursr's agent, as contemplated in this ordinance, is any
person, firm, assooiation or corporation, who, as agent or representa-
tive of a manufaotursr or manufeoturers of malt or beer outside of
Salt Lake City, sells the same in kegs, weeks, barrels, bottles or
oases, at wholesale, to wholesalers or retailers doing business in
said city.
A retail dialer, as contemplated in this ordinance, is a person,
firm, association or corporation, who sells or otherwise disposes of
Mous spiri sous, vinous, lalt, beer or other intoxicating liquors in
any quantity of less than five gallons, and also by the glass or dram,
to be drunk on the premises where sold.
A druggist, as contemplated in this ordinanoe, is a person, firm,
association or corporation who makes the compounding of medicines and 1
the sale of drugs and medicines his, their or its ohief occupation, and
exclusive of beer
who, upon 000asion, sells intoxicating liquorsAby the bottle or pack-
age, but never exceeding five gallons in quantity in any one 'sale; nor
to be consumed upon the premises in any form, or in mineral water,soda
water or soft drinks or soft beverages of any kind, of otherwise;
provided, that any sale of intoxicating liquor by any druggist in
quantity of five gallons or more shall be deemed to make of him a
wholesaler. and aubjeot him to the payment of a wholesaler's liecnse
as in this ordinance provided.
Aresta*ant keeper, as oont mplat d in this ordinance, i per-
on. firm, association or oorporitton who,Oooaduote-e;g writ{ business
of king and es vintmeals to the gene4Rl-,publie' in a restaurant,
safe, boa-riling house or hotel where snob Meals are cooked, prepared
and sery d, and who serves with any such meal, to be drunk on the
pr macs where served, spirituous. vinous, malt, beer or other intoxi-
eating liquor.
A club, as oont.mplated in this ordinance, is an organization or
association of persons duly inoorporated for fraternal. social,
benevolent or other lawful purposes, and who sells, serves or other-
wise disposes of spirituous, vinous, malt, beer or other intoxicating
liquor to or on the order of its members, but only to be drunk on the
premises where sold, served or disposed of.
amounts shall be and are hereby established as the quarterly charge
for lioense under the provistons of this chapter, to-wit;
As manufacturer of beer for all beer sold in
Salt Lake City $100.00
AA saanfaetnrer 5 agent for s±txbeer sold in
Salt Lake City 100.00
; 1• In ease paid manufacturer or manufacturer's agent shall sell more
'than 1000 bar' ;s et beer per quarter, suoh manufaotu�sr or ma l;,faotu-
firer s agent ah ,1' pqy Into the Treasury of Salt Lake;,; the of
a a
Ain cents pe. burrs or each barrel of beer sold in, id
1000 barrels.. `T a'
j ,11 barrels of leer:shall be figured as oontai g rty- ' e
; •'(gallons, and`5g tainbrs of less quantities in propor o an when beer
pis sold in bottles, quart bottles shall be figured as oo taining one-
: fifth of a gall4n, and pint bottles one-tenth of a.I� 6 � � gallon.
v The applicant for a manufacturer's or manufacturer's agent's
license shall file with the application an affidavit stating the number
of barrels of beer, figured as aforesaid, that said applioant sold in
Salt Lake City during the quarter preceding the quarter in which said
proposed license is to be used.
As retail dealer $375.00
AnocressYsimmustxissapsr swum
As a slab 100.00
As wholesale dealer 100.00
As druggist 100.00
All said sums shall be payable strictly in advance.
In no case shall any payment made or license issued entitle the
licensee t0 oondaaeb more 4han ono place of bueinees thereunder. NOT
shall the payment for, or license issued for one kind of liquor license
entitle the licensee to carry on any business thereunder requiring
another kind of liquor license; that is, a separate license shall be
obtained to parry on esoh kind of business as defined in this ehapter
SECTION 2. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordinances and
resolutions in confliot herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of such
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approvalT
rassea o,y 1,Oe Uaty uou11011J or JBJ-T, Jafce u ty,,Ii 0910
and referredto the :`.ayor for his approval. '
Approved this da,I ofi�, 191,, 1 �
/ !f
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