203 of 1909 - Ordinance 203 of 1909 – Sidewalk Extension No. 126, Seventh Partial Estimate. AN ORDINANCE .
An ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of property on
all streets within the district lyine: between the center line of Thir
South Street and the center line of Ninth South Street, and the west
line of Third West Street and the Jordan River; and between the south
side of Second South Street and the center line of Third South Dtreet,
and the west side of Ninth West Street end the Jordan River; also on
both sides of Jefferson Street from Ninth South Street to Mead. Avenue,
in Sidewalk Districts; Nos. 5, 15, 20, 21, 31, 40 and 41, for the con-
struction of cement sidewalks.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the City .Council does hereby levy the trx and
provide for the assessment of the game upon the property hereinafter
described in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 5, 15, 20, 21, 31, 40 and 41, fo
the construction of cement sidewalks, to-wit:
In Lots 11 to 29, inclusive, Block 3; 1, and. 8 to 24, inclusive,
Block 1; 1, and 12 to 47, inclusive, Block 2, Graeber .0. 0. Addition,
Block 42; 2, 3 and 4, Block 32; Block 31; 17 and 23, flock 3; 1 and
38, Block 2, Butte Subdivision, Block 17; 1 end 9, fllona 4; 5 to 22,
Seventh South Subdivision, Block 9;
inclusive, Block 1;n 1 and 2, and 19 to 25, inclusive, Block 2; 2, B1o�k
to 32
3, Seventh South SubCel vision, ".loeS: 8; hand I$^indleeii. , Block 1,
liels y Sillespie Subdivision, ?lock 11; 1, Block 6; 2 and 3, Block
7, City lark Subdivision, Block 29; 22, Block 5; 4, ^loci; 4; 1, Block
3, City i rk Subdivision, Block 20; 1, and 13 to 19, inclusive, Block
1, J. 1i. Whalon's Addition, ]Bock 8; :let "0"; 1, 2, 5 and 0, Biook 7,
Yle.t "A", abuttinc on both sides of Third South Street between Tenth
Weut Street and. the Jordan River; on both cidee o' Tenth 77eet Street
between Third South Street and the Jordan River, and between Seventh
South Street and the Jordan diver; on the north ei.de of Seventh. South
Street between Goshen atreat and. Tenth 7ect Streets; on the south sid
of Seventh South ntreet between Tenth 'rest Street eed the J;,r.]:m Bive
on the south side of Elefeth Soeth St;r_ t beteeen Second We et and Thir
1st Streets; on the north side of leinth Go.zth Street between Seeolld
','West and Third. ',Felt Streets; on both sides of 'eleventh ':/eat Street
between Second South Street and the Jordon .fiver; un bole. eider. of
Glendale Street between Second South Street end the J:rden River; on
the south side of Pierpont Avenue between iTint,h '.7e>t and Tenth 17est
Streets; on the north side of Fifth South Street between Goshen 3tree,
and the Jordan River; on the south side of Fifth South Stn:ot; between
3othvaell Street and the Jordan River; on the east e;do of hothwell
Street between Fifth South Street and. the JordeiRiver; on the east
side of Goshen Street between the Jordan River and Indiana Avenue; on
the west side of Goshen Street between the Jordon River and Seventh
South Street; on both sidee of until South Street between ;;intro ',lest
Street and the Jordan River; and on both sides of Tinth 'Vveet Street
between Seventh South and 3i ;hth South Streets.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing; cement
sidewalks upon the property hereinbefore and herei-eafter described to
be especially affected and benefited by said iruproveaw t, :ne At is
hereby adjudged, dete'ruined and established the t said property will b
especially benefited thereby to the full ar;oant of the tax hereby
levied, and acid parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and
uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot fronti7c upon said
portions of said. streets fronting upon and to a depth of twenty--five 1
(25) feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied vied to he assesse
upon seed parcels of lend is four thousand three hug ree seventy and
57/100 (;i 4,370.57) dollars; one thousand forty-two and 12/100
Ujl,042.12) dollars, or one and 515696/10,030, 00 ( 1.0545696) dollar;
per front or linear foot of abuttir„ C-oo:erty fee .,liewa.k; ._ix (6)
feet wide and four (4) inches thick, there bein, 990.20 Lent abetting
said portion of said improvement; Lad three thousand three hundred
twenty-eight and 45/106 (v,)3,02S.45) dui]. re, or 7030457/10,000,0o0
(46.7030457) dollr.rs per front or linear foot of abutting property for
sidewalks four (4) feet ride and four (4) inches thick, there being
4734.33 feet abutting said portion of said improvoozmt, which is the
total cost and cost per front foot of estd sidewalks, according to
the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making
said improvement, with James Kennedy Construction Company, cieted the
12th day of July, 1909, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and
direotod to assess in accordance with the provieisns of this ordinance
for the purpose herein mentioned:
Six Foot Sidewalks.
The south side of the west 5.54 feet of the east 47.02 foot of
Lot 29, Block 3, ^raeber 2. 0. Addition, ''lock 42; the south 65 feet
of the west side of Lot 4, the west side of Lote 2 and 3, "Lock: 32;
the north side of the west 10 feet of Block 31; iiie er:.f, ;:1, o ! the
south 383.01 feet of Block 31; the south side of the east .77.65 feet
of Lot 17, Block 3, Butte Subdivision, Block 17; the north side of
Seventh South 3u1:divi;ion, the nortl; side of
Lot 9, Block 4,^ tte tteled#vis nm, Block 8, flat "0";Atiie east 33 feet
of Lot 5, the west 33 feet of Lot 6, the south side of the east 73
feet of Lot 2, and the west 33 feet of Lot 1, Block 7, ,fiat "A", Salt
Lake City Survey.
Four Foot Sidewalks.
The east side of Lots 1, and 8 to 24, inclusive, Block: 1; the
Beet side of Lots 12 to 29, inclzsive, RI the east side of Lots 1, and
31 to 47, inclusive, the aas4k east eide of the north 13.6 foot of
Lot 30, Block 2; the west side of Lots 11 to 29, ieo1ue ve, Block 3,
Graeber D. O. Addition, Block 42; the north side of Lots 1 to 18, in-
clusive, sl Pk 1, Kelsey &: Gillespie Subdivision, Block 41; the east
Bide of the north 7.41 feet of Lot 1, Block 6; the south elde of the
east 116.7E feet of not 2, the west s iJlc of the north 17 feet of Lot
3, Bloch 7, City lark subdivision, Clock 29; th:e eeet`_ ei e of the
east 95.9 feet of Lot 22, „lock 5; the ..eet _.is of t..s Mouth 60 feet
of Lot 4, Block 4, City lark 3uouivielee, "noel: 20; tii,o .. :;t side of
the south 7.06 foot of Lot 38, Slosh tl t side of seeth
16.06 foot of Lot 23, Block 3; the north eide of t':e eeet 100.99 feet
- i
of Lot 1, Block 2, Butte Subdivision, Block 17; the west side of Lots
3 to L2, inclusive, Block 1, Seventh South Subdivision, Block 9; the
east side of Lots 1, and 19 to 25, inclusive, Block 2, Seventh South
Subdivision, Block 8; the east side of Lots 1, and 13 to 19, inclusive.
Block 1, J. H. Whalon's Addition, Block 8; the west side of Lot 2,
Block 2; the west side of the north 10.31 feet of Lot 2, Block 3; the
east side of the north 33.64 feet of Lot 1, Block 4, Seventh South
Subdivision, Block 8; the south side of the east 87.98 feet of Lot 1,
Block 3, City Park Subdivision, Block 20, Plat "0", cult Trt;e: City
Survey, as the same are shown. upon the official plots of se 3 city to
a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back from said. streets, end to col-
lect said tax.
S:SCT1OLl 2. Said tax shall become and be delinquent in five equ
yearly instollmentc, with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the rat
lot' six per cent per annum, payable at the time each inntall:nent is
line, to-wit: One-fifth thereof eae year after the appr.ove.l of the or-
dinance confirming the levy of the tex for the payment for such im-
provement; one-fifth thereof in two years after such approval; one-
:fifth thereof in three years after sniffle approval; one-fifth thereof
in four years after such approval; and. one-fifth thereof in five years
after such approval. On;: or more of said inetellments, in the order
in which they are psyabie, or the whole speoie1 tax coy be paid at an
time within thirty days after the approval of the ordinance ooe2ire1ing
the levy of the tax, without interest. In the event of any inotal.l-
ment or the interest aforesaid, not being paid on the date the sane
becomes due, the whole amount of the special too unpaid at the time
said installment and interest are due, ehell 9 oow;i,- . m, r- yable,
and shall drew interest r,t the rate of eirht per cent 0cr annun unti
sale of the property aesressed; provided, one or wore instu .,:nts, iII
the order in which Choy are p y.bl o, or t ulr; spoei i on unpaid.
may be pall ou the day any icet llmeet becomies due, by p,41.n6 the
amount thereof and interest to said date.
SECTION) 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approvel.
Sidewalk Extension No. 126.
Seventh 2artiel Estimate. 7efjA ( 1
Paose.d by the City Colin it o_P ,ind.t- ?t:Cu Ciity, 'it'd), Dom-mho"'
0 h, 1909, and rcrc TO'11- t 0 the La-got -F ) o ,:icv".7 .
F_9L o vee -_:i.o // ;;a.:r o" December, 3.9C0.
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