203 of 1977 - Amending section 51-3-5A(a) and (b) restricting the issuance of building permits in the proposed ave VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, December 6 ,19 77
Mr. Chairman .. ,/ 0�5
I move that the Ordinance be passed. AGp 2
Gr r ."
Hogensen ✓ '`l°'1 4q)(
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 51-4-5A of the Revised Ordinances
of' Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the regulation of building
permits in proposed historical districts.
Be it ordained by the Board of City Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the second and third paragraph of Section
51-4-5A, relating to permit regulations in proposed historical dis-
tricts, be, and the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
* * *
Sec. 51-4-5A (a) Proposed avenue historical district build-
ing permit regulation. No building permits for the purposes
of demolition, addition, reconstruction, alteration or new
construction of any premise within the proposed avenues histori-
cal district as hereinafter designated in (b) below shall be
' issued by the building inspector prior to the action of this
commission in adopting an avenues historical district without
the review of the Landmarks Committee and Planning and Zoning
Commission pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 32 of this Title.
(b) The sites within the proposed avenues historical district
determined to be most significant include premises at the
following addresses:
231 1st Avenue
389 1st Avenue
535 1st Avenue
929 1st Avenue
1007 1st Avenue
1037 1st Avenue
1087 1st Avenue
1216 1st Avenue
140 2nd Avenue
424 2nd Avenue
461 2nd Avenue
474 2nd Avenue
NW corner of 2nd Avenue and G Street, 6-8"0- 2nd Avenue •
607 2nd Avenue
951 2nd Avenue
953 2nd Avenue
131-135 3rd Avenue
559 3rd Avenue
654 3rd Avenue
1059 3rd Avenue
1111 3rd Avenue
531 4th Avenue
335 5th Avenue
385 5th Avenue
253 6th Avenue
259 7th Avenue
Building at rear or behind 259 7th Avenue
381 llth Avenue
Veteran's Hospital
165 A Street
174 A Street
175 A Street
178 A Street
67 B Street
86 B Street
140 B Street
157 B Street
174 B Street
181 B Street
251 B Street
33 C Street
86 C Street
153 C Street
66 D Street
80 D Street
67 E Street
87 E Street
178 E Street
185/187 E Street
73 G Street
129 G Street
137 G Street
229 G Street
230 I Street
236 I Street
30 J Street
131 J Street
314 K Street
187 P Street
56 Canyon Road
66-68 Canyon Road
207 Canyon Road
217 Canyon Road
233 Canyon Road
Memory Grove
Carriage House, behind 66 D Street
(c) The provisions of subparagraph (a) and (b) above shall
extend from date of publication until an avenues historical
district is adopted by the Board of Commissioners, but in no
event shall it exceed six months from date of publication.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 6th day of December , 1977.
BILL NO. 203 of 1977
Published December 6, 1977 203
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
4DNANCE A AN OR MEND ghlana D, Palmer
ING `.action SI-ASA of h'u ..
Revised Ordinances of Salt
l eke Cltv,.L/feh,1965,mlrrrltg
to Hie regulation of building
Permits In'imposed historical
d'""tts, Beingfirst
o Gainedbvthe Boardof duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
clerk of the
WS, a
second wetth N'Igrdparahgraph"a (xceptissioners at Salt S1Sunday) newspaper pERted inE the English
Sochi:0 51-4-6A,relating to per-
hIt.reguletkws in proposedlanguage with general circulation in Utah, and
isharlcafdlstricts,be,and the
same ro ,Is an t to published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
reaniasState of Utah.
Iman *twice'district build-
rg wee regulation.No build
Ismpor,'info.the Purposesof That the legal notice of which a copyis attached hereto
demolition, addition, r
s1r none Itaraflon oreCO p
withit the
v gem new
within bite Murovas evolves
Mslorlcal district as I,erelnM Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to
her doe In below
koo he .Prior to hthe buildiaction
Irrslasclor Prior to�acYlon at
mvenci'BOstrt kaIESICII lldladootigen regulation og building„permits in proposed
Oct the review a me Land..
marks Connoinen and Plan-
nine end Zoning Commission
I arnantt0Mthe pr vmlons et historical districts
Cho cbl TN altos within
p anon i500r the
district d�tarmined tol'hee historical
sinIfIcent includeennlsea et
the tollowlng aWres
• 231 ha Avenge
535l let
929 IstAtenue
TOOT let Avenue
10371st Avenue •
,08esA ,ue was published in said newspaper on......
140 2nd Avenue
461 2nd AVenuuee _
4'/4 2nd Avenue
NW corner of DrC Avrrrxx ,
and G trenb 4T11n1 �\� (
951 and Avenue
.(52nd AVenue S-1 1 .�I....r..:.��._ :'... ..:..,.�..:.... _
d rd Avenue Ue
131 In A
3rei u Legal Advertising CIerk
55d654 3,'d Avenue
1051 3rd Avenue
1111 3rd Avenue
531 411,Avenue
335 5'Ih,n,„ue orn to before me this 14th day of
253 6th Avenue
259 Teti Avenue
Building at rear or behind
259 rte Avenue A.D. 19..7.7..
391 lilt,avonue
Veteran's Hospital
165 A Street
174 A Strout
175 A Street
IAA Street
6713 Sheet
86 B Street
140 B Street 'X. -...�1 "•"..::_.,:,9.cy[::...............
157 B Street -—
174BStreet Notary Public
181 B Street
251 B Street
33 C Street
86 C Street
131 C Street
AS U Street
C2 E Sir;i
n9E Street xpires
135/197 Street
a G Street
99 G Street
137 G Street
G Street
230 I Street 1978
sib I She&
30 J Street
131 J Street
314 Street
197 Street
$6 Canyon Road
2297 Canyonan Road
2 Canyon
anoRad33 n
Memory Grope
Carriage Ho,te,behind 46
D Street
(c)The provisions of sub
shall extend from date A nubll-
cation until an avenues histori-
cal district Is adopted be the
Board o'r Commissioners,but In
evert}shall It exceed oh,
months from date of pnbilod.
SECTION 1.hn the opinion
of the Board o&C o tmission rs,
hesilbon�welfare of the In-
mlbordinnanncebb of egn,00ke eftectitll e
SECTION 3.Thlcordlnance
shall take effect upon its first
Paned toe the Board of
Commisuonere of Salt Lake
City, Utah, this 6111 day of
City Recorder
BILL NO.103 of 1977
Published Deceeale06,1977
F 1'9