208 of 1977 - Vacating portions of dedicated streets occupied by proposed Rosewood Park Drive - Midland Street, Ri ROLL CALL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, December 15 ,19 77
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Greener t.
Hogensen 7 ,
s PhilliP
// 7
AN ORDINANCE VACATING portions of dedicated streets occupied
by proposed Rosewood Park Drive in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That portions of dedicated streets occupied by AND ^, y
proposed Rosewood Park Drive in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particu-
larly described as follows, be, and the same hereby are, vacated
and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street,
avenue, alley or pedestrian way:
Beginning at a point 112.58 feet South from the Northeast
corner of Lot 15, Block 1, Midland 5-Acre Plat Addition
a subdivision of part of Sections 15, 22, and 23, Township
1 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian and running thence
East 66.00 feet; thence South 688.42 feet; thence N.
68°30'00" W. 71.00 feet; thence North 662.42 feet to the
point of beginning.
Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 14, Block 1,
midland 5-Acre Plat Addition, a subdivision of part of
Sections 15, 22, and 23, Township 1 North, Range 1 West, Salt
Lake Meridian and running thence S. 60°15'00" East 146.00
feet; thence S. 39°00'00" E. 302.00 feet; thence No. 80°00'00"
E. 150.00 feet; thence S. 79°00'00" E. 300.00 feet; thence
S. 68°30'00" E. 71.00 feet; thence S. 74°33'00" E. 392.00
feet; thence East 500.00 feet; thence South 66.00 feet;
thence West 538.00 feet more or less to the East bank of
the Jordan River; thence Northwesterly along said East bank
to a point South of the point of beginning; thence North to
the point of beginning.
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 2, Block 4,
Midland 5-Acre Plat Addition, a subdivision of part of
Sections 15, 22, and 23, Township 1 North, Range I West,
Salt Lake Meridian, and running thence East 66.00 feet; thence
South 1,083.00 feet; thence West 66.00 feet; thence North
1,083.00 feet to the point of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of
way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description
now located on, in, under or over the confines of the above described
property, and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the
purpose of maintaining, altering, repairing, replacing, removing or
rerouting said utilities and all of them.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 15th day of Dece r , 1977.
-aa '-7ziL ( (1)-
BILL NO. 208 of 1977
Published- December 23, 1977
(Certified copy sent to City Auditor 1-17-78, for recording with County Recorder)
Recordel JAL 8t.__1__-_ _ - ei
J056453 Request of -- — --,,,
KATIE L.DIXON. Ficectu;r
STATE OF UTAH, Sail Lake ouniy,Utah
as. No Fee By Deputy
Cityand Countyof Salt Lake, c vane3__ /
`\ I, ,MILDRED V. HIGHAM /a 7-ia6-a7--0 Z ,,Q,r„��4
City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance vacating portions
IDK 1/ of dedicated streets occupied by proposed Rosewood Park Drive in Salt Lake City, Utah
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, December 15, 19 77
as appearf.kfir'Baglyd in my office.
NFIN'WITNES�' EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
J I ' L.,
ity,this 1� - t+=tl day of January, 19 78 .
7LN'AL) !'3` (II
. _.
' •' ,` ty Recorder KTn
Published December 23,..._19 77_._ U1
Aoled ODYI Pron sedVR CosnwMood Parkl Drive Inn Sal It Lake COn',
Be It ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
-�� SN 1.That portion of In Soloed streets occupied by
parties erly describedomerkas followsrive be,end the sameLake hereb more
y are,
vacated end declared no lager to be public property for use asa
street,avenue,alley or pedestrian way:
B4"LA`O L t a pelat 112.50 feet South from the ddition
�-(1) � a subdivision of Part offISSee0011 0 0 0 1 5 I andA 1,ToPwanship d1North,
Range 1 West Salt Lake Meridian and running thence East 66.00
thence North666242Beet to he pointthence begl�ng. W.71.00 feet;
Beginning at tW he AVENUE:
corner of Lot 14,Block 1,midland
5-Acre Plat Addition,a subdivision of part of Sections 15,22,and
23,Township 1 North,Raimie I West,Salt Lake Meridian and
^L)- running thence S.60°15'00' pe 0"t 1a6.001t;thence S.39"00'0 E.
0.0 feet;thence No.0200'03"E.150.00 feet;thence S.799200"
E.300.00 feet•thence S.61Y30'00"E.71.00 feet;thence S.7033 00"
E.392.00 feet';thence East 500.00 feet;thence South 66.00 feet;
ttenoe West 530.110 feet a or less to the East bank of the
r, Jordan River;thence Northwesterly slap said East bank to a
let South of the point of beginning;thence North to the Point of
�> Aging anNE STREET(ETHAN N Lot 2,
Plat t the Southeast corner of Lot o 2 block 4,,2,and
J SAtto 1 Nor ,Rang I of Agri Sel of aket Meridian,
\.) 23,uTownship 1 Norm,Range 1 West,e Salt Lake MerMlaL and
r/—V-) �� beginning.West nning 00 feet;ence
st tthencee North 11,y,003.00 feet South to tthe pint ce
of Wee Said and easements of allation is made plbllc utilitiess to of existing
ny and rights
description now located on,in,under or over the confines of the
above described properly,and also sublect to the rights of entry
l C) thereon for the oose of maintaining,altering. Pairing,
reeledirq renewing or reroWlne said utilities and eliof them.
SECTION 2.TNs ordinance Mall take effect 30 days etier Ifs
first st by publication. Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Clty,
Utah,this 15th day of December.1977.
JEN Temporary ChaNS irmaRn
(id Gib"Recorder c33
BILL NO.209 of 1977
Published December 23,1977 (D-501 r9�
Affidavit of Publication
• County of Salt Lake
22 N� Shana D. Palmer
AN ORD)44, VACADTRING part ons of dedicgfed streeto
j occupietl Dy aWd Rosow000'Park Drive In Salt Ldke Clay.
Be.nordei sy'QRBoardetCommisslorersofSaltLake Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal
City:Utah, •a. P
' SECTION 1.""fAliiaii Partlyqrw al:Mated streets occupied be advertisingclerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
prppp,a�Rorpmd.f.gt on.:Mated
Leke Ct'rk It more
matt ela ndA rod. es blear to he,end It1r same Itor u e pre.
stmatted and dxlared.no lerl0er to be pudic property tor u:ease (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
reet,avenue,aI IeV or pedestrlae way:
MIDLAND STREET: language with general circulation In Utah, and
�i�f tat ia aolm ls, reef Sash h,e at Northeast
a published in Salt Lake City. Salt Lake County, in the
co of Lof IS Block I,Midland SAcre that ANothe
belie l West,d Salt a Stt erid ee an,and nln Towne),1 North, State of Utah.
Rerpe 1 nS South
Lake Merl;'hence and runnl3 1i"141. 1.00 feet,
then;a Nor South 688.42t feet; inof bN.e eB)prep"W.]1.0,feet:
thence North WI,2 feet E the point of beallmlry,
•5-IAZ3,4tt't;.=`,,Z=, =«if5,12�rg That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
23,Township I North,Range I West,See Lake Meridian and
runnina IN.,spp S.6E15'00"East 146.00 feet;thence S.39'00'00"E.
33ppa W feet;theme No.50b0100"E.150.00 feet;thence S.79'00'00"
102.WVA,it=S.eB`JfM00'E.71.Wteet;Me�aS,7P31'00" Pub notice to amend an ordinance_ Bill #208
t! )thrice Eeef re lee):of the Saute 6n CT
Nudn Wags;lt,o /eel more st leas to e sold East bank of the
Jordan South
et thence Northwesterly alone East thank to t
begin South et the pdiH d igevimlrq;thence North b The Point o!
b.0 THE
Let 2,
Rcre Plat Addition,itio a oUtodi corner M Let 2 Block,,Midland
3,TowPnlship 1 North,Ruemo,vll West,Salt Lf ake Meridian,andnd
i60ft, e00 feat.
:�0o'i feet;thence
eet,tht enca N North 1,083. eet le Me pointf
Said vacation Is made expressly sulked to ell existing rlahts
of deccrltMb rov and wed on,n,ts of all Winder orblic tlovvies ot er the confineess of the
tort the.purrppoaee and
aainloln lectnrqet.lt 1 allterina,20nairghts of entry,
replacing,C ION
2.This odinance sshoutind allldtake effect�30 Q 0o after Its
first pod Icetlon.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake ctv,Utah, Dec. 23, 197'/
thlg,5th deyol loaember,1977. er on waspublished in said newspaper JENN11 NGS rnrnC airmen p p
MILDRED V.HIGHAM 7emPprprV Chalrmnn
City Retarder
RILL NO.208 o 1977
Published December 23,1977 (D-54) 1 1
Legal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3r.d day of
Bd.). A.D. 19..7.8....
%'11(i� ''1/' ,::,6.� .r..�LLrl
Notar/V Public
My Commission Expires
June 1, 1981