21 of 1905 - Ordinance 21 of 1905 – Defining duties and fixing liabilities of owners of and persons having cont ij
An ordinance defining the duties and fixing the liabilities of
owned of and persons having control of real property abutting pub-
lic streets or ways, with reference to the placing or maintaining of
obstructions or excavations upon such streets or ways.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Take City, Utah:
SECTION' 1. Every landlord, or person, firm or corporation,
owning, or having the proprietary control of or agency over any lot
or parcel of land or premises abutting upon any public street, sill- I
walk, avenue, alley or way in Salt Lake City, shall keep and main-
tain every ditch, trench, excavation, culvert, pipe or drain, and
every other fixture or appurtenant connected with such lot or parcel
of land or premises, or used for the convenience or benefit thereof,
in a safe and pa::sable condition in all places where such ditch,
trench, excavation, culvert, pipe, drain or other fixture or appur-
tenant extends under, into, across or upon, or exists under or upon
any public sidewalk, street, alley, avenue or way of said City
SECTION 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating any pro-
vision of this ordinance shall be liable in damages to any person
injured either in person or property by reason of such violation,
and shall also be liable to the City for any damage it may sustain
either directly or indirectly by reason of such violation.
SECTION 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any *o-
vision of this ordinance shall be ,deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
passed by the City Con.nci : / VLiN '�gU City, t h,14) 5, rnd
preferred to the Mayor for his eppoovaly . ,
Approved trynijns— day of Jul', 1905�' .
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