21 of 1908 - Ordinance 21 of 1908 – Sewer Extension No. 178, Fourth Partial Estimate. Al; ORDINANCE .
An ordinance levying a tax and. erovidiree for tiM asseeeeet of
the properte hereinafter described within the district boended on the
north by the north line of First North Street, on the east bethe ceei•
ter line of leain Street (formerly Feat Temple Street) , on the '4611th
by the south line of South Temple Street, and on the west by the cen-
ter line of Third. West Street, in Sewee District Ne,). 1, Cr the con-
struction of sewers.
Be it ordained by the City Coencll of Selt Leke City, Uteh:
SECTION 1. That the City Council :lees hereby levy the tax and
provide for the sesessnent of the same upon the property hereinefter
described in Sewer District No. 1, for the cenetrectiee ef eeeers,
In Lots UO3. 5, 6, 7 !led 5, 81Gc9 943 in Lots See. 1, le 2, 6,
7 and 8, Block 84; and in Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, "noel 85, ell. ie 4lat :
"A", abutting on First North Street between !Zain and Weet Temple
Streets; kee Third. West Street between North Templa and South Temple
Streets; on North Temple Street between Seeoed ',Vest ay,a Third. West
Streets; and on Second Went Street between North Temple end South
Temple Streets, in Sewer District To. a.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing vitri-
fied pipe sewers eight (8) inchee ie diameter upon the portions of
said streets opposite the property hseeinlefere unl ie,eeeieaftsr deb-
cribed to be especially affected and beeerjed te
and it is hereby adjudged, determined teed esiobliehed Inot said prop-1
arty will be ospocially benefited thereby tc t) , full t1.1
tee hereby levied, and weld parcels ef leed eee heeeby a. eeesed at an:
eqeal and ueiform eel..a in neeeeieeeu e:Je., the lineer fee". rl.- tage
up . (.17 84:;.d tit d.41.:th .r.17
t:o.x C, a,Ad
Z.1,744.--cjr16 6[1...)i., , ' .7 , V, 11 6 .7;;Ln
a,;11-f- dr2 or io2,),-. (-7
,Jf th,-: streets abl‘, !6e4:a:)a T1 "Dis
tit 170. 1, there being 7,125 feet of absttil,g prpertd the
boaadal.-1-2u ,f the lots, bioe'..:2 and streets mentieLea IL said.
district, which is the totai coot ana uost or :ront foot u"
ficcarding to the contract ente--.1 into 2,: I — 0 of
said 71ork, with Davis,lieuser & Drake, dat,..4 tlif 23rd dvi if Jaij,
1'307, and thr Tressarer is h-- . 1
11 p—ovIsinnr )f this ordiLue for "" , pirpotie
herein mentioned:
FrontirL forth Stroet.
The east 110 foot of the nr.rt".^., ?Ile 1...)t 5, tiLu side of
Lots 5 and 7, and the west 140 fit o" ,f Lot s, Block,
94, riot
roniii so Third. lest Stre,.t.
Lhs 300 fo-t of th,1 wet sido af Lot 4, t' - 305
c,f Lot 5, iuok 34, 21st "L".
If Is on rorth Ten,1:2 01.e.)t.
Lots 5, 0 Lr.4 7 . sd the west iu f ,t f tic 1
site of Lot u, Idioels 84, ".6".
ou uia Ltr6et.
The eb.6t uiu 2Lot „o,."-), 36: faet of Ids,: cot side
of Lot 1, Block 84; the 'soot 613, .)f Lots 7, ' ind 5, and to ,-.:rth
.2ctuP the %soot side ..;:f Lot L, 5_,.,1):at :7, iet "A", o. ilaice I .
Sur. , .77tho srxl-
1 aerth *-- - (4;2
7,-1^, :a , • r:
LO1 .i; 4.. m,f in
ot t eu i.o four ,rtn7
file .2 or mol.e of
stailwents, or the ;11.1..)is tat:. J,!.:Ly 7)e pal& on or 1..uf,,ro ten duys
4pPro.mi of to itnCC onfirmin6 the 1::,vy of the tax.. Wad
orgaer0 ciLetW r the gholo spncial tux relay be pull ,c, Ihs lay
-InyAnittallTe0+'lec:Mles due by payint; to t4ere2,a11,41 l'Aorest
ttCd.rit, of psi,;1--)st. Each of sail inbts'imonts shall boe iitore,A
at the rt f six W per cent snnum r- ,fa 1. e:Aate'ofItho appro-
.- f.Y
v9,0i tbd 3rdIsunce, confirming the levy of said t14x alat.1.14 ,-) of
dolin..qu^nsly, nit (8) per co.st por i i eem ,111A?ix1r until
.1.0iSi 3. Thi:: offo,A up-al appr ,v:A.
Sewr:r 3o. 178. Firth 2a-etial
passed by the City Council of Cult La:T.0 Cjty,Utah,Mfirsh CC, 1908J
and referred to the hayor for his spIroval.
Cgy 5c6-rder.
Approved th r of Ir.sreh, 908
. • 'tt- „ \