21 of 1912 - Amending Section 303, Humane officer. , VOTi,iG 1 V es N° I move that t(.; Keyser 'I i ,i'r,,f, 1,7 (•1 -( ,,,, , ,-,, 4 r / / t ''' 1 ,.!' CI ''''-';' ':' ''''' ' LEVVIttICe . . i 'M ../p U orris (.., e / •---',- of 4 / , ,i Mr.Chairman s, ( i / I i (-4- ' C, *i. ./ .ta--.4 („ .. (7"' (, , RESULT - _ 1 1 ) i I S, 4 ^ L- ! i [ C,', - ' • _ r,.. 1 OLL CALL . .„., mi . IT Unit?.LIJOr. ": Ohl11:014iC7 amepOing and_ re-enactin Sectioo. 303 of the P.evisod. Ordinances of 1903 as amondbd by an. ordinance passoe by the City Council of Salt Laho City iotV 12tio, 1310, and aperoved by the ii,ayor liar 1.9th, 1310 ane anenaing and ro-enact- . in, Suction 304 and 305 and repealing Section 306 of the Devised Ordinances of Salt Laho City of 1903 relating: to Hunan.° OFficcr, aosiointnort, compensation, c)0110fS, CUtiOS, OrAh f.:', d ')Onu. liEi IT CiDDHol by the tioard of Coilinissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: =TIN 1. That Suction $03 of to Devised. Ordinnous of Salt Labo City. of 1903, as aondiod by- an ereiriance ,)tissed by the City Council liay 18th, 1310, Tak.i apxoved by tho in.yor hay 13, 1910, relating to ihreano Officer, aasiointmont, comiensation powers, dutios, oath. on bond, ee ania tee same is liuroty amend- od so or to road. as Follows: Section $03. T' e Coarn o'i Comnissionors of Sni.t, Lake City, dtab, shall appoint a competebt one bunano person to the position of bin:inane Officer, oni e 'fall hold oi'l co duri n.,i7 the tOn1! brovided by law, at a salary of Twelve IIWIdTCO (.:1200.00) Dollars- 2er asnum, :iayablc moatbly as are tbo salaries of other City officers. SECTIOh 2. That Sections 304 and 305 of Said Dovised Ordinances of Salt Lal,.0 City of 1903, i:ie and to saw° a're here- by amer.ded aad iv ' nactod so at to irc:.ai as follows: Section 304. The hurriaan Officer sIall IOIVO wilco powers, and lie may mailo arrosts 1, any violation of any City ordinan66S. • Pheibball bo a Soebial police' ofqcer, rt-1(.1 in the Police DoeartHbat of Salt ',alio City, Utah, under rile itThicf of Police. It shall be his: c.uty te arrest any ..11.1L all violators of c...ny ordinanco ainsinst t's... cruolty to animals, to Mll all normanntly disabl:tj anii'xi,s, to to charino of, man.a .i.: and control tiin City 1.Jdy Polled, to 1:111 all unrugisterea and is- Thundod nags, as nrovided i:ir law tuid ordinance, and to ca'rtture and ioound an7 dog found r101ain7i at large without a collar around its nock, wit' a motallic Mato or clock attached show- °IL L. ing the payment of the cui:r en t 71,ar'1.1 1 COY]S . flic 0 Officer shall not 7)o regarded as op o e the quota of re :ular officers,police but is a cocci al o rfl coy appointed for humane work. Secti on 305. Tice Lumate Officer stall, before assum- ing t duties of Ms cPui cc, taco nod subscribe tbe constitut- ional ()an of office, ccc, shall flint'ah a bond to the Ci ty in the sum of Trio Thousand ( 2000.00) Dollars. SF:CTIOil 3. That Section 306 of said 1?.evi sod. Ordinances of Salt Lai:o CI ty of 1003, board c r,Lt1/10 is ih-iro'b:v to pealed. SFCTIO11 0. All orCinapcos and resolutions, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in con 1'1 ic t horovlith, arc hereby repealed. SECTI011 5. This ordinance shall talc effect noon its first cuhli eati on. / / "( Passed by the ioard. of Commissioners of Salt Labe City, Utah this 13th day of February 1912. Fe corder Mayor. ....... _. ----- _ ._.--- ._ . .. -.- - ' 21 . •4' m--.41- .. .. . 2)1121/4'NL " 1_35 .., . . 1. . . . — i . Presented to the Board of Cometsetelell, . . . - 192 , ,.. . . .. . . - ...eq. .--..,, .... . 1 : • f-,I.1 . '-'2: '...'?•'.'''., . ./_„)..,-.:::,-,;:,.04Z..„4-4144.47t. . . CITY REORDER. . I . 1 • . . . i • First Publication in , . , 1/11`4. , • •, • Fr:H:3 151912 _ ...f, . ,-. 21016:0;(4640"Wili . . CITY RECORDER- .. • . . . - . . . .. , --__..-- ..,, 4m...0-I1•1 , • mi...617.I.;., . • mi.....I4..1A,•, ..... .