21 of 1914 - Amending Section 918x4,Clerks and Employees, Park Department ROLL CALL °°° ^^°°°°°^E°s VOTING Yea No �,? Salt take City,Utah,... Feb' 2• _...___191...4... Shearman I move that the ordinance be passed. Wells Y v , Lawrence Morris Mr.Chairman -- -_--- Result ANORDITAK CE. An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 918x4 of an i ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of salt Lake City, July 1, 1913, in relation to employment of attendants, clerks and employes in the department of Parks and P}}blic Property. . Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That faction 918x4 of Chapter 38 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to employment of attendants, clerks and employes in the department of Parks and P'.blic Property, be amend- ed and re-enacted so as to read as follows: Section 918x4. The board of commissioners of Salt Lake City may employ the following attendants, clerks and employes i in the department of parks and public property, to-wit: One custodian at Liberty park at a salary of 1,000 per year. Said custodian shall before he enters upon the duties of hi.s office, shall take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office and shall furnish a bond to Salt Lake City in the sum of one thousand (,j1,000) dollars, conditioned as are • bonds of City officers. . One florist at a salary of twelve hundred dollars per year. One construction foreman at a salary of twelve hundred dollars per year. One clerk at a salary of e*lat ekved.Mata41,..f.e.909y dollars per year, ,yeetr, and such numbers of supervisors of playgrounds, and at such salaries, and for such term, as said board shall deter- mine. Said board may also employ such other employes and laborers, and furnish and ;_,rovide such eyuinment as may be necessary for the proper care, maintenance, improvement and beautifying such parks and public property. ...-- f ..,Gos,f1- ;3,. : .-;c.r ..)?-.,7::-:-..-; 1 c..-,...7 L'srp To .).T.O.b0.1K,4:21.• ,14 '.. ! .!:0-GGC77.' •"C.,I. _:7'!,e Y.,..77.0.1€77. 0".LC'H'!!.77.12!::7700' iMi.)!:..Y,AG!!.7034 :!TWIIIII I AtCZ 0 'aft0J.1 G ...'_.(2 .:.A 00 %777G. :-.:7:(..; 1)0 ,g r.:;-:..;. LTG() GW.JOA 31,-,3g c);..7e.1-, ow610 °2 iITsci- i. . , T.:Sic;,1 ;:" Tv.-2-..,4 Ge' 7: 7'. .!7.".17, 2110!.f.f r:0:;!:,7:;"' [ 1 1 I _ 44,44-`i: !.!:!1:6 ta.' ,•::.'.',.-4 aiSCIJ 3.",,T2p G I.P, ryi". Oz.'',(-.; A T 30 T.2 0 T., 1:-.;f \.',..,1.°fail a' $nq cl e iigITI.:rTiCrf mper 6;TU:i.Lf a- case 1 . ,. :. 7;-..0',TT..`- ..„, . -..., ; I. „. 6,17*,,le COT-f- , - ';;C;;-; ;.:!..017:.• PG 0 0 2;331.:70.p:i 91.; -p.T.C';',13-07,T !;`:: r: '; ',,,' ri"-- '2;; 12.;;;;.GTAG !!:71TWAI.,Cg7 !•-! e :J07".4!'"8.p !-.4 €7; r3.!,J:1`ril-,:'!!! 12; 4-',-.'.el Ae. 5J1n.-1(-A Gri go risfy,-.-; bey. NI cn" 771".;:6\ OT, e6r:;" I 1--.: .c.;TO 7.1-Y.--7 0:;;. DIJE ..rWGITS.:J7..g (:::f',,-)fli;,-0, 270:1; 1,..r.::' (.:;27; :r 4::T..1.TIOCT 9'0 014e 0.71,^.17 0: 07..TC 9 F.-ICCI 617:J." .7.i6szT3ip r: pour.r v'? ,,r,1 4., :',,•:-.:',-I.4 c-q•47:A TIT 1 I ITT L., -ev,;';',-.:,'6' c'7112-EJIT 47.7.77;!.7.9 c:7•Tg- ar:p":1;c:i._Tpe .ple G,IL'e-Fil-rn.)TOTJVI -",--- : G.I. '.."LeciT.. ,7,3Tc] agu4,_or.giu auviy! ,,DeTe.co '7,.,, 07 ,LP. ITIMIT rillJe gif-cTee !il ;-:;'.'. 0.T.:0 0.7ri,;;Z :2 Z: T T p .-.,-. ;, 5C1.%-: ir4' ;:-. To,'A 03-, `1,T 0 (1 , I ..--; -., !,C,1; c GF,V74af GICT,p 07,.; :Y."1:';,3 7.,Jr; ..).rf.pp-G; t). 00X..r. I . Cri" T.;:;.3 1,:;.Tg• on5o:L.(46 -.004_'-;01.; a If.3-1!/-• :ii;'G .00E14; ";,71; 0 01111;;;;";;”:1I7.7,..-1,E3 0 I: '.7!9:3-4!! 71G 1 ill0Cr !; 7:!C_ 6.C-CILT570.1:C7(if ;7,1': 55557: 30 1.07H! :172 .7„03t0552: fyr7 0:77!!T0t!.0 ii; !-!1-0 c0-27747.7;07!1717 OZ 1T.-.7.17,(12 OUc 714PITe LieLer-P ' Pe e77017g- ''• _ ' !, :37%.-,' ,. ., I' T.G j-f.:..f FJE: .r....1 €10 T(1`10::GT T ",": 11.'IP 6r5grT!!!!!L; : .1-• ..- ,,,. 0,,,,,,T cis; .i,,if,,.-,•:',' , 055 .T.:/iy-44,GT. R, o:, :."'.,)•G i. eGg (-,x,c.....qrszfuo ea IF7;it 3:3.:t-' ,-,..;f: -.,..• -14, '",,:.,-1-:.,-Treq- 3"),. .''-!go .3oc.,* .557., s301-47:T6aT, -66 a:i-- 2 b'T-P [ 3:-..,.! 1'„,.,u -,,,-c..,..:)cr:,747.3'c'e.c., Si -c'TNta ;,..-,14 -iiitps.-co 7,-.1.-.)2:.-3 .7.,,.. Iiirf.-.. -1• ,,, "I.--,!' 4''' '..3 I i:4':T olT 4."..", o'-i..,;:cr'.....?...riGnIrt 0:E.; f!!'..2077..TC1:7.r7.p • cir GLY8 871:,c1 aLTI.IT.sioG : :-,-.::.-„,Gq -X s.pe pozmq ,ormtlaT'.-.Tre'..-.a-, ')-.[ ,nf 17, r0 oT41. lie r '77 r77.-..7::77%:17iGO !!!..!"-JP,IlcfTTec: 553:19 ILE-CJ500.17T17fa "7! .c!TOLT a r,s32171-- 0; 017 . r 1 7. 7177-7-7777t77-7 - :'-_-,:_--- 'T-. . :=-:-•, =1-.'•1 3---' -44"1 SECTIOII 2. '.,.'his ordini:nce shall take effect upon its first ..)ublicat ion. P -‘ , r4 ,p 0 0.9. ....; ' 4,,, •, , 'h ,. Passed by tIle '.3-0a..rd of Commissioners of Satifei 1,4e . ittalik Februpry 2nd, 1914.--? - , or / t 4 ,7 ,„,, —1 1 ty Recorder J I _,-- 1/ I I, / I, / I I - ' IR i_ !,..z..1- 1 • i I I , , 0J-1 Locifs :100':-4, 0: ;.1- cr,3,:;', opii:-.iiii .. c.LL ..S ' 1 • ..4-.. .J . 1 -_.,..._.- _ ,▪- '•_- ' 'I. ..,'..-1 40•c''' t i . r • C I i ... y .........- f V-1'111 ▪ g. .1;11,1, n-• ., -cr": ,>( 0 ig T 1 "1:.-_) A'z DIT.1/111 i':itiolii,a.44) taw(' 9U vr ;:.,,9,1'1111 ----191.'"- -...., ,,, 7•T'l "c6 i,tj .....@ .:,; ;.„... , .\., ' 1,1 , a, ,-,--„: ' 0 c'7. ',...',‘ ,--- § . - I , , ..', , -;7:711i it! - , S. c. - , 1 . '. 'A £1. .1,,, ,,,,,,\\ ,-,,sA._ ,-'-- I '.,.',.--k. i ' .,1 "• `",",. ',.:'''.. 1 A .- -.....4„.„;i'.-..:.',':..1........1.....:...._'-::s. ,______I.,---' ls.A?XitA -PL.-_.::.4...... —. . ) ' lb I .1 cr1 -I 19!) onliff ',;..".:7J j 4- i ril4 .._,.„, .' !'--1', =7-ll -- . 77 1 lee iki 1 It I - . . •. = - !----, ------, -f - , I , ,.-.,.- . •• ill 1 int: illi . ,LH .