21 of 1926 - Licensing mobile stores and peddlers ROLL CALL VOTING • AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, I,-ay 12, -, 192 6 Burton I move that the ordinance be passed. Finch Green Moran Mr.Chairman - - - Result AN ORDINANCE AU OPDE.ILOE PROVIDIUG for the licensing of mobile stores and peddlers. :3e it ord-ineJ by the.board of oniiisoioners of Salt L,.;.e City, Utah: JECTIOb I. There is hereby created a new section in Chapter 33 of the Levised Ordinances of 'Salt Lo.'.e City, Utah, 1920, to be known as . ection 1646, providing for the licensing of mobile stores or rolling stores and peddlers,which said sec- tion shall read as follows: SECTION 1246. It shall be unlawful for any -person to conduct or operate a mobile or rolling store in, on or along any street of palt Lo_;e without _:'first obtaining a license so to do. A mobile or rolling: store for the Purposes of this section shall cc aee-lel. to include any motor true'_ or other vehicle from which groceries, roods, wares, merchandise,, or articles that are usually crTried for sale by grovery stores, are sold, offered for sole, bartered, or _ch.enred; such business being commonly known as rolling stores, Follya.nnas, Ilolys, or travelling grocery stores. JECTIOI! 2. Any crson desiring a licence to o- crate a mobile or rolling store shall ma'_.e application to tie License Assessor and Collector :and shall with his application file a state- ment showing the address of the owner and if a motor vehicle the 21 -2- the state license number assi ned to such vehicle by the Secretary of ;:,tate and a caner l statement of the nature of the :merchandise to bo sold. The application for such license, to;aether with the 'statement of the applicant, shall by the License Assessor and Collector be forwarded to the Health Commissioner for inspection and report. The Health Commissioner shall inspect the vehicle and all containers and parts thereof which ;may be used for keeping, displaying or vending, food stuffs and he shall within five days return such application together with his recommendation as to the ,ranting or denying. said license. SECTION 3. The provisions of this section shall in no 1way effect the issuance of licenses provided for in ,section 1296 except that no vehicle shall be entitled to more than one license under the provisions of said •Dection 1296. SECTION 4. Co mobile or rolling store shall operate or remain for a longer period than thirty minutes on any street within the limits of one block or the same street intersections. Every day's continued operation of a mobile, or rolling store, without ( complying with the provision of this section shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. SECTION 5. The license foe for operating a mobile or rolling store shall be the sum of dfC0.00 per year Payable in ad- I vance for each vehicle operated. SECTION 6. in the opinion of the koard of Commissioners, pit is necessary.'to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall tali ofZect at once upon publication. Passed by the :oard of Commissioners of Salt Late City, Utah, this vv7 day o1 _ A.D. 1926. 'Sayer. -City _iecorder. m �k j 021 , '`\47,4..to VT ppF�Ap r��.. • es � • l i • f Li