21 of 1930 - Amending Chapter 60, relating to traffic and travel ROLL CALL Salt Lake City Utah June 10, 1930 VOTING AYE NAY I move that the ordinance be passed Burton Fehr /% ,\ Finch Lake v f Mr Chairman - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER LX of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 1929X5, and amending Sections 1854, 1869 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on January 14, 1925, 1878, 1889 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on July 21, 1921, and Section 1903, of said Chapter LX, relating to traffic and travel on the streets Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah SECTION I That Chapter LX of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to traffic and travel on the streets be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 1929%5, which shall read as follows SEC 1929X5 It shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle past any school, where children are going to or during any recess period, and from the builaingL/faster than twenty miles per hour, or fail to observe all signs or markers placed by the Chief of Police at any school SECTION 2 That Section 1854 of Chapter LX of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to traffic and travel on the streets, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Section the following 0 4,44 ELECTRIC TROLLEY 6AA 2Te electric trolley ear+ is a rubber-tired s electric motor operated without rails and by electricity obtained from an overhead trolley wire SECTION 3 That Section 1869 of Chapter LX of the Revise Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinan e passed by the Board of Commissioners on January 14, 1925, be and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom the last sentence of paragraph three, which reads as follows 'The driver of all vehicles when desiring to turn from one street into another from the right to the left shall cross to the further side of the intersection before making such turn " SECTION 4 That Section 1878 of Chapter LX of the Revise Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to traffic and travel on the streets, be and the same is hereby amended to read as Bollows: SEC 1878 TURNING FROM ONE STPEET INTO ANOTHER (a) RIGHT TURNS The operator of a vehicle intending to turn to the right at an intersection or into an alley or driveway shall approach the point of turning in the traffic lane near- est the right hand edge or curb of the street and in turning hall keep as close as practical to the right hand curb or edge of the street (b) LEFT TURNS The operator of a vehicle intending to turn to the left at an intersection or into an alley or drive-]- way shall approach the intersection in the lane of traffic as near to the right of the center of the street as it is possible, except on streets where safety zones are marked and then as near to the right line of the safety zone as practical, and shall turn as nearly as possible to the right of the center of the street upon which he is proceeding where the same passes the crosswalk and enters the intersection and proceed so as t enter the street into which he is turning as nearly as possi- _i ble to the right of the center of the same where it passes t "/ -3- crosswalk and enters the intersection; except where markers are astablished at intersections to direct traffic, then the operator shall follow the directions of said markers SECTION 5 That Section 1889 of Chapter LX of the Revise. Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinan•e passed by the Board of Commissioners on July 21, 1921, relating to traffic and travel on the streets, be and the sane it hereby amend ed by striking from line nine of the first paragraph of said sects. the words "fifteen miles per hour" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "twenty-two miles per hour " SECTION 6 That Section 1903 of Chapter LX of the Revise. Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to traffic and travel on the streets, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows SEC 1903 TRAFFIC OFFICERS AND SIGNALS The Chief! of Police whenever in his judgment it is necessary may desig- nate police officers to attend upon the public streets to con trol the movements and order the stoppage of vehicles, street cars, electric trolley busses and interurban cars in or upon such streets in order to prevent congestion of traffic and to prevent accidents Any police officer designated by the Chie of Police to perform such duties shall control the movements and order the stoppage of vehicles, street cars, electric trolley busses, interurban cars and pedestrians in or upon said public streets for the purposes herein set forth The movement and stoppage of vehicles, street cars, electric trolley busses, interurban cars and pedestrians at street in tersections shall be governed as follows. One blast of the whistle or the raising of a hand indicates that the moving traffic, including pedestrians, must stop and that the stopped traffic may proceed Three or more blasts of a whistle is a signal of alarm and indi- cates the approach of vehicles of the fire department or som= I � other emergency and all traffic shall stop until permitted b the police officer to proceed, and it shall be unlawful for th- animal, operator of any vehicle,,/street car, electric trolley buss, or interurban car to disobey any of said signals Whenever a semaphore or other signalling device is installed at street intersections, it shall be unlawful for th- operator of vehicles, animals, street cars, electric trolley busses, interurban cars and pedestrians to disobey the colored lights or terms of the semaphore or other signalling device which shall indicate as follows (a) Green or "GO" — Traffic facing the signal shal proceed, exce t at vehi ulart¢raff c sha. l+yield the right of way to pedestrian and vehicles lawfully within the cross__ walk or intersection at the time such signal is exhibited (b) Yellow or "CAUTION "— Traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the intersection unless so close t the intersection that a stop cannot be made in safety, and re main standing until green or "GO" is shown (c) Red or "STOP",-- Traffic facing the signal shall stop and not enter the intersection and shall remain standing until green or "GO" is shown alone The width of the sidewalks extended across the streets forming the intersection shall be included in the ter. "intersection" for the purpose of this ordinance SECTION 7 In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediatel SECTION B This ordinance shall take effect upon its fir..t publication 9? �� Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this /2 day of _, A D 30 2 Mayor l _ ��, c City Cer — — — 1 ) i' ) t 4 I ) .^:, 0 . F — ....,1') rir )I ) ) ' 1' - 1 f f" " 113 ) I "i 4 1 ' .. I ;.t .. -r '- f ) ,; t r... , ).1 ;..4'J v i._ 'TOJ' JIJO (• '( 1 U 3(1S_I t ") ,i Jar' "'I I f'IN{ Er" .71 ,BC.-','.,Li r 'tom ) 4 4 .,r ) .," 1 , f0 ';Jrt i1 ) r ,L 1 ,1.. It.... 1 g...11 4c,f G � x — _ ) ., ' ' C 1 _ ? .4 .,• r ice, t.)-4 1 , ` IA, ^r _ �r it " 0 4, c r K t`7�1.., 19 ' ' k f r , 4") r r� y'�- r r < I ) c, t r P.(:1 4"l i ) 1 py 1 ) , 7 r 1 i r r .) i • i, C ) t 4 - (, .1 a 33 l a I 1 1 ,.-) 4 o 1 J 11 , ) . 1u } Proof of Publication iiiiiiuIIIIIIIII UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF UTAH ss County of Salt Lake , sN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER LX of the It vlsed Or atone it f Salt Lek City Utah 192U by adding in add to said Chapter a w Sect]n t be ion Wu s cnon 1989x6 and amending Sec beingfirst duly 1864 1809 as amend d by an or I ki1O I'iveleien dfnanc pass d by the Board of Corn 18 mission rs n lanny al 1926 1818 'tt 89 as amend d by ordinaaee sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE passed by the Board of Commission I rs on July 21 1921 and Sectle 1 tr0Nit land said Chaptery Iten th relating to TELEGRAM a newspaper of general circulation published every day Be It o damned by th Beard of I ,isaoners of Salt Lake City .tatt SECTION 1 T]at Chapter LX of at Salt Lake City State of Utah the Ravi ed Ordinances of Salt Lake City Utah 1920 relating to traffic and t av 1 on the treets b a d the same i hereby am nded by add Ordinance Bill # Li e the 11 and t said Chayt r new That the notice Seal n t be ,known as S orlon 1929x which shah r ad sa follows bEC 1929x It sho.11 be unlawful n foe a y p a to drive a vehi 1 past any s ho I WI ere children aro g Mg t a d f o n the b Ildi g o du log any recess peel d faster the twenty mile per 1 our r fall t obs 1 a all aigi or marker iliac d be the Chief of Police at any chool SECTION 2 ghat Section 1864 f nhapter LX of the Revised d Ordi an ea of Salt Lako City Utah 1920 sg to traffic and travel on the tycoOn treets b and Olt Is her bd to and d by adding 1n and to said Section following '1ROLLEY BUS Ti of which a copy is hereto attached was first published in said news electric trolley bus is a tubber tired electric motor vehicle operated with out ails and by els trfaity obtained from at overhead trolley wire in its issue dated the 16th• day of dunea 19 2n SEC i I 3 That Bactction e f paper w Chapte, I X. of the Reviled Ord, ounce ofof Salt Lake City Utah 1920 by YK tided yof Conmissioniieeon and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on Janua y 14 1926 be and the sante is le eby do nded by sulking they f om the last sentence df paragraph th ee which reads as follows ****4***0 for *******•* Th driv of all vehicles when deal lye i our troll a tie ty Int a tether fro 1 th right to the left shall roc t the re nhaa alas f thereafter the fullperiod of the inter.lino] lief re khg au i One Insertion. turn SECTION 4 fltl Section 18O of Chant ame r I X 1 11 RevleCity d Ordi names of salt 1 a! city EMI 1920 r i3ting t r attic a tray 1 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the loth. on th t Bets be .1 th same Is hereby an ended to d a follow SEC STREET8 INTO ANO1i it ONE a) June. A D 19 30 RIGHT PURNS PI a pile ator of day of a vehicle intending to mural to the Z7/4 11, ve at a t t di seetlo,an Into poin or driveway shah¢ppro 1 to point of to ning in the edge o lane n a he t]o r gat had edge or ea b ( the eat et and In tncning shall keep a dies as Dt ataltal to the h ght hand orb or edge Of the street ofta)vex ell iTURNS e R S to iurn°per to n r Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19'blle day of I lft at an intersectio I o Into an al ey or d ivoway shall app oaoh th intersection In ti o lane of tenter n I D . e ear t the rlit t of sei tenter of Sept eQLtt@r• - on t et as it is f @male oxcart plans el and then Sc near to the right Ayr-- V.. — nn f the safety cone ,"practionl / �C/,,Q lid hall turn a nearly posefble \ p the right i the center proceed'of a NotaryPublic tit t upon which 1 s s the ere g �_� who a th same passes the crops walk end ,to o the Intersection eet 1,td p teed to a tot t r the street 111 cht eo the tut rightg ae of th�t.)c liter or My commission expires Nay. $5r 19$3• e where it passes the c oe sa d liter the lntera ctlon c nka,s aeTa1eaAdvertising fee $ inirestfficrI n tk of color sl all fonw the dl tmns of said markers SECTION 6 That la4eovent1889 of Chapte LX of the Revised Oµµii1 1,, oe of Salt Lake City Uta¢ ixsp Os as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of CoMmissioners on 7Jpv 81 19t h relating g�g�to trAff1 ti e oYl the h0b0net@t flYe same la her y from line nine of tk:Hills+ -, of,xald asset n file N`b['dp en Iasi a r li yr AHd fl1itp�, tBig, sir Hi t a -1 a woo tBBntO Pl. .I Sly[. v That S Olen 1093 of Chanter JA of the Revised Ord naneee of Salt Lake City Utah 1020 elating to traffic and travel on th etc eis he and th same Is her by amended t d a f II w SO C 1902 TRAb PIC OFFICERS AND SIGNALS 11 a Chi 1 of P lice wh nee r in hi j dental t It IS neeeasa Y,may designate pollee O((1 tiers to atte d upon th Dubh tretite t milt I the nova tie t and end the toppage of vehicles et eat cats electric t oil y bus a and Interurbpn a a 11 or upo uch st eat in Or dor to prevent cong ti n of traffic !lee 0f11 p event ignat d nby the ts Any ief f Polio to pe 1 rm ugh dull a hall mitt 1 the movements and o d the tonnage f ovehi 1 at t c ale t it trod y h it int turban a and p destrians 1n upon a d pub lit treat fo the Du p se h rein set fort! Td went and toppage of v hicks t e t ars electri trol ley bu se int turban a and destrlans at ire t Intersections shall be gov r ed as toll ws On blast t tl will tl th alai g of a hand indioat a that the moving t aft 11 hiding pad stt tans mu t top aid that the atoppad traf (I may prep d Thr e in blasts of a whistle Is a signal of alain and Indicates 0)o approach of Vol icl a of th fl e d partm t o some other en e g n y ad all trot fl I all top ui ill pp mlt and by the ttl pollee c r to p o d It I all be'unlawful f r th p rat r of any vehlcl animal stye t aelect in trolley bus I int rub n a to din obey any of said signal Whenev r a semaphore or oth r Signaling.ters ona iee is It shall b In lawfuirf r the opal star f vehicles animals treat ears el care' tr Ii 7 busae Interurban as ad pedestrians t dleob y th i d lights t a of tl emapho r other signaling de vice whioh bah Indicate 4 follow (a) Green o1 1,0 --Traffic fa trig the signal shall proceed except that v hicular tr El shall yl Id tl e dal t of w y t pod striae ',wittily wlthl the I t rs ctions and vehl les lawfully withf the a osswalk or In I nee))n at the time such signal s e hiblted (h) Yellow or CAUTION —Trot 'fie facing the Ignal shall stop be •tore a de lag tl a Into etl n uni on cloge tb the lint in aloe that a top cannot b mad in afety and rental)stand rig unt I gre n or GO is hgwn () Red Or STOP —T affl fan leg the signal shall top and n t enter th int/weed n a d hall r main standing until gre n or GO le shown akin The-width of the sidewalks extend ed acmes,the treats I rming tl 0 to sectl I shall b indluded 1n the ten)[ Intersection for the purpose f this grdinan S.EI'TION 7 In the op Mon of the B and of Commix i n n It I no an a y to the peace h aith and afety .of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect innnlate SECTION g Thle o dinance shall take ff of upon it flret pabllcatl I Passed by th Boa d of Comm( signers 6f Salt Lak City Utah thl t9th day of June A. D 1920 JOHN F BOWMAN ETHEL MACDONALD Cityy Re 'corder 'ikilll No 21 ,ubllshd.June 19th 1220 Ifi• 4 ,p c Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram County Entry No VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City Utah 192 Burton Fehr I moNe that the ordinance be passed lEtIM Finch V Mr Chairman Result RRi Proof of Publication iiiiiilillllilll UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF UTAH ,s County of Salt Lake 9.N ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDI193 CHAPTER L's of tl a Revised Olt dimness of Salt Lab City Utah 19$0 by adding 1n fad to apld Clakter a n w betlon t b know' I Charles H EQUStO.n being first duly a tseotlon 1925x6 and mending Sep lions 1859 1899 a amended by an or din nee passed by th Bard of Com miesio8ere on Tanuary 11 192E 1878 sworn depose and ,ay that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE 1889 amended by an ordlnadbe passed by the B a d of Commleslon on duly 21 1921 and Saotlon r said Chapter LX relating to TELEGRAM a newspaper of general circulation published every day I and travel on the streets lb It rdeinod by the Board f n iesionera of Salt L'tke City at Salt Lake City State of Utah ION 1 TI t Chart LX f Reel d Ordinance f Salt Lak Ut h 1920 r sating t traffic t aveI n the ire to be ant "1 same is n r by amended by add That the notice Bn �Ra Qx449e Bill 7i 21 1 In and t said Che an ew t n fa be known as Section k6 which shall toad as folloWe C 1929x6 It shall be uhlawf 1 9 any per n to drive vehi le t any school where children arc 9oop1fn15�g tao na ntdE c PsmD e Moed bfWeit qt haon'ar�} allies per 1 olh r Van' y"tS a att signs nt ttaraery plan 1 •oSte i Chief 1 P That eato y hool SECTION 2 That Seotlon 1864 of �.�J` chapter LX of the Revie d Ordi nano.0 Pak Tea.CitY Utah 920 0-traffic and travel on th streets be and th ant Is hereby Sect dtheq following In and to aid of which a cop} is hereto attached was first published in said news ELECTRIC T,ROLI HY BUS The electric trolley bus is a lubber tired alectr a motorvehicle o crated with out n mass and y eleotr city obtained in its issue dated the da of June 19 30 t d a tr h i rice paper l6th, Y SECTION 2 That Section 1869 f Chart r LXbofo the Revised Ordt nen es of Salt Lake City Utah 1920 mended by an ordinatthe Deeded and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on by the Board of be and o Salutary 19 192�, be and the same is hereby emend d by striking there f um the 1st se tent f parag aph *I, 1>- S'(^'b"1"e'*e'*d` for ***4-4.1h le S tbo ** _ tl roe wi kh a de a f Rows The d iv f all rebid s wh n sir ng lot I f< I ti eat int a tether float 11 a rlgl t t the left Ian r as t the fu a r ids f thereafter the full period of One Ingertxon the int r ecti it bet r n eking such tut SECTION 4 Diet Seotlon 1878 of fhapte IX of the R wised Ordi u Lake City Utah the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the loth1an a or so920 relating to traffic ad trrapvel On the atrnete be and the semi /s hereby aettended"to 1 nd fdltewe STR17LT878INTOR AINOTb F[ht 01111 day of June A D 19 30 BIGHT ronNs The pest r of , hlEie ive a y s to Bun to tit � �C v //j�e iy /// 7 pblut of turning In the traffic lane ofeat th right ha td edge r cmb the street and,In gaming s it kp as �uia atcat,t.�ght Derid, al- Mgtneutl et l day of lbl LEI 1 TURNS The opeteto Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th of a vehi ie thtehdl to turn'to tlo ft at of vntatty U h o h h 30 =-^ I r t1 n lil t Shall approach the June A D 19 / nears tof th In the lane of traCentficer ofs V the, tre the light of the Center of the-street as it is safely except On sire fa where safety a n e el mark d the thou 1 ,hear to the right e t of shall turn s nsonearly as practical 4 - hod he r turn a nearly se possible street upon t wof hich'hha is ter et the eeding j ry Public where the dam passes threoct50,1 �walk and enters the l i rsegtion slid pti oh li tl i ae to enter the sheet 1i i itch•-Ileg to n to as nearly as pea My commission expires November 2b,a 9.3a� 1 1. th eight 1 th to f It a l d where it pb to the cross irk at d elite s the It tl established ex fee $ Stpk t iw o s are ctbaffi Advertising ��khut int t q lions t direct tar*di Forttills I Saidot the p nniarkeee hall f llow She d SS:CTIO.N"6 Tl et Section 1889 elf Chapter LX of the Revlsgd Oral Manses of Salt Lake City r tah 19 9 as amends 1 by n ordinance passed by 21 Board121 retat ngmto atrt t os and t avel on s2the streets"de`slid `the ame Whereto.),amended b'yeekt In Pp m Items itie of tie WMetar esr h �h�1bl1il�gqash Sectionoa the ineeeti.egt Id„ n tfersuli4"a g9ada—,w,g$NN i 1 SECTION Mg of Chapter Tthe Rered OOr6Q1 Oaheaa of Stilt Lake Clty'UM IMO elating to traffic and travel on the site t b.and th emit I hereby amended to read as follows .l AN SIGNALSRA heI�,hleet OFrof IE PRg 11 e wh n v in h e Judgment It is ngcesta y may d Is ate flee ofti totreets ntb out attend ethd upon no 0etmeate ancd triter the at ppage of v Moles street oars elect t oil y bu see and tnt turban cats i or upon Ouch t eats in or der t prevent congestion of traffic end to prevent aocidents Any Po lice flit designated by th Ch f f Poll to pe f Crti u h dut s sh1,11 control the novemente and orde the stoppage f veld 1 e ntr t car ale till t II y busses int rurban ca e and p d trian h up n aid pub n t ote fc the pure s s heieln set forth Tb mov ment and stoppage t veld 1e t et cars elect trot ley bu,a int urban oars and pe d strlane at street intersections shall red f'lows t of the whistle r the f a hand indicates that the raffle In lading pede tr an •and that the et pDed traf pro eed Three of m r a whistle 1s a mane' of bailout the approach of • of the fl d pa toe nt r en erg n y and all t of 'estop ant 1 p rmitted by the car top teed and it h If ul f th op at r of any i Intel ate t car 'earl • r int r ben ar to dis of said Igi ale m Chore r other device le n tall dat t Ott as it I all be U.lawful for for of vehicles a local elf etf ars elect I tron Y busse intern ban vs and p destrlane to dlsob y the o1 red light t tin of the sem ph re r other aig sling d `e"".'r`,:. h shall Ind GO cat as f-T ale 11 fa I'iie� :Ignal shall pr ce d except ulnr trail a hall y Id th Way to pedestrians lawfully e Intereectl no end vehi les within eh c o awalk or lie at the ices ell h signal • now or CAUTION --Tref.- the signal hall at p b 1 log Il e intone Uo i mil o the Inter otion that a of be made in safety and 1:riding until g een or GO or STOP —Traffic fac ignal hang step and not e tlon and hall r 'riding until gre n or GO 1 el own aka TI width of the sidewalks extend d a roes th streets forming th in t Otto shell b lndluded 1n th t m lutes ction for the purpose •oil this o dlnanc SECTION 7 In the opinion of the �•ard t C mm se n ra it s nee s'II t th Reap health and Safety inhabitants"of Halt Lake City yI ordinance OMR take effect ya lately W yI ION 8 Thee dlnan ehell If et upon Its fl st publication d ed by the B sea of Commis of o pit Lob City Utah to r f June;A D 1a80 JO1dN F BPWMAN ,i,EL MACDONALD CityYeRe ;•"i N 21 Publi had Tune 16th 1830 HEM Ol < < .cam , , - , 62. f; M l h /l: e R i�E e Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram - County Entry No