21 of 1931 - Amending Section 2016, Revised Ordinance water rates and meter rates i ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah,.......Ju.ly-..1;., ,193.2.. VOTING AYE NAY I move that the ordinance be passed. Burton 7---,, Fehr _ _ _ _ _ .. i i Finch - - Lake Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2016, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,) on June 4, 1925, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,jon April 28, 1931, relating to water rates and meter rates• Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 2016, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of 7 Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on June 4, 1925, as amended by 21 an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on April 28, 1931, relating to water rates and meter rates, is hereby amended by changing the first two paragraphs thereof to read as follows: SEC. 2016. METER RATES - BILLS RENDERED - VACANCY. T;,. rates for water supplied tnrough meters to all places will be the same for all consumers, namely, seven and three-tenths cents (7.3 e) per 100 cubic feet for the first 13,000 cubic feet;; six and six-tenths cents (6.64) per 100.cubic feet for the se- cond 13,000 cubic feet and six cents (6 ) per hundred cubic feet'for all over 26,000 cubic feet consumed per month./ The minimum chagge for meter service shall be 663cents per month. Where premises are being supplied by more than one -2— water service there shall be a minimum charge of 25 cents per ! month for each additional meter installed. SECTION 2. That the remainder of said Section 2016 shall remain unchanged. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately!. SECTION 4. Thi's,, ordinancb shall take effect upon its firs. publication. Passed by the 54ir of co ssione 's Of,Celt Lake City, Utah, this _14th _day of;T xn , A• D.,.1931. Mayor. BILL NO. 21. 21_ E 1 t°1P. • . k I Proof of Publication STATE OF UTAH, t County of Salt Lake lge.. County Clerk of remeoow being first duly sworn,deposes and/ an ays that he is he advertis• omen for fortis... •pm An Ordinance ORDINANCE.section 2oi6 Revised Ordinances of salt Lake CM; ing clerk of THE DESERET NE S,a newspaper published in Utah,1990, amended by an ordinaec E, d-by the oard f commtaatone R .0 tit II ke C1ty.anano ordinance a 19[ Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. dad by rainance passed y by the'Hoard o[ .CommisaApril f • Salt Lake ptY. Utah e on April e. terateeating to water rat.. and ,n That the notice Be @ ordained by the soars t cones _ missioners SECTION of Solt Lake Section 018. '--- r"l /- -" - e- SId Ordinances I. That Section 2018. Ry. t[-/WOO "V"'-Cq.— � yl ed 19 fl,as a o4 Salt Lake City, -) Utah,1820, a ended by am Commissioner. / D%asba by the Hoard Y Coon Jane g 7 _ �/ [ Salt Lake City. Utah, on a Pa Q$ l/L(/J+//-'/r am- !/ 1y26,as amended by an ordinance of Salt � l the Hoard of Cn r 2. Salt Lake Coy, Utah, April , 1931, ra la by e rates andmeter i le hereby amended byre changing to the fold two DaragraPhe thereof toread as Ycli owe: • SEC. 2EUi METER RATES—SILL RENDERED—VACANCY,ERED—VACANCY: - of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said The r o for water ill bed throw&e, Store to all places will be the s (Ifor all call s, sly. e n a fl lthree�tenfha n nia <%sc) Der too-curia newspaper, •in its issue dated, the day of feet for the Dlr. 11900 cubic feet; six and six-tenths cents(8.8e)per 100 ouble feet for the Second 13,000 ebtb feet;and 2/ Ix cents (8c) per hundred cnbm feet A. D.19" I for all over 98,000 cubic feet consumed , per month. �� 'ice• ltshall minimum be,66 charier ior ts per r serve month. andb ed c/ /-r: are being applied by was n Where Drem3aea con p / more than one water eer there shall be at minimum charge off 26 cents Per oeo erth th. the last far each additional meter in- publication t of being' in the issue dated the st SECT/ON 2. That the remainder of said Section 2018 shall remain unchang- ed A.D.193/ SECTION 3. In the opinion of the day of - Hoard of Commisecners, it is necessary eoexs to the peace, health and City t of the inhablordinance of Salt Lake t Im that thin ✓/171—e ordinance shall take effect ante shall r SECTION 4.Tts ordnance shall _ ---take effect b upon e d of publication. --- dv rtising C Famed by the Hoard of this 14th eeys , of Salt I.D City, Utah,this 14th.d&>F o[July.A.D.,1931. JOIiN F. BOWMAN. • Mayor. &THEE ' Ci fy ALD. • CIMITH,order. FL WARREN SChi.[ Deputy City Recorder. Hill No.21. Published July itth,1931. /a sworn to uefore me this day of A. D. 193/ t- G�lic. (tL y y ,t, f Proof of Publication OF Attorney.