21 of 1934 - Vacating an alley in Lot 1, Block 2, Coates and Corum's Subdivision in Block 26, Plat 'C', Salt Lake lives.108 — -
VOTING AYE !NAY Salt,Lake City, Utah, ;AUG $ 1934 193__.
I move that the ordinance be pas.
Keyser -"""...� �j�/
Mr. Chairman - - #`
f ORDINIBiCE VACATING alloy commencing at the or•t'h-
east corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Coa.tes end Corumts Subdivision
in Block 26, Plat t'C", Salt Laeke City Survey, running thence
north 15 feet, thence best 625 feet, thence south 15 feet,
thence east 325 feet to the ,lace of beginning.
B? IT UrtUCINLD by the Board. of Commissioners of
belt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the alley commencing at the North-
east corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Coates and Corumts Subdivision.
in Block 26, Plat CC", Salt Lake City Survey, running thence
north 15 feet, thence west 325 feet, thence south 15 feet,
thence east 325 feat to the Mace of beginning, be and the
same is hereby vacated rand declared no longer eublic arocerty
as an alley or Tay.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board. of Commissioners,
it is Zeceseery to the peace, health and sceety of the irinati-
t)nts of I Ilt farce City that this ordinance shall take effect
SCCI t'Jh 3 . 'This o.sdirancc rhali t ke e ' , ct coon
its 'first dirclication. (j
P�- prod b the Court o (;ail tlt;
City, Ut h, this 14th thy of --- u --
• f
Lam! Z. t Z�s
City k.ecorder. 21
Presented to the lard of Comminfoners
AUG 141934
First Publication in
1 '
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
:An'Ordinance Vacating alley
Mencius at the Northeast corner of Lot F,ugpne E Bates
1, Blook d,Coates and Corum'e Subdi-
vision in,Block 28,Plat"C,"Salt Lake
City Survey,running thence north 15'
feet,thence weer 926 feet,thence
to the place
thence plan
1.5 feet.thence east BM feet Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis-
of.besinningBe no Ordained by the Board of Com-
missioners of Salt Lake Ctty,Utah:
Section 1. That the alley commencing ing clerk of THE.DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in
at the Northeast c of Lot 1,Block
2, Coates and runs Subdivision In
Stook 2d.Plat"C,"iSalt Lake City Sur-
vey,running thence north 16 feet,thence Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah.
wok 526'teet, thence south 15 feet.
thence east 926 feet to the place of be.
ginning,be and the same fa hereby If 1
cated and declared m longer pulc That the advertisement Bill 0
prSection 4.In the alley as.an opinion of the Board
of Commissioners,it ie y, fthe to the Ordinance Vaoatieng..Alloy
peace, hdalth La I necessary the Inhahe
Dance'of shall t•akeke City that this or.
noncen3 take effect immeordinance
shad to
Section 9. This st publce ion. take
cocas pin toe first publication.
Paofnd it the City, of Commission-14th.
ere of Salt rake City. Utah. this 19th
day of August, A. D., 1934.
ET EL ty Heco der. D,
Cge ,Recorder.
Bm No. 21. was published in said newspaper, in its issue ilated, the
Published August 15,lip._
15th day of August A.D. 19.34...
and was published one time
the last publication thereof being in the issue,dated the._lsth._.
day of August A.D. 1934..
Advertising Clerk.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this l6th. day of
August A. D. 19--34--
AN ORDINANCE lion of Ten Thousand 410.000.00)
Dollars each; of said issue of said
One Million Five Hundred Thousand
AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR Dollars Tax Anticipation Bonds,
THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF ONE dated January 16,1934,to the First
MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOU- National Bank.Salt Lake City;First
SAND DOLLARS 41,500,000.00)TAX National Bank, Ogden, Utah; Utah
ANTICIPATION BONDS OF SALT State National Bank,Salt Lake City;
LAKE CITY, UTAH, SERIES OF Continental National Bank&Trust
JANUARY 16,1934. Company,Salt Lake City;J.A.Ho-
WHEREAS,there is immediate and gle&Company,Salt Lake City;and
pressing need for the raising of funds Walker Bank&Trust Company,Salt
to the,amount of One Million Five Lake City:in accordance with their
Hundred Thousand Dollars 0.- bid duly accepted by the Board of
the• r) for the purpose of meeting Commissioners and upon receiving
the current expenses of the City for cc Chant therefor the City authorized
• year 1934 until the payment of shall and hereby is authorized
taxes for the year 1934;and and directed to deliver said bonds
WHEREAS, the tax revenues of to saideem inders of said issue shall
Salt Lake City,Utah, yearm
teen will sand Two Million FI0) be soldsu at suchtime or times and
andeen t Thousand tal eeDollarsu (from
,all ea- for such price or prices and us the
and the total revenue Yregn all w such terms and conditions as de-
Million• o sources will aggregate Two Board of Commissioners may dt-
sandon Five
u rnd EightThou- tfr to be for the best int upsts
and Flve Hundreds; and 00-100($2,- of the City,of and thereupon and upon
70WHERE S,the s: payment of the purchase price oha l and
WHEREAS,the sum of One Million50 for the City Treasurerz shall and
0 Hundred Thousand ($to hereby authorized and directed
000.00) not
required now to be to deliver the same to the pur-
enued is t ace of said rev- chasers thereof.
estimated t for i the year 1934. Said bonds 34, bear date of
the bide[the First January 1 1 with interest at
National Bank,Salt Lake City;First therate of four and 00-100payable
National Bank, Bank, Utah;l Lana am cent per annum payable July,
Ci oNationalnn Bank, Salt Lake annually n the 16th day of July,
City;rusContinental Lake Bank J. 1934, and the 16th day of January,
A. H leCompany,Salt Lake L J. pay935,able
leboth principal end Interest
A. Ho ale & Company, Salt t 01 New t the National s City. Bank City, and Walker Bank & Trustby f New Y N, 55Y.
Wall street, New
Company,Sate Lake City,is mmis- York City,dN. Said bonds are
declared by the in Board of Commis- tgnptt "Salt Lake City Tan-
stoners as being the highest,bi best Anticipation6,1934."Bonds, Series of Jan-
and most urrhaoadvantageous part
received uary 1 , Said bonds hall
Ior s and hase of tart of said be due and payable on15 tile16th day
bonds and to the besth been of of o t A. in lawful
said which bid has been dulyommoneyi of the Unitedfrom States and of
accepted by said Board of Com- bear interest the 16th day of
mNOW, January,A.D.1e34. bonds shall
NOW. THEREFORE, of IT OR- be the by the Mayor and attestedeseal
stoners by the Board of Commis- by the City Recorder antler the heal
stoners IofO Salt. Lake City,Utah:aeof the City and said couponsatureshall
SECTION 1 pTurpose
Sase Lake Lingity. bear the taper. Saida signature of the
Utah. Yoe the par f s of meeting City Treasurer. eg sredd and cook
• ana expenses of saidpcity for kept shallybe registered in a book
1th4 a the payment rof- kept by the City ur for thatl
row Ler the year 1934, shall Five purpose,and the City Auditorban .the
w the s of One Million($ Five endorse on each of said bonds.Said
Hundred door tha Dollarsu ($s 50 i- certificate required law. cell
dense)and for that ednesse as ail- bondss and each of them a) sub-
Bence of such Indebtedness shall is- et to numbers and amount)in sub-
- sell and deliver three hundred etantially the following form,to-wit:
(370) bonds; bonds num- STATE OF UTAH
bered one(1)to two hundred(200), COUNTY OF SALT LAKE
both mclus ve,being in the denom- SALT LAKE AR
illation of One Thousand(81.000.03) ANTICIPATIONON BOND•
Dollars each: trends numbered two Series of January 16,1934.
huntre:l one (201) to two hundred No. . $
eighty (280), both inclusive, being KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE
in the denomination of Five Thou- PRESENTS: That Salt Lake City,In
sand ($5,000.00) Dollars each, and the County of Salt Lake.in the State
bonds numbered two hundred eighty- of Utah,hereby acknowledges itself
one(281)to three hundred seventy to be indebted and. for value r
(370), both inclusive, being in the calved, hereby promises to pay to
denomination of Ten Thousand bearer hereof, the sum
sell 00.00) Dollars each; and shall Thousand ($ ) Dollars in
bonds in the sum of One MII- lawful money of the United States
lion Dollars ($1,000,000.001 num- on the 16th day of January,A.D.
bared one ill to one hundred(100), 1935,at the National City Bank of
both inclusive, in the tlenomina- New York,55 Wall Street,New York
Eon of One Thousand ($1,000.00) City, N. Y., U.S.A.,with interest
Dollars each; bonds numbered two thereon at the rate of four and 00-103
hundred one (201) to two hundred (4%) per cent per a from
sixty (260), both inclusive, In the date until paid,in like money pay-
denomination of Five Thousand able semiannually on the lath day
($5,000.00) Dollars each:.and bonds of July, 1934, a the 16th day of
numbered two hundred eighty-one January, 1935,said
interest to m
(281)to three Hundred Forty(340), Lurlty being represented by interest
both inclusive, in the denom/nay coupons hereto attached.
This bond is of a series of Lake City will pay to the bearer
. Three Hundred Seventy(370)bonds- hereof,at the National City Bank of
of like tenor and effect,numbered New York City,55 Wall Street,New
one (1) to Three Hundred Seventy York City, N.Y., the sum of One
(370), both inclusive; bonds num- Hundred and 00-100 ($100.00) Dol-
bered one(1)to Two Hundred(200), inns In lawful money of the United
both inclusive,being in the derfom- States of America,being six months'
motion of One Thousand Dollars interest then due on its Tax Antici-
($1,000.00)each;bonds numbered two Patton Bonds, Series of January
hundred one (201) to two hundred 16,1939.
eighty (280), both inclusive, being (Facsimile Signature)
in the denomination of Five Thou-
sand ($5,000.00) Dollars each; and City Treasurer.
bonds numbered two hundred Bond No
eighty-one (281) to three hundred There shall also be endorsed o
seventy (370), both inclusive,being each of said bonds the following
in the denomination of Ten Thou- City Auditor's certificate:
sand ($10,000.00) Dollars each; and "I hereby certify that this bond is
known as"Salt Lake City Tax An- within the lawful debt limit of Salt
ticipation Bonds,Series of January Lake City,Utah, and is issued ac-
16,1934,"for the aggregate sum of cording to law.
One Million Five Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($1,500,000.00), issued pur- City Auditor."
suant to Title 15, Chapter 8, Sec- SECTION 2. All the covenants,
Con 6, Revised Statutes of Utah, statements, representations and
1933. agreements contained in said bonds
The City of Salt Lake City shall are hereby adopted covenants,RS
levy in the year 1934 a sufficient tax statements, representations. agree-
topay the principal and interest on ments and promises of Salt Lake
this bond as the same shall fall due, City.
and this bond is issued in antieipa- SECTION 3. The Mayor of Salt
lion of such taxes for the year 1934. Lake City is hereby authorized and
It is hereby certified,recited and directed to sign and execute said
declared that the entire Indebted- bonds and the City Recorder is
ness of said City hereby incurred is hereby authorized and directed to
not in excess
of the taxes of said attest and affix the seal of Salt
city levied or to be levied for the Lake City to each of said bonds,and
current year 1934,and that said in- the City Auditor is authorized and
debteriness was and is contracted for directed to place upon mid bonds
the purpose for which said taxes the certificate in the m and
e levied. form set forth above,and,said coo-
It is hereby certified,recited and pons shall bear the facsimile signn-
declared that all conditions,acts and titre of the City Treasurer,and the
things as ential to the validity of acts of said Mayor, City Recorder,
th's bond exist,have happened and Treasurer and Auditor in ro doing
have been done,and that every re are and shall be the act and deed
ctdrement of law affecting the issue of Salt Lake City.
thereof has been duly complied with, SECTION 4. That the Board of
and that this bond is Within every City Commissioners shall levy in the
debt and other limit prescribed by year 1934 a sufficient tax to pay
the Constitution and Laws of said principal and Interest on said bonds
State and that the full faith and as the same shall fall due and for
credit of said Salt Lake City are the payment of said bonds the full
hereby Irrevocably pledged to the faith, credit and taxing power of
punctual payment of the principal Salt Lake City arc hereby irrevocably
and interest of this bond according pledged and the Board of City Corn-
to its terms. missioners hereby covenants and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Salt Lake agrees with the holders of said bonds
City has caused this bond to be to levy in the year 1934 sufficient
signed by its Mayor, its corporate taxes to provide for the payment of
seal to be hereunto affixed,and at- the principal and interest of said
tested by the City Recorder as of bonds.
this 16th day of January,A.D.1934. SECTION 5. That an emergency
Is hereby declared and in the opin-
Mayor. ion of the Board of Commissioners
Attest: because of the necessity for funds
with which to meet the current ex-
Recorder. proses of sald city, It is ary
To each of said bonds shall be at- to the peace,health and safety of
tacked a coupon for each installment the inhabitants of Salt Lake City
of interest contemplated by said that this ordinance take effect im
bond, wh'ch said coupons shall be mediately.
consecutively numbered, beginning SECTION 6. This ordinance shall
with No.1,with the several dates of take effect upon its first publica-
payment and number of bond and Lion.
shall bear the facsimile signature of Passed by the Board of Commis-
said City Treasurer. and said con- sioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
pons and each of them shall be(ex- 15thday of December,A.D.1933.
cept as to numbers, date and JOHN M.KNIGHT,
amount) substantially in the fol- Temporary Chairman,
lowing form, to-wit: (Seal) ETHEL MACDONALD,
No.1. (FORM OF COUPON)$100.00 Bill No.21. City Recorder.
On the 16th day of July,1934,Salt Published December 15,1933.
. .
) K.,
9 I