21 of 1941 - Providing for regulation and control of smoke nuisance, regulating gas appliances, etc. `ROLL CALL VOTING `
/ Salt Like City,Utah, MAY 14 1941 194
- ff
Goggin - I move that the orcliinance.pasred.
Keyser - - - -
Matheson - - - I/i
Murdoch - - . /
Result - - - -
Le it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. There is hereby enacted a new chapter in the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, to be known as Chapter
LXX, providing for the regulation and control of smoke nuisances in
Salt Lake City, which shall read as follows:
shall be known as the Power and Heating Equipment Code.
SEC. 1601. DEFINITIONS. The following words and phrases,
when used in this chapter, shall for the purposes of this chap-
21 ter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this sec-
tion, except in those instances where the context clearly indi-
cates a different meaning.
(a) GAS APPLIANCE. "Gas Appliances", under this code re-
fers to gas furnaces and gas toilers, gas floor and wall furnaces,
gas conversion burners, circulating heaters, space heaters, water
heaters, radiant heaters, unit heaters, and all gas burning appli-
(b) VENT OPENING. An opening or collar which is provided on
a gas appliance for the purpose of conveying the products of com-
bustion from such appliance to a vent connection.
(c) VENT CONNECTION. A conduit or pipe designed to convey the
products of combustion from the gas appliance to a flue or chimney.
(d) VENT. A conduit or pipe designer to convey the
products of combustion fr the vent opening of the gas appli-
ance to the outside atmosphere.
(e) FLUE OF: CHIM14IEY. I> flue when used. in this chap-
ter means a conduit verticle or nearly so in direction for con-
veying products of combustion delivered to it by a vent connec-
tion to the outer air. A flue or chimney is also defined as a
duct made up or constructed of a refractory or clay material
installed or built to carry the products of combustion.from
any fuel burning appliance to the outside atmosphere.
(f) FLUE OPENINC. Flue opening, when used in this
chapter means an opening in the flue or chimney for the pur-
pose of connecting the vent connection to the flue or chimney,
(g) COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. Falls, floor , ceilings,
shelves or other parts of the building constructed of wood com-
position or paper and including walls constructed of wooden
studding, lath and plaster.
material which is protected with a metal shield extending over
the exposed area with an air space at least one inch between
such shields and the combustible material, or in lieu of such
air space at least one layer of III (one-quarter inch) thick
cellular asbestos, between such shield and the combustible
material or combustible materiel which is protected with other
insulator materials, affording equal protection and approved
by the National Board. of Fire Underwriters.
prove or approval, as referred to in this chapter, shall mean
approval by the Chief Engineer of the Smoke Control Division.
(j) CHIEF ENGINEER. Chief Engineer shall mean the
Chief Engineer of the Smoke Control Division in the Dcpartmen
of Streets and Public Improvements.
SEC. 1602. PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES. ;a fee shall be
• Charged for the examining of plans and specifications for in-
stallation, reconstruction, or alteration of any fuel burning
equipment. This fee shall cover the inspection of the install-
ation and the issuance of permit and certificate for use of
such appliance in case such are granted., as follows:
(a) In one and two family residences or structures the fee
shall be for central heating plant, ass conversion burner,
floor furnace, wall furnace, circulating heater, heatrola,
space heater, gas stove, water heater or any fuel burning ecuip-
ment; $2.00 (Two Dollars) for the first single appliance and
fifty cents ($.50) for each additional appliance, provided how-
ever, that the inspection of all installed appliances can be
made at the same time.
(b) '.'Where two or more furnaces are installed. in a single
structure, each will be considered A central heating plant and
each will require a $2.00 (two dollar) permit.
(c) In all buildings of three families or more and all
commercial and industrial buildings or plants, the fee for cen-
tral heating plant, vas conversion burner, or gas boiler,
shall be Five Dollars ( `5.00) each, and the fee for each unit
heater, floor furnace, wall furnace, circulating heater,
heatrola, space heater, gas stove, water heater, incinerator
or any miscellaneous fuel burning appliance or equipment shall
be Two Dollars ($2..00) for the first single appliance and One
Dollar ( 1.00) for each additional appliance; provided, however,
that the inspection of all installed appliances can be made
at the same time.
(d),The fees for gas piping in residential structures
shall be Two Dollars ($2.00) for the first opening and fifty
cents ($.50) for each additional opening thereafter. For;com-
mercial and industrial installations, the fee shall be Two
Dollars ($2.00) for the first opening and One Dollar ('1.00)
each for each additional opening thereafter.
(e) Where the same contractor installs the appliances on
such line, he will not be required to pay additional fees but
will be required to furnish such information on said appliances
as may be required. In the case where two or more contractors
are involved on any one installation, it will be necessary fot
each contractor to take a separate permit.
be the duty of the Chief Engineer to carry out the provisions
of this chapter. The Chief Engineer or his representatives
shall have the right to enter any and all premises in the
performance of his or their duties at all reasonable hours.
Any person who shall, after proper identification, deny admit-
tance to such Chief Engineer, or his representatives,or inter-
fere with him or them in the performance of his or their duti6s
shall be punished as hereinafter provided.
neer or his representatives may disconnect any gas appliances,
that have been connected without inspection or that may be
found defective or dangerous to life and/or property. In all
cases where any gas appliances are so disconnected, it shall
be unlawful for any person to reconnect same unless or until
authorized by he Chief Engineer.
SEC. 1605. GAS APPLIANCES -- GENERAL. Gas .appliances
installed in Salt Lake Ctt-.y, except as provided in Section
1606, shall be of an approved design and construction and shall
be marked or labeled with a distinctive mark or name by the
manufacturer or dealer.
SEC. 1606. USED APPLIANCES. Used gas appliances may
be reinstalled when, in the opinion of the Chief Engineer such
appliances may be used without danger to life or property,
providing a permit is secured and the appliance installed in
accordance with this chapter.
appliance coming under this code shall be rigidly connected
to the house gas piping outlet with standard weight wrought
iron or steel pipe and malleable iron fittings.
TROL. C-as appliances so constructed that the burners are not
shielded by metal or other approved insulation material shall
not be located within less than twelve inches (12n) of any
- i
combustible material. Appliances so construct d that metal
shields or other approved insulating materials are an integral
part of their construction shall not be located so as to per-
mit the burners to. be within less than six inches of combus-
tible material, nor within less than three inches of protected
combustible material. Lil gas appliances shall be equipped
with an approved type of draft control.
SEC. 1609. CONVEESION BURNERS. Warm air furnaces,
boilers or heaters which are designed to use fuel other than
gas for the development of heat may be converted into gas-
burning appliances by means of the installation of gas-burners
into the fire pots thereof, provided such gas burners are of
an approved design and construction, and provided further,
that they are installed in accordance with the following pro-
visions, and in a. manner that their use therein will not en-
danger life, health or property.
(a) ASP LIANCLS TO EI T-ECHT. The combustion:
chamber must stand a test for gas tightness so that no
products of combustion or ryas may enter rooms or spaces
to be heated.
(b) ELUES TO BE TIGHT. chimneys and flues must
be in good condition- as to gas tightness and draft, or
made so before converting any such apparatus.
(c) PILOT LIGHiTS. turners must be ecuipped
with continuous burning pilot lights, of sufficient size
and number, either of the raw gas type or of the mixed
gas and air type, to assure positive ignition of the'gas
from the main burner at all times.
Such pilot lights shall be fed from a separate
line leading from the fuel supply on the meter side of
the shut-off valve, and shall be fixed to the burner in
such a way as to provide a rigid relative position haters n
the pilot tip and the ports of the burners. The roar'or
mixed gas and air pilots, shall be installed irrespectiv_=
of the type and kind of safety pilots used. All such pilot
lights shall be of the approved. type.
(3) CONTROL VALVE. The manifold of the burner must
be equipped with a main control valve of the stop-cock
(e) SECONDARY AIR SUPPLY. The furnace, boiler, or
heater, converted shall be checked for secondary air su_-
ply and so regulated or altered that. proper and completE
combustion will be provided for.
gas appliance shall be installed or any gas appliance replaced,
unless the room or place where such a gas appliance is located
is ventilated so as to properly support combustion, and liberate
all products of combustion to the outside or the atmosphere.
No gas appliance shall be installed or housed in any
room or compart-aent, attic or closet that is not wholly pro-
tected by approved type of fire resisting material.
Then air is supplied to the furnace-room•from other
parts of the house, a permanent opening equal to one square
inch of free area per 1000 T .T.U. input rating of all connec-
ed appliances shall be provided in the furnace-room, door or
wall in such a manner that the air supply will always be
available. I minimum free area shall be 100 square inches.
All openings on the suction side of any blower or
fan used in connection with any heating system installed in
the same room with any gas appliance shall be tightly scaled
in such a manner that it cannot be left open while any r:as
appliance is in use. Nor shall any opening, fan or devise
be so installed that the suction Till impair the craft from
any gas appliance vent.
No furnace or gas appliance of any type shall be
located in any space that is not provided with am acdessible
door with minimum dimensions of 30n x 36" to the space in
which any gas appliances are installed. In case of attic. or
isolated installation, steps or lad.;era shall be installed
in a permanent manner and a permanent walk-way of not less
than 24i" shall be provided. to and completely around each ap-
pliance. Where floor furnaces are installed in lieu of a base-
ment, a passage way of not less than 24" x 241, shall be provid-
ed from the access-door to the appliance.
Under no circumstances shall any gas-water-heater be
installed in any bathroom or sleeping quarters. No fuel burn-
ing equipment shall be installed in any bathroom, closet or
compartment unless such compartment is specially constructed
and provided with e permanent opening. equal to 150 square inches
of effective area, and so arranged that a constant supply of
air is maintained. In all such cases plans and specifications
of the installations must be approved by the chief engineer.
SEC. 1611 VENT CONNECTION. Every gas appliance shall
be connected. to an effective flue or chimney by means of a
suitable vent connection, or in lieu of this, must be connected
to a vent.
tion of vent connection between the outlet of the appliance and
the draft hood shall not be less than one square inch per 750C
B. T. U. input. In no case shall this section be less than
three inches in diameter.
In no case shall any horizontal vent connection less
than four inches (4") in diameter exceed nine (9) feet in
length, and when the horizontal distance is more than nine
(9) feet the total vent connection from the appliance shall be
increased one inch in diameter for every five foot length.
In no case shall the length of any horizontal vent be more'
than 15 feet long.
The material used for the vents and vent connections shall be
such as to resist the corrosive action of flue gases and con-
densate, and so assembled as to have joints tight enough to
prevent the escape of products of combustion.
SEC. 1614. MULTIPLE COMP ECTIONS. Combinations of two
or more vent connections must be constructed in an approved
SEC. 1615. STIIPOETS. Vent connections shall be proper-
ly connected to appliances and shall be held in place by means
of an approved. draw-band to permit removal for inspection, or
other similar methods for removal provided; securely supported
by means of substantial hangers at intervals of not more than
six feet. Vent connections shall also be properly connected to
a flue or chimney by means of an approved thimble attached to
the flue or chimney in a gas tight manner. No vent connection
inlet shall be located at the bottom or within one foot from
the bottom of any flue or chimney unless metallic or composi-
tion liner is used.
\lent connections made through a fireplace shall be
made by means of a galvanized iron or steel plate sot in. the
chimney throat, thoroughly cemented and air and gas ti_tht and
made in an approved manner.
SEC. 1616. LENGTH, ANGLES, PITCH. The vent coniiec-
-Lion shall be as short as possible. No vent connection shall
be of greater length than the height of the flue or chimney
from the point at which the vent connection enters to the top
of the flue or chimney. The maximum length of vent connection
shall be fifteen feet.
The vent connection shall be so installed as to avoid
sharp turns or other constructional features which would create
excessive resistance to the flow of the products of combustion.
The vent connection shall maintain a pitch or rise
from the appliance to the flue or chimney of not less than one
inch to the foot.
SEC. 1617. VENT PFOTFCTIOr . Vent connections except
by special permission of the Chief Engineer shall not be placed
less than three inches from any combustible material, nor less
than one and. one-half inches from protected combustible material.
Vent connections or vents pessinl through walls, partitions
or floors shall have approved double insulating sleeves, and
shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the
alt bake City building Code.
No vent, vent connection or flue shall be inclosed
in such a manner that same is not readily accessible for in-
spection or repairs.
flues and vents other than those on industrial installations
shall be of corrosive-resisting material and the joints be-
tween different sections shall be tight with the male, spigot
or crimped end pointing down, and all chimneys, flues or vents
shall extend in as nearly a aerticle direction as possible,
and extend at least two feet above any portion of any roof
within fifteen feet of any such vent, chimney or flue unless
;.n approved. method of preventing a. back-draft is provided.
All brick, concrete or masonry chimneys, except
such chimneys that were designed. for, and used in connection
with en effective open-face fire place that are not tile lined.
shall be providedwith an approved type of corrosion-resisting
liner, when used as a vent for any domestic pus appliance,
that are used for house heating or space heating purposes.
Providing, however, when the total b. T. U. input is 31,000
or less per hour or where the vertical distance between the
flue opening for such appliance is not over twenty feet or
where the distance between the flue opening for the appliance
and the bottom of the brick or masonry flue is six feet or
more such appliance may be vented into brick flues without
corrosion-resisting liners.
No flue opening shall be located at the bottom or
less than one (1) foot from the bottom of any gas flue or
chimney unless metallic or composition liner is used. All
chimneys shall be provided with an ae?roved type of cleanout
SEC. 1619. CHTMNT,Y, PIT; OF VENT SIZE. No pea ap-
pliance or appliance: shall be connected to any chimney, flux,
vent or vent-connection unless the internal area is large
enough to accomodate the appliance or appliances to be connect-
ed thereto, as set forth in the following paragraph.
The internal area of any chimney, flue, vent or vent-
connection to which a gas ap lience is connected shall not be
less than the internal area of the largest vent connection or
vent opening, as the case may be, plus seventy-five per cent
(75A of the total area of all other additional vent connections
or vent openings, which are connected thereto; provided, how-
ever, that where round. vent connections or vent openings are
connected to rectangular chimney, flue, or vent, the internal
area of such rectangular chimney, flue or vent, shall be twenty-
five per cent (25%) greater than that required above. No verti-
cal vent shall have an area of less than 12.6 square inches,
and not less than three inches in any internal dimension. The
following table shall be used for the computation of flue area
in round flue pipes, vents and. vent connections:
3-inch hound Pipe 7 1 Square in hes
4 1".6 n
5 n rs 19.6 n.
6 TT If c 98 3 n
g n n n 50.3 n r,
1l metallic flues and vents used to conduct the pre-
ducts of combustion to the atmosphere shall be of an sepr.ovcd
type and so constructer;., installed and protected that sufficient
temperature differential is maintained to create an adequate
draft at all times.
SEC. 1620.MULTIPLE OPENINGS. lny two flue or chimney
openings must be offset or stag_ger.ed. so that it will be impossi-
• ble for any horizontal plane to pass through any part of both
openings. Inlet connections shall be so made as not to restrict
unduly the space between their ends and the opposite wall of
the flue. No ducts or appliances using. other fuels shell be
connected to such chimney or flue.
SEC. 1621. CIEE OF FLUE OPENING. No flue or chimney
opening shall be smaller than the vent connection reeuired for
the gas appliance or appliances that will be connected to such
opening and every flue or chimney opening to which a gas appli-
ance is not connected shall be tightly closed by means of an
approved cap or similar device.
SEC. 1622. CHANCES OEM C0BEGCTIONS. Chant-es or cor-
rections in gas appliances or vent connections shall be made
only with the approval of the Chief Pngineer.
SEC. 1623. APPLICATION. This code shall apply t,o,all
new and remodeled installations and to all replacements and
wherever practicable shall apply to installations then in use
at the time of its adoption.
Installations in use when this code becomes effective
or which may be installed subsequent thereto, which do not con-
form to the recuirements of this code and which are dangerous,
may be declared by the Chief Engineer to be a nuisance, be con-
demned, their future use forbidden and the sup01y of ga.s to
such appliance discontinued. find it shall be unlawful for any
person to continue in use any such installation after the same
has by the Chief Engineer been declared a, nuisance.
SEC. 1624. ITEM 1. The following regulations shall apply
to all piping runs connected to any appliance between the meter
and the appliances and all low pressure Bps pipe shall be in-
stalled in accordance with the folioling table:
_Nominal Pipe Diameter _i_n inches.
of Pipe. 4" ln.,, 1;1.1, lap _" 3" 4tr 6"-
10 feet 160 360 630 1035 2130 6620 13600 33800
20 " 110 255 445 735 1500 4-690 9630 23900
30 " 90 210 365 600 1230 3830 7870 19500
40" 80 180 f`'15 520 1065 3320 (05O 16900
50" 70 160 200 4,55 950 8960 6080 15100
60 " 65 150 255 425 S70 S710 5500 13800
70 " 135 240 390 305 2510 5150 l;:800
80 " --- 125 220 365 755 2350 4820 11900
90 " --- -- 210 345 710 2210 4540 11700
100 " - --- 200 330 675 2100 4310 10700
125 " --- --- --- 295 600 1880 3850 9560
150 " --- --- --- 265 550 1710 3510 8730
200 " - --- 4-75 14.85 3050 7570
Createst length allowed: Size in inches . V4" 1" la" 2"
Length in feet -- 60 S0 100 150 20C
To Use This Table: determine the maximum gas consumption of
the appliance in cubic feet per hour. Determine the length
of the pipe to supply the appliance, adding 3 feet for each
Opposite the length (first column) find the figure near-
' est to the actual maximum gas consumption of the appliance.
ft the top of the column is the pipe size required. "'here the
above table is insuff `cient, the Gas Company siould be consult-
ITEM 2. MINIMUM SIZE PIPE.(a) "11 fuel piping and openings
shall be 3/4" or larger except for has refrigerators, bunsen
burners, radiant fire heaters. In no case shall the pipe size
be less than 13'2" in which case the maximum run shall not ex-
ceed 20 feet, except gas refrigerators, which nay be connect-
ed to the rigid house lines ty means of three-eighths inch
(3/8") aluminum semi-rigid tubing not to exceed six feet in
length. ill pipes for the purpose of supplying has to central
heating plants must be a minimum size of one and one-quarter
(1'4") inches.
(b) To determine the size of fuel line to supply
industrial, commercial and all heavy duty equiemen.t, the Gas
Company shall be consulted in order that proper service may
(c) all gas piping shall be graded to the meter and
must be free from traps and sage, and. shall be properly sup-
ported and securely fastened with pipe hangers, hocks, or
straps. No drip receptacle will be allowed. mid-point in any
house gas line without approval before such drip receptacle
is installed.
(d) Ill burrs left on the inside of vas piping by
the cutting-off tool shall in all cases be reamed out. Threads
shall 1111 be cut smooth and unbroken. Pipe thread. compound
of an approved type shall be placed on all male threads only.
Litharge, shellac, or any hard cement on pipe joints will not
be permitted.
(e) No range line shall be connected to furnace fuel
line at a distance greater than eighteen (18) inches from the
meter. Ctop-cocks shall not be placed in any gas line on the
appliance side of the meter, except within twenty-four (24)
inches of the appliance, provided however, that in the case of
manifold. installations, stop-cocks shall be installed ln each
separate fuel line within twenty-four (24) inches of the meter.
f.11 stop-cocks shall be of an approved type. Cate valves or
globe valves will not be permitted.
(f) Concealed gas piping shall not have any openings
except such openings that are connected with or to appliances.
In the case of a plugged opening in a concealed. gas line, the -
plug fitting shall be exposed.. Concealed unions or dresser
type couplings will not be permitted inside of any building.
(g) No long screws, left hand threads, bushings,
street fittings or cast iron fittings shall be permitted in any
gas line. In no case shall any defective fittings, threads or
pipe be repaired by caulking., peening, or the use of clamps or
cement. Ill defective pipe, fittings or thread joints shall
be removed and. replaced with new materials. !:11 concealed
risers shall be run in inside walls or where they will not be ,
exposed to excessive temperature changes.
(h) There underground gas piping is installed on the
appliance side of the meter, all such piping, shall be laid not
less then eighteen (la) inches underground and shall be free
from traps or sags and properly graded to an accessible loca-
tion where an approved type drip shall be provided. `3u.ch drip
shall consist of a piece of le pipe not less than eighteen
(18) inches in length, containing a 1:i-P by g/4'' coupling: and
a F:/4:" plug for the removal of condensation.. L such under-
ground gas lines shall be Trapped or coated with an approved
protective coating and tested in the presence of the Inspector -
and approved by him before such line shall be covered. No pipe
smaller than one inch (1") in diameter shall be used under-
(i) All gas piping on the appliance side of the meter
laid in or under cement floors or other cement construction
shall be continuous or all concealed joints shall be welded.
(j) Then any gas piping on the appliance side of the
meter is extended or remodeled, all connections shall be Made
in such a manner that sizes can be maintained in accordance
with the capacity table hereinbefore set forth. In such re-
modeling, extending or repairing of gas lines, the inspector
may, if in his opinion it is advisable for safety reasons,--
include all old piping in the test and inspection to which the
new extension. or replaced piping is subjec:;ed.
(k) The use of flexible or semi-I'igid tubing, for
mupplying gas to any appliance will not be permitted. excest,
however, runs of not over six (6) feet of ;:emi-rigid metal
tubing, fitted with approved. type screwed :onnectors may be
used to connect gas refrigerators only. •
(1) The gas to all natural gas a pr nes shall he sus-
plied by an independent fuel line from the meter and a surge
chamber of adequate size shall be installe9 for each engine.
An approved type automatic gas shut-off 511111 be used with
each engine installed in such a. manner that all gas to the
engine will be shut off when it is not rapping-;.
(m) No gas pressure booster or similar apparatus
shall be installed in shy gee line in such a manner as to ,ro-
imuce a partial vacuum in the service line or with sufficient
capacity to reduce the initial pressure of such line when run-
ning et full capacity lower than three (3) inches water column
(n) ill original, or new house piping installations
shall be tested with air at a pressure of fifteen (lb) pound.s
per square inch and all lines will be required to hold. this
pressure fbr fifteen minutes with no drop in pressure. hil.e
such lines are under air pressure, ail joints and threads
shall be tested. with a soap solution. Such test shall be made
in the presence of an authorized inspector.
(o) There extensions, repairs or alteration are to
be made to any existing gas-piped-line, the following procedure
shall apply:
1. Shot off gas at all appliances, including
pilot lights.
2. Observe if meter test hand has stopped. Shut
off all gas at the meter cock.
3. Proceed with connection.
4. Then connections are completed, turn gas on
piping, all appliances to remain shut off.
5. Observe test hand on meter for twenty minutes.
In addition thereto, soap test all joints.
6. _After lines are made tight, bleed e.ii from
piping through appliance cocks, and place all appliances
in the operating condition as, found.
ITEM 3. It shall be unlawful for any person other than
a duly authorized agent or employee of the gas distributing
company to tamper with, alter or in any way molest any Eas
meter or any part of the service line from such meter to the
gas mains. The gas distributing company shall install and main-
tain in good order all meters and appurtenances thereto, includ-
ing service line to the ges main, and all phut-off valves and
stop-cocks. Such shut-off valves and stop-cocks shall be of an
approved type and readily accessible for shutting off the sup-
ply of gas to the premises that it serves.
SEC .1625. ITEM 1. SAILS TUBE BOILEIRS. All cater tube
boilers installed within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City
shall be installed in such a manner that any mechanical fuel
burning equipment can readily he installed therein, and shall be
set si_th a minimum distance of seven (7) feet, six inches (E")
from the floor to the bottom of the lowest header. Provisions
may be made in such a way that mechanical firing equipment m<.y
be set either flush front, or extension furnace setting, pro-
vided that the flame travel from the point of introduction
into the furnace to the nearest point of passage of gases be-
tween the tubes or the lowest header shall not be less than
six (6) feet.
611 vertical or sterling type water tube boilers
shall be set with full extension furnaces, or may be set _.lus:ri
front, provided flame travel of seven (7) feet, six (C) inches,
or ecuiva.lent to that of extension furnace is obtained. The
grate area of any water tube boiler shall be not less than
1/60th (one-sixtieth) of the heating surface. The unrestricted
area through the damper of any water tube boiler shall not be
less than 1/5th (one-fifth) of the --rate area.
All water tube boiler settings shall be so construct-
ed that mechanical firing equipment may be installed with a
minimum clearance of sixteen (16) inches, between burners or '
retort and the nearest vertical wall and provider.. with a mini-
mum furnace volume of not less than thirty-six thousand .'•6,000
per hour
F. T. U input per cubic footsw'hen boiler is operated at its
maximum rating.All horizontal return tubular boilers shall be set
not less than the following_ dimensions from the floor of the
furnace to the bottom or lowest part of the shell.
Boilers 48" and under in diameter 60" floor to shell.
54" and 60" in diameter 70" " "
66" and 72" " 76" " " n
". 78" and 84" " 82r
The above dimensions shall apply to boilers operated
at their normal rating. The height of such boilers shall be
increased six (6) inches for each 25% (twenty-five per cent)
excess load above.normal rating.
The grate area of any return tubular setting shall
not be les.than one-sixtieth (1/60th) of the heating surface.
The unrestricted area through the damper on any hori-
zontal return tubular boiler shall not be less than 25% (tcieity-
five per cent) in excess of the combined internal cross-section-
al area of the tubes.
ITEM 2. RETURN -TUEULAR tOILE:RS. ",11 return tubular
boilers shall be so constructed that mechanical firing equip-
ment may be installed with a minimum clearance of sixteen (16)
inches between burners or retort and the nearest vertical wall,
and be provided with a furnace volume of not less than thirty-
per hour,
six thousand (36,000) b. T. U., per cubic fool„ when the boiler
is operated at its maximum rating.
fired Scotch Marine or Continental type boilers shall be ernie-
ped with full extension furnaces. Such furnaces shall provide
the furnace volume of not less than thirty-six thousand (`te,000)
per hour
b. t. u. per cubic foots hen toiler is operated at its maximum
rating, said extension furnace shall be so constructed that
mechanical firing equipment can readily be installed, with a
minimum clearance of sixteen (18), inches between burners or
retort, and the nearest vertical wall. The unrestricted. area .
through the damper shall not be less than twenty-five per cent
(25b) in excess of the combined internal cross-sectional area
of the tubes,
the grate area of any extension furnace of any Scotch
or Continental type boiler shall not be less than one-sixtieth
(1/60) of the heating surface of the boiler to which it is con-
ITEM 4. I'IP.ELOX TYPE bOILERS. Ill firebox type boil-
ers requiring ninety (90) pounds or less of coal per Hour shall
be set with a minimum distance from the floor to the
nearest overhead heating surface of 4 'A, such setting shall
be so arranged that mechanical firing ecuipment may be readily
installed and maintain a minimum clearance of 4" (four) inches
from the outer edge of the retort to the nearest vertical aatcr
leg or heating surface, and a minimum clearance from the retort
to the crown sheet or the nearest over-head heating. surface
of thirty (tO) inches.
Such setting when mechanical fire equipment is in-
stalled shall provide a furnace volume of not law than one cu-
bic foot for each c6,000 .0:. t.u. input per hour, when boiler
is operating at its maximum capacity. For firebox type boilers
requiring more than ninety (90) pounds of coal per hour, the
vertical distance from the floor line to the nearest overhead
heating surface shall be increased three (6) inches for each
additional twenty-five (25) pounds of coal required per hour,
and the distance from the outer edge of retort when stoker is
installed shall be increased one (1) inch for each additional
twenty-five (so) pounds of coal required.
All round, square or rectangular cast iron sectional end all
vertical type and miscellaneous boilers not previously mention-
ed in this code and designed. to burn solid fuels used for heat-
ing or any purpose, when operated. at a maximum csnamity recuir-
ing more then ten (10) pounds of coal per hour, or equivalent ,
in other fuels, shall be installed or set in such a ..a that
a minimum clearance from the floor line to the nearest over-
head heating surface will be forty-two (42) inches. All such
boillers shall be set sufficiently high to provide- combustion
volume vdlen mechanical equipment is installed of not less than
thirty-six thousand (te,000) L. t. u. input per cubic foot hour,
when the boiler is operating.. at its maximum rating.
No cast iron, sectional, vertical, tubular, or tube-
less boiler or any miscellaneous boiler or heater using more
than ten (10) pounds of coal per hour., or equivalent in other
fuels and when operating at maximum capacity, shall be installed
unless sufficient grate area is provided, to a.ccomodate. mechani-
cal firing equipment and provide a minimum clearance of six
(E) inches from the retort or burner to the nearest water leg
or heating, surface. Under no circumstances shall any horizon-
tal internal dimension of the furnace or firebox be less than
twenty (20) inchesj
SEC. 1626. ITEM 1. The standard gravity code, end
the practical code for the design and. installation of mechanical
arm air heating systems, _prepared and published by the Nation-
al darm Air Heating i ssociation in 1040. three copies of which
code printed as a code in book form having been filed for use
and examination b:y the public in the office of the city recor(-
er of Salt Lake Ciry, is hereby adopted ty the hoard of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City; except, however, Article Number 5
thereof relating to chimneys, which is eliminated, and the regu-
lations governing chimneys in the Halt Lake City Power-and
Heating Equipment Code, and Smoke-Control- ordinance and the
Salt Lake City building Code, is substituted therefor. Pro-
viding, however, that no cast iron warm air furnace with a fire
bowl or combustion chamber shall be less than 20" in diameter.
The dimensions shall be taken from the level of the bottom of
the fire door.
ITEM 2. There steel or refractory-lined furnaces are
installed, the inside dimensions of the fire bowl of the com-
bustion chamber shall be twenty-two (22) inches exclusive of
the refractory lining.
ITEM 3. All warm air furnaces designed to burn solid
fuel shall be provided with a furnace volume of not less than
one (1) cubic foot for three pounds of coal burned per hour.
ITEM 4. .Fll warm air furnaces shall be so construct-
ed and set that mechanical firing ecuipment can readily be in-
stalled in such a manlier that the clinker and fire-door is
readily accessible and so located. that the fire may be attend-
ed without undue restrictions.
ITEM 5. The factory rating on all approved furnaces
and appurtenances thereto shall be accepted, unless found to
be otherwise by actual tests. In such cases the findings of
the tests shall be used as normal rating.
SEC. 1627. ITEM 1. The code for the installation of oil
burning equipment as prepared by the National Fire `r.otection
Association, and. adopted by the National Foard. of Fire Under-
writers published in pamphlet No. 31, three copies of which
code printed as a code in Book Four having been filed for use
and examination by the public in the office of the City Record-
er of Salt Lake City, is hereby adopted by the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City.
ITEM 2. In addition to the Safety Code, as published
icy the National Fire Underwriters, all presure type oil burners
installed in any boiler or furnace designed to burn solid fuels
shall be installed in accordance with the regulations provided.
in the Salt Lake City Power and heating Equipment Code, pertain-
ing to required combustion space and all dimensions.
ITLLM 3. All oil burners and oil burning; equipment
shall be of an approved. type and design.
ADJUSTMENTS OF STOKERS. ITEM 1. All automatic coal stokers and
burners installed within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City
shall be of an approved. type. Where mechanical stokers are in-
stalled in connection with horizontal return tubular boilers a
minimum height from the retort to the shell, shall be as fol-
Boilers 48" and under in Diameter 42" Retort to Shell
_oilers 54" and 60" in Diameter 48" Retort to Shell
Boilers 66" and 72" in Diameter 54" Retort to Shell
Boilers 78" and 84" in Diameter CO" Retort to Shell
and the horizontal dimensions from the outer edge of the retort
to the nearest vertical wall shall be not less than 15j>; of the
minimum distance from retort to shell.
ITEM 2. Where horizontal return tubular boilers with
mechanical stokers are operated at capacities higher than the
rating of the l oiler, t:ie•s e aeLLet ; :a-1i be it c:ea rid six (6)
inc'hes for each twenty (` )) percent exc sa Loau ra t'.np,
and the di tance from tee outer e,.i e of the retort to Lie near-
est vertical wall shall be increased two (2) inches for each 1
twenty- �0(` ) per cent excess load above rating.
ITEM 3. In all cases stokers installed. in connectimi
with horizontal return tubular boilers shall be installed in
such c manner that one cubic foot of combustion space will be
provide., for each 36,000 0, t. u. input per hour, when the
stoker is operating at its maximum capacity.
ITEM 4. All stokers installed in connection with
water-tube boilers shall have a minimum clearance from the re-
tort to the nearest heating, surface of not less than six feet
and the horizontal dimension from the outer edg. of the retor
to the nearest vertical wail shall not be less then twelve (l,)
inches. fhtl stokers installed in connection with water-tube-
toilers shall be installed in such a manner that one cub-ic foot
of combustion space is provided for each 36,000 t. t. u. input,
per hour when thes±ker s are operated at maximum capacity.
ITEM 5. There stokers are installed in connection
with fire-box and tubular return flue boilers requiring ninety
(90) pounds or less of coal per hour the minimum clearance be-
tween the retort and the crown sheet or the nearest overhead.
heating surface shall be thirty (30) inches and the horizontal
distance between the outer edge of the retort and. the nearest
vertical water leg or heating' surface shall be not less than
four (4) inches and the angular distance from the outer: edge
of the retort to the bottom row of tubes shall be not le:•s than
twenty-five (2b) inches. There stokers are installed in conn c-
tion with fire-box type, and tubular return flue boilers with
a feeding capacity in excess of ninety (90) pounds of coal pe
hour, the vertical distance between the retort and the nearest
over-''head heating surfac
e or crown sheet shall he increased
three (3) inches for each additional twenty-five ( o) Hounds
of coal per hour, and the horizontal distance bet;een the
tort anti the nearest vr- _t_ca water loi or ileatiii :;urlE.oe
nz.1t to incroasca one (J.) inch Yor each a attion_L twenty-i i -=
(t t) pounce: of coal per ;roar, any the ani ulur d,r Lance iroNi
tne outer eafe of the retort to t._Ze lattoin row of tutus :,oat;
be not les,o than thirty (30) inene .
SPO. 16 Z3. f7SOKL. ThHSL-JFD TIi C OIJN'.'i fTCh P`r r
T':Oit 'DI�Pi IT1tE 1. .._r atek ra installed in connection
round, 0nuare Or rectangular or.. iron `;ectionat and al- verti-
cal type and mi:.coiilanoou„ toi coca, re _ulatnt ten (10) pound:,
of coal per '.jour -.na not over n'ne i.v (`i) pounds pi coat
hour _ha_t to installea in aura a ..,;.ruler that the toinzium lear-
ance 1et'ieen t'ho retort and the crown sneet or the near�::t
overh a. neatint -uriac;. shall 1e thirty (h 0) i.nche: an, the
horizontal aistance fear, the outor ehte of the retort. to the
neare-t' ert,ical water iet or Tall ana al t o not :terr, than _our{
(4) inches an., the com1u::ti on apace ;hall 10 one cutiai foot
for each three pounds s of coal i tr ! r lour, W'h,aii the ei-er
_s ca.erotint- at maxim,... capacity.
'non atc4tero arr 'nstai_ea in c,nn •ct c.n t1r
round, souare or rectangular cast iron sectional and all verti-
cal type and miscellaneous boilers to feed. more than ninety (40)
pounds of coal per hour, the vertical clearance bet>een the
retort and crown sheet or nearest overhead heating sueface
shall be increased one (1) inch for each additional ten (10) 1
pounds of coal fed uer hour, and the minimum furnace volume
of one cubic foot for each three (3) pounds of coal per hour
maintained. The feeding mechanism or apparatus of such stokeds
shall to permanently fixed or set in such a manner that the
stoker mill not feed more than three (: ) pounds of coal per
hour for each cubic foot of furnace volume provided.
ITEM 3. ^.11 stokers installed in Warm air furnaces
shall be of an approved type and the feed adjustment percaanen -
ly fixed to feed not more than three pounds of coal for each
cubic foot of furnace volume per hour. The horizontal clear
ante around the retort shall be not less than three (t )
I '
- 23 -
ITEM 4. When stokers are installed in connection
with warm air furnaces such stokers shall be equipped with
an approved type limit switch arranged to cut out stoker at
a predetermined temperature; and set in such a manner that
the fire door can be fully opened and so installed that the
fire or clinker door is readily accessible.
ITEM 5. All mechanical coal stokers installed
within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City shall be of
the underfeed type or shall be approved by the chief engin-
eer of the Smoke Control Division. All stokers shall have
a fan capacity of not less than 200 (two hundred) cubic feet
of air per pound of coal fed per hour, when operating at a
one inch water column static pressure. All stokers shall be
provided with an accessible cleanout opening for cleaning the
air chamber of the retort. When stokers are installed in
connection with pressure boilers such stokers shall be
equipped with an approved type limit switch arranged to cut
out the stoker at a pre-determined pressure or temperature.
ITEM 6. The horizontal space between the retort
and the vertical wall of the furnace or boiler shall be
filled wround with a heat resistant material and covered with
a layer of high-temperature refractory material of at least
two (2) inches in thickness. The top surface shall be
finished uniform and smooth.
ITEM 7. No stoker shall be installed in any
furnace or boiler that is hot provided with an effective
flue that will provide adequate draft when the stoker is
operating at its maximum capacity. All such flues shall
conform to the regulations governing same.
ITEM S. EXCEPTIONS. Where stokers are to be
installed in connection with any boiler or furnace that was
installed in any structure or building prior to the passage
of this ordinance, and the owner, contractor or installer
can furnish satisfactory proof that it would be impractical
to make such stoker installation in accordance with this v.
- 24 -
code, the chief engineer of the Smoke Control Division may issue
a variance permit, when application for same is made before a
work on such installation has been commenced; providing in his
opinion that it is for the good of Salt Lake City to do so.
There is hereby created in the Smoke Control
Division a board known as the Operating Engineers' and
Firemans' Examining Board, under the direction of the chief
engineer of the Smoke Control Division, whose duties it shall
be to determine the fitness and qualifications of, and examine
all Engineers and Firemen, operating or in charge of pressure
boilers and furnaces of ten(l0) horsepower or over.
ITEM 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or
persons to operate, have control of, manage, or take charge
of any stationary or portable steam boilers, hot water boilers,
or any portion of a steam plant, or appliances connected there-
with in the city of Salt Lake City, when working under pressure,
except by an engineer or fireman, who has been duly licensed,
so to do, and who shall exhibit a certificate thereof as
hereinafter provided for.
ITEM 3. Any person who shall operate, have con-
trol of, manage or take charge of any stationary or portable
steam boiler or hot water boiler, or any portion of a steam
plant or appliances connected therewith in Salt Lake City,
when working under pressure, without a proper and valid lic-
ense as provided by this chapter, shall for each and every
offense, be subject to a fine, as provided for in this chapter,
and any person, agent, firm, company or corporation owning or
controlling any steam boiler, hot water boiler, or other steam
plant, or any portion of a steam plant, or appliances connected
therewith, mho shall authorize or permit any person or persons
without a proper and valid license, as required herein, to
operate, have control of, manage or take charge of any por- A'..;;s.;
- 25 -
tion of a hot water plant, steam plant, or appliances conn-
ected therewith, while working under pressure, shall for each
and every offense upon conviction, thereof, be subject to a
fine as provided for in this chapter.
ITEM 4. Within thirty days after the passage of this
ordinance the Board of Commissioners shall appoint a board
of three examiners of at least ten year's experience in steam
power plant operation. Two of the examiners are to be ap-
pointed from engineers who are citizens of Salt Lake City, to
serve without pay or compensation. The term of office shall
be one year or until the successor is appointed and qualified.
The third examiner shall be the chief engineer of the Smoke
Control Division, who will act as Chairman and preside at all
meetings of the Board of Examiners.
ITEM 5. Said Board of Examiners shall hold sessions
arranged for by the Chairman of the Board, not to exceed one
each week and of such duration as may be deemed necessary,
for the purpose of examining and determining the qualificatiors
of applicants for licenses for engineers, firemen and persons
having charge of hot water boilers, steam boilers and appur-
tenances connected therewith as provided herein.
ITEM 6. All persons desiring to perform the duties of
engineer and/or fireman of stationary or portable boilers
shall make application therefore to the Board of Examiners
and shall present therewith a receipt from the City Treasurer
for the fee hereinafter provided for. The Board of Examiners
shall have the power to examine into the q ualifications of
applicants, to issue licenses and for cause after due notice
and hearing to suspend or revoke the same. Appeal may be
had to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. Every
application for license must be made on blanks furnished by
the Smoke Control Division.
ITEM 74a)An applicant for a first class engineerts
( license must be an engineer, oiler or fireman having at least
four years actual operating experience in the management,
of steam boilers or steam plants. An'.J
- 26 -
} applicant for a second class engineer's license must have at
least three years of said experience. An applicant for a
fireman's or boiler operator's license must have at least one
year of said experience.
(b) Said applicant must state the extent of his
experience; be at least twenty years of age; must be of
temperate habits and good character -- all of which must
be vouched for in writing by at least two citizens of
Salt Lake City.
(c) If said. applicant's qualifications are found
to meet with the requirements of this chapter and the rules
and regulations prescribed by the said Board of Examiners,
made in pursuance thereof, said applicant shall then be
examined as to his fitness as an 'engineer or fireman of a
stationary or portable steam boiler or hot water boiler in
one of the classes hereinafter provided for.
(d) The fee for engineer or fireman's examination
shall be as follows:
First Class Engineer's Examination $5.00
Second Class Engineer's Examination 5.00
Fireman's Examination, high pressure 3.00
Fireman's Examination, low pressure 3.00
Annual examination and renewal of any
license granted 2.00
All fees shall be paid to the City Treasurer who shall issue
a receipt to each person upon payment of the required fee.
(e) To each applicant for engineer's or fireman's
! examination who successfully passed the required examination,
the City may issue a license certificate of the proper grade.
ITEM 8. If said applicant after said examination by the
Board of Examiners is found to have the requisite knowledge
of power and/or heating equipment and experience to safely
operate same and minimize fire, explosion, asphyxiation
hazards and smoke nuisance, he shall be granted a license for
one year. Such license shall be annually renewed without ex-ri
animation upon the presentation of a receipt from the City
- 27 -
Treasurer for the payment of the required fee provided it
has not been revoked and is presented within ten days after
the expiration thereof.
ITEM 9. Engineer's licenses so granted shall be
graded into two classes and fireman's licenses shall be
graded into two classes.
(a) Persons holding first class engineer's
licenses may take charge of and operate any steam or hot
water plant.
(b) Persons holding second class engineer's
licenses may take charge of and operate any steam or hot
water plant not exceeding one hundred horsepower.
(c) Persons holding first class fireman's
licenses to operate high pressure boilers shall have the
right to operate any steam or hot water boiler.
(d) Persons holding second class fireman. or
boiler operator's licenses to operate low pressure heating
boilers, may operate any boiler where the working pressure
does not exceed fifteen pounds per square inch and the rating
does not exceed fifty (50) horsepower. Ten square feet of
boiler heating surface shall be equivalent to one horsepower
under this chapter, except in the case of any cast iron sec-
tional boiler when the horsepower shall be ascertained upon atm •
of one hundred (100) square feet of steam radiation or equiva-
lent for one horsepower.
(e) In all cases of temporary disability from
accident, sickness or other cause, an engineer with. a lower
grade of license,. or without a license, may operate the boilers
and machinery of an engineer of a higher grade, having charge
of the plant, for a period not to exceed thirty days, provided
that the employer of the engineer so disabled shall notify the
chairman of the Board of Examiners as soon as possible, after
the occurrence of such disability and submitting an ap,plica-
ion for a temporary permit, the granting of which shall permit
the temporary change in personnel for such operation. p
- 28 -
• ITi0iI 10. Every certificate of license issued to an
engineer or fireman shall be signed by the chairman of the
Board of Examiners.
ITEM 11. It shall be the duty of the chief engineer
of the Smoke Control Division to see that each steam boiler
plant and each hot water boiler plant shall have a person in
charge at all times who is in possession of a proper and valid
license as provided by this chapter when said boiler plant is
working under pressure, and each person licensed under this
chapter shall devote his entire time during his working hours,
while the boilers are working under pressure, to the duties of
the plant under his charge including maintenance and care of
such equipment, and appliances that normally come under the
jurisdiction of such engineers and firemen, and such person
shall display said license certificate of qualifications in a
conspicuous place in the boiler room. It shall be unlawful
for any licensed engineer or fireman to contract, agree or
hire himself to operate, maintain or fire more than fdur
boiler plants operating under pressure and in such case under
no circumstances shall any of said boilers be located outside
of a square area equivalent to the ordinary Salt Lake City
IT-P.M 12. The Board of Examiners shall have the power to
suspend the license of an engineer or fireman for permitting
water to get too low in the boiler; for carrying a higher
pressure of steam than that allowed, for allwwing or permitt-
ing a fire hazard to exist in any boiler room after being duly
notified by authorities having jurisdiction over such hazard;
for persistant violation of the smoke ordinance; for an
unnecessary absence from his post of duty; for the excessive
use of intoxicating liquors or other neglect or incapacity;
provided, however, that no license shall be suspended or
revoked without first giving an accused person an opportunity
to be heard in his own defense. When a license of an engineer
or fireman shall be revoked, no license shall be issued to .}:'
I r i ��' '
,..+.. /�n1 a�..� fl+•+ar caiA ra,rnnat.�i�n
- 29 -
for the second revocation for ninety (90) days thereafter;
for any subsequent revocation, his license shall be perm-
anently revoked, and shall be renewed only upon full com-
pliance with the conditions and provisions prescribed for an
original license. When it is found by the Board of Examin-
ers that it is for the good of the city and the safety of
life and property to revoke any such license, the licensee
may appeal to the Board of City Commissioners and receive
a hearing and the Commissioners decision will be final.
ITEM 13. Every person who has been in charge of a
steam boiler or steam boilers, or a hot.water boiler, or who
shall have been employed as an operating engineer or fire-
man, for a period of six months immediately preceeding the
passage of this ordinance, and who furnishes satisfactory
pvoof thereof to the Board of Examiners hereinbefore men-
tioned, and of his competency to operate a boiler or boilers,
of which he has been in charge, shall be granted a license
of the necessary grade without examination for a period of
one year for the plant in which the applicant is employed,
upon presentation of a receipt from the City Treasurer for
the fee hereinafter required. Said license shall be trans-
ferable to an other plant or annually renewed without further
examination of the holder thereof, by making application to
the Board of Examiners for such transfer or renewal, upon
presentation of a receipt from the City Treasurer for the fee
hereinafter required. Said Board shall first satisfy itself
that the applicant for such transfer has the requisite
ability and experience necessary to operate the plant to Whic
he desires a transfer of license. The fee for such license
shall be $2.00 (two dollars), and the transfer or annual
renewal of such license, two dollars, $2.00) and shall be
paid to the City Treasurer who shall issue a receipt therefor
ITEM 14. This chapter shall not apply to any operator
+ of boilers or plants coming under the jurisdiction of the
Tntvrstate Commerce Commission. Neither shall this chapter
- 30 -
apply to the attendants of hot water or steam boilers used
for heating private dwellings, nor to other steam or hot
water boilers where the rating is less than 'ten
horsepower, and the working pressure does not exceed fifteen
ITEvI 15(a)It shall be the duty of every licensed
engineer and fireman to report to the chief engineer of the
Smoke Control Division any defect, or any accident in any
steam boiler, hot water boiler, stack, stoker, burners, fur-
nace, smoke preventing device, or appurtenances belonging
thereto, any fire hazard coming under his care and any
impeded condition that prevents the plant from. operating
without violating Salt Lake City's smoke ordinance.
(b) The chief engineer of the smoke control
division shall have the authority to order any operator,
owner or agent operating any power, heating or hot water
plant in Salt Lake City found to be a persistent violator
of the Salt Lake City smoke ordinance, to repair, alter,
change or rehabilitate any plant that does not meet the
Salt Lake City code governing such installations.
SEC. 1631. ITEM 1. This article shall be known as
the Power and Heating Equipment Journeymen Licensing ordin-
ance. Power and Heating Equipment Journeymen shall include
persons having served their apprenticeship and those persons
who are engaged in installing boilers, furnaces, water-
heaters, steam piping, hot water piping, gas piping, gas
burners, oil burners and all fuel burning equipment and
those who are engaged or employed by a duly licensed con-
tractor or hired by anyone installing such equipment for
their own personal use.
ITEM 2. Examining Board Created. There is hereby
created in the Smoke Control Division a Board known as the ;f•'L;,
- 31 -
Power and Heating Equipment Journeymen Examining Board,
as provided for herein and under the direction of the
chief engineer of the Smoke Control Division. This Board
shall be for the purpose of examining persons engaged in
the trade or work of installing, remodeling, altering,
changing, servicing or maintaining power and heating
equipment and/or fuel burning devices and such persons
• are to be known as Journeymen.
ITEM 3 (a) Examining Board Personnel. Within
• thirty days after the passage of this ordinance, the Board
of Commissioners shall appoint a Board of three examiners
of at least ten years experience in designing or installing,
power and/or heating equipment, or five years experience in
• designing or installing power and heating equipment shall
be sufficient, when the person appointed has a degree in
mechanical or heating engineering from a recognized college
or university.
(b) Two of the examiners are to be appointed from
industries engaged in such business, who are citizens of
iSalt Lake City, to serve without pay or compensation. The
; term shall be one year or until the successor is duly
appointed and qualified. The third examiner shall be the
chief engineer of the Smoke Control Division, who will
act as Chairman and preside at all meetings of the Board
of Examiners.
ITEM 4. Duties of Examining Board. The Board
of Examiners shall hold sessions arranged for by the
Chairman of the Board, not to exceed one each week and of
such duration as may be deemed necessary, for the purpose
of examining and determining the qualifications of applicants
for licenses for power and heating equipment Journeymen.
ITEM 5. Journeymen's License Required. It shall
be unlawful for any person to engage in the trade or work
.''� or'installing, repairing, remodeling, altering, changing,
0,”,ri nine or maintaining any power, heating or fuel burnid
- 32 -
equipment uhless he is duly licensed so to do. All such
installations, alterations, changes, remodeling, servicing
or maintenance, shall be done by or under the direction of
a licensed journeyman, and such work shall be labeled,
setting forth licensee's name and number, and said journey-
man shall at all times when engaged in such work carry his
certificate and display same when requested to do so.
ITEM 6. Journeymen's Application for License.
(a) All persons desiring to engage in the work
or trade of power and heating equipment Journeymen, to
install, alter, change, repair, remodel, remove, maintain or
service any appliance used for power and/or heating purposes
and/or any fuel burning equipment shall make application
therefor to the Board of Examiners, and shall present there-
with a receipt from the City Treasurer for the fee herein-
after provided for. The Board of Examiners shall have the
power to examine into the qualifications of applicants, to
issue licenses and for cause, after notice and hearing, to
suspend p or revoke the same. Appeal shall be to the Board
of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. Every application for a
license must be made on. blank forms furnished by the Smoke
Contra' Division.
(b) An applicant for a power and heating equipment
license-shall be a resident of Salt Lake City for six months;
shall' be of temperate habits, of good character and at least
21 years of age, and have served the required apprenticeship
for a minimum period of three years, as apprentice or helper;
i' all of which must be vouched for in writing by at least two
citizens of Salt Lake City, and shall furnish satisfactory
proof of his qualifications and ability to perform such work,
to the Board of Examiners.
(c) If said applicant is found to meet with the
requirements of this Chapter, and the rules and regulations
prescribed by the said Board of Examiners, the applicant
- 33 -
shall then be examined as to his ability.
(d) If said applicant after the examination by
the Board of Examiners is found to have the requisite knot_
ledge of power and/or heating equipment and the installation
of same with rules and regulations set forth in codes govern-
ing such work in Salt Lake City, he shall be issued a license
for one year. Such license shall be annually renewable,
without examination upon the presentation of a receipt from
the City Treasurer for the payment of the required fee I
provided it has not been revoked, and is presented within,
ten days after the expiration thereof.
ITPi 7. License Subject to Suspension or Revocation.
(a) The license of any Journeyman provided for in
this ordinance may be revoked by the Board of City
Commissioners, after notice and hearing and/or oppor-
tunity to be heard; for violation of the power and
heating-equipment ordinance, or. incompetency.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person having a
power and heating equipment Journeyman's License to
allow his license to be used in any way for the purpos
for procuring a permit for any person other than him-
self. The license of any licensee who violates thils
section shall be subject to revocation.
(c) No refund of the license fee or any part thereof
shall be allowed. All permits outstanding under a
revoked license shall become void. No person whose
license has been revoked shall be re-licensed without
permission of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City. The revocation penalty shall not be a bar to, or
affect any other penalty prescribed for violation of
the power and heating equipment ordinance.
'TEA 8. Journeymen's License Fee. Power and heating
equipment Journeymen will be graded in four classes, as
(a) Gas Fitter: Persons engaged in the trade or i ;
- 34 -
work of gas pipe fitting, gas appliance-installer and
gas-appliance servicing.
(b) Stoker-Installer: Persons engaged in the trade or
work of installing, repairing or servicing automatic coal
stokers and/or appurtenances attached thereto.
(c) Warm-Air Furnace Fitter: Persons engaged in the trade
or work of installing, altering or repairing warm air
furnaces and/or heating systems and/or appurtenances
connected thereto.
(d) Steam Fitters: Persons engaged in the trade or work
of installing steam boilers, steam piping and steam rad-
iation, and all hot-water boilers, piping, radiation and
appurtenances thereto.
(e) A person making application for a Journeyman's License
shall state the particular branch of work he is desirous of
securing a license for. A person desiring to became a
Journeyman and possessing the qualifications necessary to
successfully pass the examination may receive certificate
permitting such person to perform any or all of the four
classifications hereinafter set forth.
1. Journeymen who have received their appointment
and are qualified to meet the requirements of the
ordinance as gas-fitter shall be licensed to perform such
work on gas-appliances and piping only.
2. Journeymen who have received their appointment
and are qualified to meet the requirements of this ordinance
as stoker-installers shall be licensed to install, service
or repair mechanical coal stokers only.
3. Journeymen who have received their appointment
and are qualified to meet the requirements of this ordinance
as anise-air furnace fitters shall be licensed to perforM
such work upon warm air furnaces and ducts, and all appiirten-
an.ces thereto.
4. Journeymen who have received their appointment and
( are qualified to meet the requirements of this ordinance araYia
- 35 -
steam-fitter shall be licensed to perform such work as
installing, repairing, altering and changing or servicing
steam, and/or hot-water boilers, heaters, piping radiation,
and appurtenances thereto.
(f) The fee for examination for licensee in any one of
the above classes shall be $5.00 (five dollars) and if
the applicant is desirous of taking the examination for
any of the other three classes, the fee for each examina-
tion shall be two dollars ($2.00) additional.
(g) To each applicant for a Journeyman's examination who
successfully passes the required examination, the Board
of Com,:.issioners of Salt Lake City may issue a license
certificate of the proper classification.
(h) The annual renewal of any or all of the above class-
ification for license shall be $5.00 (five dollars).
ITEM 9.(a)Any duly licensed Journeyman Plumber shall
be exempt from paying additional license fee to perform
heating and power work. However, he will be required to
take an examination and qualify as a Power and Heating
Equipment Journeyman in addition to his Plumber License.
(b) The fee for such examination shall be
• $2.00 (two dollars) provided that there will be no add-
itional annual renewal fee.
- 36 -
SEC. 1632. ITEM 1. The name "Power and Heating Equipment
Contractor" shall include persons contracting to install, re-
pair, alter, change, remove, maintain or service any power
and/or heating equipment, and/or fuel burning device.
ITEM 2. LICENSE REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful for
any person to engage in the business of contracting to instal_,
repair, alter, change, remove, service or maintain any power 1
and/or heating equipment and/or fuel burning equipment whatso
ever or appurtenances thereto within the corporate limits of
Salt Lake City unless he is licensed so to do as herein provi -
TRACTOR. It shall be the duty of each power and heating equip-
ment contractor to register with the Smoke Control Division
the name, type and kind of each and every fuel burning appli-
ance or apparatus sold by him for use within the corporate
limits of Salt Lake City, and not installed by said contract-
or. In the case where the seller installs such equipment it
will not be necessary to register same. The installation per-
mit will be sufficient. This registration shall include the
name, address of purchaser and/or user, of such equipment;
same to be filled in on forms furnished by the Smoke Control
Division of Salt Lake City. Such information shall be mailed
or delivered to the office of the Smoke Control Division witY..-
in seven days from the date of delivery of such appliahces.
lawful for any contractor or person to sell, deliver or offe
for sale any fuel-burning equipment or apparatus that has no
been approved by the Smoke Control Division of Salt Lake City.
ITEM 5. The Power and Heating Equipment Contractors
license shall entitle such contractor to contract, install,
alter and repair any such power, heating or fuel burning' equp-
ment, provided, however, the actual work of installing such
- 37 -
equipment is executed by duly licensed Journeymen, or in char e
of a licensed Journeyman. The contractor may act in the capa i-
ty of supervisor, but unless he is duly licensed as a power
and heating equipment Journeyman he shall not engage in the
actual installation or performance of any work set forth unde
the Power and Heating Equipment Journeyman's license ordinanc .
ing to engage in the business of power and/or heating equilJmer.t
contracting, and all persons now engaged in such contracting
business shall make application for license so to do to the
Salt Lake City Smoke Control Division and furnish such inform.-
tion as may be required.
When said application is approved by the chief engi
neer of the Smoke Control Division and submitted to and appro--
ed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, the appli
cant, upon payment to the City Treasurer of the required lice se
fee, may be licensed to continue or to enter into the business
of contracting to install, alter, repair or service any and a=l
power and/or heating equipment providing such work is performed
in accordance with the regulations herein.
ITEM 7. LICENSE FEES. The license fee for power and
heating equipment contractors shall be $25.00 per annum.
ITEM 8. EXEMPTIONS. Any duly licensed Master Plumber
of Salt Lake City may upon application receive a power and
heating equipment contractor's license without payment of the
required $25.00 fee, -- provided, however, such applicant
complies with all other regulations of this chapter. This
exemption shall not exempt the licensee from any other regu-
latory measures provided herein.
All master plumbers of Salt Lake City holding power
and heating equipment contractor's license, who sell or mer-
chandise any fuel burning equipment, shall be required to mak
application for and receive upon payment of $5.00 per annUm a
license to sell or merchandise such equipment as set forth 1
under license required for Power and Heating Equipment Dea`eri.
- 38 -
The license of any Power and Heating Equipment Contractor,
provided for in this ordinance, may be revoked by the Board
of Commissioners of Salt Lake City after notice and hearing
and/or opportunity to be heard; for violation of this ordinance
or incompetency.
It shall be unlawful for any person having a power
and heating equipment contractor's license to allow his licen e
to be used in any way for the purpose of procuring a permit f r
any person other than himself. The license of any licensee
who violates this section shall be subject to revocation.
No refund of the license fee or any part thereof
shall be allowed. All permits outstanding under a revoked li-
cense shall become void. No person whose license has been re-
yoked shall be re-licensed without special permission of the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. The revocation
penalty shall not be a bar to or affect any other penalty pre
scribed for violation of the power and heating equipment
SEC. 1633. ITEM 1. The name "Power and Heating Equipment
Dealer" shall include all persons engaged in the business of
selling, vending or offering for sale any power and heating
equipment or any fuel-burning equipment who do not make in-
stallations of same.
ITEM 2. LICENSE REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful for
any person to engage in the business of selling, vending or
offering for sale any power or heating equipment or any fyuel-
burning equipment and/or appurtenances thereto unless he is
licensed so to do as herein provided.
ITEM 3. APPLICATIONS. Applicants for power and heat-
ing equipment dealers' license shall make application to the
Smoke Control .Division of Salt Lake City and furnish suchi,p.-
formation as may be required by said Smoke Control DivisiI� 'r
- 39 -
and upon approval of such application the Chief Engineer of
the Smoke Control Division shall present such application to
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City and when and if
approved a license to sell any fuel-burning equipment may be
The power and heating equipment dealer's fee for
such license shall be $5.00 per annum.
It shall be the duty of each power and heating equipment deal
er to register with the Smoke Control Division the name, type
and kind of each and every fuel burning appliance or apparatu-
sold by him for use within the corporate limits of Salt Lake
City. In the case where the seller is a licensed contractor,'
or Journeyman and makes the installation of such equipment
this registration will not be necessary. The installation
permit will be sufficient.
This registration shell include the name and addres.
of purchaser and/or user of such equipment, same to be filled
in on forms furnished by the Smoke Control Division of Salt
Lake City. Such information shall be mailed to or delivered 1
to the office of the Smoke Control Division within seven days
from the date of delivery of such appliance or apparatus.
ITEM 5. EQUIPMENT TO BE APPROVED. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any dealer or person to sell, deliver or offer for sale
any fuel burning equipment or apparatus that has not been,a.p-
proved by the Smpke Control Division of Salt Lake City.
The power and heating equipment dealer's license
shall entitle such dealer to sell and deliver any fuel b14.nin..
equipment but does not entitle said dealer to make any instal
lation, alteration or repair.
The license of any power and heating equipment dealer, provid-
ed for in thie ordinance,may be revoked by the Board of Cbm-
missioners of Salt Lake City after notice and hearing and/or
opportunity to be heard for any violation of this section. %+f7
- 40 -
No refund of the license fee or any part thereof shall be 1 •
allowed in the case of revocation. No person whose license
has been revoked shall be re-licensed without permission of
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. The revocation ,
penalty shall not be a bar to, or affect any other penalty pre-
scribed for violation of the power and heating equipment
1 .,. ' ARTICLE 11.
3 `, �t PENALTIE{&- ,)
y'Cll."?' S <1634. + my person vi ;atig_ai ' rovision of this
✓ 1 / Fi, chapterlis ' 1 be nnished by f*-4, any zm not exceeding
� n $299.0( %a in > isonment in he fety J 1 • not longer than
C ,„ i- six mo + -, 2'r by;,.:th such fixje a iimpr einment. The Court
r4 yf'•1, may in `aposingh. ; fine enter, rt Q� e judgment that
f in def-'lt of t e ayment of the fine the t
A-� efendant may be im-
"x`1 ss,i prisoned in the City Jail for a period not exceeding six months."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 14-ii y of - _, A.O. 1941.
t- Mayor.
i Recorder.
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#alt Eake artegrant
Entry No
roof of 1ubItxa#tan
3nite l Mates of America
7hilPSd'ez '1 depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of
£N_Q�*yDII�S{�IW�� `,( �.�eReerein will not endanger lifer
L ,a,roil z Property.
'GR AND'1'' �•LIANCES TO must
stand a The
REGULATION AND'Cu t7tOL O chamber must stand a test.EGR.Ai11,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake
RE NUISANCES IN SALT LA tightness so that no products
it ordained bythe Board of Coin 1letlob o ga9 fly enter rooms
opera of Salt Lake hereby Utah: ,a m t be nI good Chimneys
CTION I.There Se enact- ea' et oe1n good conditionrads
p chapter Sb the Revised O 7 as t)ghtness and draft,or made
of Salt Lake City,Utah,totat'. .pre converting'any such appa-
O pa Chapter LXx,providing
s regulation and control of am 'kr PILOT with
i In Salt Lake City wh g},,t nipped with contlnl b fang
Si read as follows: "t".1 lights,of sufficient sloe and n -
j CIIARPTICLE I. .r} 1 either gen andsaw alr type,to ass°Y ^; OF SMOKE NUISANCES IN SALT LAKE
LANCESR GAS '` 41�,vburner ignitione all t themes. fromgas jlle'
ch pilot 1lgltts hall b fed f qq{Wb 1
S O. EN POWER AND REA `7 :'•..paste line leading f the fTrIJ of
Et IPM�NT.Cthe PowThier
Article ,ply on them ter side f the shut•; I«l'
1 noen as the Power and H -r Valve, and shall be fixed to the
u Dntent.Code. g ji a in suet a y as to provide
C.1001 DEFINITIONS R"'.0_.rigid relative position between the
1 I g words and Phrases ii -' t tip and the porta of the burnota
1 is chapter shall for the p Vj raw or mixed gas and air pilot.
'`a hiechapter,.have the P Call beinstalled irrespective of the
ct1Vely�`,aaeri6 d to them p and kind of safety pilots used ,j
1.o¢eytYC9D IIinthoae instance. 11 such pilot lights shall be of tips („
e next' arty indicate a ct,' p(d)CO type.
t gg -p. (d)CONTROL VALVE. The manifold `iO attached,was first published in saidnews-
( GA$'.APPMANOE.' Ga f the burner must be equipped with a
under title�.,.cCtde refer inn control valve of thestop-cock T e a end¢ h,COnV,g ,.type.
Yurnaee9r 6opV0[efon l (e)SECONDARY AIR SUPPLY. The:•ee_ 15th
at4ng h$st �pk ea sue Lr J„��furnace boiler, r heat converted
eaters- 11 Ill h shall be checked for aeCond&y air sup-
and all'Mi.Urn ng apPllani "'ply and o regulated or altered that
( )VENT OPENnP An opening r proper and complete combustion will be 41
,a li whoa'] o I •n a gas ap provided for.
193.- -,
e,�;,:': ��fy !` � „-ap- SECTION EAT-PROHIBITED LOCA- ----
• acts • ��`-11 ti •.ap- TIONS OF HEATERS.a N°gas appliance
,rr,.ee ca toe,.i en EcTI connection. shall replaced,
lnetelled the
any gas appliance
(•))VENT. ed 10 0 ev y A conduit such etl,unlade the room or place where each daily issue of said newspaper, on
ed Ice mtto d t eQthey the ppliance h so appliance pros rl located t van-
to� o ue or o from the gas appliance such
n tol properly support
tq flue' chimney. - buatlo a and liberate i1 products m-
{ (•e VENT, A t •!.nit prroduc,plea de- osph aon to the outside or the'9t-
1 ed.froth o t•' :ropecia o come mNo gas for
Fg lean appliance the
t vent openingtaieo1 the gas appliance rl compartment,inet,
fig: aypllnoe to the outelde altos- ar housed inoo any room or whollyro-
--.. attictecte Or closet vet is not wire resist-
e In tills chapter.means a conduit j g material.ptOvea type of fire resist-
Of 1 TIit�.'
Iv r Cal.or nearly 00 in d1e0011on for Whenair is supplied to the furnace-
�c a eying products of combustion do- room from other parts of the house,,
11 ed to It by a Vent connection'to a permanent opening equal to e
',t a outer air. A flue or chimney is square Inch of free area per 1000 B.T.U. the last publication thereof
•defined as duct made up orcon- nput rating of all connected appliances
I s<.sed led of a or built atoocarry clay or h products doterial or]be or wall In such a mannehe r that the
'o 'ombustion from any fuel burning air supply will always be available. A 15TH day Of
a p
If lancet OPENINGde'atmlue u e e minimum free area shall be 100 square d the
used in this chapter means a lIlAll o openings on the suction side of
e:•Ina int the flue or chlmr}ey for the any blower fan used in nectlon
po r ose of connecting the vent coonea- with any heating yatem Installed in 41
Ii • to the flue chimney. the same with y gas appliance
(••)'COMBUSTIBLE MATER LAL, shall bo tightly a led 1n ouch -
m a, r the e. unite etches o then ner.that p annot be left open While
p 01 positionilorpaperrrand In lud d• any gas appliance o 1n e. Nor shall -/1,�I composition any opening,t e a device m the//
Y g', constructed of wooden stud- stalled that the suction will Impair the
dn.,lath and plaster, draft from any gas appliance vent.
( I PROTECTED COMBUSTIBLE No.furnace or gas appliance of any
MA ERIAL.Combustible material type shall be located in any r
space that
will h is protected with a metal shield is not provided with a accessible door-
,— out,.ding overthe exposed area with withh minimum dimensions of 20"x 09'• 26th day of
an 1[space at least one Inch between to the space In which any gas appll-
ahlelde and the combustible ma-
ee installed. In ass of attic
t�rin p
.-1,or in lieu of such 1r space at or Isolated Installation,steps or ladders
leas one layer of 1/4-inch(one-quarter shall be installed Ina permanent man-
1 cY) thick cellular asbestos, between ner and a permanent walkaway of not I
cl--shield and the combustible ma- lase than 24"shall be r• provided to and
't Oil ce bustible aterial which is pletely round eh ppliance.I
o p eted With other.insulators mete- W a
here floor furnaces e installed in;
r1 , affording equal protection and lieu af a basement% passage ay of (
a proved by the National Board of Fire t less than 24.. 24' hall be pro-
, p '
cerwritera. vided from the access-door to the p-
chance. \--.___ Notary Public.
My commission expires -NGu.25,1941
Advertising fee$
- - . --r
(I) APPROVED—APPROVE OR A.PROVAL, Approved, approve or ap- -
Under no circumstances shall any
proval,es referred to in this chapter, gas-water-heater be installed 1n any
shall mean approval by the Chief Eng1- bathroom or sleeping quarters. No fuel
• Weer of the Smoke Control Division. burning equipment shall be installed in
(J) CHIEF ENGINEER. Chief Engf- any bathroom, closet or Compartment
Beer.Shall mean the Chief Engineer of unless such Compartment Is specially
the Smoke.Control Division ire the De- constructed and provided with a Pertinent
Streets and Public Im- opening
area,and so arranged equal
prov ments. inches of effective• SEC.1602. PERMITS AND CERTIFI- that a constant supply of air 1s min-
CATES. A fee shell be charged for the talned. In all such cases plans and
examining of plane and apecifications specifications of the installations must
for installation,reconstruction,or alter- be approved by the chief engineer.
tion.of any fuel burning equipment. SEC. 1611. VENT CONNECTION.
',� This fee shall sever the Inspection of Ever
b gas appliance shall be connected
the installation and the issuance of to effective flue or chimneye by
permit and certificate for use of such means of a suitable vent connection,
p]lance in case loch•are granted,as or in lieu of this,must be connected
foi(a)Si to vent.
r(structurls the fee shalle and two be residences
for cen- TION 1612.DAM ERE The VENT
sectioh of Vent
teal heating plant,gas conversion burn- connection between the outlet of the
or, floor furnace, wall furnace, free- ppliance and the draft hood shall not
lifting heater, heatrola, space heater, be less than one square inch per 7500,
I gas stove, water.heater or any fuel B.T.U.input. In nq case shall this,
burning•equipment; $2.00 (Two Dol- ectlon be leas than.three inches in
larg)foe tit prat'. lhgle appliance and diameter
f11tyy'cents ($50)''for each additional Ia no halt any horizontal vent
appliance;provided'however,that the conwation lees than£our Inchea..(4")
lnep500lea of eft Installed appliances In diameter eed nine (9) feet in
. .oeh,beYnade at the as a time, length, and when the horizontal.dte-
(ba"lWdi n i-singl estruct furnaces are tance Is more than nine-(9) feet the
beetcalled in ix-single structure,each will total vent n increased
from the appli-
be each will ww central heating plant ants shall be increased on inch In
dad each will require a$1.00(two tlol- diameter for every five foot length.In
far).permit, o owe shall the length of any horl-
. (c)In all buildings of three families zonal vent be more than 15 feet long.
Or more and all commercial and lndui- SEC.1613. MATERIAL FOR'VENTS
trial buildings or plants, the fee for AND VENT CONNECTIONS. The ma-
central heating gas boiler shag conversion
tractions tenet d for hall be such
cental Srx gas s lue gg es
Dollars (t5.0e) each,floortl the fu furnace,
W o corrosive
neate,action of o sembled 0as and
to have
furnace,unit heater,circulatingJoints g enoughpeeve -eheater,waheated] tight to io the s
paee heater, gas stove, nor sfocapeof products of combustion.
" burning-
incinerator a any o or miscellaneous ent eS of SEC. 16o4. MULTIPLE Cne more
bTo appliance tier first
haR cent TIONS. Combinations of two at m
gi Two Dollars and.0 One for the rlr(0 sin- ana connections must be constructed
gas appliance and l oce;ap ($1.e►d,.jn approved
Tor ever additional appliance;provide SEC. 1615. SUPPORTS. Vent co
however,that the con b of ail the applians shall n be nil y el netted to
stalled appliances can be made at the by means
and shalt be held In place
same time. by means of an approved draw-band
(d) The fees for gas piping in el- to permit removal for Inspection, or
dentist structures shall be 'nIn D sol- other simile methods for removal pro-
• lafe ($2n0)for the first pening and vlded;securely s ed by means of
fifty cents (9.50) for each additional substantial hangers
at at intervals of not
and opening
f ter. For 1etronsornheerofal more than Ix feet Vent connections
fee hall also be properlyconnected to a
hall be Two Dollars ($2.0D) for the' flue or chimney by means of an so-
11rst opening and One Dollar proved thimble attached to the Slue or
each for each additional opening there- chimney In a gas tight manner. No
-after, vent connection inlet shall e located
(e) Where the seine contractor in- at the bottom or within one foot from
'Stalls the appliances on such line,he ttt{R{hDr bottom f an flue r chimney
. will not lees not bewlllgbe regtoreay t additional
o fueolalo(seedss metallic or composition liner 1s
such information on said appliances es I Vent connections made through a
may be required. In the•case where i ,replace hall be made by means of a
two or more contractors are involved alvanleed iron or steel plate set in the
on any ste installation,it will be see-. tmney.throat, thoroughly cemented
emery for
ep each contractor to take a'and air and gas tight and made In an
ENGINEER, It It shall be the
of the'lithe vent connection shell be es short
g carrypro- 'ps possible,nNo vent connection shall
visions of this chapter. The Chief En- 'be of greater length than the height
ginger or his representatives shall have oI the flue or chimney•from the point
the right to enter any and all premises at which the vent connection enters to
1n the performance of his or their du- the top of the flue or chimney. The
• ties.at all reesonable hours. Any per- imeim length of vent connection
son who shall,after proper identl ice- shall be fifteen feet.
'Hon, deny admittance to such Chief. The vent connection shall be so in.
Engineer, or his representatives, or stalled as to avoid sharp turns or other
Interfere with him or them.In the per- .constructional
on tructlonal features which would
fur'manee of his or their duties shallcreate-exc lve resistance to the flaw
be punished as hereinafter provided. of the products of combustion.
SEC.,1604. GAS MAY BE DISCON- The vent connection shall to maintain
NECTED. The Chief Engineer or his pitch rise from the appliancei
representatives may disconnect any gaa the flue for chimney of not less than
appliances, thathp have been connected'.one-inch to the foot.
without defectiveon or.that or dangerous to life connections except VENT
PbyO special oN.pe mist
and-er property. In all cases where efon of the Chief Engineer shall not'be
any'gas appliances are so disconnected, placed less than three inches from any
It shall be urilawful for any person to combustible material,nor lose than one
reconnect.same unless or until author- and one-half inches from protected
Wed by the Chief Engineer, combustible material.Vent connections
SEC.1605. GAS APPLIANCES--GEN- or vents passing through walla, parti-
ERAL. Gas appliances installed in Salt Lions o floors shall have approved,
Lake City,except
as provided In Section double insulating sleeves, d shall be
1600, shall be of an approved design installed 1n a dancewith the pro-
and construction and shall be marked visions of the Salt Lake City Building'
or labeled with a distinctive Mark or Code.
.name-by the manufacturer or dealer. No vent,vent connection or flue shall
SEC,1606.•USED APPLIANCES.Used be inclosed in such a manner that
gas appliances may be reinstalled when. same is not'readily accessible for in-
fo the opinion of the Chief Engineer spectlon or repairs.
such appllaneee may be usedwithout SEC.1616. C RIME E Y S. FLUES,
danger to life or property.providing a CLEANOUTS. Chimneys, flues and
permit is secured and the appliance vents other than those on industrial
Metalled in accordance with this chap- installations shall be of corrosive-re-
. ter, slating material and the Joints between
SEC.1607. APPLIANCES TO BE RIG- different sections shall be tight with
IDLY CONNECTED. Every appliance the male.sigot or crimped end]point-
' comingunder this code shall.be rigidly ingr down, and all chimneys, or
connected to the house gee piping outs is hall extend to nearly ly a ver-
let standard weight wrought iron deal direction as possible,and extend
or steel pipe and malleable Iron fit- at least f two
feet above en any
portion 4Y
' tangs. n, roc e
SEC.Ides. LOCATION OF GAS AP- such vent, chimney or flue unless an
PLIANCES. DRAFT CONTROL. Gas approved method of preventing aback-
appliances o constructed that the draft is provided. -
otherburners arcs t shielded by metal or All brick,concrete r masonry him-
other approved within
tlon material shell eys,except such chimneys thatc Were'
not be located withi less than twelve designed for, and used 1n connection I
tares (12"/ of any combustible ma- with an effective open-face firee pia pea.
trial. Appliances e constructed that that are not tile lined shall be provId
metal shields or other approved insulat- with an approved type f co cosh.
• frig materials re integral part f resisting liner, when sed as a v,
i their construction shall not be located for any domestic gas appliance, t: ,
o as to Permit the burners to be with- are used for house heating or.spy
In led then six inches of combustible heating purposes. Providing howege.,
materiel,nor within leas than three when the total B.T.U.input is 31,000
inches f protected combustible ma- or less per hour or where the vertical,
Le terlao. All gas appliances shell be distnce between the flue opening for
%e equiPPed with en approved type of dirt such'owhereethece is distance betweet over n the flue
SEC.1609. CONVERSION BURNERS. opening tk poia ceand the e o Is
Warm a8Jir furnaces, bolters or heaters tom of he bric
Which are designed to use fuel other six Ieet or more such appliance men be
81 • than gas for the development of heat vented into
lstin brick lues without cor-
ny be converted Into gas-burnng p- r on es g
offences by means of the installation No flue opening shall be located at
of gas-burners into the fire pots there- the bottom or less than one (11 foot
of, approved
such gas buners areof from the bottom f any gas flue o
il an design and construction( l,>nlemnl5 unleess IDeltalhimneyem haN f be
`1 d provided further,that they re 1nJ provided uwlth a roved type OP
i rig proviso ns,and in atmariner followlthat leanout opening. approved
The Salt Lake Telegram May 15, 1941 a .',I
• SEC. 1619. CHI➢SNEY, FLUE OR•inch (1") in diameter shall be used,tioned in this code and esiggned to•The feeding mechanism or apparatus k annually renewed without examination}and heating equipment and fue{Pfm .
VENT SIZE. No gas appliance o ap- underground, burn solid fuels used for 1. tine or of such stokers shall be permanently upon the presentation of a receipt from burning devices and such per arlIE
pliances shall be connected tor any (i) All gas piping On the appliancep nayppurpose,when operate•at a maxi- fixed or set in h a manner that the the City Treasurer for the payment ofo I to be known as Journeymen. "'nl I
chimney,flue,vent or vent-connectionside of ih.;meter laid In orunder c- capacity requiring m•e than ten etcher will not feed morethan thfee the required fee provided it has not ITEM 3 (a), Examining Board w., I
unless the Internal area is large enough ment floors or[other cement construe- (10)p pounds of coal Perno r quis (3) pounds of coal per hourfor h been revoked and is presented within sonnet. Within thirty days after `'•
to a modate the appliance orap- Lion shall be continuous orall con- ale t in other fuel shall b-'Mailed or cubic foot f furnace volume providetl ten days after the expiration thereof passage of this ordinance, theB .n.
plkances to be connected,hereto a set c sled joints shall be welded. t in such a manner that minimum ITEM 3. All stokers installed in warm ITEM 9. Engineer's licenses so grant of Commissioners shall appoint B 'V
forth in the Ioliowing paragraph.s p(j)When any gas iping on the p clearance from the[floor to the air furnaces-shall be of an approved gd shall be graded Into two classes of three examiners of at least to ,}@
The internal area Al any chimny, pplisuce side of toe meter is extend=d nearest overhead heating hare will type and the feed adjustment erma and fireman's licenses shall be graded experiencein designing or inst.. {,'yvr+•'''��
flue,vent or vent connection to which remodeled,all connections shall be beat forty-two (42) inches All such try fixed to Feed of morethan into two classes, pow and',or heating equipment
a gas appliance is connected shall Oct made insuch a m that sizes can boilers shall be set sufficie tslly hie gh Sc three pounds of coal for earl} c bit sons holding first class e - five years' experience in design .k
be less than the internal a of the be capacity tableh'accordance
hfo the rth provide
equipmento rot¢stalled of hen foot of oeizontultnace volume
clearance around oPer hone, The She retort ginger's Persons
may take charge o[ nstallmg power and heating yf
largest vent c section or vent open- ap y eshall be not less than three(3)inches. and operate any steam ue hot water meat shall be sufficient when toe '" .`?
•Mg,as the caseamar be.plus seventy_ In such remodeling,the inspector
o e- t less than thirty-six th usand(36,- 1 t. fed has a degree in 5,,'
five per cent additional(75;17 of the total area pairing of gas lines, inspectors or_ 000)B. V.input per c do foot per nTTonnction When
eith[warm air fuinaees p Ib) Persovs holding second class �a�or appointed
engineering from a 5k
or all otherwhichopenings,
vent connections ted if Inreasons-include
his comics it isitridadvisable for safe hop lvipum ratinhe g.
1s ➢¢refine L such stokers shall be equipped with an engineer's licenses may stake charge ognized college or university'. t4 e.e ,'. I
o tunings, owe are connected fed th rasp 'a]spa all old Ma piping the is is cgional, ertical, tu- approved type limit switch arranged to of and operate any steam or hot water (b) Two of the examiners a ''.I
thereto,'rO enrovitlede however,that where the test andinspection Cron to Math No cast iron, p gone appointed from Industries ¢rigor- ' '>
and vent c coons O vent pen- newextension replaced piping is bola[, or tubeless boiler any mis- cut out stoker at a ppredeterminedatem- plant not exceeding hundred horse--such business, s (�
ings are connected to rectangular claim- subjected. c than tenns boiler'pt heater using more that there; and set - such manner power. s who are citizens of Salt
nay, flue, o vent, the internal area (k)The useY flexible or emi-rigid GO) unels of c•:1 peri hour, that fire door an be fully opened (n) Persons holding first class fire- Lake City, to servewithout pay or
01 such rectangular chimney, flue or caretubi g for. pplying gas to any ppli- or equivalent inother foe. d when and so installed that the fire or clinker m s licenses to operate high pies- ompensati0n. The seem Shall be one
shall be twenty-five per cent awill not beppermitted except,how- installed
at maximum ••5 era, shell door readily accessible. re boilers shall have the right to p r until the successor 1s duly ap_ •
greater than that required above. a of not O x (6) feet of be installed unless sufifcie•t grate area ITEM 5. All mcchc Seal coal stokers•operate any steam or hot water boiler. le'--,--
o anted.and qualified. The third e •
'No vertical vent shall have an of semi-rigid metal tubing,flitted with ap- is provided,e to atcommod,e echani- installed within the corporate e limits
1• (d) Persons holding second class amines shall be the chief engineer 0f I
less than 12.6 square inches, and notproved type screwed connectors,may be 1 firing qufpment an. provide' a Salt Lake Cityn shall be f the roved by the fireman r boiler operator's pllceases t0 the Smoke Control Division, who will
less than three inches in any internal used to connect gas refrigerators only. minimum retort orce of si (6) inches feed type
engineer or sofil be the Smokr Control the operate low pressure heating boilers. act as Chairman and preside at all
dimension. The following table shall (1)The gas pto all natural gas engines from theburner o the near- chiefmay operate any boiler where the
be used for the computation of flue shall be supplied by an independent est water leg or heating s ace. Uhler vision. All stokers shall have a fan working dues not exceed If[- meetings of the Board of Examiners.
ea ec round flue pipes,vents and vent fuel line from the meter and surge nocircumstances shall .,furnace
ne pacify of not less thanle 200(two him- 6 pressured ITEM 4. Duties of Examining Board.
cinonnections: chamber of adequate slue shall be ln-ed internal dimension of the furnace Or died) bit feet of air per pound of teen pounds psi ceed f inch and e- The Board of Examiners shall hold see •
d-inch Round Pipe.. 7.1 Square Inches stalled for each engine. An pproved Iirebox be less than twent 1201 inches. coal fed per hour,when operating'at rating does not exceed fifty(50)horse- sions arranged for by the Chairman of
one inch 'stet toms toile p-es- power. Ten puns¢Slet of boiler heat one the Board,not to exceed one each week •
5-inch Round 4-Inch Round Pipe..12.6 Square Inches used¢ automatic gas shut-off shall be ARTICLE 9. _ sure. All stokers shall be provided with bag [face shall be equivalent to and o[such to es as may deemed
6-inch Round Pipe..28.3 Square Inches a with that all each gaspto thet englned in awill RE'I'IONAOP WARM AIR RNACTIONS FOR T is F�S'Aaccessible cleanout opening foe horsepower under this chnptet,exceptp
8-inch Round Pipe..50.3 Square Inches be shut poff when it Is not running. SEC. 1626. ITEM I. a standard anleanln5 the air chamber of the reterpt. in the case of any cast lion sectional ne wry,for the purposeof examining
All metallic flues and vents used to (m)No gas pressure booster or sim- gravity ode, and the p ordeal rode When takers are installed in
boile- r when the horsepower shall be and
lideter iornlglcenses f0�ificatlonsgnd
conduct the products of mbustion to liar tus shall be installed in any the desi d install.lion of me- lion with pressure boilers sp h stoker= tained upon basis f o hun- pP power
the atmosphere shall be of an approved gas linen ins h a as to pro- chanieal warm air heating.ystems,pre- shall Sr equippedu with approved deed(100)square feet of steam radia- heating equipment Journeymen.
type and s constructed,installed nand duce a-partialp vacuum inr the service pared and published by he National typelimit Itch ged to t • Lion or equivalent t4 for one horsepower• ITEM 5. Sourneymun's License any
that sufficient tempeeratme line or with sufficient ncapacity to re- Warm Air Heatig Aasocl.ion in 1940, the stoker at a predetermined pressure (e) In all 1 temporary dis- q I d. It hall be lawful for y
differential is maintained to create an duce the initial pressure Y such line three copies f which co•e printed as cir temperature. ability from accident,sickness 0e other person to engage In the trade or work
adequate draft at all times, when running at full capacity lower code In book form having been filed ITEM 6. The horizontal pace be- cause,an engineer with a lower grade or installing, repairing. remodeling,
SEC. 1620. MULTIPLE OPENINGS. than three (3) inches water alums for use and examination by the public of•een the retort and the vertical d of license, or without a Ilcense, m Y altering, changing, servicing o maln-
N I the furnace boiler hall be tilled training any power,
be two flue or chimney openings must pressure. in the office he the pity re der of Salt around with a heat resistant terial operate the bolters and machinery of heating t or fuel
be offset orstaggered any s that it will eta All ns original,or new house piping Bake Cify, is hereby rs M S by the and covered.with a layer of high-tern- en engineer of a higher grade,having burning equipment unless he is duly
be impossible for any horizontal.plane installations shall be tested with air City of Commissioners pf Salt Lake pressure eleectory material at t least charge of the plant.for period not licensed so to do. All such Installa-
to pass through any part of both open- at a pressure of fifteen (15) pounds City; except,however,Article Number L !2) lncha5 in thickness. The top to a teed Lhlrty days, providetl that buns,alterations,changes,remodeling.
ing Inlet ccnn¢ctloun shall be sore pero square inch end all lines will p,. 5 thereof toting to chi mneys, which urtace shall be finished uniform and the employer of the engineer so dis- servicing or maintenance,shall be done
de as not tdiestrfct unduly the space required to hold this pressure for fif- is eliminated,and the ie•.lotions gov- s th. abled shall notify the chairmen of the by or under the direction of a licensed
between their Du ends and the oppositean en minutes with a e no der ine pressure. sier chimneys 1n the a Lake City s_ITEM 7. No stoker shall be installed Board of Examiners as soon as posibiF, journeyman, and such work shall be
wall 01 the flue. No tlucts or appliances to While such lines are under air test e. Power and Heating Equ merit Cotle, In y Iurnace orboiler that is not after the occurrence of such disability labeled, setting forth licensee's name
sing other fuels shall be connected to all joints and threads shall be tested and Smoke-Control-ordln'nce and the provided with so effective flue that will and submittingp an application for a and umber, and said journeyman
u h chimney or flue. with sap solution. Such test shall Salt Lake City Building C-•e,is substi- provide adequate draft when the stoker temporary permit, the granting of shall at all times when neared In
Noll 1621. SIZEmy opening
OPhallNb beamade in the presence of an author- tithed toast iro. pram'air.p.furnace ho tis operating at its maximum capacity. which shall permit the temporary such works carry his certificate and flis-
sm flue chimney yy nP co n e shall e- lz(o inspector, that no cast iron warm air m with All h flues Shall conform sto the ebange 1n personnel for such opera- play same when requested to do so.
smaller than the ant connection - rat Where xtenslons,repairs o al- fire bowl or combustion hamber shall regulations governing Mon. ITEM 6. Journeymen's Application
qufretl for the fibs connected
or applh fog gas-are to be de to any exist- be less than to t tllf5 mr. The de- ITEM 8. EXCEPTIONS. Where sick- ITEM 10. Every certificate of license for License.
that will netted to such ing gas-piped-line, the following pro- ions hall be taken ono the level ars Se be Installed in connection issued to an engineer of fireman shall
opening and every flux r chimney cedure shall apply[: of thebottom of the fire door. arewith any boiler or furnace that nectin- (a) All persons desiring to engage In
opening to which a gas appliance is not -I.Shut off gas' t all appliances,in- ITEM 2. Where steel refractory- stalled In any structure h bvas M- be signed by the chairman of the the work or trade of power and heat-
nectetl shall be tightly closed by eluding pilot lights. lined furnaces re install d,the inside rj r to the of this ordtnanc6' Board of Examiners. Ina equipment Journeymen,to Install, {
p of an approved cep Or similar 2. Onsove if meter test hand has dimensions of the fire bo•1 of the tom- gntl the owner,contractor or installer ITEM 11. It shall be the duty of the filter,change,repair,remodel,remove,
I device. stopped. Shut off al]gas at the meter bastion chamber shall •h twenty-two can thfue
satisfactory proof that It hlef engineer o1 the Smoke Control maintain or service any appliance used
SEC.1822. CHANGES OR CORREC- cock. (22) inches exclusive of he refractory a would be impractical to make such Division to see that each steam boiler for power and;or heating purposes
TIONS. Changes or corrections in gas 3.Proceed with connection. lining. stoker installation in a c rdance ith plant and each hot water boiler plant and'or any fuel burning qufpment
appliances or vent connections shell be 4, When connections are mDleted. ITEM 3. All w a1 shall ee de- t •
this cod', the chief engineer of the shall have a person in charge at all hall make application therefor to the
mde only with the approval of the turn gas on ppiping, all appliances to signed to burn solid fuel shll be pro- Smoke Control Division y Issue a times who Ss In possession o[a prone[ Board o[Examiners,a tl shall present
Chief Engineer. remain shut en Ided with a furnace volu of not lees verlener permit,when apnllcatlan for and valid license as provided by this therewith a receipt from the Citys -.
SEC.pply.to all n and remodeledThis code tw5.enty
Observe test hand meter for than one o) cubic t••a for three a e is made before any work on such chapter when said boiler plant is Treasurer for the fee hereinafter pro- 4
hall poly allnewandocem twenty inures. In addition thereto, pounds of I burned •r hour. Installation has been commenced:pro- working under pressure,and each per- vIded for. The Hoard of Examiners
Installations and to ll replacements sop•test all joints, ITEM 9. AM war air rnac all v.idingfn has opinion that it 15 for the son licensed under this chapter shall shall have the power to examine into
and wherever practicable shall apply to 6.After]Ines areode tight, bleed be so conatruthed and set hat meehreadily
bei- good of Salt Lake City to do 50. devote his entire time during his work- the qualifications of applicants,to re- !
Installations then in use at the time air from piping through appliance al firing equipment c readily bewhile the boilers are work- sue licenses and for caps alter notice
of its adoption. cocks, and pace all appliances In the Installed in such a a.n that the ARTICLE 7. mg hours, and hearing,to suspend revoke the
Installations in u when this code operating condition as found. linker and fire-door is -adily acres 1- OPERATING ENGINEERS' AND fog under pressure.t0 the duties of the
becomes effective or which may be in- ITEM 3. It shall be unlawful for any bee and so located that t•e.fire may be FIREMEN'S LICENSE plant under his charge including main- same. Appeal shall be to the Board
stalled subsequent thereto, which do person other than a duly authorized attended without undue re trictioris. SECTION 1630. ITEM I. EXAMEN- tenance and care of such equipment, 01 Commissioners of Salt Lake City.
not conform to the requirements of this agent or employee of the Was distibuf- ITEM 5. The factory rating On all ING BOARD CREATED, and appliances that normally come un- Every application fora license must be i
code and which a p
dangerous,may be ing company to tamp. ith,alter p approved furnaces and .opurtenances There 1S hereby created in the Smoke der the jurisdiction of such engineers made on blank forms furnished by the
I declared by the Chief Engineer to be in any ay molest y gas meter or thereto shall be accepted ¢less found Control Division a board known m the and firemen,and such person shall die- Smoke Control Division.
nuisance,be condemned, their future any part of the service line from such to be otherwise by actual t-st:. In Operating Engineers' and Firemen's play said-license certificate of Qualifl- (4) An applicant for a power and
use forbidden and the supply of gas meter Sc the gasm The gas dis- such ass the,flndlmggs of the nests Examining Board, under the direction cations In a conspicuous place in the heating equipment license sha11 be a
to h appliance discontinued. And tributing company ail halt Install and shall be used as nor 5 rating. a the chief engineer of the Smoke Con- boiler room. IC hall be unlawful for resident of Salt Lake City for six i
it shall be unlawful for any person to maintain in good order all„peters and ARTICLE 51 trot Division, hose duties it shall be licensed engineer or fireman t0 months; hall be of temperate habl+s,
continue In use any such installation appurtenances thereto,including x•- REGULATIONS FOR T INSTALLA- to tletee and the fitness el II llflca- nohtract, agree o hire hlmseI to of good character and at least 21 years
after the same has by p the Chief Engf- i line to the gas main,and all shut- TION OF OIL BURNIN EQIIIPMENT. Lions of,and examine all Engineers and opperate, ainisin for fire more than of age, and have s rved the required
neer been declared a nuisance. off valves d top-cocks.¢Such shut- SEC, 1627. ITEM 1. The code for Firemen,operating or In charge of pies- 1 ur boiler plants operating under gpprpnticeship for a minimum period
CLE II, off valves and stop-cocks shall be of an re boiler-and furnaces of ten (10) and In such c under n of three years,as apprentice or helper;
REGULATIONARS FOR GAS PIPING proved type-and readilyaccessible for thepingssallation tlolby lth atiol naE equip-e horsepower or over. pressure
mstances shall a y of said bailers all 1 which must be vouched for is
shutting ff the supply o4 gas to the prepare LLLLLL ITEM 2. It shall be unlawful for writing by at least two citizens of Salt
AND FITTING. 1 that it serves. Protection Association, tl tlopeed.by any person orgppersons to perate,have be located outside of a square area premises the National Board of Hie Undd writ- Lake char oY equivalent to the ordinary Salt Lake Lake City,and shall •furnish satysfac-
SEC. 1624. ITEM 1. The following ARTICLE 3. o trot Y,p m age, charge runs co regulations shall poly to a piping ars published h code printed
ed 3l athree c stationary table steam boil- City block. tory proof of his qualifications d
netted to a appliance and
STEAM AND HOT WATER BOILER copies i which having
code any y portable orLion ITEM 12. The Board of Examiners ability to perform such work, to the
Swath the meter and the appliances and REGULATIONS. In Book Four having bceu filed for hot sate[ boilers,
any Doe allcon-
low ressure gas ppe shall be in- SEC. 1625. ITEM 1. WATER TUBE_and examination by the public in the ofos team plant, ppcianco shall have gptkt e power to suspend the oazd of Examiners.
talled inaccordance with the follow- BOILERS. All water tube boilers in- office of the City Recorder of Salt La's fed therewith In the tiny 1 Salt license t gineer r sltremanti far (c) If said applicant 1s found to
ing table:sstalled within the corporate limits f City, is hereby adopted by the Board sae rice when working der pr.- permitting wter to get too low the et with the requirements Of this
CAPACITY OF PIPES OF VARIOUS Salt Lake City shall be installed in such of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. except by an engineer org fireman,.boiler; for carrying higher pressure Chapter, d the hes d regulations
SIZES IN CUBIC FEET PER HOUR AT manner that any mechanical Fuel ITEM 2.- In addition to the Safety who has been duly licensed to do, of steam than that allowed,for allow- prescribed and
the said Board of Ex-
FOUR OUNCES GAUGE RE- burning a equipment can e dlly be i- Code,as published by the National Fire and whoe shall exhibit certificate ing or permitting fire hazard to amin s, the applicant shall then be
omenthereof -hereinafter provided for, exist in any boiler roam after being examined m to his ability.
FOR LOW PRESSURE HOUSE LINE stalled tumein,and shall e L with ars in titem,l pressure typor oft borne ITEM 3. Any person who shall open- duly notified by authorities having x(d)r If said applicant after the Co-
PIPES. minimum distance f seven(7)feet, s installed In any boilerSurnace g� have control I,manage or take diction over u h hazard:Sass ei- eminatlon by Lhe Hoard of Examiners
Nominal Pipe Diameter-In Inches s' inches (6") from the floor to the designed to burn fed fuels hall be charge Y any tationaty portable jurisdiction
Length bottom of the lowest header. Provisions installed in dance With the r gv- or Istent violation u[pthe smoke oath 1s found to have the requisite know] •
of Pipe 10 '1" lie" lit.' ➢Sr Made in such a way that Me- lotions provided In the Salt Lake City stelflm boiler a hot water boiler, any name: for e n ecessary -bsence edge of power and:or heating equlp-
30 feet 160 360 630 1,035 chanical Siring equipment may be set power and Heating Equipment Code, '-
connectedif a team plant o Like
Cite fans his post of duty;for the excessive went and the installation oY same with
therewith is Salt Lake City,
20 feet GO 255 445 735 either flush front, [extension furnace pertaining to required. ombustioa when working under pressure, with- me of Intoxicating liquors ce other iulm and regulations Set forth in codes I
30 fest 90 210 365 600 setting,provided that the flame travel space and all dimensions. C o L proper and valid license as pro-g neglect or Incapacity; provided, how- governing such work in Salt Lake City,
40 feet 80 180 315 520 Irom the point of introduction into the ITEM 3. All -i burners and oil vided by this chapter, shall for each ¢er,that no Ilcense shall be suspended be shall be Issued a license for one
50 feet 70 160 280 455 furnace to the nearest point of passage burning equipments shall be of an Ma- and every offense.be subject to a fine, or revoked without first giving so ar- year. Such license shall be annually
60 lees 65 150 255 925 of gases between the tubes or the low- proved type and desi as provided for fn this chapter. and posed person rtunit to be sane without examination upon
70 feet 125 220 365 est header shall not be less than s ARTICLETAany person, meat, firm. company or heard In his own defense..When a h- the presentation of areceipt from the
80 feet 125 220 365 (6)feet. ix_ SE STOKER INSTAL TION CODE. corporation owning or controlling any cense of an engineer or fireman shall City Treasurer for the payment of the
90 feet 210 395 All vertical or telling type watiei SEC.1628. REGIILATI NS PERTAIN- steam boiler,hot water boiler,or they be evoketl,no license shall be insyyeed required fee piovid¢d it has of been
100 feet 200 330 tube hollers shall be set with full ex- ING TO THE INSTALLA ON AND AD- steam plant,or any portion of a steam to the same person until thirty (30) revoked, and is presented within Len
125 feet .... ... 29.5 tension£v may be set flush JVSTMENTB OF 55O ITEM 1. plant, appliances connected there- days after said revocation'Sor the sec- clays after the expiration thereof.
150 feet .. ... 265 SrOnt, provided flame travel of seven All automatic I Colo s and burners µNth, who hall authorize 'permit d r vocation for Suety (80) days �yEM 7. License Subject r Suapea- -
n a
e-. ..�.-.2�. .. ... ... (7) feet, six (6) inches,or egmvalent installed within the corAorate limits ed any person or persons wiLhouLAa propel thereafter.for any subsequent d[neR v ocati0n.a r p
-.-..,___._....._:._a ae,.roxe rrxo Fn,.n to r ..anro.sa v0ca- stun or Rev
Length ." The grate
area -...,.e........,__....
of Prpc 2" 3" 4'• � l grate area of any water tube boll type.-VIVO-here mechanical' t k- - ere _ cpntipl Of ns' """"•-•" ""-'-10 feet 2,130 6,620 13,600 33,.00 shall ll 0 Less than t-BOth (One Installed m one t0er th horizontal t per to h yoked, and shall be xen Wed o ty
20 feet 1500 4,690 8,630 23900 sixtieth) of the heating face. Theturn tubular boiler$ minimum t k Norge of any portion of hot re pcoovided-tor in thi r -"-
restncted a through the dam water plant,steam lent,or appliances Poa full compliance with the ondi- yoked b Lot Board ofCity Cyom-
30 feet 1230 3,830 7,870 19,500 per height from the retort to the shell, P Y
40 feet 1065 3,320 6,820 16,900 of any w ter tube boiler spoil not be hall be as follows: Connected therewith,1 While working un- dons d provisions prescribed for an missl0ae SIPortunity to be rieard; for
60 feet all 2,710 5,500 13,800 m' is Diameterd60 42"Retort t0 Shell offense upon conviction, thereof,every
he Board 0Y Exa In r that stet is for violation of the power and heating-
70 feet BOS 2,510 5,150 12,800 All Writer tube bolter settings shall be Boilers.54"and 60" s bject to a line as provided for in this the Good a£the city and the rely Y equipment ordinance,o incompetency.
80 feet 755 2.350 4,820 11,900 �constructed that mechanical firing ha Diameter 48"Retort to Shell chapter. life and property to revoke any such (b) It shall be unlawful for any per-
- 90 feat 710 2,210 4,590 11300 equipment may be installed with Boilers.66"and 72'• ITEM 9. Within thirty days Star license, the licensee may appeal to n hoeing a power and heating equip-
, 100 feet 675 2,100 3.850 30,700 minimum clearance o£ sixteen an In Diameter 54^Retort to Shell the passage of this ordinance the Board the Board o1 City Commissioners and
meat Journeyman's License t0 allow
125 feet 800 1,880 3,850 9,560 inches,between burners o retort d Boilers,78"and 84" of Commissioners shall appoint a board receive a nearing and the Comm-i his license to be used in any way the
150 feet 550 1,710 3,510 8,730 then crest vertical wall and provided 1n Diameter 60'�Retort t0 Shalt of three examiners of at least Len years' stoners' decision will be final, the purpose of procuring a permit for
I feet 475 L9d. ,3,050 7,570 with a ou minimum furnace volume 6.net the horizontal dim sfons from expert ce n steam power plant opera-e ITEM 13. Every patina who has been any person other than himself. The
I Greatest length allowed: less than thirty-Six Orr too d (e hou1 the outer edge it 00 i-oil to the neat- lion, etw0 in
the examiners are cool.be b charge o1 steam bode[o steam license of ii Ilcensee who violates this
Size o f fre.360 8 1itO 1;50 zo B.en U.bo Input per s hie foot pet um t ve tthe wall shall not less than Bensappointed from ee City,ts who are Wih boilers,or hot water boiler,or
who y
Length in feet.60 Table: let 150 the when boiler is operated at its maximum t5!t of the minimum•stance from re- Out of Salt Lake City,compensation.to sere with- shall hove been employed es an Operate section hall be subject to mvoeation.
• rating. tort to.hell, outsbeoeroar The term ing engineer or fireman,Ior a period any part
Nor thereof
o[the license Pee or
8,1 IJisI This a Determine All horizontal return,tubular boilers ITEM 2. Whore horn. tat return tu- of oft a shall be one c oruntil the of six months Immediately preceding a y part>llriereof shall ne llawzev All
gas consumption Y the ➢- hall be set not less than the following briar boilers with hanical stokers successor 1s year permits [standing der revoked teems e the bit feet per hour. De- dimensions from the floor of the fur- a operated at appointed Mall
and qualified, he passage o4 this ordinance,and who license shall become v'oltl. No person termtne length I he pine SUP- boil ies higher than The third examiner r shall be the l'l- furnishes satisfactory proof thereof to n
I ply the appliance, adding 3 feet Sor nave to the bottom or lowest part of the rating of the boil these heights a of the Smoke Control Dut•i- the Board of Examines hereinbefore whose license.has been revoke shalt
i h ben. go115r e148"and under shall be CaCh twentyincreased si• 167 inches for Mon, will nit as Chairman and Pre- mentionetl, and of his competency t0 0 re-licensed without, permission of
aOpp Sloe the length (first column)) ix diameter 60"floor to shell above[nun sad per to ex. load title at all meetlnas of hLe Board of operate.a boiler or boilers,of which he the Board o Commissioners f Salt
1 find the figure nearest to the actual ' €,and the.atonic from he Er:a •miners. a Lake City. The revocation penalty shall
aximum Boilers,to and 60" outer d f the .to to then has been In charge, c grantedany other Ras co sumOptiOn of the ass edge ear t ITEM 5. Said Board of Examiners license of the }'grade without not be a bar to. or affect
pliance. At the top f the Irma in diameter 70"floor to shell vertical II shall be u.creascd two(21 p¢nalGy and
for vtolatlop of the
the pipe size required. Where the above Boilers,66^and 72" aches for each twin (20) per Cent shall hold sessions arranged for by 10 esamin plant
for -period•04 one year power rid heating equipment ordi-
tablo s insufficient,the Gas Company i diameter 76"Hoer to shell ex load above caseati one mob of the Board,not to exceed for the plant In which the applicant is a e
• should be consulted. Boilers, a and 84" ITEM a In .takers installed one each week find eofs such duration as employed, upon presentation of a re- n ITEM 8. Journeymen's License Fee.
ITEM 2. I n UM SIZE PIPE. (e The diameter 82"floor to shell In connection oilon with .nt oiled return may be deemed necessary,for the pure feet from Lhe City Treasurer for the
All fuel pipingen and openings shall refrigerator, above ed at shall pity t. tubular boilers shall b:.10 foot
in such pose of examining and determiningag the fee hereinafter1nsi rebutted. Said license POWer antl ht�Ling equipment or larger apt for gas eheateators. boilers sera s at theiroil normal ,- manner that one c Eoot fofor
corn- engineers.
it applicants for licenses shall be transferable to another plant 0 will by g[flded to Sour elassea ne}'me
as follows:
no burners,radiant fire heaters.In The height of such boilers shall be iv- bastion space will input
per lid Sor for engineers, hot water
and persons hay-. ornation of the renewed without hr Gas Fitter: Persons d to
case shall the pipe size be less than teased iv per inches for each 25% 36.000 k T. e i put per hour,when Mg charge of hot water boilers,steam examination it the holder thereof, of (a) engage
shall in which the maximum run (twenty-five cent)excess load above the stoker is operatina at Sts maximum boilers and appurtenances connected eking application Lo the Board re- the trade or work Of gas pipe fittong.
not exceed 20 feet,except gas r- normal rating. capacity. therewith provided herein. Examiners for such transfer orpt gas-appliance installer and gas-apy}ir.,
trimayThegrate area oftoi - ITEM 6, All persons desiring oe 3ker-g• gerators,which be connected to any return tubular ITEM 4.All stokers stalled n g per- newel,upon preseatatlon of a tarsi a
he rigid house lines by means of three- setting hall not be less than o e-six- action with water-t •e boilers shall form the duties 0Y engineer andlor lire- from the City Treasurer for the See (b)siSitoker-I[vstallO¢=: Persons �8flri
• eighths inch (03-8^) aluminum se i- Meth(1560th) f the heating surface. have minimum el:ranee from the man o1 stationary o Portable bollets hereinafter required. Said Board snail gaged in the trade wok uinstalifil
igld tubing t to exceed six feet in damper The unrestrlctetl area through the retort to the nearest.eating surface of shall Make application therefor Lo first satisfy itself that the applicant Sng, repairing servicing torCyi;
' length. All pipes for the purpose of Pei on any horizontal return tube- not less than six Se- and.the hod- the Board of Examiners and shall pre- y0r such transfer has the requisite
c 1 stokers and!or apputtenencea'6 '
supplying i agas t0 cur I heating plaOIL (ar Gwen t1eflve al]not be less'"than 2.5';f ntal dimension fro. the outer edge sent therewith receipt from the City ability and experience necessary to lathed thereto. .,
L ra minimum size of and Y- per cent) -excess f the of the tort to the nearest yertical Treasurer for to fee after lent to which e r such (c) Warm-Ali FurnaceeFitter: b,* •
�one-quarter Il?a") Inches. ombined internal cross-sectional are wall shall not be less�Iran twelve ti21 pro- operate the P ins tgaged 1n the tradeOr woWk,
.S lbl To d:termtne the size of fuel line of the tubes. a inches. All stOlters 1n fled In connate vOs II For. The Board of Examiners transfer 11 license. The fee for such s �:
t supply fndustfial,commercial a d all ITEM 2. RETURN TUBULAR SOIL- lion led water-tub:boilers Snell be shall h the power p examine Into license shall be$2.ri00s(two ewlnl Os 1.and nata111IIg, elte000 pafring atiu-
heavy duly equipment, the C that
BRO. All return tubular boilers shalt Installed In such :r that one the llr005catand of applicants,to is- the transfer ore u 1 2. 1 f such th furnaces drat' heating systems ••
prop shall be consulted In order that ibes sec strutted that mechanical fir- cubic rofo o bus on space} pro- s e licenses and for cause after due beense, two dollars ($Tres and shall and'or appurtenances c o n n e c t ed!�
to proper service may result. Mg qulprnent may be installed with Per Incfor each 36,01'�cs.r T. U.oInputperated
notice and hearing toea suspend o e- paid to the City Treasurer, who thereto. •nfy
P All gas pipingoa shall be graded is to l minimum clearance Of sixteen and
per hour when the st' s are oper led coke the s .Appeal may be had toshall issue a receipt ter shall
(el) Steam Fitters: Persons engag
the meter and t be free Yzom traps aches between burners orretort and at maximum so the Boards of Commissioners of Salt ITEM 14. This chapter shall not In the trade or work of installing stem
.p and sags. and shall be properlyedwith sup- te eat vertical wall, and pro- ITEM 5. Where t. ors are Installed Lake City. Every application for II- ply to any Operator to boilers or us the boilers,steam piping and steam tatli6?4
p• F ported and securely fastened pipetided evil th furnace volumeof t in connection with Si'-box and tubular tense must be made o0 blanks fur- coming tinder the Jurisdiction 1 the tton,and all hot-water boilers,piping,
hangers,hooks,orstrops. NO drip re- less than thirty-.six thousand (36.0001 return Slue boilers re. icing- ninety(90) niched by the Smoke Control Division. Interstate C 0 m m e r c e Commission.
radiation and appurtenances thereto.l
toc nptacle will be llowed mid-point In B T.U.,per cubic foot per hour,when pminlrt or less 0f .:1 per hour the. ITEM 7. (a) An applicant for a Neither shall this chapter apply to the (e.) A Person making application foist
y house gas ]Inc without approval the.boiler 15 operated a its maximum Inlmum clearance .:tween the retort first class engineer's lleense must be an attentlants o1 hot w or steam boll- a Journeyman's License shall state that
before such drip receptacle 15 Installed. gating. anal the town she✓� Or tale nearest engineer, oiler or fireman Navin at a used for heatingwater
dwellings. Particula[ branch o1 work he la der.:
(d)All burrs]�tt on the molds gas ITEM 3.INTERNALLY FIRED BOIL- overhead heating suz a shall be thirty least four years' actual operating e- or to other steam PthOt water boil- s c Of securing a lleense for. A msel
w 0 piping by the cuttmad Out. toolshall 11 ERS. All internallyfired Scotch Ma- (301 Inches and the Monte'distance "penance In the management, contral a where,the rating is less than ten a nridesseotl to became l Jl005 0 t0an
'-all cases reamed t. Threads shah bneequi type bolters hall between the outer :_ of the retort of orOperation of steam hollers oe (101 horsepower,and the working prey- antl pass uereo the qualifications theons neces=°
11 be cut smooth and unbroken. Pipe Pisted with full extension shall
and the nearest err al water leg 0 steam Plants. An applicant for re does not exceed fifteen pounds, s ry to su essfully Pass Lhe e a inn-%
46 thread compound Ian approved type aces „Such furnaces shall provide the heating surface sshiail Y:0 not less than and class engineer's license must have sure
15(a). It shall be the duty of Lion may receive certificate or m/ttlaOg:.
g shalt rg Placed on all male threads only. furnace volume,0 not less than thirty-e four (4) Inches > he angular soeO
oo'Ldtharge.shellac. any hard cement six thousand Ghana)boilerB.T. operated per cubit tame from the outer tlge of the retort t least three years of sold axsr once, tuerepo[<etoe d hee chief eengfneerfi fireman Etiehfour scl8sslficon to stloons hereinafter rm any or l eat
0"on pipe joints will not be r 000 erb foot per hour when is at Ot the bottom row • tubes shall be apAn s000's ant fora must has r boll east i forth.
(lo fuNornace
range line shall be distance great- Its maximum rating,said extension fur- not less than twenty tics (25) Inches, Operator's license have at least S Y a Control DSoy st nay defect.o 1, Journeymen who have received
OE to furnace fuel line at a great- none shall be so constructed that me- Where stokers are 1. ailed in tubular o r of said experience. an a holler,m any steam hotter,Trota1
vo er than Stop-cocks
18)Inches from the hanical ed.firingi equipment an y Don With fire-boxapp Water boiler, stack, stoker, their appointment and re qualified to
1.( smear c reatlil ;i pe, and (b) Said Applicant must state the s ken, burners. �
• Ye meter, Stop-cocks shall not be Placed be snstalled,with a minimum clearance return flue boilers e a beading c- extent of his experience; be at least furnace, smoke Preventing device, or meet the requirements of the oidlnante 1
ltl 01 any gas line except the ppliance Ida oT sixteen od ches between burners coy m e sa of •sty(90)pounds twenty years OS age;o tar o1 Lem- appurtenances belonging 010thereto, any %s gas-flttet hall be licensed Lo per-
t the rheo 0within twenty-Your retort and the nearest vertical wall of coal Per hour.retort
t vertical distance parole habits and good character rail tire Impel coming under his rare and farm such work on gas appltantea and
(24)Inches f the appliance, rovided, The v stricted arcs through the between the :rid the nearestof which must be vouched for in writ- any impeded condition that prevents Pi➢lag ly. '
n n b L least tel C1tlzens of Salt 2, Journeymen who have received However,that/n the aaa t manifold damper shall not be less than twenty- vet-head heating �.rface t g y the giant from operating without vie- their appointment and a qualified
installations,1 a, stop-Locks shell be in- rove per c nt al�) in s excess I the heat shall be insealst three(3)Inches Lake It Sating Salt Lake Clt make o[di- to meet the requirements of this oedl-
tolled f each separateh fuel line within Combined internal Doss-sectional area for each 0001tper twenty-five eel- (c) If said applicant's qualllfica- aante.
twenty-four (24) inches i the meter. of the tubes. pounds Of coal per h.r and the hors- dons are found to meet with the re- b The chic[engineer of the smoke n e s stoker-Installers shall be Il-
All stop-cocks hall be of a approved The grate area of any extension fur- a sv mrst'Se inobottom the retort r and qulrements of this chapter and the control division sriallPelr toe the as- nsed ago in tall, service o repair
type. Oats valves or globe v elves will naveof any Scotch or Continental type then eat•vertical ater leg or heat- n onw e me-am
ccal coal stokersonly.
"� n t be permitted. boiler hall n t be less than e-ix- Sng serrate shall be ncr as d one (l) rules and xegUlf Exa prescribed by them to ating any operator,o r3. Journeymen who have tr calved
4 y (f) Concealed gas piping shall not tleth (1-60) 01 the heating surface of Inch for each add).oriel twenty-five the said Board of Examiners,made ill gent o➢crating any power,heating d theirappointment and a 1 t d to
y-y have any Openings except such openings the boiler L0 which-1 is red. (25)pounds of coal Ie[hour,and the Pursuance thereof,sold applicant shall hot water plant in Salt Lake City{Dyad sore qua a ie
ire that a neared ' or to apply ITEM 4. FIREBOX TYPE BOILERS. angular distance from the outer edge hen gbel examined as to his fitness as be a persistent voolafn[o[theSalt meet the requirements perform
of this n On
plugged open- All firebox type0 boilers requiring ninety 0t the retort to the bo�t t r 1 a engineer as foremen of a stationary Lake City smoke ordinance, to part, furnace-fitters S shall
5�0 Ingein ao the be e00as line, the slue pounds r less i l per Hour tubes shall.be not less than Lhlrtyw(30) or portable steam bolls[Or hot water alter,change o rehabilitate any plant beplicensetl to perform such work o
E z-forting shall 50a posed. Concealedshall set with a minimum distance Inches. pouter'n one of the classes hereinafter that dues not meet the Salt Lake City warm-al[furnaces and ducts, and all
0'£',vnio or dresses type couplings 'll from the floor lining to the nearest SEC.1629. STOKERS INSTAI.I.ED IN Provided for. code governing such installations. apPurtenances thereto.
0'£ of be permitted i051de of any build- overhead heating surface of .2 inches. CONNEC'P?ON WIT CAST IRON BOIL- 4. Journeymen who have received
log. Such setting shall be i arranged that RES. ITEM i All stokers installed Or a to manes The
shall engineer
Sfol- ARTICLE 8. their
the cement and I qualified to S'£5 (g)NO long screws,left hand threads, mechanical firing equipment may be connection with r ptl,s rat race lows: POWER AND HEATING EQUIPMENT the qulrements f this tli-
0 8£bushings,street finings or cast iron fit- readily Installed d maintain a mini- tangular cast iron, tonal and all vet- First Class Engineer's Examine- JOURNEYMEN LICENSE. nonce as steam-fitter shall be licensed •
6'xfr tinge shall be permitted in any gas mum clearance Of 4(four)inches from Geal type and rz mCellaneous bailers, loon 55.00 to performO such work as Installing,re
. 8't£;line, In o a shall any defective the outer edge of the retort to the near- requiring ten 1101 pounds of coal per Second Class Engineer's Examine- SEC. 1fio ITEM 1. This article pairing, lterlOm rid changing or erv-
L'£'bJ fittings, threads¢ pipe be repaired st vertical Ater legal or heating s - hour and hot nv fiery g901 pounds hall be known as the Power and Heat- icing steam, andlor hot-water boilers,
i•fib;by ca Iking,a peening the use of face, and i clearance from of al Per hour all he Installed in Firemaa's Examination,high 6.00 ing Equipment Journeymen Llcensmg heaters, piping radiation, and e ppur-
lamps or cement. All defective pipe, the retort to the he sheet Or the such s Manner tthhaat the minimum g Ptes- ordinance. Power and Heating Equip- to thereto.
porn,fittings Or thread joints shall be - nearest over-head heating surface of clearance'between the retort and the sure 3.q0 meat Journeymen spell Include per- (fits 10 fen for examination for 11-n pImoved and replaced with new materials. thirty 13se 'aches. er sheet re Ulm nearest overhead Ffsuer s Examination, low pees- o having se ved theirapprentice-
_whoare ce sin any a of the above lasses
id concealed risers shall be in.be Such setting when mechanical lire heating surface shall be sthirty from
sure 3A0 ship and those persons are en-
be$5.00(five dollars)and i[the
g:side walls o where they will notbe equipment Is installed shall Provide a inches and the horizontal distance Srom Annual examination and renewal aged In Installing boilers, Surnacs, applicant is desirous of taking the see
posed to excess 1 v e temperature furnace volume of t less than one'the'outer edge of the retort to the of any license granted 2,00 water-heaters. team piping,hot water 1 sxeo on for any of the Other three
changes. cubic foot for each 36,000 B.T.U.in- nearest vertical ry Oei•leg or wall shall All fees shall be paid t0 the Ci piping, gas piping, gas burners, Oil classes, the fee Eor h Itionan
` (h) Where underground appliance
gas piping put petrnhour,wh boiler is operating be net less than Sour(41'inches end Treasurer,a -who shall issue a receipte burners and all fuel burningu equiOT shall be two dollars($2.00)addltJoue-
/9.Is installed on the appliance side Of the at its axomum capacity. For nrebox the combustion spate shall be one cable to h person upon payment Of the meat and those who a gaged To each applicant for a Jour-
VQ eter,all such piping shall be laid not type boilers requiring more than ninety Toot.{or each three pounds.of coal fired required fee, employed by a duly licensed contracts y who successlull t',k
less than eighteen (I8) inches under- (90)pounds of coal per hour,the - Per hour,when the stoker 1s aptrating (e) To each applicant for engineer's prq hired b anyone installing such pamet 's examination e i r,
�� go round and shall be free from traps tfcal distance from the floor line to the at u e pacify. or Iireman's examination who s cress- equipment by
their own personal us passes pthe required examination, the p,'1
sags d property graded to as c- a rest Overhead heating rface shall mot 2, When 3Wkers are Installed ully passed the required examination, ITEM 2, Examining Board Created. Board of isoumisllcense sioners certificate of Salt Lake '•,,,"t';
�,cessible and
here n approved be increasedthree (3) lies for each In o n anon with t u d, square the City may issue a license certificate There is hereby created in the.Smoke y may v a:<
the drip hall be provided. Such drip additional twenty-five (25) pounds of rectangular Cast tips sectional d MI of the proper grade. the proper classification.Ce y,s.J
piece of lea'pipe not coal relit 0 per hour,and the distance vertical tv0e d miscellaneous bettersControl Division a Board known the (ri) The annual renewal of any Or
less Lhan eighteen(18)ainehes to length. from he outer d of retort when to feed mo than ninety ITEM 8. If said applicant after said power and Renting Equipment Jour- ,1.;
containinga 114^b i edge'
r rt i90)mends all 01 the above lassoflcatipn for fi-
,a o P1of and stoker i stalled hall be Increased coal per hour.the'v� real clearance aminatfon give
Board o1 Examiners ¢yman Examining Board, provided s hall be$5.00 (five dollars).
a plug for the removal of con- n (1)Inch for each additional twen- between the retort ant crown Meet orfound Lo have the regmsite know)- Sag herein and under the direction of Ceneymoo 9 (a) Any duly licensed Jour- -,rt
densation. All such ndeound ty-five(2.51 pounds of l tl. wrest overhead heating turf am shell edge of power and, heating equip- the chief engineer of the Smoke Coa- n Plumber shall be exempt from
DE lines shall be wrapped or coated with ITEM .5. CAST IRON SECTIONAL. be oncreaced one(1)inch for each addle meat and experience to safely paste tool Div.... Thu Board shall be paying
a approved protective rooting and test- AND MISCELLANEOUS BOILERS. All Genet ten(101 ounds o1 coal fed per a m and minimize fire, explosnon, for the purpose of ex Hong persons for mg ring and
license µse to per- ,'44'
ed in the presence of the Inspector and d,square rectangular cast iron hour.and the minlmnr'i fprnar=re 'P1 asphyxiation hazards and smoke arse engaged in the trade or i work of in-
ever, hatng power k. HOen
approved by him before such line shall sectional and all vertical type and rills- o1 o cr ble foot for each lire- IT, son , he shall be granted a license stalling, remodeling.'altering, change e hewill be required to cake W ,e,l;4
be covered. No pipe smaller than one cellaneous boilers not previously men- pounds of coal hour maintained. for csor g xamtn ontia and qualify -Powa[
a per one year, Such license shall be lag, servicing maintaining polder a (Contipued on Following Page) IL,.}
licensed Master Plumber lf Salt Lake
City may upon application receivea T
power and heating equipment c
tractor's license without payment
the required$25.00 fee,provided,
• such applicant complies With all
other regulations of this chapter. This , - T
exemption shall not exempt the lie -Thursday Evening
nsee from any other regulatory mean-
nree provided herein.
master ter plumbers of Salt Lake j
City holding power sad heattng equfp (Continued from Preceding Page) ♦license of any power and heating,
meat contractor's license, who sell or and fleeting Equipment Journeyman In equlp+n ce, deal¢[,provided far in this
merchandise any fuel burning equip- addition to his Plumber License. ordinanoce. may be revoked by the
meat, shall be required to make ap- - (bl The See for s ch a amrovided Board f Commissioners of Salt Lake
plicameatlon for and receive upon apay-to shall be $2.00 (two dollars) provided City after notice en hearing eiola-
Meat of$5.00 per an m a license to that there will be no additional an-
sell thisty se be heard for any vlola-
aell ormerchandise n such equipment anal renewal fee. lion of this section. No refund of the
es set fortri under license required for ARTICLE 9, license fee or any part thereof shall he
Power and Heating Equipment Deal- POWER AND HEATING EQUIPMENT allowed inthe cos of revocation. No
CONTRACTOR, person hose lleense has been eked
Y 9 LICENSE SUBJECT TO SEC. 1632. ITEM 1. The hem shall be re-licensed without permission
SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION. The "Power and Heating Equipment Con- of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
license of any Power and Heating tractor"shall include tract- ake Clty. Theab revocation
Equipment Contractor,provided for in mg to install,repair, ecios p,re- shall not be bar to, Steer y
this ordinance, may be revoked by re-
move, maintain or service any power other penalty prescribed for violation
the Board of Commissioners of Salt and',or heating equipment,and!or fuel of the power and heating equipment
Lake City after notice and hearing burning device. ordinance.
anther opportunity to be heard: for ITEM 2. LICENSE REQUIRED. It ARTICLE 11,
violation of this ordinance or income shall be unlawful for any person to PENALTIES.
p It shall
engage 1n the business of contracting SEC.o1634.Any person violating any
It shall be unlawful for any Person
to Install, repair, alter, Change, re- provision of this chapter shall be
having a power and heating equl t move. service o maintain any power punished by tine in any sum not ex-
on user's license to allow his license endjor heating equipment anther'fuel „aging y29Jail nr tb cngelso than
to be used in any way for the purpose burning equipment whatsoever o ape then City o Jail not uchg01 te ns-
of procuring permit for any person pto limits
thereto within the orpor- months, n'by baths h trove and m-
other than himself, The license of to limits of Salt Lake City unless he prisonment. The Court Y in
any licensee who violates this section Is licensed so to do as herein provide posing the fine enter as part of the
shall be subject to 'evocation. ITEM 3. DUTIES OF POWER ANDd. judgment that in default of the pay- I
No refund of the license fee or any HEATING EQUIPMENT CONTRACTOR. me L o[ the Sinn the defendant map• ,
part thereof shall be allowed. All Per- It shall be the duty of each power and be Imprisoned the City Jail for t
mite outstanding-under a revoked ll- heating equipment contractor to r glee period not exceeding sox months.
• se hall become veld. No person ter with the Smoke Control Division SECTION C 2. Is the pinionecessary
whose license has been revoked shall the name,type and kind of each and
Board [Commissioners it 1s
be re-licensed without special permis- every fuel burning appliance or ape to the peace,health and safety of the
' - sloe of the Hoard of Commissioners of Stratus sold by him for s within the nnhabitants Of Salt Lake City that this
Salt Lake City. The revocation penalty corporate limits of Salt Lake City,and ordinance take effect immediately. ,
• shall not be, a bar to or affect any not installed by said contractor.In the SECTION 3. This ordinnnee shall
other penalty prescribed for violation a where the seller installs such take effect upon its first publication.
of the power and heating equipment equipment it will not be necessary to iP Passed by the Board of Commisslon-
• ordinance. register same. The installation permit Salt Lake City,Utah,this 14th
ARTICLE 10. will be s e tlsent. This registration day of May, A.D. 1941.
POWER AND HEATING EQUIPMENT shall inclutle the name,address of AB JENKINS,
DEALERS. chaser andjor user,of such equipment: Mayor.
SEC. 1633. ITEM 1. The name tame to be filled in on forms fur- E'PHEI, MACDONALD,
"Power and Heating Equipment Dealer" nlshed by the Smoke Control Division City Recorder,
shall Include all persons engaged in the of Salt Lake City. Such information ISEALN.
ding or offering shall be mailed or delivered to the BILL NO.m.
• business n selling,van PUUlished Mal'I5,1941.
for sale any power bud heating equip- office of the Smoke Control of ion
sot or t installations
egof same.
. Within seven days from thet. date of de-
Who do n2.makeL lSE REQUI of same. livery of such
shall he sh bust for any person to PROVED. It shall be unlawful oeu] fo-
I engage of theebbusiness of selling,vend- litre orm Offer o for sale any furl-burningbooat
heatingupm equipment or one fuelsl there-
or apparatus that has t of
equipment a ale[appurtenances there- been appofv by the City. Control
S sinless of 1s licensed so to do as Division of Salt Lake Cian •
1- P+'ovlded. ITEM 5. Theon Power and Ha shall
ITEM' 3. APPLICATIONS. APPp- Equipment such
Contractor's ]contra shall
cantsfor a Power and heating equip- entitle rn contractor o such contract,e
meat tleato license shall make aP- stall,alter and repair any such power,
plicationb to the Smoke Control Dill-
heating or fuel burning equipment„
Mon of Salt Lake City and YurniSh such provided,however,the actual work of
information as may be required by said installing such equipment Is a cuted
Smoke Control application the nn Chief bharde duly licensedlicened Journeyman.The
prosemen, or in
of fth contractor may act in the capacity of
Engineer the Smoke Control DWI- a,
ion shall present such Commissioners
fon to supervisor, but unless he isiduly lip-
the Boardyof when
and If appeased of Salt eattl ou a power antl]mating engage
Lake Cato and when end Mr iqui a in h actual ins helsoap not engage
license sell e any ted. burning equip- 1n the actual work
fo or under
anent may r and e. core of any work set forthuipunder ur-
Thr power and g equipment power and Heating Equipment Jour-
fee for such license shall be nevmM 6 licenseO ACTOR'S
to engagge
TION.hAny person
HEATING EQUIPMENT DEALERS.wer 1a the business of power ag,andr ah
eats g the duty of each power and phager ns o ent contracting, and al-
heating equipment dealer to Division e persons non engaged in such colon for
• the Smoke kind
of eh thery lag business shall make Salt aken for
type and kind of each and every Smoke
o tont do Divisionto the Salt Ld furnish
o City
foil by him or use a of a the con- Smoke Control as and fw'ires,
aor e limits him Sor sae ke Cit the core such in[or ay le may be appro e d
poste ee of Salt Lake Olen In the When said engineer n It.approved
• whore the seller is a licensed co by the chief nnaineer of thea Smoke
install iorO Journeyman,sucegol makes the Control Division and dmof to and
registration such equipment this sioner'etl the Board , the app11-
egtallation will not be necessary'. The It of Salty Lake City,City
This permit shall
ll sufficient• set,is pen required
ement to the City may
This registration a hail includea the ce the toq neat license fee, may'
and such
of nt, same odbe Ibe nto
the business
to continue or to ante-''
user• poi a uch equipment, same to be st l the , l o1 service
to in-
Shied in onnt forms Son of S by Lake
al alter, repair orsi any and
SmokeControl a a Salt Lakd all Power undl,or heating formed nt
to Cloy. Such informationreoth shall be mailed according such work is performed n.
to or delivered i the office of the ITEM 7.with the regulations herein.
.Smoke Control to fon within s accordance
ppl from e the ppae of delivery of such cease fee for power and heating equip-r
appliance o EQUIPMENT
anent contractors shall be 425.00 per
ITEM 5. valsal TO HF. AP- annul
PROVED. It shall be unlawful for
any dealer or person to sell, deliver
or offer for sale any fuel-burning
..equipment or apparatus that has not
been approved by the Smoke Control
Division of Salt Lake City.
The power and heating equipment
dealer's license shall entitle such dealer
to sell and deliver any fuel-burning
equipment but does not entitle said
dealer to make'any installation,altera-
tion or repair.