21 of 1943 - Amending Section 1052 relating to plumbing-changing connection requirements ROLL CALL A NA)voTiNCI Salt Lake City,Utah, h Mt 194 Nster 1 move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser - - - Matheson - - - • zracr .5—a - Mr.a - - AN ORDINANCE - - - AN OLDINANCk MENPLNC, UFCTIUN 1052 of the 1.0ised Uroinances or Halt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relaUtra, to plumbing. be it ordained by the board of (1o1usliasiooci0 el Halt Lake City, Utah: liEd 1011 a. That Section 1052 of toe hevised Ordunances of Halt i,ake City, 'Ptah, 2934, relatinL, to plumuing, be and the some is hereby auendon to read as follows: 116EC,. 1052. i .C-EnOSET. PdHhSTAL UPINAb. THAI' (ifAbi SbOP tuAnS. Connections to cast iron nipe shall be qado by means of a heavy cast brass flange securely soldered to lead pipe and bolted to the fixtures tit brass bolts; provided, however, that cast iron soil pice one flanges may be used in lieu of lead pipe and brass flanges to connect toilet (eels, pcaustal urinals and trap staneare slop sinks; and Further Provided that wnerc toilets are vruughed in for future use" a hub sealed votth a cast iron plug must tu,tenu through the finished floor. A heavy cast brass or iron flange shall be used in. connection ulth ocred pipe. Pure linseed oil catty or other approved material fflust be used to assure a watertight joint betien flange ape fixture.li SECTION 2. In the opinion of the roarn of Coltmrissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and sarety of the Johan/(ants of Lake City that ties ordinance shall cape ciTect immediately. SPCT1ON 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first puoitcatioo. pased py tk Hoard or Ouurnissioners or halt Lake City, dtah, tnis day or 4/ rfe _ itayor. City Pocorder. , , , 40. 61 Cia . ,. k4 "•... en• ',-, ----tf., ‘,77: "CO • : , s '` '''' ' 0 !Q.‘1• •„ ;I ;;'• 1. alS , r ,,,._ '.. '''' 0 ;a • :, ,. /4 --..-4 .: . 'N , . A - , (P Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake Leo..S.--Young Legal Notice Being first sworn,deposesand that he is the ad- . duly says J. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC- vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper TlON 1052 of the Revise dt ances of 'fall T.aale City, 'Utah, 1934, relating Be it'ordained by the Aea,.d of Coin- published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State missioners of Sall Lake City,Utah: ' SECTION 1. That Section 1052 of T� the Revised 14,Ordinances of Salt Lae of Utah. City, Utah, 1939, relating to plumbing, be and the s is hereby amended to read as fo:lnws1e "9E1:. 1052. WATER-CLOSET. PED• ESTAL UKS, C. TRAP STANDARD That the advertisement SLOP SINKS, Connections to cast iron Pine shall be made by n of a had,' e means east bras flange securely soldered to lead pipe and bolted to the fixtures with'1 0rd1nance Bill No. 21. elatiDg to pluufoing brass bolts:provided,however,that cast1 iron soil pipe and flanges may be used in lieu of lead Dino and brass flanges to i a es ct toilet bowls,pedestal urinals and tap standard slop sinks:and further Provided that where toilets a • oughed ,o for future u a hub sealed with r o Eon aloe n t extend u t brass Salt-.Lak6..Gity._COrguratlQn the cost finished floor. A bused coat braes or n Hang,shall be used i dotty with theca ppro Pure linseed oil plus „ olassur approved to terial net was published in said newspaper in its issue dated, the i tictwee!) used a as i urt.Rht joint be t SEn flange and made fixture." SECTION m In ter opinion ce the toBoard of Commissioners,;t; 4 day ofJune A.1). 19...43. nbabrtandsr of health Lake City safety that P this ordinance shall take effect immediate. IYSECTION 3. This ordinance shall fake and was published once ,111 effect at oCe upon its first publication. Passed by the Beard of Commission- s f Nall Lake City.Utah.this 3d d10 Commission- ers 1. De 1943, the lastpublication thereof beingin the issue dated the J A6 JENKINSMan, or. ET OE L MaeD RecordNe AT D day of A.D. .19 f9EALl RILL NO, 21 J' /" � Published June 91h, 1993. O 2� "�L�— . Adve7ftng Clerk. (/ \ Subscribed and sworn to before me this eleventh- .day of June A. D. 19.4.3-- 1 � 1- • !. . Notary Public.., • { tr t ,-- , \ 1 - -, ( :-- 0 ----• \.' o•ra . 0 '•-_, os,, el,. .-- .‘,. . , 4- )„, ,•=J 4., , ) --., Z , i.. , <-4. 0 . _ •••• 7, ft: ,-..--= •i• .i, •..A' 0 'I-'