21 of 1958 - Vacating certain streets and alleys in and between Blocks 1 to 4, Dole's Addition in Section 9, T.1 ROLL CALL ' ' Salt Lake City,Utah, f-Ls,_.a9SQ. , 195 VOTING A e Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . Christensen . . ; Geuris . . . . Romney . . . Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE VACATING certain streets and alleys in and between Blocks 1 to 4, Dole's Addition in Section 9, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base & Meridian, all abutting property owners having petitioned for the vacation. m Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, x o Utah: m .l a-) d O ho SECTION 1: That certain streets and alleys in and between Blocks o 0 4"'1 to 4, Dole's Addition in Section 9, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, 5 40 Salt Lake Base & Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Dole's a Cr, Addition in Section 9, T1S, R1W, SLB&M; thence south 779.6 0 "� feet; thence west 8.0 feet; thence north 779.6 feet; thence .d east 8.0 feet to the point of beginning. 4. Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 60, Block 2, Dole's 4.) Addition in Section 9, T1S, R1W, SLB&M; thence south 779.6 c, a feet; thence west 66.0 feet; thence north 779.6 feet; thence v<4east 66.0 feet to the point of begintng. Begining at the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Dole's Addition in Section 9, T1S, R1W, ST.B&M; thence south 779.6 feet; thence west 16.0 feet; thence north 779.6 feet; thence east 16.0 feet to the point of beginning. Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 60, Block 3, Dole's Addition in Section 9, T1S, R1W, SLB&M; thence south 779.6 feet; thence west 66.0 feet; thence north 779.6 feet; thence C east 66.0 feet to the point of beginning. Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 3, Dole's Addition in Section 9, T1S, R1W, SLB&M; thence south 779.6 feet; thence west 16.0 feet; thence north 779.6 feet; thence east 16.0 feet to the point of beginning. Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 17, Block 4, Dole's Addition in Section 9, T1S, R1W, SLB&M; thence south 779.6 feet; thence west 66.0 feet; thence north 779.6 feet; thence east 66.0 feet to the point of beginning. Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 4,Dole's Addition in Section 9, T1S, R1W, SLB&M; thence south 220.8 feet; thence west 16.0 feet; thence north 220.8 feet; thence east 16.0 feet to the point of beginning. -1- be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as streets, avenues, alleys or pedestrian ways. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property; and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Paseed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 8th day of April, 1958. TEMPORARY CHA'� N,�,�n� ( S A L ) BILL NO. 21 of 1958 Published April 11th, 1958 STATE OF UTAH, ,-ss. City and County of Salt Lake, I Bessie N. Judges.,_ Deputy ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance vacating certain streets and alleys in and between Blocks 1 to 4, Dole's Addition in Section 9, Township 1,South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, all abutting property._,gwneFS...having_..petitioned for the vacation" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, April 8th, 1458 194 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 16th day of April, 1958 xl9 (SEAL) BILL NO.-'21 of 1958-) � d..1 A_ � Depu' ' ity Recorder J` - I?u[i stie April 11, 1958 prypx rnl, -ac Request of. SALT--'liti E--aZi- i APR,.16..195E1. pp .g at3q 'Fee paid$1. re,Tat,-Jar!Chasehr^.ecorder Salt Lake County,Utab, 1..58 714,,,- <..rt5ep.Ref.._._/'.....?:k_...--5'`. .. .g ..1 AN ORDINANCE k z y— 4/V— a./ AN ORDINANCE VACATING lain s4'eets tl Revs in d , t / p between BS c Section t0 4,Dole a Ad- TT 7"Ts�" Q South i Section West. Salt iD a ✓/ South. Range 1 an, Salt Lake 1/— _- 1 Baseand Meridian. all abutting �� /�. eooK149 4 Base owners having Ptitioned E21 "'Belt er thevt etten. e� m R oners o by the Be ra t 7y/,.eQ. �ytse. Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: and ECTION 1:alleys in and between Blocks Ito ,Dole's Addition i Section �/ West Salt slake Baleha ndalx rig l YV ian.follows re particularly described as Beginning t the n rthwest of Lot 1,.Block 1,Doles Addition in Section 9,uth 770 0 SLB&he hee uth 778.E feet;thence west 8.0 feet;thence {nnorth 7the feet;thence east.8.0 .�" '' ' fe 1'Beginning point f beinning. r Beginning at the northwest of Lot ti Block Dole's ^fr 4 t SLH&iM;thence isouth 779.6 feet; J• '."'. the c 770.8 fee[0.0lt�feet:e thence 66. ,'t,f�"i 'feet to the point of beginning. 1 �.,.� �' Beginning at the northwest {(rr, Addition in BeottOe Block TIn,Dole's .SLH&M;thence south 77B 6 feet, 11.Lt'._ '' '"•thence ot770.0 feet;hence eat thence6. • I., feet to the point of beginning. t1 Beginning at the northwest/.,0 of Lot 60,Block 2.Dole's ��IJ'i' corner in Section 9.T15,R1W ` SLB&M, thence south 779.6 thence thence 770.0 feet;thence east 66.0 Meet to the point of • bestnnine. Rnofi nLet'1,Bheckn3r tDowsAddition in Section 9.T1S.RIW, rl thence SLB&M;thence 6.south feet79 thence o th 779.westfeet:thence east 16.0 f n i feet to the point of beginning. Beginning et the northwest r of Lot 17,Block 4.Dole's Addition In Sectlon 9,T10 ,Rl W, ij 'SILH eM:tht 66.0ufeet; thence north 779.6 feet; thence east 0.0 feet to the point of begin- ! nl Beginning at the northwest of Lot 1,Block 4.Dole's Addition In Section 9.TIS,R1 W, ' '; 'LB&M:thence south 220.6 f et; ' feet to the seeint t of beginning. be and the s e hereby va- cated and declared no longer to be Public city for use as streets, alleys o Pcdrntrian subject vacation is madeexpressly subie t to all existing righ e tiland a cots of all public itfes of a to ntl every under now located in,on,under r r the confines of the above over p perty; and also sub- ject to the rights of entry thereon (maintaining r rrepairing,i re➢lacing. removing. altering rerouting sai utilities and all of tm. SECTION 2. In the opinion of . the Board of Commissioners It Is n essary to the p heaItisand I L keyCite that th sa ocdlnance shaft become effective immediately. take effect 6.on Its affirst publica- tion. n on Passed f Saht BLaked of Cite,o Utah. this 6ih day of Apeil,1n5B. Tempp.Chairman HERMAN Ifeco0deiNSEN EALL N) • BSILO 21 of 1956 Published April it,1956 fA-201 v Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D i°I O c key ' AN ORIIINANr'F: . AN ORDINANCE VACATING 4 I� duly /r 7 T ) r d,fain B9 tk-ntdt to 4Tb Dore',Atlll Being first duly swcm., deposes and says' tltot he is legal aduertisint) s th, H C. 1 W t s It I I B.,. sod M .:d. all'Outline (lull: of the DE'SERET rNll'.AA'.� ANT) SALT LAKE Tl',Lh rt hnv to ed for 'IC r oe It pyIa a. f GRAM, a (t Y^ep Sunday) newspaper printed the Eng- lish lanjuage with general (*ciliation in I anti published inulG ON 1_ n ' cwt.., t nd I. Salt I of eC Salt Labe Carnt', the State of T tah, ,,„, S.�II I ,., ihfnn lt4 OS - v t ul:vls tl pc� + f ` That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Aomu L} t:'a"Is nlwi7 Salt Take City Bill No 21 of 1958 t111M tl tl 7}U.B., f I: h e(8 0 feet:tl. north 779.6 feePuht:of J 10.fl aT 1ot An Ordinance vacating certain streets and Addif Ilt (133S Rol W"I;thOteett _ w°i tt thence oo alleys in and between Blocks 2 to 4 Dole t s feet t}the noll,t e Nlnn ny�O BCelnt,lnu .t lhr Z.tin% AdctcUC0 I Ser�ii DhA,rl.S,tlttl! sLBAM:thence:;0ttut(}9,r,.,-t .. Addition. thd•nm r cl (Ott rccb thence • feet It}Itt 6 pnl1 t tlir.iheelc,innw•fi.0 ta,, of tit Bole,, AtlrlitinIL Scar II19ci IS,W � SIP,&M lh f� 1 '1�9.6, here dtr April all, 1958 ° [°t'I tuns puhli,siierl in said newspaper on___. tier lain got}It,tihwel<nortDpeles Adtltiltlnn't Sft0tDc.0. , tW, SLB&M;then,..nnlh 770.0[cot; ao.7ce oa u,.n meu h i '}isnr tf„ Ie.o1 Ih p u it t earner A tchtl f l i t} t{1 ftectiott 9 IT I Di iV`, SLET thonec houth796 feet I thence tlfi 0 f.t R II to t f b I tr e'Legal Adne rtising Clerl ti ct SLRO' rLSc1.littekll,�OltltV, sl,B x_M;Ih`ncc Soul'.,;; 8Ic;r.• thence `00 feet, tlt^ace mirth 2708t to h,:nc,root10.0 [ t[ tl t f 1 publis otor he-Lott tio ,f r e f subjectto 1 14th day of ul tt�':re's this�,� �to before me I t 58 Aver thu confincsr u rip i and -1- is the t Llzf n[, e A.D. 19 totAno the c u of oxt u%, 1 soldst r�n t ABihties and al:or Oh, th e I r< Lake Cti ttl Iptl Ill; 1 II( I -II .///7t' ( M lI N tNe II 1 l } I elm „ ,.. l hi 1 -- Notary Public t 0Pa8,Cd hr the Bohm'of COI,oth,• titi er, r,,,tt AnIii tN ay, Di:�h,• I,. C [OMVIY BF;I:MAN C_I(t1LI E:�s11'N itt.in BILLNO 1.8 Published Ant11[l 11.1968 (A-101 -.f