21 of 1975 - amending section 51-21-2(1) permitting the sale of cut flowers in a Business 'B-3' District. ROLL CALL (
Salt Lake City,Utah, February 27 19
/ 75
/ y VOTING Aye Nay >
Mr.Chairman (/ (i(1,4)
I move that the Or,inance be pass-..
Greener / 41110
Hogensen iG/l ,C/4111/ e-lA�j,�
/ /
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Subsection 1 of Section 51-21-2, Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to special pro-
visions in a business "B-3" district.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Cite,
SECTION 1. That Subsection 1 of Section 51-21-2, Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965,' relating to special provisions in a business
"B-3" district, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:`.
" (1) All business (including all merchandise displays) ,
is to be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed build-
ing except:
(a) Vending machines that are set back of
the front building line; and
(b) Seasonal sales of cut flowers, which sales
shall be allowed provided that no sales,
merchandise, or advertising may be placed
or conducted within the front yard setback
areas of the district and provided, further,
that no sales, merchandise displays or ad-
vertising is permitted in any required off-
street parking areas."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare
of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become
effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, ah
this 27th day of February, 1975.
Y/' e- ANT
BILL NO. 21 of 1975
Published - March 4, 1975
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
-__-- Sharon Payne_
+ AN oof ecHoCC n DING i OCR.
a.ees a sun lake City.relation.
e As
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mclalamylsbnsin Maeuslresc Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
:x��al .a.
hon ordained by the Boma of Comm,. rising clerk of the DESEREI`:YEWS,a daily (except Sunday)
zi r5 of Sall la,Cilr,Utah.
"SECTION I. That Subsection 1 a newspaper printed in the E. %�.11 language with general cir-
.'SLcrloa s1.2L2•Revised ordinance;of 1
Sod Lake cdy.Utah,lAS•irelallim to cu.lation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt lake
,dos in a hush,:.,B-3, 1 y
hl�^e1Pha, d IM samenbv County, in the State of Utah.
amended to read as follows
(11 All busizs(Including all top
Makin,dlrolay,l o be c ucted
why with, a cormieletyecl,sco That the legal notice_ of which a copy is attached hereto
la)Vanalho machines that Am,'back
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of dad Eo110hdlilw:and Published an ordinance relatings
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provisions in a business 11B-3" district
of the DOOM and nrowaa,torn.or, Mal m toles, merchaMi-P
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SECTION 2.h+l:euhinion of do Bayed - --�--- - �---- ---- -
a eemmlzsl:x.rr•_ umb.
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welfare of the iMabliah al Salt Lake
Id (his drdlrlance M<nm�ullech.
SECTION 1.Tto:ordllwae shall lake
ofttiet r+ob Its BoardflUti ofeo n.
PM mmimionms
of February,
,1 IClty.Ufeh,ihls 11ih day of
fetruarY,t915. '
JENNINGS newspaper PH JR. waspublished in said on March 4, 1975
m,eail m ryChairen
Clly Recorder
BILL NO.21 a119n -- ---- — —
Published—Mar H14,198 IC.281
Legal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of
March _---.._-- A.D. l9 75
?Notary Public
My Com.tnission.Expires
February 13, 1978