210 of 1914 - Amending Sections 10 and 11 'Smoke Inspections' ROLL CALL VOTING Yes No. " -- Salt Lake City,Utah November 25 1914 Lawrence Morris I move that the ordinance be passed. V fi Shearman (I/UVV�� Wells Mr.Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AIIIENDING SECTIONS 10 and 11 ON AN ORDINANCE PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COPMITMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, FEBRUARY 4, 1914, ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR SMOKE INSPECTION IN SAIIf LAKE CITY." BE IT ORDAINET by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 10 and 11 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, 2ebruary 4, 1914, entitled "An Ordinance Providing for Smoke Inspection in Salt Lake City", be, and each of said sections are hereby amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 10. The emission of dense be smoke or cinders within the city from the spoke stack of any locomotive, steam roller, steam derrick, steam pile driver, tar kettle,or other similar machine or contrivance, or from the smoke stack or chimney of any building or premises except in private residences, for a longer period than six minutes in any one hour during which the fire box is being cleaned out, flues blown or new fire being built therein, is hereby declared to be a nuisance. Any person or persons,o: corporation or corporations, association or company causing or permitting such nuisance, and who shall fail or refuse to co-operate with the smoke inspector in endeavoring to prevent the emission of said dense smoke, 2_1_0 shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance, and upon a conviction thereof shall be fined not less than One Dollar nor more than Ten Dollars for each offense; and each day of such emission of smoke shall constitute a separate offense. For the purpose of grading the density of smoke the Ringelmann Smoke Chart as published and used by the United States Bureau of Mines, shall be the standard of comparison. Smoke shall be considered dense when it is of greater density than No. 2 of said chart. Sec. 11. The fees for inspection of plans and issuing of permits and for the inspection of plants and issuing of certi- ficates, shall be as follows: For inspecting plans of new plants and plants about to be constructed, 1y2.00 For inspecting plans for repairs and alterations, 1.00 For examining a plant after its erection or re- construction and before its operation and maintenance, 3.00 • Provided that no fees shall be charged or collected for examining the plant after it has been repaired or altered where the cost of the repair or alteration shall be less than One Hundred Dollars. The fee paid for the inspection or examination shall in- clude the iseuine of a permit or certificate, in case such per- mit or certificate is granted. he smoke inspector may, and he is hereby directed and in- structed to remit all inspection or examination fees charged, or that hereafter may be charged against any and all charitable, religious, and educational institutions when the furnaces or other devices inspected are located in or upon premises used and occupied exclusively by such charitable,religious, or educational institutions; provided, that such charitable, relig- ious, or educational institution is not conducted or carried on -2- for private gain or profit; and provided further, that the smoke inspector may require every application for remission of such fees to be verified by the affidavit of one or more tax- payers of the city. SECTION 2. This ordinance shalltak. ef/ect on 'ts)first publication. ; Passed by the Board of Commissioners of halt Lake City, Utah, D'�e+�lber 2nd, . 1914. C, ILA Atwor. C ty Record r. —3— • ,.: :, 't-e I-);,_<,", , i i,:j i", 0. :1;;•7' 1 6 e I 1. 4111 ._ .... -_�