215 of 1909 - Ordinance 215 of 1909 – Sidewalk Extension No. 126, Seventh Partial Estimate. 1
f. I
A L 0 B :: _ , A B C E .
An ordinance eonieaine the cssees!Jent upon the property herein-
after described on all streets uithn the district lying: between the
center line of Third South Street and the center line of ninth South
Street, and the west line of Third West Street and the Jordon River;
and between the south side of Second South Street and the center line
of Third South Street, and the west side of :inth Weet Street and the
Jordan River; also on both sides of Jefferson Street frog: Ninth South
Street to Mead Avenue, in sidewalk Districts Noe. 5, 15, 20, 21, 31,
40 and 41, for the construction of cement sidewol.ks.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Luke City, Utah:
1 SECTIOB 1. Thet the assessment list made by the City Treasurer
as corrected, approved and completed by the Boeed of Equalization and
Review, heretofore duly ceeointed by the City Goenoil 7ur beet pur-
pose, of the property in Lots 11 to 29, inclusive, Block 3; 1, end 8
to 24, inclusive, Block 1; 1, and 12 to 47, inclusive, Block 2, 4raeb'r
i. 0. Addition, Block 42; 2, ., and 4, Block 32; Block 31; 17 and 23,
Block 3; 1 and 38, 77310ck 2, Butte Subdivision, Block 17; 1 and 9, Blolk
4; 5 to 22, inclusive, Block 1, Seventh South Subdivision, Block 9; 1
and 2, and 19 to 25, inclusive, Block 2; 2, Bloch 3, Seventh South
Subdivision, Block 8; 1, end 18 to 02, inclusive, Block 1, iolsey &
Gillespie Subdivision, Block 41; 1, Block 6; 2 and 3, Bloch 7, City
i'ark Subdivision, Block 29; 22, Bled 5; 4, Block 4: 1, Block 3, City
Bark Subdivision, Block 20; 1, end 13 to 19, icvlaeive, Block 1, J. H.
u'Jh=,,lon' ' Addition Blo k 8, Piet "C"; 1, u 6, Block 7 alet
":� bvi n en both sides of Third South Str, .t between Tenth 'pest
Street and the Jordan River; on both sides of _,;,th 'Sent St a ut be-
tween Thir; South Street and the turd,ii Riven, and tet.ke-_e Seventh
South Street asd the Jordna River; on the ._.... side u7 aeJ nth South
Street beteeen cut>h_en c.nd Teeth ,i,'..t etre;IS; Si_ the eeeth ,i.is of
Seventh Souti. street bet:ec , __:vth Wee,t Street ond the Jnid r. Fiver;
on the south sides of 2iehth South Street be ecen Second Viest and
Third 'pee J Streets; od Lh , -110-1*VA Side ,?t: i.inth Coshh Street, .;dt
21 5 1
Second WeGt nnd Thi: Jet Streets on hut '. o Rlovonth lest
Street between econd .)unth Stcout 2 he usdt.n River; on both sid s
of Glendale street betdueo Susth Jtroet nod the Jord,n Slyer;
on :;he south side of i'ior.pont venoe Oetr,een jIL :lest and Tentn
Streets; on the north side of Fifth South Street between Goshen Stre t
aiid the Jordan diver; on,the south side of Fifth South Street Oetwee
Bgthwell Street rid the Jorden River; on the coot ulde of Bothell
Street between Fifth ,,;oUth Street and the Juraon diver on the oast
side of Goshen Street between the Jordon River ,od Iof ,emie; on
the vvet side of Goshen Street hetoeen the Jord.:..n die ard Seventh
South Street; on both uidos. ol Sixth South Stunt bet';-ecn Titth Viest
'6:trpot and the Jordan uod on Soth siLo 3f diath duet Street
between Seventh South anC Lif/lIth South St:eets, in Sidewalk District
Nos, 5, 15, 20, 21, 31, 40 and 41, of ;Sit nRe Cit , Lee 'Coe .durpos.
of constructint, cement sidewalks upon srid portions of 2,,la streets,
is hereby confirmed, and the asuessmef.ts onde sod retuind in said
completed listeer o confirmed.
6SGTION 2. Till: ordinnee shall t...he effeeL 1.14.)0D
ExtooL,ion So. 122.
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