218 of 1909 - Ordinance 218 of 1909 – Paving Extension No. 54, Third Partial Estimate. l'•"! ' . AN 01DIInAlf: GE . An ordinance levyine a tax end or the aosesHaicet of ,Jro,party on • Went Temple Street between Fifth South and Binth South Streets, and I Ion Fifth South Strout between Main and First Fest Streets, in Saving IDistrict So. 28, for the pus,?ose of 2rov1diiv for the era din ., gutter • 11-h2 o,-, ouraiae, aXIS pay-int thereof. Be it ordul:st:d sy the City Cornell of Cult She City, Utah: :i..L' I;.).Li 1. That the City Ouuncil docs hereby levy the tux and provide for the asse,o.s....et of the same upon the property hereinafter described in .5agine District Do. 28, for the purcse of providinelfor the eroding, eatterine and curbing, aoa pav17, of a yortion of said district, te-wit, In Lots i and 8, Block 14; 1, and 22 to 40, inolosive, Block 1, Walker's Subdivision, Block 5; and. 1 ana '2, Block 41, all in list "A". abutting on the west side of West Temple Street between Seventh South and 'Ninth South Streets; and on the north side of Fiftq Jooth Street • between -dent Temple and First West Streets. This tax is levied to defray the expense of gradin):;, guttering and ourbine with cc:Lent, saul iJ:-via- with asphalt (said asphalt pave- , . I rent to be ei7hty (80) feet wide between curbs, ae nine sill 1/2 (9-1'2) inches thick, West Tele Stccet 3c-t:•.ccn Fifth Sodth and Seventh Souti Streets; and seveaty-to (72) feet wile and nine and. 1/2 (9-1/2) ineh:s I thick on said West Tetaplo Street M.etween Seveatda South eat :I:loth Sout IStreets, oad on fifth Seath Street bet-:een :Ia.in and Jest Temple Stree sj land sixty (60) Sent wide and nine and 1/2 ( -1/2) L!lcdrcs nick on Fifth South street oetwoen West Tomplc and Firot West Streets), the liJortiono of said. streets oy2osito te pro,ierty nerainbefore L.,na here- I linaiter described to Le espeoiclly affected and benefited. by said Iprovenent, and it is hereby aajudeed, detor!.ined 9,11(3 estal,71hal that ail procrty All be esyeci.C1.1y benft,o1 thereby to tho full ax,ount 1 of the tax hereby lerded, ana unit porcele of laud ore 'leehy Swissse• I I at an in.i.-al ant and.row.; c,to in alc;or('-mi.3 with the linaa foot front age upon said portions of said streets frertinE,• upon ana to L.. dep't, ' 218 I 1 i } I 1 of twenty-five (25) feet back therefrom, aaa the tax hereby levied an. Ito be assessed upon ,zid pr reels of lend is seventeen thousrn1d seven f 'hundred seventy-_'our end 86/100 (417,774.86) delft rs; •twelve thousand six hundred fifty-five and 44/1C0( 12,655.44) dollars, or nine and 1587455/1,000,000 (49.587455) doliers per front or linece foot of abut ting property for roadway 72 feet vide, there beir 17)20 feet of abut I ting property c:ithin the bounds ins of the lots, cloche end street (above mentioned in said district; end five thousand one hundred nine- (teen and 42/100 (45,119.42) dollars, or seven and 75669/100,0TO (: 7.75669) dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for roadway 60 feet wide, there being 660 feet of abetting property withim the boundaries of the lots, blockib and street above mentioned in said district, which is the total cost an9 cost per front foot of acid 1pcvement according, to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and makingmakin6, skid improvement, with 2. J. heron, dated the 16th day of August, 1909, and the Treeeurer is hereby authorized and (directed to assess in accordance with the provi: iona of this ordinanc- I for the purpose herein seantiar,ed: 1 I Seventy-taro Foot Roadway. The east side of Lots 1 wed 8, nlock 14; the east aide of Lots i1 wed. 22 to 40, iuekx ice, Block 1, 7c1ker'c Subdivision, Block 5, 1 flat "A". Sixty Foot iioadway. I The south side of Lots 1 and 2, Block 41, flat "1", Sclt Lake Lake City Survey, as the scale are shown uy,on the official N1e tc of 1 s^.id city to a depth of iweety-five (25, y'n^t ti;acltiPros2 .,,,id streets, and to collect said tax. SEST1JT 2. S id. ts. shall 4;eco.i:e and be d:1inq-:;en. in on equal insteliisonts, as Lo1loc, to-wit: Ore--teeth -.roof one: yca.d' after the approvcl of the ovdinenco confieeilac the levy of the tee for the payment for such Leprovexcrt; o:ne-tonth thereo! in t rwo . .._...c t..^ter I such approval; one-tenth thereof in three ;,roars after such neeroved n. t '.!' 1 i 1 -3 1 I { t ' one-tenth thereof in four years after such a grovel; one-tenth t'lere- of in five years after such approv.l; one-tenth thereof in six years after eachwparovfil; one-tenth thereof in seven years after such ap- 1 prov,,l; one-tenth thereof in eirht years after such approv:•1; one- itenth thereof in nine years after such approval; and one-tenth there- i of in ten years after such approval. One or more o f sal d i.nstallmentt ' 1 or-the whole tax may be paid on or before ten days after the approval of the ordinance con£irmine.th;e levy of the tax. One or:more instal - moats, or the whole special tax may be paid on :Lie (ley any inst,!dl- t 1 went. becomes ,]ue Ly payin;;. the_amount there() and interest to date 0 i 1 payment. mach of salt i1stallmonts shall bear interest,at' the r ate of rcix (6) por cent per annum from the date of tie approv e1 of, the ordinance oonfirmint the levy of said tax Income, until the date of delinquency, and eis;ht (8) per cent per e num ,:com delinquency until paid. I SEO'fIOii 3. This ordinance sly ell t ehc effect upon approvr1. Paving; Extension No. 54. 1 Third lartial Estimate. �✓/vU Passed by the City Council of ;gilt Lake Ci.t ',Uteh,Deceader 27th 1909, enC re 'erred to the payer for hi, ullr eel. C y recorder. 3lTroved this 21 day of De umber, 1909. c ' -2/7=!4--- r:or. • • 16, 11 14: • �`.` 'fit y �O , C6 Cj. • • 't' , `.) 1 l • • • • • • I 1.