22 of 1905 - Ordinance 22 of 1905 – Creating office of Purchasing Agent. AN ORDINANCE . ' An ordinance creating the office of Purchasing Agent, ,fiviny,,. s� defining duties4'i.r;/ ,-:4/ 4 41107- Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. The Mayor, by and with the consent of the Council, shall appoint a competent person to act as Purchasing Agent of Salt Lake City. _y SECTIONS. The salary of such purchasing Agent shall be a- hundred and fifty (000.00) dollars per month, payable monthly the i ' am as the sal ies of other officers. SECTION .. Thy ju.t,ie of uch Pu'r asing Agent shall be to y az( 7p -r-rig- a +s.f"' ',4:44v r4,.r/w,¢a.4w y,,t,,,,7 purchase for each oPfiGe r departm}nent h Mina Pn, ia,++ -�"� 0. S., by the CoupGal; material or articles s 4 N ow* .'.'r„ serf „cam ,,-1,s' 0 6,.., s x'" .>r 44.,, 4.4.J �, 444 , nr- d I fhe official busi,�.pant�+ng -w,..—,...m,.r«., ;.M,,,.a.— ik thwrg p, and to keephaccount of the same, of the correctness of bills therefor and of all financial matters pertaining to the pur- chases made by said City, and approve all bills for things purchased f'. by said City. And it shall be the further duty of said agent to v 'i purchase to the best advantage of the City in all transactions. i Before entering upon the duties of his office said purchasing ' agent shall take the oath of office by ordinance provided, and shall '4, r file with the Recorder a good and sufficient bond with surety ap- i t 4 m` proved by the Mayor, in the sum of ten thousand (.$10,000.00) del- �, ry lars,. in form and condition as by ordinance provided. s ECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. k " f ' . : -A .(i^¢.y: y `:4 l -} j ,- ; : 4.- .{ ..,,1s.F ,S CC I G fil . .., ' r"d +F. y sw� ,�,,w; . f �,.":,y r, . 22 r: • •r J: _\. ., r ... "i,' -_ 1'.. o . r ca \, $53t7i'f1(`\, ..'l- it _.. l� 1 i - •Y' <J� 4.414 .. .: ,.. ,r 1, ,•, : �- � .. _ .. ... C��