22 of 1908 - Ordinance 22 of 1908 – Sewer Extension No. 180, Seventh Partial Estimate. Aj‘
A ; : 7 .2, .
1 •
An ord.I.nt.n(w levying a tax an.,] thu of 1
thc ct herc:inafter d rib1 w1thn thc 3 it b Jti Qn
north by .WIftl. 60-.;t1. 6trent, th 'oeWer, ontLcil
6k.i.iith by inth Soath 8treet, 41-L4 u3 the east 1.4 A'in1h Aa,it ial
8ewor iiistricts 1:37., .-1,11 Z. of 3u
Be 1!: urdel-31 by th:: :31% 3c':; n11 '3alt 3,1k-_, C.:1%H Utah,
SW113.6I 1. That the 4uui hnr,..)by e. 1'hu and
provide for the .-..3..se3L,e'nt uf pr)port:,,
dasr:ribed in 63o.c Dil,.clot2 333. 1 au , f,- Of
In Lut 1, 710,1,1 4; lu Lut7, , 3, 3,,42 2, 7, 4
,a,11 5, 713,1. 1^, 1t: I, 4, 5 . 2 3, 81u ;., 17; 17. hut 1, 1, .7
3, 7.; , 4, Block .7; IA Ltd.'.3 1, C., 7 and 8,
Biul 13, in 1,3ts 5 a3d O. Block 3; 1:n hute L, 7, 1 aLd 5, Bi331 23;
in O& I 2, Block 2; Ic1,3t_ 7, 771- :, hots 1, 3, 7
anl a, 2lcB. 3; Ichuts 9 o21, 1,
Block 1; 2, 7, 7 dock 12,
50at:). Stest ELv..t and 1.11fIth Laet
3trotS ,11L1th Lest a.4 EiLth EeeS
6triidt6; UL Yirth La.Jt, 6teu,t 3ou5h
6trautb; -1.,;i611 beventh 3uut'n
Strd4t ; • Last
Strfit3tio t bet,.eeh 3even;,,n. 31'.11 inb'd 6outn
• 3e '1. 7
▪ ,
utv,•,3te •.... _ ' '
u'ribed 7 • rA:.;r;frY::i!
I .
iti h;:2u1.') o,;d prop-1
or osioezdef,%;; leoefited 1.3,,- .eb;i to tho CL' the
1,,led, o-id i.,;-,,001o. of i4-a hereby j.L
In acoorfanue ,;,1i.1. lthear foot fro,i3,,
JJ::7 bed h of
"ZZI thoforr=, and tl';e taY, herel4 1,..71e;71 and
tu 1.e osboosod upoh said paroeib ,of 3cnd is toe:Lty-ouo th;;,uonhd two
huhdred E.,:fld 2E/100 (421,261.25) dolo; hii:eteuo tLeald
oi6ht h,.4dred eu-,uLti n.nd E3/10b (,;1,1v,67(-).56i r two ' d
2797316/10C-O,003 C;L.27,)7GiCi d.,17;•:n pert lhear "oot of
abutt1-6 A.,i'okort4; on both biduo of the otrubto ,oh; 2ur
sewor on both bideb 02 the street, ih 6;aw:;:r nibtriots noo. I od 2, ;
there Lei ng 6710 feet of abdttio6 proverty withln the bode.hi.riob of
the lots, Bloonb hid etreete abo,:u mentioLud ih ui dibtrlotb; and 1
one ?send three hundred nioet-j, and 67/1O 3A1712j. or 1
one L: d_ 1396vU410,000.600 (i14.1.39691/4.,b) doilhro pc.r front 6C linear
foot of alatting proerty for aewur the olddie of the set,
iu. 1, there telfg 1220 feet ," htlO
1;oondaries of the lots, block7 ,7a btri;bt
in Llaia al6tflut, ,Nh.1.3h 1,7 tot,„1 oobt coot ixr front loot of
sa:f330Crno2on7i1r6 to the uontrot crtc,red. fel' the k.,z%rtuanue ,
of :Judd work ah;;:: bion17-..t said Jael;;.; nennedy, dated
the 27t7o day of July, 190, u . . -rer I;o here1.4 hdthodzed
and Ol.zeot-d to thu.
ordironou fl,-2 the parvu:7oe
Diet jet no.
:druht1.1.6 :1hth 6uoth 6truet EtAoL
The uoot 143.r feet uf Isho soo.'h ; :dt, of Lot 1, aLI tto vest
fo-t of th,. 7.1u of Lot 1, 2dooh 1. 11
Frohttj So.4.th Ewiit cod EI,:.th
The aon',.h side of Lots 5 and 6, Liook 1L, ilat "n".
droL'..1-6 on Fifth East Strout tetwt:na Sevealth South a.pd Eiesth
The north 14o fe,t of the west st,le Lot 2, tl,e silto of
Lots 3 and 1, a4 the south 140 feet of the west side o Lot 5, Block i
10, Pitt "B".
Front.l1,6 on LiLinth La t Street betveen 6ith 0liai.: 3outh
The north 305 feet of the oast Ltie of Lot 1, aria the south 305
feet of the east side uf Lot 8, Block 17, trial "n".
Frontirt6 on Sevieth bast Strout bet ,_:61, Seveath South and SIEThth
Soutn Streets:
The north 305 feet of the east silo of Lot 1, an;:: the south 305
feet of the east silo of Lot 8, Block ii, 21at "B".
FrontIng on Ninth South Street bettireoa Seventh Eac.0 va,(t. Eljth East
The south oide of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 3, Plot "B".
1 1
Frortlag oa Seventh Et Street 10,,ween Siyth South and Seventh South(
The nui-th 305 feet of the west olds of Lot 1, the suatl 36,E feetl
of tio cet e f Lot E, Block 17; the tooth 140 fi . f the et
side ,J" Lot 1, th'3 south 140 feet of th, et,n1 atdo of Lot 6, anti the
1 1
east !- :7L.2 of Loo 7 act 8, Block 13, 1-1,.t "s". i I
, t
FrontlaL, cc Eighth South Stot het,tt
! I
-The no(cth she of hot I, Block o, £i0t b".
FrontiLe bad t Strc*.,t n Fifth South Sr3 both
Streets: 1
The no2th 140 fest of tlio ,est L. tl..e feet! -
uf tho .(7 Lel, 37 ,ok
L6, r1.1. "L".
Fronting on Ninth South Street between Eighth East and Einth Ect
The south rlde of Lots and Liook L, Plat "S". '
Fronting on S1h East Street between Seventh South and Eighth South
The north 305 feet of the west se of Let 4, and tl_e south 305
feet of the west side of Lot 5, Block 11; Plat "B".
Fronting on Fourth East Street between Seventh South and Eighth South
The south 305 feet of the west nide of Lot 5, Bock 9, Plat "B".
District No. 2.
Fronting on Eighth South Street between Fourth Eact and Fifth East
The north oide of Lot 5, Block 6, .elat "B".
Fronting on Fourth East Street between Seventh South and Eighth South
The south 140 feot of the east side f Lot 6, the east .id e of
Lots 1, 7 andi6, Block 8, and the north 305 feet of the went side of
Lot 4, Bloelo 9, Plat ".8".
Distriot Bo. 1.
Fronting on Ninth South Street between Sixth East and Seventh East
The south side of Lots 9 to 20, incisive, Sutdivi-
Sivra, Block 1, Plat "B".
District Be. I. (Se4, :-.: in Cntr of Stroot.)
Front:I'l; on taenn Avenue teteen. Boo t3- 6.,: th and EL:-::1,1,1,
Tho north 140 feet of the eue;t, side 0.7 Lot L, tho ew,t ide of
Lots 3 and 4, flit: 4oath B 2 of The cool. ulde of LA 5, to Lorth
140 feet of the went side of Lot i, tie 40 Ze,t o:
side of Lot C., anJ to we, iotLi U, *Aq
° !H4c
Salt Lake City Survey, as the same are shown upon the official plats
of said City to a depth of twenty-five (23) feet bank from said
streets, and to collect said tax.
SEC110h 2. Said tax shall become and he delinquent Li five equal
inStal,l,ments, as follows, to-*it: One-fifth thereof one yam after
,.]thy/appreyve , of the..ord.inance confirming the levy of thektax £r the
payment fo `- such nsprovement; one-fifth t17 r teof in 41 s Witter
suph apprdpal; one-i�ifth thereof in three ;;ears after ay su 4r val;
`ouo fifth :thereof in four years after such appi oval;" nd olio- i fth
,.*: t'h roOf in Live years after such approval. One or m E c§r L st llMents' or the whole tax maybe pale on or icy' rev cndays ,ter
t1 4pproVal of the ordinance confirming the levy of theitax. ino
ormore i etallments,..or the whole special tax may- be paiJ on tba
daY any installment'beoomes due by paying the amount thereof and in-
terest to date of payment. Each of said installments shall boar in-
terest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum from the date of the
approval of the ordinance confirming the levy cf said tax until tsl$ar
the date of delinquency, and eight (8) per cent per anrum from delin-
quency until paid.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Sewer Extension KG. 180. Seventh Partial.�timatc.
funned by the Oity Council of Calt Take C=-
and referred to the Tieyor for his t.l;^rova1
t, Recor«e;r.
approved ti > y of Parch 190.8.p
_ t0 Wig `' �, !L .i y fhC"3 �. n- r �; T
- L j
s .. . -.