22 of 1911 - Ordinance 22 of 1911 – Sewer Extension No. 286, First & Final Estimate. I it
A .6 0 R D I i. A . C E .
An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property herein-1
after described on both sides of &trong's Court between Third South 1
and Fourth South Streets, in Sewer District Do. 1, for the construe- I
tion of a sewer. 1
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah;
SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer '
as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization en
Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that pur-
pose, of the property in Lots 2 and 7, Block 41, Plat "B", Salt Lake
City Survey, abutting on both aides of Strong's Court between Third
South and Fourth South Streets, in Sewer District No. 1, of Salt Lake
City, for the purpose of constructing a sewer upon said portion of
said street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments mode and re-
turned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall t :ke effect upon approval.
Sewer Extension Do. 286.
First and Final Estimate. /
Passed by the City Connci1of Salt Lake Cit , Utah, February
14th,: 1911; and referred to the MayoC_fer' a ro 1,
y ecorder.
Approved this Al day of February,1911,
46"-- 2".
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