22 of 1917 - Franchise Amending to Utah Power and Light Company rrULL CM,LL „ „T-- —
VOTING I . 1 NA'1 Salt Lake City, Utah Ay. - - „v 191.I
Green____ V
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Wells 1
An Ordinance amending as,. ordinance ontitledr "An Ordinance
granting permission to the Merohante' Light and Power Company a
corporation, to construct, maintain and operate an electric heat-
ing, lighting and power eystom :tithin the limits of Salt Lake City,"
passed August 22, 1912, as amended by "Au Ordinance amending 'An
Ordinance granting ermiseion to the 1.,mr0hrnte' Light and Power
Company, a corporation, to construct, maintain and operate an elec-
tric heating, lighting and power system within the limits of Balt
Lake City, pawed ?august 22, 1912, re-ordaining the same as amended
and confirming the title thereto in the Utah rower & Light Company.
Its anoceseors and assigns," passed December 21. 1914. to include
the right to construct. maintain and enerate a system for the dis-
tribution and Conveyance of steam. hot water un i other fluids,and
air within the limits of Salt Lake City.
CITY, 1I'PAlis
Section 1. That Heotion 1 of "An Ordinance granting permission
to the FSerohante' Light and Power Company, a corporation, to construct,
maintain and operate en elactric heating, lighting and power system
within the limits of Salt Lake City," passed August 22, 1912, be and
the sarm is hereby amended to as to read ae follower
Section 1. That the 1.tah l'ower & Licht Comoanv.
assignee of the Lerchante Light and Power Company, its
euceeasors and aeeigns, (hereinafter called the "Grantee"),
has the authority and consent of the Board of Comuiseionere
of 'Salt Lake City, and permission is hereby granted to them
until September 3. 1962. to construct. operate and maintain
- Z -
an electric light and poser system for the distribution
and conveyance of electrical energy and currents across,
upon and under tho public streets, alleys and other public
thoroueafaree in said City of Volt Lake, County of salt Lake,
State of Utah, and to construct conduits and erect, and main-
tain lines of poles in such streets, lanes, alleys and public
grounds of F.''alt Lake City, with the necessary wires and other
proper appliances attached thereto above the surface of the
ground, or by mans of suitable pipes or conduits to bo laid
below the surface of the ground, for the transmission of elec-
trical currents for furnishing power, lift and heating to
the inhabitants, property o,iors, manufacturers, and were in
said city, provided that all poles shall be erected inside the
curb on all streets of said city;and tQ construct. opirate and,
maintain a evetem for the distribution and convovanee of steam.
hot water and other fluids and air. or either thereof. at both
nth and low Pressure. along and under the streets. alloys and
public elpuuAs in ,aid City nd to oonstritat and lay conduits.
below t .s surface of. the grouxul. with all necessary branches.
cutoffs.and manholes. and other apparatus. in much streets.
alleyre and vubl ufg s,for the conveyance of atean. hot
water And other fluids and air._ or either thereof. at both high
apd lQw urelours. for power, heating. cooking or other useful
anu i ationa. to tie inhabitants. ronerty awyxrp. annufacturers,
and nacre in said city.,
;oction 2. That pr.raf;raph second of ,Lotion 2 of said Ordinance
- 3 -
of Aupuet 22, 1912. be and the same io hereby amended so as to read
as follower
Second. To open said streets, lanes, alleys, and public
grounds for the purpose of laying and maintaining conduits
underground, together with all necessary breaches. out-efia
and manholes and other avuaratus, for the purpose of trans-
mitting electrical currents for Tower, lighting, heating and
other purposes, and conveying steam. bet water and other fluids
And air, or either jhereof. at both high and low ureseure. for
power. heating. 000kine and other nuruoses. to the inhabitants
of said city, said conduits and other construction to be placed
at such places as shall be designated. by the city engineer of
grantor, r tejyid wtantee to have access to all such oonduite
And other oanetruotion as rasa be nocesgpry (gem time to time.
Section 3. That paragraph Virst of section 3 of said Ordinance
of August 22. 1912, as amended by Section 3 of "An Ordinance amending
'An Ordinance granting permission to the Merchants' Light and Power
Company, a corporation, to construct, maintain and operate an elec-
tric heating, lighting and power system within the limits of Salt
Lake City,' passed august 22, 1912, re-ordaining the sane as amended
and confirming the title thereto in the Utah Power S, Light Company,
Its successors and assigns", passed December 21, 1914, be and the
—1 same is hereby amended so as to read as follows:
Firet. That the permission and authority hereby granted
is subjeot to such laws of the State and ordinances and re-
solutions of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City as
are now in force or which may hereafter be passed, governing
- 4 -
exoavr.tions in streets and the oonetruation. erection or
maintenance of poles, wires, conduits or other erections or
anplianoea now in use or to be used in the transmission
and distribution of electricity in said City, and the con-
struction or maintenance of opnduits and manholes now in
use or to be used in conveying steam. hot water and other
fluids and air in said. Oity.
Section 4. That a new paragraph designated "Second" to be the
second paragraph of Ueotion 3 of said Ordinance of August 22, 1912,
be and the same is hereby added 10 as to read as follows:
Second. That raid mantes shall lay mina along or
eoroec streets in such manner that they shall not in auv
,rise or manner interfere with the water pipes or sower pipes
Of said oity or arar other pipes that have boon laid in the
streets of said oitj: and that no railroad traces. pipe. con-
duit, pr Other obetru. tion shall be laid under or oI[@r the
conduits installed under this franohiee. or nearer than ene
• foot in the clear laterally from the outside limits Qf such
conduits. except in crossing the acme.
Section b. That the designation "Scoop!" of the second paragraph
of sootion 3 of said Ordinance of August 22, 1912, be and the some is
hereby changed so as to read "Third".
Section 6. That Sootion 5 of said Ordinanco of Luguet 22, 1912,
be and the sane is hereby amended oo as to read as follows:
- 5 -
Seotion S. The said grantee herein further agrees that,
before it shall commence any of the actual construction work,
or make any excavations, or oenmaenae the installation of any
conduits or accessory construction, or erect any pole lines in
any of the streets, avenues, alleys or other places in said pity,
it shell give to said city an approved bond in the penal sum of
4>2E5,000.00 (twenty-five thousand dollars) to indemnify said city
from any loss or damage which may be occasioned Salt Lake Pity
or any person or property, by reason of making such excavations,
or installing such conduits and accessory construction, or ereOt-
ing and maintaining such poles and transmission lines, and said
grantee further agrees to carry on all of said work in such a
manner as to cause as little impediment of the oonnon, ordinary
use of said streets as is consistent with reasonable diligence
and ero•.er worloranehip, and that it will, at its own expense,
promptly restore any pavement or other improvement removed by
it to as good condition as before beiry; removed. and with reason-
able dispatch from time to time make all repairs necessary to
keep said pavement and other improvcunentn in such condition in
so far as the some are affected by the operation of the grantee's
system, and promptly repair and put in as good condition as before
the openings were made every such portion of the etroets, alleys,
avenues or public grounds in said city where such openings shall
be made, and the bond aforesaid shall cover this last agreement
and the agreement contained in section 4 of this ordinance.
Section 7. That Section 5 in Section V of said Ordinance of
December 21, 1914, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read
as follows,
Section b. Said grantee, for its 1f. its successors and
aseigne, agrees to furnish to Salt Jake Pity, free of charge,
during the remainder of the life of this franchise. sufficient
eleotrioa1 energy for properly lighting twenty-five arc lamps of
the same kind, character and strength as those provided for in
subdivision (a) of Section A hereof, such lamps to be located at
such places in Salt Lake City, as the board of aoranissioners may
designate, and also to furnish to Salt lake City, free of charge,
further and additional electrical energy up to any amount not ow.-
(seeding 400,000 kilowatt hours per eamen, such further and addi-
tionsl electrical energy to be used by said city for lighting any
4 streets, municipal buildings. grounds or other places now
- 6 -
or hereafter owned, occupied, used or leased by said city.
Provided, however,aud upon the express condition that the
grantee, its successors and aeeigns, shall not be required
to furnish any of the above mentioned free lighting service
except during such periods of time as said grantee. Its
successors and assigns, shall have the contract for munici-
pal street lighting provided for in subdivision (a) of
Section.J. hereof.
Said Grantee, for itself and for its successors and
assigns, further agroos that it will furnish to said City
during the remainder of th life of thin franchise, free of
charge to said ,>alt Lake City, sj b.ioct to the condition
hereinr ter stated, oloctr;cal enemy an to AXN amount not
exoeedin ;76.000}cilowat hours toe; annum euch electrical
%terry to be used for its own waver purposes Only. and not
41rectly or S:directly for li.titi,e. provided that the amount
ef electrical energy eQ to bo furpiphed_eh41 not wooed
37.600 kilowatt hours in any calendar month. The Grantee
further a roes that should the Utah Light and :`ruction Company,
its successors or assigns, at any time fail or neglect to
furnish free to Salt Lake City, a like amoiat of electrical
energy under and in accordance with the terms and oautitionc of
an ordinance this day passed by the Board of Commissioners of
;,. Salt Lake City at the request of said. Utah Light and Traction
Company, then said Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall,
upon demand, furnish free of charge to Salt Lake City, during
- 7 -
the period of ouch failure or neglect of said Utah Light
and Traction Company, its successors or assigns, at any
time during the remainder of the life of this franchieo,
such, additional eleotrionl energy pursuant to the temp
and conditions Of said ordinance. as said Utah Light and,
Traction Comoaay. its supoeaaore and Resigns. shall fail
or neglect to furnish thereunder.
:;aid Grantee, for itself mid for its successors and
assigns further agrees to furnish, su%iest to th4 cooitions
hereinafter etatod, such other and further electrical energy
up to an amount not exceeding 600.000 K.'°. 1. per annum. for
its own Power Purposes only, at a price not to exceed lea
por K.Fr.H.; provided, that none of the power purchased or
obtained as aforesaid by the City from said Grantee, its
successors or assigns, shall be used directly or indirootJy
for lighting purposes. The Grantee further agrees that should
the Utah Light and Truotion Company, its successors or assigns,
at any time hereafter, fail or neglect to furnish to Jolt
lake City a like amount of electrical enemy at the same
price and under the same terms as in this paragraph provided
in a000rdanoa with and under the terms and conditions of an
ordinanoe this day passed by the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City at the request of said Utah Light and Traction
Company, then said Grantee, its eucoeseore and assigns, shall,
during the period of mush failuro or neglect, of said Utah Light
and Traction Company at any time during the remainder of the
life of this franchise furnish to Salt Lake Oity, upon demand,: ;
- 8 _
euoh additional oleetriool energy at the rate and under
the terms and conditions set forth in this paragraph, as
said Utah Light end Traction Company. its suooessers and
assigns. shall fail.or neglect to tarnish thereunder.
The obligations of said Grantee. its successors or
assigns. contained in the two next preceding, paragraphs
of tjiie £cation. are eubJect to the Condition that service
be demanded by the City noon existing lines of the Grantee
Ily a point or points where the Grantee has adequate 1i e,
raneffgri ors other facilities and equipment ibr far-
, lashing each service. or that Galt Lake Ulty pal the Grantee
tho aotual °opt of the geoeeeary line extensions from the
wasting linos of the Granteep rd of neooesary transfprmore
. and other facilities and equipment at the point where service
is demanded for rendering each service.
Goat ion 8. That said Utah Power h Light Company shall within
thirty days from tho passage of this ordinance filo its acceptance
thereof in writing with the City Recorder of salt Lake City; otherwise
the sash shall be null and void.
Section 9. This ordinance shall take of f t z`pon p io t o
and acceptance. (I gJ1�U '- ,p... i
PASSED by the Board of Uomviealoners of Salt Lace city, March 1,
4r„, I 2 tecor. �.
ty Recorder.