22 of 1929 - Amending Section 7 and 8 of Bill No. 14 of 1927 relating to storage of gasoline ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, April...._11., 1929.
Burton - - VI I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr - - - .
Finch -
Moran - - -
Mr.Chairman -
Result - - -
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on
the 1st day of September, 1927, entitled "An Ordinance to regulate
and restrict the location of trades and industries, and the loca-
tion of buildings designed for specified uses, to regulate and
limit the height, number of stories, .and size of buildings and
other structures, percentage of lot that may be occupied, size of
yards and open spaces, the location and use of buildings and struc-
tures and land for trade, industries, residences and other pur-
poses" and adding in and to said ordinance a new section to be
known as Section 8-A.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That item No. 44, Section 7, of an ordinance
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on
the 1st day of September, 1927, be and the same is hereby amended
to read as follows, to-wit:
44. Petroleum refining or by-products manufacture,
or storage of petroleum products or by-products in excess
of 1000 gallons, except that four (4) 1,000 gallon-tanks
are hereby permitted at any one service station.
SECTION 2. That item No. 20, Section 8, of an ordinance
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on
the 1st day of September, 1927, be and the same is hereby amended
to read as follows, to-wit: )
Petroleum refining, or storage in excess of
the capacity of four (4) 1,000 gallon tanks.
SECTION 3. That a new section be added in and to an ordi-
,nance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
,,on the 1st day of September, 1927, said new and added section to
bw known as Section 8-A, which shall read as follows, to-wit:
Section 8-A. There is hereby created a new "use"
district to be known as Industrial "B" District.
In an industrial "B" District all buildings and
premises may be used for any purpose permitted in residential
"A", "A-2, "B", "B-2" and "C" districts and commercial and
industrial districts, and also for the storage of petroleum
products or by-products not to exceed a total capacity of
190,000 gallons on any property held under one ownership.
The said Industrial B classification created and
established hereunder, to be known as the Industrial B District
shall apply to that portion of Salt Lake City, Utah, from 3rd
test Street to 7th West Street between 7th South and 9th South;
from 5th West to 7th West between 9th South and 13th South;
and from 2nd South to 3rd South between"6th and 7th West; ex-
cept the property abutting on 7th West Street, to a depth of
120 feet. Said district is more particularly described as
follows: All of Blocks 8, 9, 10 and 11, Plat "A", and all of
Blocks 1 and 12, Plat "C", also the east 540 ft. of Blocks 2,
11 and 38, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey; also the east
606 ft. of Block 8, 5-Acre Plat "B", and all of Block 25, 5-
Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey; and the same is hereby changed
from an industrial district to an industrial B District.
SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary for the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately.
SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
--, -
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
tah, this llth day of July _ , A,. D. 1929.
I „
II Mayor.
4ik 1 0 ,
City Recorder. ..
Punished July 12th, 1929.
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-_d Comm10el re of Salt Lakb
R toed "A day fir noptee� HARRY WOLFF
`2 t}k1Ea `'"the
'iltrheb';tad-hle locationc O1
hieelin :feYI the
s d lio r'hpite,t, uses,
le at�6nd nWt tbe height,nuRr:, being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk
) g$1oo16b,and Mee"of buildings and i
of tr ekrnoturea,Percentage of lot that
>'Of1)Ye e9iritied, ernep o1 yards and
%hge a d etrbetureaeand landefor of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in
14 nrduetrleo,reetdenoeb and other
, see,'and addlesg In and tn',aid
• no,a.new etctIon to be known, Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
)d'-ft ordained by the Board of Cora
dole-,. ere of Salt Lake City,titan:
7 ^` p drains oe yaeQeato No.y'ine BDQ°xc. That the NoticeAN._l]RDII�IANCE__BII.L._No....-22-.
Del ache!fit days of 8 ptember.'
'"b0p and'kh!o0 8MYe 19 hereby amend•
'.Iota t vo Sell)refining f or by.prod- sALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION
nets mantlfdcture„or storage of petro-
lemn R n or'.by- oducts in e%bees
of�:all tank'ezoe t'tbat frm ta) OFFICE OF THE CITX RECORDER.
tt'. alone given are tioreby permitted
'at' y one given*station.
S en d That item No.20 e Section
. !p o tiers passed be by the Hoard
'or. omm l on e to of Salt Lakes Clty,
'Utah,333, be and'the t °a of gee hereby
a ended tb fene ae follows,to-wit:
,petibletrm refining.or storage In of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news-
8zo 4 of the capablty bf four(e)10a0-
a�r ti g'''lt anew section be 12th
¢if .,aGlf`$o. rt'gxdinan°e passed paper in its issue dated the
Y yard of Connilseionot of Balt
"fg eGyt isit. on She tat;day o1
d p1 br 1g37,Gala'aew Section added.A. 9
! t ti ha bb ands*follows;as ton , , 192
wehBed on 0 A. ee Isto-wit day of JU1yr
Berton !if. There i hereby ere-
4e new 'urte" Sfetflct to be known
e 'data, al trial attiot - and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
og 34 trial 8 bi"s,bent all
trge brl premtsee may;;'b Used
p ee,,permitted 1n-r telpl-
, tf e A a, ee s 2^and c" July 12th. for
t De-Aan c#rameror and n*1101'161
tE and anon for',the of
ored prhducts or by-products not
ceed a''ttootal capkoitY a 100,000
a on ani,Isropertlrheld,ender-one thereafter,the full period of.._.Ona_.ine arti.Gn
ag11i, destrlai a claeufloation
a tabu ed here der,tb
no!�¢ flg}Rdoetrlai.5 »e£rtot, the last publication thereof
tb'tk1$t {DrG16d1 01 salt-
' b h =frobe,erd,,rest aerebt.
�fr between of too7th
o Yh Sth„'3st to 7th
<batwee Oh'South Spa 13th
5012 Ii; sea n 6t ana synth to era. being in the issue dated the 12th day of
Seyt oil etwean th and 7lo.west.ex•
bat.the property'abutting:'.,on l 7th
ld.Street, to a depth pf..120 feet.:
rp dlstriat 1a mot partTrcinany de- ,A.D.1 9_.
xipQV tIH,Slatg{4,', Aal of blq°ke 8 ,, July
k a1fd I1. pit 'ant ana tine B1oc1:s
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net doff el° '2 C11 and 38
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, . c n ba op ito i of the: d and sworn to before me this k2t i day of
1 1DA it;is naees-
N qJ��d!tie.find safety,
Hari, it Fake Cloy
papee tailn effect lime-
Jiffy A.D.192__9 A
this rill V t /�y_/i���CCC�..
tdnaid;ors aeeccorabr. Notary Public.
,heY.za�� O.
Advertising fee,$ -
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#aft Eakt Wriinttte
Entry No