22 of 1933 - Providing for the licensing , regulation and control of beer containing in excess of one half of one `v
Finch . .
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser -- — /
Knight . ta
mill.LEE I I
Mr.Chairman — AN ORDINANCE
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage
in the business of a wholesaler or retailer of beer within the cor-
porate limits of Salt Lake City without first having procured a li-
cense therefor from the Board of Commissioners as hereinafter pro-
SECTION 2. The word "beer" as used in this ordinance means
any beverage obtained by alcoholic fermentation of an infusion or
decoction of barley, malt, hops and other ingredients in drinkable
water and containing in excess of one-half of one per centum of alco-
hol by volume and not more than 3.2 per centum of alcohol by weight.
The word "retailer" means any person engaged in the sale
or distribution of beer to the consumer.
The word "wholesaler" means any person other than a brewer
engaged in the distribution of beer in wholesale or jobbing quantities
in not less than
to retailers, and in case lots orAfour gallon kegs to consumers..
The term "dealer" shall include any person who imports beer
into this state for sale or produces or manufactures beer in the state
for sale.
The words "case lots" means any container of not less than
twenty-four 10-ounce bottles.
SECTION 3. Licenses issued hereunder shall be of the fol-
lowing kinds and shall have the following privileges:
Class "A" retail license entitles the licensee to sell beer
in the original bottles having the L bpl of the maker thereon for
consumption off the premises. The holder of this license shall be
entitled to an exemption of $6.00 or any soft drink license to Salt.
Lake City.
Glass "B" retail license entitles the licensee to sell
beer in the original bottles having the label of the maker thereon
for consumption on the premises and to all the privileges granted
to the holder of a Class "A" retail license. The holder of this
license shal'l.he exempt from the payment of all soft drink licenses
to Salt Lake City.
Class "C" retail license entitled the licensee to sell
( beer on draft for consumption on or off the premises and to all the
privileges granted to holders of a Class 'A" and "B" retail licenses.
Class A wholesale license entitled the licensee to sell
bottled beer to retailers for resale and to sell bottled beer in not
less than case lots to consumers, but shall not entitle the licensele
to any of the other privileges granted to the holders of Class A, B„
or C retail license.
CLASS B wholesale license entitles the licensee to sell
both bottled and keg beer to retailers for resale and to sell bottled
beer in not less than case lots and keg beer of not less than 4 gal-
lon kegs to consumers but shall not entitle the licensee to any of
the other privileges granted to the holders of a Class A, B, or C
retail license.
SECTION 4. Application for a license to engage in the bush-
iness of a wholesaler or retailer of beer within the corporate limits
of Salt Lake City shall be made in writing under oath on forms pro-
vided by the City License Assessor and Collector and containing suci
information as the Board of Commissioners may require.
SECTION 5. No license shall be issued to any person except
a citizen of the United States of good moral character, over the
age of twenty-one years, who has not been convicted of any felony '
and who has not since the second day of Janm y, 1034, been convict
ied of any violation of any State law or city ordinance of Salt Lake]
City prohibiting or regulating the traffic in intoxicating liquors
or beer, providtd that a license may be issued to a co-partnership
or corporation if the members of said co-partnership or the directors
land officers of such corporation, as the case may be, are of good
moral character and none of them have been convicted of any felony,
nor since January 2, 1934, have been convicted of any violation of
any law of the State of Utah or ordinance of Salt Lake City regulating
the traffic in intoxicating liquor or beer.
SECTION 6. Said application if for a Class "C" retail li-
cense shall be accompanied by a bond with two good and sufficient
sureties (unless a corporate surety is given) in the penal sum of
$250.00, to be approved by the Board of Commissioners, conditioned
that such retailer will faithfully comply with the laws of the State
of Utah and the ordinances of Salt Lake City and in particular all
laws and ordinances relating to the sale, keeping or dispensing of
intoxicating liquors or beer. A separate bond shall be given for
each place where beer is to be sold on draft.
SECTION 7. Before a license is issued for the consumption
of beer on the premises the applicant must have first procured from)
the Board of Health of Salt Lake City a permit showing that the prey
lmises are in a sanitary condition and that he has complied with all
regulations of the Board of Health relating to the dispensing of be r.
SECTION 8. Any license issued pursuant to this ordinance
shall be avai$able only to the person, co-partnership or corporations
specified tbErein and only for the premises described in said license,
bland shall not be transferable to any other person, co-partnership
or corporation or any other premises, without the consent of the
Board of Commissioners and the payment of a $5.00 transfer fee.
SECTION 9. All applications shall be accompanied by the
fees hereinafter provided.
The license fees for the retailing or wholesaling of beer
shall be as follows:
For Class "A" retail license, for one year or any part
thereof, $20.00.
For Class "B" retail license, for one year or any part
thereof, $75.00.
For Class "C" retail license, for one year or any part
thereof, $150.00.
For a Class "A" wholesale license, for one year or any
part thereof, $100.00.
For a Class t'B" wholesale license, for one year or any
part thereof, $200.00.
All licenses issued hereunder shall expire on December
31st of the year in which the same are issued.
SECTION 10. No person shall sell, dispense, furnish or
ive away beer at any public dance-hall, dance-pavilion or plate
vhere public dances are held or the public is permitted to dance.
The term dance-hall as herein used shall be construed to include all
adjacent rooms opening directly or indirectly upon the dance floor,
but such term shall not include a cafe, cabaret or hotel.
No person shall sell, dispense, furnish or give beer to
ny person who appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of
'ntoxicating liquor.
SECTION 11. No dealer or wholesaler shall either directly
r indirectly supply, give or pay for any furniture, furnishing, fix-
-ures or equipment of a retailer, nor shall such dealer or wholesale
dvance, furnish money or pay for any license of a retailer, or be
inancially interested either directly or in the conduct or operation
f the business of any retailer.
SECTION 12. If any licensee hereinabove described shall be
onvicted of any violation of any law of the State of Utah or any or1i-
iance of Salt Lake City relating to the manufacture, sale or possess .on
Of intoxicating liquor or beer,, w if ii,the opinion of the Board of
Commissioners the premises4at r/ot maintained in a sanitary conciitioi
r if, in the opinion of the Board of Commissioners the business is !
onducted in a disorderly or improper manner the Board of Commissioners
Tay revoke or suspend the license of any such licensee. The acts ofl
lhe Board of Commissioners in granting, denying, revoking or suspend+
ing any such license or licenses shall not be subject to any review j
hatever except for fraud or corruption or the capricious and arbitr'.ry
refusal to exercise discretion in granting, denying, revoking or sus-f
pending licenses.
SECTION 13. No license shall be granted for the sale, ser-
vice or dispensing of said beer or if granted may be revoked or sus-
pended where such service or dispensing in the opinion of the Board
of Commissioners will be contrary to the public welfare.
SECTION 14. All licensed premises shall be subject to in-
spection by any peace officer and by any member of the City Commis
sion or any member of the city attorneyts office or any inspector f
t the City License Assessor's and Collector's office or any inspector
of the City Health Department during the hours when-,the said premisjes
are open for the transaction of business.
Each license shall be displayed in a conspicuous place on;
the premises at all times.
SECTION 15. No licensee hereunder shall knowingly employ
in connection with his business in any capacity whatsoever any person
who has been convicted of a felony or who since January 2, 1934, hats
been found guilty of the violation of any law of 'blab State of Utah
or of any ordinance of Salt Lake City relating to the traffic in in-
toxicating liquor or beer.
SECTION 16. Any person who shall engage in the business Of
a wholesaler or retailer of beer within the corporate limits of Salit
Lake City without having an appropriate license therefor from Salt
Lake City, or whose license issued by Salt Lake City has been revok d,
suspended or cancelled, or who shall violate any provisions of this
ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction sha4
be punished by a fine not exceeding $299.00, or by imprisonment in .
: the city jail for a term not exceeding six months or by both such
fine and imprisonment.
SECTION 17. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effectively immediatel3r.
SECTION 18. This ordinance shall take effect January 2,
193IQ. r ,
1 .ssed by the Board f Commissioners f Salt Late City,Utah, t is
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Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake.
OTO F AL- I, HARRY•WOLF being first duly
TIONpTENALTIES NEREOF.FOR THE VIALA- sworn, depose and say that 1 am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE
Be it ordained by the Board 01
Commissioners of Batt Lake City,
U SEC 1. it enrol be unlawful TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day
for any person to engage in the
t business of a wholesaler or retailer
I oof beer
ke t e corporate
or i at alit itts at Salt Lake City, State of Utah.
ine pro
cured a license therefor tram
the Boardof Commissioners as here-
j In provided.
SECTION 2. The word beef as
l used to this ordinance means any , That the notice AN.tR.DR1A110E
1 beverage obtained by alcoholic fer-
entation of an infusion ordecoc-
tion of barley,malt. he-
Ingredients In drinkable water and
containing in excess of one-half of
1 per centum of alcohol by vol- I
urns and not more than 3.2 per
centum of alcohol by weight.
The word retailer" means any
person engaged in the sale or dis-
tribution of beer to the consumer.
Theword"wholesaler"means any
person other than a brewer engaged
' in the distribution of beer in Whole-
sale or jobbing quantities to retail-
and in case lots or in not leas
than four gallon kegs to consumers.
The Leon dealer" shall include ,
any perstason
nro who
a pports a r into of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news-
thisnufactures beer in the state for
21$t December 33
The words "case lots"mean any a er in its issue dated the day of 19..
container of t lees than twenty- 1 paper '
four 10-ounce bottles.
SECTION 3. Licenses Issued here-
ander shall]Ih h be ave tf he followinhe g prl kinds
liiegea: and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
Class ••A•• retail Remise entitles
the licensee to sell beer in the orig-
inal bottles having the label of the f Xeee ter IN 21et for
maker thereon Thor e holder ofthis
the premises.b
licenseonof shall be entitled an en p-
cense tog6.00 or Salt LakenCity soft drink the
licensee to retail
sell beereinethelhtlesgihl thereafter, the full period of Oue..insextien
bottles having the label of the maker
thereon for consumption on the
premises and to all the privileges
era nte n udcto e to the holder
ofe Cl sstfa i" the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ...2�et
cense shall be exempt from the pa-
meet of all soft drink licensee to _ December
$Claesa'C"C"e CB retail licence entitles day of A. D. 19..
• Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21 � day of
December -a .33.
— No cry Public.
My commission expires
Advertising fee, $ •
the licensee to sell beer on draft
for consumption on Or off the yrem•
lees and to all the privil grant-
ed to holders o1 Class"A and"B" SECTION.12,I[any licensee kare-
ietall licenses. Inabove described shall be convicted
Clan A wholesale license entitles of any vloletion of any law of the
the licensee re it bottled beer to State of Utah or any ordinance of
retailers ere for resale and to cell lot- Salt Lake City relating to the man-
tledbeer In not less than twee lots tenon re,sale or peeeeelon of IntOx-
to c neumee but shall not entitle Mating liquor or beer,or If 1n the
the egg. r to any of the other opinion of the Board o1 Commission-
p lvllege9 granted to the holders of erg the pre lees or equipment are
Class 8 or C retail license. not maintained In a sanitary con-
CLASS B wholesale e entitles ditBBoion ard or of Commissione in the rs,on the thedththe •
the licensee to sell both bottled and oes is Conducted In disorderlyor
keg beer to retailers I for resale and
to sell bottled beer In not less than Improper manner the Board of Com-
case lots and keg beer of not less missloners may revoke or suspend
than 4 gallon kegs to consumers, the license of any such licensee,
but shall not entitle the licensee The acts of the Board of Commis-
to any of the other privileges grant- stoners
king inr suspending anydeny such 1f-
er to theret holdersof a Class A,&, cense or licenses shall not be Sub-
SECTIONor C ell 4.ceAppnse. lect to any review whatever except
oegage Inl thei business on for a iof for fraud or corruption or the
aa ewheolesaler or retailer of beer with- capricious and arbitrary refusal to
In the corporate limits Of Salt Lake exercise discretion In granting,deny-
City shall be made 1n wilting under Ing,revoking or suspending licensee.
oath on Iorms provided by the City SECTION 13. No license shall be
License Assessor and Collector and 'granted for the
perusing le,service or din-
containing such Information es the pe ing of said beer or,If granted,
Board of Commissioners may require, may be revoked o or suspended where
SECTION 5. No license shall be such service dispensing in the
issued to any person except a eft- opinion of the Board ofCommission-
lean of the United States of good ers will be contrary to the public
moral character,over the age of 21 welfare.
years,whohas not been vlcted SECTION 19. All licensed prem-
of any felony and who hoc not,since lees shall be subject to lnapeottoa
the second day of January,1934,been by any peace officer and by any
Convicted of any violation of any member of the City Commission or
State law Or city ordinance of Salt any member of the otty attorneys
Lake City prohibiting or regulating office or any inspector of the City
the traffic in Intoxicating liquors License Assessor's and Collectors of-
or beer,provided that a license may neeor any Inspector of the
be issued Mt co-partnership or Health Department during the hours
corporation if the members of said when the said premises are open for
co-partnership or the directors and the transaction of business.
officers of suchcorporation, the Each license shall be displayed trt
maycase be,areve of good moral char- a conspicuous place on the premises
voter and none of them have been at all times.
convicted of any felony,not since SECTION 15. NO licensee hereun-
January 2,1934,have been convicted der shall knowingly ernPloy In con-
Y any violation of any law of the nectlon with his business in any ea-
State of Utah or ordinance of Salt parity whatsoever any person who
Lake intoxicating City regulating
the traffic in hes been convicted of a felony or
I ting liq
uor orbeer who,since January 2,1934,has been
SECTION IL Said application itfor found guilty of the violation of any
a Clans "e retail license shall be law of the State of Utah or of any
m accopanited by a bond with two ordinance of Salt Lake City relet-
good and sufficient sureties(Unless Ing to the Waffle in intoxicating
a corporate surety 1s given)in the liquor or beer,
penal sum of$250.00,to be approved SECTION M.Any person who shall
by the Board of Commissioners,con- engage In the businessof a whole-
(Intoned that such retailer will safer or retailer 1 beer within the
faithfully comply with the laws of corporate limits of Salt Lake City
the State of Utah and the ordinances without having an appropriate li-
ef Salt Lake City and in elatticttlar sense therefor from Salt Lake City,
all laws and ordlnan0 relating to or whose license Issued by Salt Lake
the di le, keeping or dispensing'Of City has been revoked, suspended
Intoxicating liquors or beer.A sap- or cancelled, or ho shall violate
prate bond shall be given„for each any provisions of this ordinance shall
place where beer in to be sold on be guilty of a mlaaemeanor, and,
draft. upon conviction.shall be punished
SECTION 7.. Before a license Is by a fine not exceeding$299.00,or
issued for the consumption of beer by Imprisonment In the cl for
On the premises the applicant must a term not exceeding slit months or
have firstt procured from the Board by both such fine and mprison•
of Health of Salt Lake City per- meet.
mit showing that the premises are SECTION 17. In the opinion of
it a sanitary condition regulations and that he the Board Of Commissioners, tt 1s
the Board of Healt with h)reltn to the safety the to the
Inhabitantse. �of Sh at
dispenalhg of beer. Lake City that this ordinance be•
SECTION 8. Any License looped come effective immediately.
pursuant to this ordinance shall be SECTION 18. This ordinance shall
Yellable only.to the person, co- take effect January 2.1934.
partnership or corporation specified Passed by the Board of Commis•
therein and only for the premieea stoners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
described in said license,and shell list day Of December,A.D.1933.
not be transferable to any other per- IC GEORGE D. EYSER,
son, os-partnerehlp or rperation Temporary Chairman,
or aSY other premises,without'the (SEAL) ETHEL MACDONALD,
consent of the Board of Commie- City Recorder,
toners and the payment of a$5.00 Bill No.22.
transfer fee. Published December 21,1933. •4.
SECTION 9. All applications shall
be aeoempanted by the fees herein-
afTpllcenee fees ees for the retelling
or wholesaling of beer shall be as
For Class "A" retail license, for
one year or any part thereof,$20.0D.
For Class B" retail llcenee
one year Or any part thereof,$75.00.
For Class"0" retell licence, for
One year or any part thereof,$150.00.
Fora Class"A"wholes license,
for one year or any part
Fora ties"B"wholesale license,
for one year or any part thereof,
All licenses issued hereunder shall
expire on December 31st of the year
n which the'same are tested.
SECTION 10. No person shall Bell,
dispense,furnish or give away beer
at any public dance hall, dance
aaVillOn orla.where public dances'
re held oD the public is permitted
to dance. The term dance ball as
herein need shall be construed to
inalime all bdlacent.trooms opening
li floor,ly or such term shall not90
elude a cafe, dispense,give
➢ shall Bell,
nish or give beer to any petition who
appthe influence
n l to be intoxicated or tinderLhSECTION011, No dealer or wh01e-
saler shall either directly or indi-
rectly supply,give or pay for any
furniture, furnishing, fixtures or
equipment of a taller, ni
such dealer or wholaaleradvance,
urnish money or pay for any 11-
ense of a retailer,or be financltlly
or in the
conduct or operater ion of the buelneaa
of any retailer.
Proof of Publication
The Salt Lake Telegram
Entry No.