22 of 1940 - Amending Section 1382 relating to traffic and travel--speed. ROLL CALL spy : .r Salt Lake City,Utah, , 193___ VOTING AYE NAY Goggin y I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser V Matheson - - - Murdock - - - - 3j Mr.Chairman - - - 1_ AN kZbINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AivlfNDING SECTION 1382, Fevised Ordinances of alt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance na.sce;.i by the Roam. of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on October 25th, 1939, and designated as bill No. 38, relating to speed of vehicles upon the streets in ti-alt Lake City. be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 1382, tcevised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on October `'5, 1939, and designated as bill No. 38, relating to speed of vehicles upon the streets in. Salt Lake City, be and the same is hereby amended by amending Subsection 6 thereof, which shall reaa as follows: "Subsection 6. THROUGH HIC''Ifv'AYS, SPH.F?O. The follow- ing streets and portions thereof are hereby designated as through highways and there shall be erected at the entrances thereto from intersecting streets or highways signs notifying drivers of vehicles to stop before entering or crossing such designated through highways. Said signs shall be placed as nearly as prac- ticable and the stop shall be made at the place where such cross street meets the prolongation of the nearest property line of such through highway and such stop signs shall bear the word "STOP"' in letters of a size to be clearly legible from a dis- tance of at least 100 feet and shall be so placed as to be 11.1 luminajtsd by the headlights of afl approaching vehicle; and it shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to fail to stop in obedience to said signs. Where no special hazard: exists the following speeds Pdre upon',through highways shall be l:n'iul but any speed In oxcc'ss of that indicated below for the particular district, Location or condition shalt be prim; fscie evidence that the speed is not reasonable or prudent, and that it is unlawful. Or. through high-Mrs hereinafter designated, singns shall be c_ectcd riving I notige of the speed permitted upon such higher ay. '.(1) TIal NTY-BINS MILE; Pt! :�.OUF;. Third f venue from "R" r_',troet east to Si r tiii.s treeet. "Ism f.treet from South Temple Ptreet north to J.I_t'h. ",venue. "I" `street from ['outh Temple ,Street north to Ste Avenue. "N" Ntreet from South 'l'enate Street nary:.; to 4th a'venue.1 'thira ''Vest Street between lst North en` F.th North Street;. Third Vest ..;great 'between 1st South and Ode .:out,h S'treetfi. "B" Street from First !venue north to '_It'h Avenue. 1 Virginia, Street from `outh Temple Street north to satca 1 ;;rive. 1B) 'I'IITHTY _:UiILF__`'R1>JiOUR. redwooi boan from Los Angeles " Salt bal.-J.,. railroad troc.ks et 9th South Street north to city limits. North 'Temple _'-treat from 'ein 2t:ror t west to the Joe e.n Liver :'ri.Jge. i North Terrific ;Ltrcrt from p point NO9 Tent t esst of sS, ,I Test Street west to a point 500 *eft west oi. r -east t e��t. r beck Street from Ninth North Street north to a point 500 feet north of the intersection. of Victory :oe.=s m i_th beck 'street. Second. ', est :_Street from Ninth North Streit south to Ninth .South `street. Main Street from Fayette '_venue south to city limits. `✓tate Street from Ninth South treat south to city Lu 11 s. Fifth East Street From South 'Semple i:i,reot south to city limits. Ninth eact Street from South Temple Strraet south to city limits. ' Fieventh tact I:treet trom ,,'nth South .'trcet .south to ll.tLt.ys:cod 'svenue. Highland Zirivn from imoson /venue -oath to city Li-it: 1.. Thirteenth Last Street from South 5`e eAr ."troet south to Hivhlan<; Drive. i I South Teeple S'.treet from Second tact S:troet east to 1 Virginia Threat. 1 I Second ),oath Street from Second est fltreet east to :LY.th cant Street. ,Fourth C.outh ).treet from Second ,:-)tree east to 10t*. Fast Street, thence southeasterly to 5th South ('front, thence east on 5th South St,r.et to U. ` . hili.tery hc- servation, and southeasterly to the city Limits. Ninth ,Touth Street from Second 'est ) tro-t erst to lLth 'Fart ctreat. c .t Seventeenth South Street from LestLemple 5treet„to i7th last ;street. Twenty-first routh Street from ','"rst 'temple ,trert, east to loth East ;treet. Twenty-first south Street f rorit>ith "ast treet rest to city limits. }ourth North Street i rem Pni West r-eet. to woo , ror.d FOP1Y 1Jh Pi,.R -OUR. Victory Victory 'o,u from fourth North Street north to } eck )treet. (0) hObTY_I'TVP' ZJ s:fig PM-)_l01JL. Peck treet 1ro m point 5.)0 fert north ) 9.t i-nto-rsec-. I tion with Victory load, thence north to the city limits. North Temple from the Jordan fiver i-rio e west to a point 500 feet east of 55r5 )'rest Street. North Temple from c -oint 500 /rot west of ro est S.troet west to the city iimits. kedcood }seed from the Los ''neeies c,. Salt Lake neilroad track at 9th Routh Street south to the city Limits. SFCTTON P. Tn the ooinion of the Po ere of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhniitants o' bolt Lake City that this ordnance shalL take effect imeeCiately. hi,'CCr105 ihia or,_inance shall take el ect anon its first put4ication. _ee/o by the boor,: of Com_ s. oner of ,lt I, ' e City, �(0_il[� o f /vvv� ' r O F Utah, this oay U� r). Mayor. pity hecorr .or. X Ct 1 tL7I' 0 8 t t� . i, 411idavit of Publicat ion STATE OF UTAHI, Count of• . _6.egai Notice' ._ AN ORDINANCE Leo H. Young AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 8• - TION 1382, Revised Ordinances 1 S.t Lake City,Utah,1934.as amended y n orvhnanc0 passed by tha Board f Co•• Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- elonere of Salt Jake City, Uta, October.25th,1039,and designated .ill No.38,relating to speed of vehicles u•'n 1 a vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper the streets n-Belt Lake CitY.• -He it ordained by the Board of1C• • in of Salt Lake City. Utah published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State SECTION 1.That Section'1382,.'vied, Ordinances f Salt-LakeCity.aUtah Y•4., of Utah. a a"amended by anordinance Hoard of October '25;1s of Sand Lek C ty.' Utah,on o,38, 'la ng➢,and deal ed as Hill N°•3g, relatme-ta speed f That the advertisement..Ordinance-.Ri11.Na.-.22_. - hiclea up the street,i Salt Ladle-C tbyy, be a%the same la hereby a ndiea. subsection I thereat, with "°nail lee d as follows: ' "Bnlxe lion a THROUGH HIGH S. •-•Relating_to_-speed.upon..streets... ,SPEED. The following streets an ,or. as 'Clone thereof are hereby..aesllna e.t. edthrough ttHighways and thereshall b ers ct. -.-(Salt aloe--City Corp ) City-Recorder ed at the entrances thereto from In -.•. erg streets o highvtays sign" n 1•Ing driver, of a or to "top before a ter- or o such designated t -o gh ihlehwavasr Said" signs shall be Dl co ali' nearly practicable and the see s es be madeat the place•where we h0 ` street meets the prolongation o rt property lino of end° hriugh was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the nearest d such stop signs s 1 the d"STOP•' l adi E. Of to be elearlr legible from a distance ce as 17th — to 1,0p sect a shall be _Dt ee.ao'; day of MaY A.D. /940_.. approaching a chited;by Lh d It shaalll be un- lSovehicle: •e tot tel lawful for the driver o1 y v tl Where atop In benward any is and was published 1.tine Where speeds special Inward ugh he fob lowing ,Deed" pan through h gr test of thnt lawful but any"Deed cere 1 tkatendlcated grew for the a at tar the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the pridistrict/ location - ditlth 1 >is rot reasonable feel° rdrncp that thnd th t It is u awtti.0prudent, sn n- designaled, to le,signs hall r h'eln day of A.D. 19 giving dotice of, signs shall be'a-cued on notice of the speed Derml te. D. /J such TWENTY-DIVE c��•'/y��_ ) (A) rd Avenue MILES PER H.t t ` Q-TiC�-s--x—T� Third Avenue from H"'stiee4 ea:t to virginfa Street. - Advr wing Clerk. �� E" Street from South'Templ -treat / north to 11,Avenue. fh Street•from south Tempt .treat "N. tc Street.from t. - -:tenet `th• from South;Tem1E1 north,dt Wet4111• ee. Third Wert Street between ]s orth apd Ird Worth treat . • Third t Street between I t ;oath and 8th•South Streets.om 18th day of B' Streeta=omFirst Aran, north'to be f ore me this .to 11th Avenue. • Virginia Street from South -epee .Street north to Wasatch Drive. (B),THIRTY MILES PER HOUR A.D. 1940._ Redwood Road from Loa A go ea & j Salt Lake Railroad tracks at 9 h South Strke4 north to re•limits. North Temple Street from Mai Street west to the Jordan aiv,r Hridee.oft 500 ` North Temple street from ••feet east of 23rd West Street w t to a Deck Ste fat west' f 23rd W t Street N_t rij Public. north k to9ta point_500 fee frOin t Nor tb Street intersection of Victory Road or It. Beck i Street. ._ Second West Street from Ninth North Streetsouth to Ninth South Street. Man Street from Fayette Avenue south to city limits. State Street from Ninth South Street south to city limits. Fifth East Street from South Temple Street south to city Smite.- Ninth East Street from South Temple Street south to city limits. Eleventh East Street from Ninth South Street south to Hollywood Avenue. Highland Drive from Simpson Avenue south to city finite. Thirteenth East Snivel from South Tern. pie Street south to Highland.Drive. South Temple Street from Second East Street east to.Virginia-Stree, Sedond South Street from Second East Street Frth South t to lath Strreeast fromtrSecond East Street east to SOth East Street, then e9utheeettely to 5thSouth Street,theca ei m• etu `9thceouthlt ireet to II,@a Military 11'� Re .altSid southeaeterly to the.,city Blf-.p 'h'litSIt Streak from Second West ..94toeLeVV -SltIcPeet Street. dt'eanth ,gouir.Streel IFogprry West • p Stleg(, lmt]j}F l',§tt4p:7 4Vbet • -rt 'North St so u.- .eel :fitted to d•Road. ( F FORLES PER KOOK TE Victory. from Fourth North Street north to Beck Street. (D)FOSTY.FIVE MILES rim HODS Beek Street from a point 500 Sett north of Its intersection with'Victory Rood. thence north to the oily limits. + North Temple from the Jordan Bridge t to a point SOS fret'ea ttvof 73rd Waal Street...,.___. Temple from point 5 lent ,eel o of 23tr1 West Street toet west the dry limits. Redwood Road from the Los Angeles Be Street th to LakeRailroad ctrack limits.9th South SECTION 2.In the .opinion 'of'ISIS Board of Commissioners, it is n s ,- to,the peace, health and safetycot the te of 5 't that this ordinance thall take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall'take effect upon its fleet publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. this 10t0-day el May,A.D.1940. AB JENEINS, MVO!. (SEAL) ETHEL MACCDONA D. ity Recorder. BILL NO. 22. Published May Stth,1940. ! t ' NH! 4 fl`-' Oft *Oa P'II ND Z '-',.\-,...., '1,...\-• , =... ,..._ w• et •• .... . ; [ \ ! —'