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22 of 1941 - Amending Chapter LXVIII--creating Division of Smoke Inspection and Control.
^v` 1Ue ooV ROLL CALL yyppyy VOTING F.k `J Salt Lake City,Utah, Migf 1.4 1941 194 " Go�gin - I more that the ordinance he passed. Keyser Matheson - - - ,f YL©. Mnrdo�h / Mr.Chairman - - - E./ AN ORDINANCE Result - - - - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER LXVIII, REVISED ORDINANCES of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to smoke inspection and abate- 1582 ment, by repealing Sections 1576, 1577, 1578, 1579,15.80andA; amend- ing Sections 1570, 1571, 1575 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on July 22, 1940; Sec- tions 1581, 1583, 1584, 1585, 1586 as amended by an ordinance pas:4ed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on July 22, 1940; and Sections 1587, 1590, 1591 and 1592; and adding in and to said Chapter three new Sections to be known as Sections 1578, 1579, and 1580. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 1576, 1577, 1578, 1579,.1580 and 1582 of Chapter LXVIII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to smoke inspection and abatement, bw and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 2. That Sections 1570; 1571; 1575, as amended by' an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on July 22, 1940; Sections 1581; 1583; 1584; 1585; and 1586, as amended Eby an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake (City on July 22, 1940; and Sections 1587; 1590; 1591; and 1592; of said Chapter 1XVIII of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to smoke inspection and abatement, be and the same are here- by amended to read as follows: SEC. 1570. SMOKE CONTROL DIVISION CREATED. There is hereby created in the Department of Streets and Public Improve- ments a division known as the Smoke Control Division, which shall be under the general direction of the Chief Engineer as herein- after provided for. 22 -2- It shall be the duty and function of the Smoke Control division to enforce the provisions of the smoke con- trol code, the engineers! and firemen's licensing code, the heating appliance contractors' code, the power and heating', appliance code and all amendments pertaining thereto. SEC. 1571. CHIEF ENGINEER. The board_ of commiselon- ers may a rpoint a chief engineer who will act in the capacity of chief engineer and head of the smoke control division at a salary of not to exceed P4,700.00 per annum. The chief engin- eer shall be an engineer qualified by training and experience in the theory and practice of the construction and operation of steam boilers and furnaces and also in the theory and prac- tice of smoke control and prevention. SEC. 1575. PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION, ETC. (a) Sonew power or heating plant, gas burner, oil burner, coal burner or stoker, chimney, stack, incinerator, furnace, oven, or anyre- construction of any old power or heating plant, gas burners oil burner, coal burner or stoker, chimney, stack, incinerator furnace or oven for producing power and heat, or either of them, shall be constructed, installed, enlarged, altered, operated, maintained in any building or plant in the city until planO and specifications of the same have been filed by the owner, agent or contractor in the office of and approved by the chief engin- eer and a permit issued by him for such construction, recon- struction or maintenance. If any work regulated by this chapter or the Power and Heating Equipiment Code for which work a permit is required` be commenced without a permit first having been obtained there- for, double the permit fees as prescribed in Section 1587 shall be paid when a permit is finally obtained. The plans and specifications io be filed with the Chief Engineer shallIshow the connected load and the amount of work and heating to be done by such plant and all appurtenances thereto and all other information required by the Chief Engin- eer, including all provisions made for the purpose of secr}r- ing complete combustion of the fuel to be used for the purpose of preventing smoke; said plans and specifications shall also contain a statement of the kind of fuel proposed to be used, including the commercial size of coal when such fuel is seci- fied, and said plans and specifications shall also shoe that the room, apartment or basement in which such plant shall be located is provided with doors, windows, air shafts, or oiiher means of ventilation sufficient to prevent the temperature of such room, apartment or other portion of such building wherein such plant or apparatus is to be used, from rising to a edin.t higher than 110 degrees Fahrenheit measured at a point :;': 'feet abovit the floor; and sufficient also to provide that the atmos- phere of any such room, apartment or basement wherein such apparatus may be located, may be entirely renewed every tdn minutes. (b) Upon the approval of such plans and specifiaa- tions, a duplicate set of which shall Se left on file in Said office, and upon payment of the fees hereinafter provided,! the chief engineer shall issue a permit for the construction, erection or maintenance of such plant. As soon as the chief engineer has issued a permit as above provided, it shall then be his duty to see that the execution of the work permitted is carried out in conformity with the plans and specifications. (c) In the event that any application for permit or issuance of final certificate is refused by the chief en€rineer the applicant has the right to appeal from his decision to the board of Commissioners. Such appeal shall be made in writing delivered to the chief engineer, who shall receipt for same and shall notify the Board of Commissioners immediately that such appeal has been filed. Written decision on all appeals shall be filed with the chief engineer within ten days after such notice to the Board of Commissioners, or action of the chief engineer shall be considered confirmed by the Boa.rd, of, i Commissioners. -4- SEC. 1581. FARM AIR FURNACES. All warm air furnaces with a grate surface of three (3) square feet or more shall be equipped with mechanical firing equipment or use a smokeless fuel. If more than one earn air furnace is installed to heat one building and the total grate area of all furneceslis three (3) square feet or more, each furnace shall be eeu.ip)ed with mechanical firing equipment or use smokeless fuel. I In the case of two or more family dwellings no single warm air circulating system shall be installed in such a manner that air will be circulated from one apartment to another. All warm air and circulating systems shall be in- stalled in accordance with the Salt Lake City Power and Heat- ing Equipment Code. SEC. 1583. CHIMNEY AND FLUE CONSTRUCTION,_ ETC. All buildings having a basement sufficiently large to permit the installation of a heating plant, excepting those buildings for which heat will be purchased from an outside source, shall provide two flues, one for the heating plant ana one for trhe water heater, constructed in a manner to comply with the re- quirements of this section. All power and heating plants over 25 horsepower capacity shall be equipped with a stack of sufficient size and height to give a minimum draft of 0.25 inches water pressure over the fire in the furnace, and all plants less than Pb;horse- power, 0.15 inches, draft measurement to be taken when furnace is being fired at maximum rating. Unless the height of a flue or stack is greater than 150 feet the breeching must not drop at any point from the boiler to the stack. Where the breeching is rectangular in section the ratio of the dimensions shall not be greater than 3 to 2. The minimum radius of the central line of all bends shall not be less than the width or diameter of the breeching. the area of the breeching in the plants not exceeding 1000 -5- 1 horsepower shill be one fifth of the tetal connected grat6 area. Every boiler over 10 horsepower capacity for heating or power purposes shall be equipped with a smoke indicator; so' arranged that it can be readily seen thr heard from the front of the boiler. 1 In any residence of less than 1600 scuare feet of floor area, the inside dimensions of the furnace flue may not be less than llxll inches rectangular or equivalent and the height of any masonry chimney shall not be less than SO feet measured from the furnace grates. hater heater flues may not be less than 8x8 inches rectangular or equivalent. All chim- neys shall conform to the requirements of the Building Cod . No stack or chimney either for heating or power shall have any ventilating shaft, air ducts, hot water heater connec- tions, or other similar openings, except that where gas used for fuel the vents from not more than three appliances may enter the same flue. Any existing stack, chimney, vent or flue used to conduct products of combustion to the atmosphere, found to be inadequate in area or height, or deteriorated to the -point' where draft is impeded, or unsafe to life and property, or' a nuisance to the neighborhood, may be condemned and. shall be added. to or replaced as instructed by the smoke control divi- sion. SEC. 1584. CFPTIFICATS IOR USE OF PLANT. It shall be unlawful for any person to use any new or reconstructed plant for the production and generation of power and heat, or either j of them, until he shall first have produced a final certificate from the chief engineer that the plant is constructed in accord- ance with the plans and specifications filed with the chief engineer at the time the permit was issued. • SEC. 1585. PERMITS. A'LTERA'TIONS AND REPAIRS. No owner, lessee, or operator of any existing plant shall alter or repair any chimney, stack, or any furnace or device, which alteration,. -6- change or instaliati_on,shall affect the method or efficiency of preventing smoke}or change the connected load; without first submitting plans and specifications to the chief engineer and securing a permit therefor; however, that minor necessary or emergency repairs which do not change the capacity or the con- nected load of such plant or which do not involve any substan- tial alteration in structure and which do not involve any alter- ation in the method or efficiency of smoke prevention may be made by or under the engineer in charge of said plant without a permit. Each day's violation shall constitute a separates offense. SEC. 1586.DENSE SMOKE. NUISANCE. (a) The emission of dense smoke within the city from the stack, chimney or flue of any steam boiler, steam derrick, steam pile driver, or other portable or temporary smoke making device or apparatus, is hereby declared a nuisance. (b) The emission. of dense smoke within the city f •om the smoke stack of any tar kettle or any similar contrivance, or from the stack, flue or chimney of any building or premises, or from any open bonfire, open bin, tank, vat, basin, still or other receptacle is hereby declared a nuisance. (c) Any fuisance such as the above specified may be summarily abated by the chief engineer or by anyone whom he ,may duly authorize for the purpose and such abatement may be inad- dition to the penalty hereinafter provided. (d) Any person operating or in charge or control Of any steam roller, steam derrick, steam pile driver, tar kettle or other similar machine or contrivance, or any roen bonfire, open bin, tank, vat, basin, kiln, still or other receptacle or of any building or premises, who shall cause or permit the emission of dense smoke within the city, in contravention of the provision of this section from the stack, chimney or, flue of any steam roller, steam derrick, steam pile driver, tar kettle or other similar machine or contrivance, or from any open bonfire, open bin, tank, vat, basin, kiln, still or other receptacle, or -7- 1 from the stack, flue or chimney of any building or premises so owned, controlled or in charge of him shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a nuisance and upon confiction thereof shall be fined as hereinafter provided. Each emission of such dense smoke shall constitute a separate offense. I (e) For the purpose of grading the density of smoke, the Ringelman Smoke Chart, as published and used by the United States Geological Survey shall be the standard of comparison, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part of this chapter, and is hereby approved and ordained to be the official standard for Salt bake City. Smoke shall be considered "d nse" when it is of equal or greater density than No. 2 of the c art, or smoke too dense to be seen through when viewed directly over the top of the stack. ; 't' (f) No person or persons, firm or corporation shall cause, permit or allow the escape from any stack, chimney, flue, furnace, boiler or any open fire or incinerator or from any heating appliance into the open air or into any building of such quantities of fly ash, dust, soot, cinders, acid or other fumes, dirt, or other material, or noxious gases in Such place or manner as to cause injury, detriment or nuisance to any person or persons or the public or to endanger the health or safety of any such person or persons or the public or in such manner as to cause injury or damage to business or pro- perty within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City. SEC. 1587. FEES FOR INSPECTION. A fee shall be charg- ed for the examining of plans and specifications for insta .la- tion, reconstruction or alteration of any fuel burning equip- ment. This fee shall cover the inspection of the installation and the issuance of the permit and certificate in case such are granted. In one and two family residences, dwellings or struc- tures, the fee shall be for central heating plant, gas conver- sion burner, oil burner, coal stoker, floor furnace, wall fur- 1 nace, circulating heater, heatrola, space heater, stove, water -8- heater, or any fuel burning equipment, $2.00 for the first , single appliance and fifty cents ($.50) for each additional] appliance,provided, however, the inspection of all installed appliances can be made at the same time. In all buildings of three families or more and alp_ commercial and industrial buildings or plants, the fee for central heating plant, gas conversion burner, oil burner, coal stoker, shall be $5.00 each and the fee for each unit heater, floor furnace, wall furnace, circulating heater,heatrola, space heater, stove, water heater, incinerator or any miscellaneous fuel burning appliance or equipment shall bo $2.00 for the ;first single appliance and $1.00 for each additional appliance, provid- ed, however, that the inspection of all installed appliances can be made at the same time. 1 SEC. 1590. PENALTY. Any person who shall violate,any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more than Two Hundred Ninety-nine Dol- lars ($299.00) for each offense, or not to exceed six month in the city jail, or both. SEC. 1591. RECORDS. The chief engineer shall cause tc be kept in his office complete records of all permits issued and of all examinations of plants made by members of the smoke Con- trol division and also of all final certificates issued. SEC. 1592. REPORTS. The chief engineer shall make a report of the work of his division to the board of city cc3m- missioners monthly. SECTION 3. That Chapter LXVIII, Revised Ordinances of gait Lake City, Utah, 1934; be and the same is hereby amended b,, adcing in and to said chapter three new sections to be known as Sections 1578, 1579 and 1580, which shall read as follows: SEC. 1578. NEW STRUCTURES, UP 0D' LED BUILDINGS EYIST- ING BUILDINGS_ All new, remodeled, repaired or reconditioned fuel burning appliances or devices installed in new, remodeled or reconstructed buildings or structures shall be equipped with mechanical firing equipment before being placed in service and -9- such equipment shall be installed in accordance with the Salt Lake City codes regulating the installation of such equipment. No owner, lessee, agent or operator of any existing power cbr heating plant shall replace or cause to be replaced any boiler, furnace or fuel burning device in any existing building with- out equipping such heating appliance or device with mechanical_ firing equipment and installed in accordance with the Salt, Lake City codes regulating the installation of such equipment. Any person using, firing or placing in operating service any new or remodeled fuel burning equipment or device and any mechanical firing equipment attached thereto without first making application for and securing a certificate for use of such a plant shall be guilty of a violation of Section 1584 of this chapter; provided however that in any case an in- dividual may use smokeless fuel of the type herein described when application has been made and granted by the chief engin- eer of the smoke control division of Salt Lake City. The chief engineer shall not grant any such application unless he is1 satisfied that the applicant is using a type of fuel approved. hereby as smokeless fuel and it shall be his duty to revoke any permit granted when it appears to him from satisfactory evidence that a holder of such a permit is burning other than smokeless fuel or violating the terms of this ordinance. SEC. 1579. RECONSTRUCTED EXISTING PLANT;._ Any boiler, furnace, heater or fuel burning appliance or equipment found to be deteriorated, antiquated or designed and constructed in such a manner that it does not comply with the revised codes regulating such installations and the operation of which is a hazard to life and/or property or a nuisance to the community may be condemned. Any person operating or using any such condemned equipment shall be guilty of the violation of Section 1586. The chief engineer of the smoke control division may orae4 1 and direct such alterations, changes or replacements deemed necessary to place said plant or equipment in condition so G10- that it may be safely operated without creating a nuisancel. SEC. 1580. TFO OR MORE CONTRACTORS OR PERSONS INL VOLVED IN THE SAME JOB. There two or more contractors are, en- gaged in the installation of any heating plant or heating equipment, i. e. the .contractor or person "roughing in' al is heating system while buildingAunder construction or remode1ed and another contractor or person doing the final installation of furnace and appurtenances thereto, both contractors will be required to obtain a permit for the heating job. In case the contractor doing the "roughing in" later is awarded the job of installing the heating plant or furnace such contractor will not be required to pay an additional fee but will be re- quired to furnish plans and specifications of such heating'. equipment in addition to the "roughing in" layout. Fees for permits for the above equipment will apply pnly when application for such permits are made prior to tie commencement of any installation, alteration or construction requiring permits. If any work regulated bV or covered by any codes coming under the jurisdiction of the :Smoke Control Division for which work a permit is recuirea be commenced without a per- mit first having been obtained therefor, double the permit'fees as prescribed in Section 1587 shall be paid when a permit is finally obtained. Payment of any fee mentioned in this section however, shall in no way relieve any person of the penalties that may be imposed for violation of the smoke control ordi- nance. SECTION 4. In the opinion of the uoard of Commissioners, it is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitahts of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first. publication. �� j/. t 1- Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this /`fay of , F. 1. 1941. or. ZriZe City Recorder. --- • 4c, I , . . „ zAtt. ‘C) e I I 1. e f .120.0 0,• Ito • 7: OFFICIAL SMOKE CHART OF SALT LAKE CITY ■EENNEEa•UPU U IN ■■■■ ■ ■■ ■■■IONOMM■■aar11 IIIIIIIIIIII ■Ua■aaaaa■■■u■ ■a■■a■aa■..aa■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■■■■a�•■■a■ium L111111111111 INIIIIIIIIMINII ■.■a.■aa■aa■W■r■ ■ MI■■■■ ■■■aaaamaaaam■ II 111.111111111111 aaa•aa■•■araaa as■mmulmE■me• i■a.,.■aaa■■■■i ii■a■■aaaa■■■■■ a■■■a■a■■■■■a■ M■■iim■■aiaaa■■ ■aaaa■■■aaa:r■ aaama■■mam■issia aaU■■a■aaaaa.U.:R ■aa■■■amummira 1. Equivalent to 20 per cent dense. 2. Equivalent to 40 per cent dense, 11111..111111..111.111.41111M 11 A IS a 1111144` II a■•o �: 11 1.11r1111.1W 4 ■ ra■ ■ arUaaa . moommainisimilormie 1 1 I,W 11 1 11.1 1' `1■ ■'r ■,m;;■ in r r ... r a• F 14,U11rt;1U.11:r1 r ■ ■a■ ■ ■ r s ■ a,m ■■.. 41111•W1;I1r1•a1, ■■.■ ■ ■ ,■R41*a*I 11 III III.1 II*a 1111■ ■.■ a.a ■a a 4.i ■**so* In'•IlMP ill*r1111 ri.■aar■ •:raa■'. 11.41r101r11'w.:11 ■l,araaaal aia a . :r II 111,11 II it rr;aW■aa■,■: ■ ■ ■ ■aar ■m:■ ■ ■i•. ■Ar1 r r■.w.a 11 .r la a,i■ ■,M,X,r a.4.,r.:, win a'■•alio.■iU... �ar ■ Ir aes■ r .a■a. O. 1•W;1AU ilk.IIair1,1 ■ ■ a�ia ■r���rr �y ,'' 14 I'll 1a ire...III arV aIIIIII r III aai'ar iv*;1' ■1rrl`UU111111C • r.� ■ ■r ■r_■■ ■ irk:, ■rAN■r1/aisWUMA ;`r ■ ■ ■?Ina. ra,aiair= r r'IN-W Wall OWN A r.1 1'- . . .-. . .. . . . .4 . , • 3. Equivalent to 60 per cent dense. 4. Equivalent to 80 per cent dense. 5. Equivalent to 100 per refit dense. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,as the official Smoke Chart of Salt Lake City,Utah. Ao , -- PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM 'att Eakt aglrgraut 4 ' County Entry No 1 . I Fronf of 11nb1trati n ;;ratan*if*tntro of Amerirn 1 STATE OF UTAH }ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE + .k 3�yL i IN onDx°tO1eP- I, M.CONNOR s� sr, �3+ �ktah,1g84,-relating, 9'.�y�...'"k Lid'abatement,by it••tee 4 1577 1578;1579 orilhna being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of 1) L .ti' aril Conllnissfonere ;�uw�y s". t on duly 28 1940;Sec- 12 -1584 1585, 1585 as' 4 mOoeoina a paeaea by the. THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake ,G7u 1940 ers,Se Belt Lake 1. 1940;and Section.1587, f f• g8 and adding in and �-f three ew- ections to be City, i ' r '- •.528 1579,and 1580. State of Utah. LS ,j trie`Roarq,of Com, r � 17�tbata{{b77alante4°is75„� AN ORDIN1NCE AMENDING CHAPTER p "and 15a9:aYbhp- That the Notice •7p n 0.0V:innsnoee of Balt i9 3 1934;relating to smoke ;o 'Aid/11te1nent,be and the LXV111, REVISED ORDI N"NCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH i, eF ,sennated,. t Sections n1570 ,, t •edbyartprdl Ise d' f Commies'...c. 1a5984. 1 22.sand;15 BILL #22 1 , 1Sh 1585 sal d by .-, 1 ,�.....ace pee tl It fs o Salt 1:: - i $ 4 sno Ritz• 1d 1 0 ]tn evise of nerd i l sib gaff;•LW.f11ty, Utah, late,' ,sla ;tP a▪epaetlon and abate- Mahn $ 'iifs- no t Same are hereby of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- bR so` oON';FOL nwx- e}a is hereby -i a• "+aims trpf-Streera and i a r in its issue dated the 1719 Is m nts division an wn 1 paper aft,the aln a tdvislon,which it 6fa al dlrectlon of nereinarter pry. day of MAT , 19341 0o j `.e en o ':n ice en'e 11- published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on %enia Ice and was oeneln" i,' ,,file baiting-ind eu. log np9i bn qo Od the 9.ii qad.hen Penn tmag-thereto. MAY--17--th for o C ot, is oint i b d'o; q� ▪opera ep-pant' w ohie'exlgln" -who en ant 7n the.I OilsOpacitya ,ott c l nglneer ant bead Of!1 1 TIME 9 e amok. U division at k salary I thereafter,the full period of la,noiu to e% a:48,7 00'an annum. „:,,- ep bean engineer iniathe pinS anti*Settee experience m the last publication thereof the ion f We on- etrnctlop 'operation of steamthe boll- envy ere and inmates and also 1n the theory and.practise of smoke control and pre- vention.1575. PERMITS POE CON- being in the issue dated the 17TH day of STR.1fCriON,ETC. (a) Na-new power Or heating plant,gas burner,oil burner, F"Mal Warner or stoker,chimney,stack,- con,actor,-.furnace, oven,or any re- MAY ,A.D.193 41 heat- ing of any old power or-heat• ,�,,_ ,,/,,�� burn plant,gas burner, n burner,coal ���_"✓'/"f✓ burner r, token chimney,stack,uc- 27 in- cinerator,power Turnand he t. oven for prodRoam, /// 1ng be constructed, heat,or.either ta le them, shall,be.'altered, rect Operated, metalled, en- lamed, in novildin a Or plante themai oily ed until any building eo plant intofcity name ppigne ire fipea rlt,lona.ox the same 28th lhava.Eaen filed by,the oarner,,rant dr worn to before me this day of contractor.in,the office of and ap- proved by the chief engineer and a permit;Issued..by pim.for such eon, sanction, reconstruction or initiate-Hance. , A. D. 19341 \ Notary Public. Nov.25,1941 My commission expires Advertising fee$... 22 i Jr any work regulated oy tins chap-, ' ter or the Power and Keating Equip- ment Code for winch work a permit, .then Sifeet meuured from ill M.required.l a commehbed without a iP • permit first L'eving,been,obtained' lane grated. Water heater flues.,. therefor,(IOuble.the portent free an pre- not be lees than ex8 Inches recta' • gerlbed 1a'bection 3337;shall be paid 10�ivele%t All chimneys ahal-.. �¢ppn.a�paa5lt>Sa xlnally obtained.-_ equirelnente Of the f "The plans ehd epeolflcatlone-to be In.-Cade. ... •-'t '1. flied With-,the Chief Engineer shall o etteaOClC or chlniney dl}er Tor-.- shhoe,'the -connected load'and the Mng or lower shall have any ventilatin ' amount of work and heating to be-done haft,air ducal,hot water heater con by such plant and all appurtenances ce ctlona,or other similar openings,ex-e thereto and all-other information.rroot that where gas is.used for fuel/ Mitred.by the Chief Engineer,include the. enter from not more than thre Ing all provisions. made for the our• appliances'may titer the same flue. name:t securing complete combuetioa. Any existing stank,chimney„vent 1 Of.the fuel to be used.for the purpose flue uebd.to conduct products'of camp �e■e■■e■eeeee■ of,preventing.smoke; said plans-and ,bite¢tt the aatmosphere.•or e,ght, to bl,e,' •e■e■eee■eee■■e- apOeificatfpne.`shall also contain e. 'inadequate a the point. Where' orde:i 'atetemen9 Of the hind,of fuel proposed terlot4ted to polrtt where'dratt W eeee■■eeeee■■■" to be used,.including the le ert1 6d. or Unsafe to_llfe and.proDf ■e■■■eeeee■■e■ size of,Hoak when'such fuel le epeclfted, arty, Of•a¢Aimee to the eighbor4 -and-saaid-plans.th roomifioationeahbll ed'to or replabe ced assdinstructed d b ■eeee■°■eeee■e. also show that, room,apartment or a smoke control division. .1111.11111111.1111111111111111111111111111 basement in,which such Plant O0ro.shall.be ,SEC, 1584. CERTIFICATE FOR US •eeeeeeeeeeeee. located le provided with doors, win- PLANT. It shall be unlawful f0 "vent, air.shafts,,or'other mean of My person to.use any new or recon 'eeeeeeeeee■eee ventilation sufficient to prevent the strneted.plant for the production n i e■eeeeeeeeeeee' temperature of such room, apartment generation of power and heat or Wile or other. portion of such building d1'then; until he shall first'have pro ee■eeeee■eeee■ wherein such plant or apparatue Is to cured a final certificate from the eine eeeee■eeeeeee■-. be used;from Tieing to s point higher •hgineer that the plant re constructed then--110 degrees Fahrenheit measured n accordance with the plans and specs- eeee■eee■ee■■ at a point 515 feet above the floor;and '{cation filed with the chief engineer eee■eeee■ee.■■' sufficient also to'provide Unit the at: �§s the time the permit was{saved. or e'of shy such room.-apartment 'SEC. 1583. PERMITS. . ALTERA- eeeeeeee■e■■■■ or basement wherein such apparatus ' ONS AND REPAIRS. No.Owner, eee■eee■■e■■■■ I 'May be located, y be entirely re- lessee;or operator of any°stating plant.Yle(ved.every'ten minute.. shall alter,or repair any-chimney,aledk, ■■eee■■■eee■■■ 0 snd)apaClon the ehs pa cal of such ate spl plans oror any furnace or device,which-alters- °eeeee■■■■■■■■ 0 which shall be left on file in said reeet'tVga fur e or for teffici efficiency oallation f pll re•i eeee■eee■eeeee a office,.and upon payrnnt of the fees Venting smoke or change the connected hereinafter'provided, the chief mgt. ,cad, without first submitting plans; ee■eee°eeeee■e 0 neer.shall imam a permit for the con- and specification to the Chief a gl. eee■■■■eeee■■■ ' ltruction, erection or maintenance of l er nd curing a permit therefor{ 0'auph pint. Assam ae the chief engl- eee■eeeeeee■■■ Leer hqa_Issued'a Permit erg above pro- OVR-,that minor db wo necessary.,°met vided,it shad then be hla duty to eee eapa y Or t which ec not change tt'. 1. Equivalent to 20%dense. i0 - - plant Or the oonneoted load of eu that d IS carried out the-work Der- ptent or which do not evolve anyure and i0'Witted >a carried Out e.conformity atentlal alteration in o l fa structure artd ■e e•e•r i0 with tIn..the e'nd apeolflny ape. .winch do.lot involve any alteration e, �•e����•••■■■• f0) I Perm event that any ppllea- the method or efficiency of smoke pre- i0 '[tort'for to ref se feby.the of finchief eer- engineer maycha made by or under the e e tie ratl 1a'applicant as the ig t mini-MI- e¢glhaer charge ri said's violation motion `�■■••••■.■.e■ 10 ppea from app from yrylatial has the right to MI- out a constitute permit. Each day a Snse. a' ,0 Commleemnsro. aceOn to rb mveel shall ye Shall 800. s 0. CENSEarate B SMOKE. NCI- ••••IE••e••a a•• •, chief, SANOS.'(a) The-emission of dense ----e ••••r■ -snglneer.-:-he-shall receipt or-ears-- smoke within the city from[tie stack, •••••••■•••■•• .0 and shall.'miseloners Immedie the that of Conchimney or flue ee any steam holler, �..U.U■■•`•■U ,0 ant at°er derrick, steam pile driver, e peal 1 ell been filed. Written with. the, f other 'portable or temporary smoke p r w ,S gineec hall be filed with the, making device or apparatn,is hereby chief engineer to within ten 'Commie'," afted declared e3femissi e. ••■e■r• e•■•r e• p miat scone s, re c the heard chief mitt' thI The city emission of.dens smoke O�..■■.■■ 0 peers r action t the chief d b• of any sty from the smoke stack' .hear shall of-Commissioners, confirmed b; of shy tar kettle or any similar coo.. e••••■•e•a U•• D the Boa138 of-WARM AIR°F trlvnce, f any the stack, rem{or w�. SEC. 1581.. WARM with FURNACES o lfrom of any buildingboom oro en bin, All wof hie furnaces-ter) square et or or+ from any open honk, pen bin, 0 face of three (e Wi a feet or m ,tank,vat,basin,kiln,d ec r a other •■■••■,■■■eee■• Well be equipped with mechanical Sire, reiepLacle L hereby'declared a nui�' i Mg equipment or use a emokelees fuel: eance. ••■■■■•••••••• If or than one warm elr furnace '(e1 Any nuisance lath as the above) ■..■■•■■■■ ■■ to installed to heat one building and epeclfled may be summarily abated by ' the total.grate'area of all furnaces is the chief engineer or by anyone whom •. U•U U A•••■E e three (9) square,feet,or more, each he may duly authorise for the purpose% furnace anal' be equipped with and such tha abatement hereinafter ftnr be in spec- •••e•••••e••••• Mechanical firing equipment or use '•••••••••••••■ ennOkelees fuel, vided. I¢the case of two Or more family. (d) Any person operating or in ••■•e•••••••••• 'dwaliing0-no-single perm sir' t.- charge r control of any steam roller. big system,W suall be installed in such steam kettle ere then similar pile lenhin Ivor,coar 2. Equivalent to e0°le dense. froma miner that air will ae theulated trivance,or any open bonfire,open bin, one.apartment circulating co bother. tank, vat, basin, kiln, till or other All'perm ptr edd aeora re withins receptacle or of any building or prem- thall It Lake Cifled a eer and a • the Salt Lake e. Power and Heating imi, ono-shallecaves or.permit the -Equipment00, Carle. elty,It onf dens smoke-withinepshv the ` SEC, .UO% CHIMNEY Ail AND FLDE city,is sctio from of the k,rhim- eioo CaVinE aU505mel ETC. All buildings of this section fny s the r , hem-, .pavegg install nesa o 0 large to ,ney or flue m any dream roller,r steam or. perrptt.the installation of a heating other_ stem pilea machine o Tar tattle or' pjlrh, eat will those bsedfros for other. anytier open nlbe or bonfire. e bin, le ih ehSubsid fleet w111 be purovide io sl ea Or from open , etiopen bin, -.o5E0ide source,shell provide two flues, teak, t, begin, kiln•,.atlll or other One for the heating plant and one for chimneyor of -' or or ➢remises Her to,oomply'With the requirements ,ao owned, controlled a a Charge e- of this section. him shall be deemed guilty t-maim. All power end heeteg A.M..'ever tiO t 4¢ocean nd'Pr' 50 herein. • horsepower capacity. Wail be Don thereof shall be fined as herein• • equipped with-a stack of eufflolent else after:provided. Each emlute a such • and euffielent hepiigght fq give a raw- dense smoke shall'conetltute a ges nerals MUM.dealt.01 0.2S Inches water pros- Offense. .siere;0 e-r the fire In the furneee,'and (e) For th purpose of grading the ail bee, r0(t than 23 horsepower,0.15 'density of emote. the Ringelman • siege.draft eee being nt to be.takenSmoke Chart, as published nd used ' who ruin ee Is being fired at Maid- by' United.States Geological Sur. • .-MUM rsWng.• , • • ray shall be the standard of compart- 11¢lleee the height of a flue Or stack son,m copy of which is hereto attached al_greeter ot dropthlUI-150 feet the breeching and made a part of this chaptdome r,ate right not.drop at any point from'the is hereby approved and'ordained a ed to ke ,4 - bbller,t0 the ettek. Weds the breath- the official et hall for Salt Lake 'Mg IS reat_angnlar in section the ratio City. Smoke shall be considered M the.at4endone Well not be greater dens"when it. cA equal or greater demlty d No.'2 of the chart, of Thef.all mile anus of the central smoke too dense to be seen through S. Equivalent to e0% dense. j line:d LLl.Cndit shall not be less than when viewed directly over the top of 100 width oa'Of Idle i tided the breech- the stack. !' The a,4 clothe brdd ddr In the Off1WLL smoke chart of Salt Lake me nOt'ek-eeding1000 hOreepowet C11y:_�_ be ale Ilfth of the total con. lgo_ad•fist.arse. . Egery-boiler over '10 .horsepower pityg,,'fCr heating or power purposes h8 fquleed• with a'smoke inch- ;. 0)arranggeedd that it can be readily . e ' Or bawd from'the front of the, ¢ @µg esldnes of less.than 1000 ua`e feet.of'-floor area,'the tinkle ollti0S11ilME Of the furnace flue may net bs'LOes than 11211 Idolise reotngu- 14t or equivglent dad qse height ofany M 0?s19 otdmney shall not be leas I moru puddings of three famllles or e and all p W end industrial banding or plants,the fee for central .heating plant, gas conversion burner, 1- 1 ,oil burner, that stoker, hall'be a5.00 elf Lake‘7elegrarn,_Sa .floor and,ttte tee for each anti hQater, floor furnace._Well^ffo nit a Irealatln¢ ., 5 ''''' 7�1aeaaEppoo,,iyyqq 11(._21m1:1 °01"n:a ova, e i. • •W .,,dllb000usla bur ngl-m y or, eeutymen fuel burning$2.0 reapplianceef or ■ • a n w • it .,- ,,equipment shall be q.00(tor the ftrat' elll(le appliance and>1.00 re :each adz iJ dltlonal appliance, provided,-howvge that the Inspection of all Installed apj a ■ a a a ii i • • • r 1lmeensea eon be made at the same a a ■ a a a a n a • S. ! SEC. 1590. PENALTY. Any person who ehall violate any of the provine • • ■ ■ • v elo . of this chapter shell be fined not less a a ■ w e a n • • , than Five Dollars (e5.00) nor more n Two Honored matt-nlue Tare exceed em)for each offense,or not • ■ i • • a • a a • 1 ,to both d six moths in the ally Tall: SEC. 1591. RECORDS. The chief r engineer shall cause to be kept in his office complete records of all permits , laeuedand of all examinations of plants Made by members of the smoke ce ,teal division and also of all final eel.-. .tificates issued, SEC.1592, REPORTS. The chief en- .-.neer shall make a report of the work a • • IS ■ a a ■ • a of hie division to the Board of city SECTION rs 3. ThethlChapter LICVIII, vleed Ordinances of Salt Lake City,1 -Utah.1934,be and the same is hereby ended by adding In and to said , heapter three new Sections to be known Settlons 1578,1579 and 1580,Which I 4. Equivalent to-.80%- SEC,1578. NEW STRUCTURES,AZ- 'MODELED BUILDINGS, EXISTING ,BUD.DIN09. All new, remodeled, jyalred or reconditioned fuel burning appliances or devices Installed in new, re modeled or reconstructed buildings or etructote6 shall be equipped with mechanical firing egbipment before be- ing placed to service and such equip- ment shall be Instajled in accordance with the Salt Lake Clto codes reguisE- the.inetallation of such quip- 'tag meat. N existing lessee,agent or opera- RS OR PERSON,the two or r ofany eelatmg power or heatingre- JOB, a two lent all replace or cause to be are en Cool in the aced any holler,furnace or fuel burn- of any naafi.g'plant or device in any existing building t ant 1 t.e entree-tor thout equipping such heating ap- I Ing in"s hi ating sye- anc or device with mechanical fir- ,e butltlmg le un..rt conetruc- ag equipment and installed In accord- :modeled and a other con- nee with the Salt Lake City codes - or erect doing t e:final in- ',adulating the installation of such :n re furnace a:d appurte- qulpment. ',thereto; both contract is will Any person ure firingao or ingre- : ed to obtain a pa mot for the,aoperatingpars service any new or e- ob. In case th. contractor odein fuel burning equipment j q finent or de- a•e"roughing ln"la r;le award- ]ice and thy ch echanto firing equip. t ' ,g h1 /natalling he heating tLeakit g application otne for without first luirede each Co.tractor will aeking epfoe use for and planting ll required to pgy p, o (Doman Leaking guilt a for of such a nt cyan It;>g111 be required to furnish. ,e guilty of violation of Section 1584 of d epeclflcatlons f such heats r-61a chapter;provided,however,that f¢ qulpmeht 1n adtlitl•a:-to the any case en Individual may describe. 11 c Per IByout. l t a less tgel [the'typeherein,maderl and trill 8ermlta for the wove equip- . 5. Equivalent to 100% dense.-• ;Gant application bee been made and ecm only when apyhcatlon .(ranted by the chief engineer f tee permits are ma•,''instu to tllnoke Control dlvielon of Salt Lake "•mmencemr c oY am"lnetaila- Adopted by-board of cor the sl•• :sty. The chief engineer shell net •' nits.on or Conetruo co requlr- I oI Salt Lake City,Utah,as the official cwant any such application unless he '"smite. smoke hart of Salt Lake City.Utah•` 'e satisfied that the applicant is w(naga �•Y Work regulated by or covered (f) No person or persons, firm or I, type of fuel it,bad hereby '.' d co In under the corporation shall cause,•permit or al- moketeee fuel and it shall be his duty ' ' 01 the Smoke tContr•1 Divieted low the escape from any tack,chin- •,0 revoke any permit granted when it,: 'hlea Work a permit oflue, furnace,boiler or any,open .ppeare to him from satisfactory eel- �,'aaed wined t S double Sirnee Incinerator into from any heat- nos'that bur holder of such a Dee- j -�•en obtained there�.tmidp0cc- lag appliance-into the open air o it burning other than keleee '.-`fin a fees es pre herecrib d in Sea Into any building of such quantity of el or violating the terms of this moll. , s'-587 etch be paid whe a permit fly ash, duet, soot,,cinders, acid or 9nce. - -•ally}Obtained. Payme•tof any other furores, dirt, or othermaterial, SEC. 1579. RECONSTRUCTED.E$• t !n onetl In thissect on, per- nr as to Cease is such p +, - STIeater PLANTS. Any boiler, oeeSr a 1n noway relict::any per- net a°to Cause injury, r I eater or fuel burning iler,furnace,ore }he Glenn Wt that m:y be oo- thisance to public t t person endan o • r 1w2uipment found to be deteriorated, Ir.vlolatloa of the a.oke con 'or safety of any ouch y +ntsuch a'Or designed.and dees-not eaoe, thepe y such manner er that it does not 1 - '•N t Ils the a it is of sone or can puInjury or in 'nerdy with the revised code°regulaa- iii_ 0 health, pre, It la;enfee- as to cause Injury or d me gn Such installations.and the opera- y"e health, yeace a.d safety es or property within th I of which L a hazard to life smiler I ' nhabltaate 01 Salt eke Cive limits of Salt Lake City. ~�n 'party or a nuisance to the coma a oYd1a$aCe become eYPeCtive SEC.1587. PEES FOR IN unity may.be.condemned. i rely, A fee shall be charged f{p , Any pare operating or tieing any ON 3. Tce ordlna a hall inc of plans and'eucti a8 ,,.,,,., oh condemned equipment shall be Oct Upon Its first pu•.lcation. stallatlon, burning reconstruction or lit Of the violation of Section 1588. by the Lake CI of of any fuel burning eq 1pm , •;he chief gins of-the smote con. of Salt City, h, this fee shall cover the In pe tf ,i. 'r •ol dlvlefon mop order and direct euch,i r Y of May,A.D.,194y. installation and the /esuane ' leaned na, change° or a said AB JENKINS, permit and Certificate in case ,tamed necessary to place said plant 4 Mayor. granted. i'" ': equipment in condition so that it ETHEL Sc one and two family - M6tirr.CDO D, dwellings r structures the Jay be safely operated without great; 1 • City Recoftler. be for central heating plant, a aUgo. TWO; version burner,oil burn oa .1 ��' 1580. OR MORE CON. [ `e, floor furnace,wall furnace,el,' a'ed May 17, 1B91. heater, heatrole, apace hater•"'� ,,.y water heater, or any fuel _ ,equipment,49.00 for the first Ong a ap- pliance and fifty cents(4.50)for each additional appliance, provided, how- ever, the inspection of all Installed appliances can be made at the same _ �-"' time.