22 of 1943 - Vacating portion of 1st South Street from rear of lot 56, Block 5, Highland Park Addition to the Jor ROLL CALL ✓,- NA2, Salt Lake City, Utah, , 43 1111. i't, 194 VOTING 2tx — (s« ++, - - - - I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser - - - - i Matheson - - ,�, - . McConkie :441mha:koex - - - ' Chairman -- AN ORDINANCE Resell - - - - AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF FIRST SOUTH STREET from rear of Lot 56, Blk. 5, Highland Park Addition, to the Jordan River, and CONCORD STREET from the south boundary of Lot 37, Blk. 5, to 1,0".c;'cz, First South Street. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That a portion of First South Street from rear of Lot 56, Blk. 5, Highland Park Addition, to the Jordan River, and Concord Street from the south boundary of Lot 37, Blk. 5, to First South Street, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 56, Block 5, Highland Park Addition of Section 2, T. 1 S., R. 1 A ., Salt Lake Base and Meridian, thence North 80 ft., thence East 327 ft. more or less along the north line of 1st South Street to the west bank of the Jordan River; thence southerly along river bank 80 ft., more or less to the south line of 1st South Street; tnence west 132 ft. more or less to the east line of Concord Street; thence south 512.0 ft., thence West -.p 60 ft. to the west line of Concord Street at the southeast corner of Lot 37, said Block 5, thence North 512.0 ft. to the south line of 1st South Street; thence West 135.0 ft. to point of beginning; be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as streets, avenues, alleys or pedestrian • ways. Said vacation is made expressly subject to a perpetual easement in Salt Lake City for the maintenance, repair, or replace- ment of any water or sewer ihains that may exist, or extensions there- of, and to any rights of way or easements heretofore granted by Salt Lake City or acquired from Salt Lake City by franchise for maintaining, repairing,altering or replacing any and all gas mains, gasoline pipe lines, water pipe lines, or extensions thereof, or any public utilities now existing in any of said streets, avenues or alleys to be closed herein; also expressly subject to the rights of -2- way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Company and the Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company acquired under fran- chises from Salt Lake City to maintain, repair, alter and replace the electric transmission, distribution of telegraph and telephone circuits, lines, wires and poles of said companies, together with the necessary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or af- fixed thereto for the support of said electric telephone and tele- , graph lines, wiresnd distribution circuits as now erected and . maintained upon orvacross the portiorof said recta to be closed, ' during the life of the franchises held by'said dmpanies, or any extensions thereof , a Y SECTION 2• ' o In the opinion f the:Boar ,'cif Commissioners, z: lit is necessary to the health;peace d safety , the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that tnis ordinanc'ibeome ,e tive immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take (1ffect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 7 -day of'4L„L.t r. j_—,, A.D. 1943, 1j ------iVIayor.----------- s 4 1 �i i.- C' r , p.L{ L._t--4:1___-. City Recorder. . , • , • . , . , •, • : . c.... C wt. sc,; : r— sa - T." ' p. • .• • , r • Affidavit of Publication • STATE OF UTAH,1 r County of Salt Lake I AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACATING A POR- TION OF FIRST SOUTH STREET fromrear Leo H. Youngof Lot 56, Blk. 5, Highland Park on,to the Jordan River.and CON• CORD STREET from the south bomidarr of Lot 3o,1 5,to the card Streol. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Be a ordained by the Roma t Com o1 Salt Lake City, Utah: SouthSECTIONSte 1. That a portion f First South land fresh di of Lot 66. vertisiny clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper s, River. Park Addition, to the the Jor- dan{ti r and ConcordLot Street from the nth ouch boundary etLn 3m. Elk. 5. to published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State •First South Street, and re Particu Ix By described th follows; ° Regis, 5l at the Northwest corner . of Utah. Lot of, Klock 5, Highland Park.ASalt ak of Section 1,T.1 ,R.thence 1 e Salt Lake Aare and Meridian. Lhence N less I al ft.,thence Ease ofT Iir. ore or / long the north line of First k of the Jordan Street That the advertisement d I the to nce southerly`along river bank 80vit.' l U less to the south dine f First Sooi�iit°street, thence west 132 II.moreOrdinance Hill No. 22 Vacnt in; a portion of First less to the east lien f Con2` 7 sheet: thence puttr t line it., Onr Street 60 th Lttie southeast coofrner Concordt Lot 37,said Block 5, thence North 512.0 ft. South Street, etc. to the south line of First South Street; thence West 135.0 ft, to point f beginning; re hureb9 vacated and I , be d Ow s declared no lo0ger',eto be`public llleye r Dedestrritm i erty for use ew °Said vacation ia'a`seas express-Is, b.i was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the art to a perpetual easement Salt 11.ake City for the maintenance.u,in,or replacement on any water. - 8th July or mains that may exist,or extemlone t„ere`. day o f A.D. 19 4e3 .of, nd to any rights f w:Salt Lake nss heretofore ga'anted by 4�t i City or acquired Lronl Salt Lake City l by franchise for maintaining, repairing. once w/"f altering o replacing Y d all gas and was published or pipe lines, waater Dine line,or gextensiona thereofu Srally n b- streets,it en or all ys to'Ibbe°ito�seA the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the herein; alsou exP Maly subieet to the I 'goes of way and easements 0 the Utah Light&Traction Company and the biotin- day of D.rain States Telephone&Telegraph Cont.pany A. . I J fired under franchises from Salt A Lake City to maintain.repair,alter and place the electric transmission, dietri- _ ) ibutton in telegraph and telephone c —p / fig' !comes, fever, wires and poles rod ssacd e ponies. together i to then as- Ad r .Sing Clerk. esop a nd ocher astachments thereon°o suffixed thereto for the sp- port of said electric telephone and telor- s.t.a lines, erewires and distribution cir- uite a erected and maintained Lathed un i on or s now the portions of eaad treats to be clpsetl,anrsai Uhe lffe fie Ilia f[an- chisrs held by 'id companies, or any I eg`e ' (hereof. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Roard oI commfasim,era nt na nee aa.r before me this seventeenth day of to the health, peace and Safely t the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this •ordinance bosoms effective nm e SECTION 3. This ordinance shell take A D. 19 43 •effect porn ire first of Commissioners Paallt by the Board,f Csmmis of .of Salt Lake 94ty,Utah,this Tth day of / Suit'.A.D,1843. AR IENRINS, Marse. `^ u\ 'Mee L MACDONALD, f4\\ _ c 4' • City Recorder �'J FRANK A.SHIELDS. - \s�J4--ln`I-,,�-,- .- ' Chief Deputy City Recorder. Notary Public. BILL,NO.1022. Published.lily 8th,1943. 4 I(.) / Proof of Publication OF Attorney. 7