22 of 1947 - Annexation extending limits of Salt Lake City. Foothill Drive, 23rd East Street, Skyline Heights Su .. ....��. i4^i -5!94 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,194 Affleck L I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . y / / Romney + ' a" fi< �. ;%.z--p. Go1..� .__ a ->-.-- Tedesco i, f� Mr.Chairman . . =�- / AN-ORDINANCE Result N. AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. a LtWHEREAS, on the 13th day of February, 1947, there was filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City Petition No. li3 by the Pioneer Land Company, et. al. (being a majority of the owners of real property situated in the tract hereinafter describ- ed), requesting that said tract of land be taken within the limits Aof Salt Lake City, and also caused an accurate map or plat to be 4- made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the ty Salt Lake City Engineer to be filed with the City Recorder. WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City and there is no proper reason why it should not be annex- ed to and made a part of said city; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits of said Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commission- ers of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the fol- lowing described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 19, Block 16, Five Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey; thence N. 89° 53r 42" W. 886.72 feet along present city limit line to west side of Foothill Drive; thence S. 33° 15' East 1261.42 feet along present city limit line; thence East 1419.92 feet to the Southeast corner of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 15, T.l S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; thence N. 0° 121 50" W. 120 feet; -2- thence N. 31° 15' W. 420.0 feet; thence N. 21° 15' W. 568.0 feet; thence N. 32° 30' 30" W. 1067.13 feet, more or less, to a point 739.10 feet south of the North section line of said Sec. 15; thence West 200.0 feet more or less to33.ft. ast of East line of Blk. 16, five Acre "C", thence N. 0° 02' 30" E. 736.33 feet; thence West 1464.46 feet to the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of Sec. 15, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M; thence West 156.75 feet to the west side of 23rd East Street; thence S. 0° 02' 52" E. 1006.3 feet; thence East 1586.75 feet along present City Limit Line; thence S. 0° 02' 52" E. 574.2 feet along present City Limit Line to the point of beginning, and containing 84 acres, and that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ground as shown upon the map or plat. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the whole of the above described property be and is hereby zoned as Residential "A", ex- cept that portion of the above described property which is to be zoned as Residential 'B-3' and which said portion is more particu- larly described as follows, to-wit: beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 7, Block 16, Five Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey, and running thence north along the east side of 23rd East Street 380 feet, more or less, to the west line of Foothill Drive, thence S. 33° 15' E. along said Foothill Drive 455 feet, more or less, to the south line of said Lot 7, thence west 250 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning; also commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 19, Block 16, Five Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey, and running thence East 258 feet, thence southeasterly 240 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 106, Skyline Heights Subdivision, thence S. 13° 46' 40" E. 154.91 feet, thence east 56 feet, thence southeaster- ly 400 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of Lot 79, said Skyline Heights Subdivision, thence S. 0° 02' 30" W. 403.6 feet to the center of Section 15, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., thence west 70 feet to the east line of Foothill Drive, thence northwesterly along Foothill Drive to a point 63.03 feet south of the place of beginning, thence north 63.03 feet to the place of beginning. AND RE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land first above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City and zoned as Residential 'A' and Residential 'B-3' Districts as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and re- gulations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standard . -3- of locations and. distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and she is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a copy of the map or plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme- diately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first publication j Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 4 day of A. D 47 r. %[ 4 City lecorder. Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED MAR-51947 • (7; ?7?.G1 CITY RECORDER First Piublic:dios in � f AI Ut r2 D , CITY HRCONDiR ''ecc:l. at I.cgc.xt ef. ,o" NF s 7 ath0,29 ee pa'd $O,o� f:_el Tag,eirt C :c^ ' co J r the Utal Dep. Dookb�/ . , ''— � a�'e, AN ORDINANCE that portion of the above described L,2%'—, ti—// AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING Property which is to be zoned as LIM TS al 3' THE hV hcs AS, o SALT LAKE aIT of Reg tl is more and particularly said-j�,,,�.LL,-t,,_yt= WHEREAS,1947, the 13th day f portionis ore y de- it February, there was filed scribed as follows,to-wit: (� with the City Recorder of Salt a Beginning , the southwest core .9...VP,.��/6 ^t Lakeio City,Petition No. 113, by he- of Los Ri Block 16.S FSurvey, Acre Pioneer Land Company,et.al. lb of Plat "C", Big Fieldh n th, and reg a partymajority of the a of running eof thence north alongStreet the e t real 1\ .r hereinafter property described,, otuated in che tstint sim r o or less,East the=we 38lineee feet. that said tract of land requesting taken Foothill Drive,thence S.est 33 des 15 within the limits of Salt Lake City, mln. E. along said Foothill Delve and also caused an accurate map 455 feet,moreor less,to the South or plat to be made and certified to line of said Lot 7, thence west by a competent surveyor and p- 250 feet,moreless,to the place proved by the Salt Lake City En- of beginning also commencing at n grocer to be filed with the City the corner ofLot 19, Recorder, Elock 16, Five Acre Plat"C",Big WHEREASt, the said tract of Field Survey, d running thence land tiguous to Salt Lake East 258 feet, thence s asterly City and there/s no proper reason 240 feet to the northwest c of n why it should not be annexed to Lot 106, Skyline Heights Subdivi- and nude a part of said city: and sion, thence S. 13 deg.46 min.90 WHEREAS, the Board of Com- sec.E. 159.91 feet, thence east 56 missioners of Salt Lake City,after feet, thence southeasterly 400 feet. examining nd petition I said more or less, to northwest corner owners of said tract of land and of Lot 79,sold Skyline Heignts Sub. �'ider'ing the circumstances there- division, thence 6. 0 deg. 02 min. of,voted by unanimous vote of all 30 sec.W.403.6 feet to the center members of said Board in favor of of Section 15,T. 1 S.,R. 1 E.,S. annexing said tract of land to Salt L.H&M., thence west 70 feet to Lake City and directed that an or. the cast Imo of Foothill Drive, dlnence should be passed annexing thence northwesterly along Foothill sold territory and the extension of Drive to a point 63.03 feet south of the city limits of said Salt Lake the place of beginning,thence north City accordingly. 03.03 feet to the place of begin- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR- ning. DAINED by the Board of Commis- AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAIN. stoners of Salt Lake City,Utah: ED and declared that when this SECTION 1.That the city limits ordinance takes effect the said of Salt Lake City be and the same tract of land ilst above described re hereby extended and enlarged so shall thenceforth be Within the as to Include the following deccrib- corporate limits of said Salt Lake ed tract of land in Salt Lake City and zoned as Residential 'A' County, to-wit: and Residential 'li-3' Districts a Beginning at the northeast or- in the ordinance provided, and all • ner f Lot 19,Block 16,Fire Acre ordinances, jurisdi-tions, rules and Plat "C" Big Field survey.thence obligations of or pertaining to said N.69 deg.53 min.42 sec.W.886.72 Salt Lake City are extended over feet along present city limit line and made a pplicable and pertinent to west side of Foothill Drive; to the said tract of land,and the I.triter S. 33 deg. 15 min. East streets, blocks, alleys and ways of 1261.42 feet along present city limit said tract shall be controlled and line; thence gaol 1419.92 feet to governed by the ordinances. rules the Southeast corner r of the North- id regulations of said city in that east '/ of Section 15, T. 1 S., R. behalf, and the monuments of the 1 E.,S. L. B.&M.; thence N. 0 City Engineer shall nthrnceforth be deg. 12 min. 50 sec. W. 120 feet; taken s the standard of t thence N.31 deg.15 min.W.420.0 n in"a'' ftstancs. feet: thence N,21 deg.i 15 min. Si. SECTION 2.Upon the passage of 568.0 feet: thence N. 32 deg. 30 this ordinance the City Recorder of min.30 sec.W. 1067.13 feet,more Salt Lake City shall rile and she or less,to a point 739.10 feet south Is hereby directed to file with the • of the North section line of said COunty copy of Salt Lake Coon. - Sec, 15; thence West 200.0 feet tea of the map or plat above more or less to 33 ft.East of East eulioned, duly certified and a. line of Bib. 10, Five Acre "C", knowledged as provided such n thence N.0 deg.02 min.30 ca ses.together with a certified copy 738.33 feet; thence [West 1464.46 of this ordinance, feet to the Northwest corner of SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Northeast quarter of Sec,15,T. the Board of Commissioners, It is 1 S„R.1 E.,S.L.B.&M;thence necessary to the peace,health and west 156.75 feet to the wet side of safety . the inhabitants of Salt 23r'd East Street; thence S.0 deg, take City that this o adiance shall 02 min. 52 sec. E. 1006.3 feet; become effective immediately. thence East 1586.75 feet along pros- SECTION 4.This ordinance shall I,City Limit Line;thence S.0 deg. take effect at once upon its first 02 min.52 sec.E.574.2 feet along publication. present City Limit Line to the point Passed by the Board of Commis_ of beginning, and containing 84 stoners of Salt Lake City, Utah, acr and that the same has been this 5th day of March,A.D.1947. correctly staked out up the EARL J.GLADE. a ground s hown upon the ap Mayo[. plat' IRMA F.BITNER, AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAIN- City Recorder, • BD that Me whole of thescribed a property be and above hereby BILL NO.22 mined Residential "A1, except Published March 8, 1947. STATE OF UTAH, • ss. City and County of Salt Lake, I, Frank A. Shields, DelputyCity Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance extending the limits of Salt Lake City," passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, JIexoJi51 h. 1947 ffig& as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 3- th day of March, 1947 (SEAL) ay66-1,-6,4 , - BILL NO. .22 Chief Deputy City‘Recorder. 'Published March 8th, xpysic 1947 , „ Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 } ss Comgty of all Lake I Legal Notices 2 '`' Jokey AN ORDINANCE T•HE LIMITS o NSALT ELAKE CCITT Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- WHEREAS, on the 13th day of February, 1947, there wee filed with the City Recorder of Salt vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper Lake City,Petition No.e13 by the Pioneer Land Company, 't.al. (be- ing properority ofthe owners ther.of published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State hereinafter described), requesting• Diet said tract of land be taken of Utah. within the limits of Halt Lake City, and also caused anaccurate p by plat to Pb.50ntadeae certified to edit `to the surveyor andh En- gineer That the advertisement cdero be filed with the city WHEREAS, the said. tract of 2 land Is contiguous to Salt Lake Ordinance Bill No 2 City d re is o proaer real). why.and.it ashoultl not be WHBRRAS Pthte Hoard `if°c 00° mlesloner°of Salt Lake City,alter Salt Lake City Corporation axm emingg said petition f' said owners f td tract f land and considering the circumstances there- of,voted by unanimous vote•e7 all members said said Board In favor of LakevCityand tract dl ected(that an nd to Salt disci`` toy and the passed annexing was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the Bald territory a the exSaltSon e the elty limitshIngl of said salt Lake City pccordLr 1. Offn DAINsD by the',Roam of commie- day of A.D. 19 °Ionthis of SECTION aft That thel Lake 'city ulintits of Salt Lake City he and he same March £3 1947 are to extended and enlarged nnlallowing r e and was published describ- ed tract]uof land in Salt Late County, to-wit: ner,Beglnnmg athe northeast door- ...the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the Of Lot 19,Black 16 Five Acre Plat C,••Big Field Survey. thence N.89 deg.53 min.42 sec.W.886.72 feet along present city limit line day of ±{; A.D. 19 to west aide of Foothill Drive; / thence S. 33 deg. 18 in. East /y 1261,42 feet along present city ity 1/mat h rt then. East 1419.92 feet'e '. �G�:�'a the Southeast corner of the North- to (((«< t %/ f Seaton 15,T. 1 S.. R. /, 1 E.,S, L. B. AtM.; thence N. 0 ; Advertising Clerk W. 120 feet; hence2N.31 deg,°15 min.W.42Dt6 feet:thence N.21 deg.15 min.W. 565.0 30 Min..30eeee thence 1067.133 feet,snore or less,to point 739.10 feet south f the North section line of said Sec. 15i thence West 200.0 feet lees t0 33 ft.East of East -,lineeo 1s, Ffve Aare c•• llth h day of thence N id ,0 deg.02 m .30 eft.E., d sworn to before me this 736.33 pl. the West 1464.46 feet to the Northwest Corner f the Northeast quarter of Sec.15,'T. 1 S.,R,1 S.•S.L,B.k M;thence C'h A.D. 19 47 west 156.75 feet to the west aide of 23rd East Street; thence S.0 deg. 02 min. 52 . E. 1006.3 feet; thence East 1586.15 feet along pres- ent City Limft Line;thence S.0 deg.02 min. \/ pie eln City-Limn L E.inento.the poi2 feet nt, fVL//\ — — fC,beginning, end containing 84 -- e red,and that the same has been Notary Public ground 6e staked shown upon themap or • plat. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAIN- ED that the whole Si the above de- scribed property be and Is hereby s zoned a .Residential"A", except that portion of the above described Residentialwhich 3' and be hicheU its s id portion is ore particularly de- seBeginning atwtheto-wit: souhwest cor- ner of Lot 7,Block s IS, Five Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey, and idedinnlngof then23rd East ee rtStreeh t along380 feet, a lore *or less, to the est line of tOthili Drive,thence S.33 deg:15 n. E. along laid Foothill Drive 5 feet,me or less,to the South of said Lot 7, thence west J feet,more less,to the place . beginning; also commencing et de northwest corner of Lot 19. o k 16,Five Acre Plat "C",Big 'd Survey, pd running hence a 258 - Ord.* wutneaster foot is le n5rthwee7 iuuRCr I n,01105 n thence S. deg.Heights f 6 miv,40 en,B. 154.91 feet,thence east 56 t the me io theasterly-400 feet, et, or less, to northwest corner t LOt 79,said Sxyhne Heignts duo- ivision, thence$. 0 deg. 02 min. .0 sec.W.403.2 feet to:the center of Section 15,T. 1 B.,R. 1 B., 8. L.B&M.,thence west-70 feet to the thence line of Foothill n thwesterly'along Foothill Drive to L point 63.03 feet south Of the plate el beginning thence north 83.03 feet to the place of begin- ning. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAIN- ED and declared that when this Ordinance takes effect the said tract of land 11rat above described shall'thenceforth be within the corporate limits Of said Salt Lake City and zoned s Residential 'A' and Residential 'B-3' Districts as 1n the ordinance provided, and all O dlnances;rurl pone, rules and obligations of orr pertaining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and made d applicable and pertinent Os the said tract of land and the b streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said t�ract shall be wntrolled and • re7 e nd keg lwti h oneSt said city that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standard le- catlons and distances SECTION 2,Upon the pasesge of this ordinance the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and She Is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake Coun- ty t ntioned of duly e snaprified plat above knowledged as provided and such cages,together with a certified copy Of this ordinance. SECTION the enion of thBoard o COnlmelonre, It Is necessary to theMpence,healthandsafet Salt Lake yCity that this kordinanceof the Iiitaotsf shall become effective Immediately. SECTION 4.This ordinance halt take effect at ante upon Its first publication. Passed by the Beard of Commis- loners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 5th day Of March,A.D.1947, EARL J.GLADE. Meyer. IRMA F.BITNER, City Recorder. t MEAL) HMI.No.22 Publlehed March 0, 1947.