22 of 1951 - Auctioneers, selling jewelry by auction. tAR2R1951
Salt Lake City,Uta ,195
Affleck 1 move that the ordinance be pa95'ed.
Lingenfelter . .
Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to auctioneers.
Be it ordainediby`the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That,Section 310 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City,Utah, 1944, relating to auctioneers, be and
the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
'SEC. 310. SELLING JEWELRY BY AUCTION. (a) It shall be
unlawful for any person to sell or dispose of or offer for
sale in Salt Lake City, Utah, at public auction, or to cause
or permit to be sold, disposed of, or offered for sale at
Csl public auction in Salt Lake City, Utah, any platinum, gold,
silver, plated ware, or precious stones or semi-precious
stones, or watches or clocks or jewelry or China or glassware,
whether the same shall be his own property or whether he sell
same at auction, as agent or employee of others; provided, how-
ever, that this section shall not Apply to judicial sales or
sales by executors or administrators, nor to sales by licensed
pawnbrokers of their unredeemed pledges, in the manner provid-
ed by law, nor to sales at public auction of stock on hand of
any person, that shall have been continuously in business in
Salt Lake City, Utah, as a retail or wholesale merchant of
platinum, gold, silver or plated ware or precious stones, or
semi-precious stones, or watches or clocks or jewelry China
C ina
or glassware, for the period of one year next preceding such
sales; provided further, that such sale at public auction of
the stock on hand of such merchant or merchants shall not be
fed or replenished in anticipation of such suction sale, and
that said auction sale shall be held on successive days, Sun-
days and legal holidays excepted, and shall not continue for
more than thirty days during the period of one year, nor be-
tween the hours of six otclock p.m. and eight o'clock a.m.,
nor shall any such auction sale be held during the month of
December and no license shall be issued granting the privileg:
to hold such auction during said month.
(b) No person shall act at any such sale by auction as a
by-bidder to bid in behalf of the auctioneer or owner to run
up the price or make any false bid or pretend to buy any arti
cle sold or offered for sale. The licensee or, if a corpora-
tion, one of the officers of the licensee, shall remain in co -
tinuous attendance and nothing shall be offered for sale or
sold which is not described in the inventory hereinafter pro-
vided for. All sales and all persons participating in sales
must truly and correctly represent at all times to the public
attending such auction the facts in respect to quality.
(c) The applicant shall attach to his application for a
license a true and correct detailed inventory, listing the
articles proposed to be sold at sale by auction and shall cau-e
each of said articles described in said inventory to be given
a number. Opposite the descriptions of said article in said
inventory shall appear the actual cost price thereof to li-
censee. The application shall be verified by the applicant o ,
if a corporation, by a duly authorized officer of said torpor
ation. Said application must be presented to the License Ass.s-
sor and Collector and in addition to the inventory shall con-
tain the following information:
1. The name, business address aid character of busi
ness of applicai t.
2. Length of time he has been engaged in the business
of selling jewelry.
3. The place where the auction is to be held.
4. The name and address and duties of each person w o
will conduct the auction.
5. That the applicant will be present and will not
permit additions to be made to stock of merchandise.
(d) In case the license is granted the licensee must be-
fore such sale by auction attach to each article to be sold
a card with the said number of @aid article endorsed thereon
so that the number ahal `borrbapOnd to the article as it is:
described in the inventory on file with the License Assessor
and Coalector. .• <<
( ) Each applicant before such license shall be issued
shall file with tie City Recorder a bond in the sum of $300.04
in faVOrr-of any,person injuredroiy damaged by any false or
fraudulent repres&ntation made"by'tany person participating in
or conducting sail`sale by auction, said bond to be approved
by theBoard of I4mmissioners.
(f) All such sales by auction are hereby prohibited unle-s
` a license be obtained therefor as 'herein provided, and the li
censee shall pay to the License Assessor and Collector the su
of $10.00 per day for each day of such auction and the licens:
issued shall be for the exact number of days, not exceeding
thirty in all, requested by the applicant aid mtthorized by
the Board of Commissioners.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health aid safety of the inhabitaits
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediatel,.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners-of Salt? eke City,
Utah, this 2 th day of %NI'a 471A,. . , A. D. 95 �'•�. �`
971 r qy.r.
city Recorder.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
1 Legal Notices
SECTION 310 of the Revised Crdi-
rN to a` ;n e01 °`ah'""`'ela,' u es. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
He It ordained by the Board of
Utah: 'snore °` Galt Lake City, vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
SECTION 1. That Section 310 of
Revised Ordinances}efinghere-
byto Salt La e City 4published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
auction ers,,be and the late same Is amended to read as follows:
HIt-AUCTION, (a)It shall be u
lage,cui forany person to act]or dle-
City, for fer for sale In Sal Lake
Citye,Utah, at nubile auction,Sr to
caue or
of,or offered for sale atermit to be 1public aucd That the advertisement
Non In Salt Lake City, Utah, any
platinum, gold. silver, plated ware.
.o re precious stones or semi i`ecious AnOn:no- co .3i-]1 Oo• 22
ry or China or glassware,°whether
the same shall be hie ow n property
r a
whether he tell s at auction,
gent or am'''that
of ahem:them:Pro-
vided, however, that suns section
shall not apply to Judicial Bales o
sales.by executors or administrators,
nor.to sales by licensed pawnbrok-
of their unredeemed pledges, In
the manner provided by law,nor
sales at public auction of stork o
hand of ny person,that shall have
been continuously in business in Salt was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
wholesale merchantas of platinuail m..
seas atones,or plated
lamb precious r tong, day of A.D.19
or watches o °looks or Jewelry o
China or glassware,for the period of
e year next preceding such sales;
one urther,that such sale t and was published on rII C 29, l;lr1
public Beetles of the stocks on hand -
of such merchant or merchants shall
at-be fed or replenished In ant.-
res of such auction sale,and
that the last publication thereofbeingin the issue dated the
ld auction le hail be held
cesyive days, Sundays and legal
honl.aye exeepned, nd shall not
ppe m: than thirty daY.e day of A.D.19 dmtkink nil pertofl t ne year, nor
hrta(gebyIle.hours of six'o'clock p.u.
aoy a�gtL-h lock .m. no .hall
Ingaeejil,;tihtlon sale be held tlur- /
th:month of December and no GL�' ' - -
license shall be issued granting the
privilege to hold such auction duct Advertising Clly�
leg said month-
(b) No person shall act at any
such sale by auction n a by-bidder -
to bid in behalf of the ea
owner to run up the price or make
tiny ls false bid or pretend to buy y
ar ids old o etfered for sale. The
I licensee or.If a p ration,o f
the officers of the licensee,hall re-o before me this 3(btu. day of
main.in continuous attendance and
nothing shall be offered for gels
s ld which Ie of described In A.D.19��1-. or
Inventory hereinafter provided
for. All sales and all Persons ar-
ticipeting In sales u t trulyand I ebe)Each applicant before such II-
co nubile attending such auction the sCity Recorder a bond In the!slim ctly represent at all times to n e shall be issued shall file with correctly
tiee Ia eta In pelican to oust i ay In sd0 or
in sager b any person lop /
(c)The epp[Jcor shall attach.at ttorue
I lured le damaged by env Salsa or
his application de for a Invents n true fraudulent representation made by - - --- ----and mart detailed inventory,list- any person pa aleJ by auction,In o -
Ing the rLlauc proposed h l sold bond to Bald Bala byBoBald -aat uction and shell muse band to be approved by the Hoard Of Notary Publi
said articles described In barn Coffl Alla secs.
Inventory a be plies o bar. • re AIl hi h leg by suction are
Opposite the Inventory
of said anima, hereby proherefo unless license be
the In glld st price hall toII bed therefore lice ee herein pra-
ttle the actual hest price tun sf be bided,er and the licensee and
shall pay the
The flap applicant shall
be sum
A410sessor a tl Corlenc the
verified pora rbyn the ap ynt If ll of glp.00 per day for license
id a dulyor authorized tof he melt shall
hof and the license Ier
•applic f corporation. Saidhe <d ysad he for the exact number
License must
and presented to End of days,ste not on exceeding thianti in all,
. add Assessor i vellectyr and oeleedd by the Hoard
co addition of the inventory shall I sinners. by the Hoard of Commis-
contain the following Inf°rmess c' sinners.
°a The n. business address and SECTION of Commissioners,2. the opinion of the
Leer at f timesh oh pbeelt rt. Hoard of aea , It is n ce-
Red nth a time oher had been n- to the peace,health a eaCity
gaged In the business of selling the t inhabitants of e shall
Lake eeps
J eery. that this ordinance shall take effect
J.The place Where the auction is immediately.
to be held. SECTION fON 3.This ordinance po shall
4.The name and address n du- take effect upon lie first puhllca-l
ties of each person who will conduct flan.
the auction. Passed by tut Lake of Commis-1
5.That the applicant willd to Pegg- losers f Salt Lake City, Utah,
het and will not permit additions Lo' stoners
28Eh day of March,LA.u 19,
he ode a stock of merchandise.isran EARL T. GLMayo
(d)Iner se a the licensefores is granted Irma F.Hltner, Mayor
the liven att ash t before such to by l
Ilan attach to each article ofbe City Recorder.
solda a e with the tied on ort at (SEAL)
said summer endorsed correspond so
that HIbtt hed 22
the number shall coeresponcl to the Published Aim. 20. 1951.
article as It a described 1n the In- -_-
• e a IIP with Collector.toryon the License As-