22 of 1961 - Repealing Title 13 of R.O. - 1955, and enacting a new Title 13, relating to firearms, prescribing un Fec,1. .0 ,00 Mmo.rvo.
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, March ,196 1
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . .
Harrison . . .
Piercey . . j . �
Romney . . •
Mr. Chairman . e
AN ORDINANCE REPEALING TITLE 13, of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, and enacting a new Title 13, relating to
firearms, prescribing unlawful possession, use and sale of firearms
within Salt Lake City.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Solt Lake City,
SECTION 1 . That Title 13 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1955, be repealed and that a new Title 13 be enacted to
read as follows:
"Sec. 13-1-1 . Possession of weapons. It shall be unlawful for any
person to use, or possess with intent to use in any area within the
confines of the city limits, whether public or private, any gun, revolver,
or firearm of any kind or nature, or airgun, rubber flipper, or bow and
arrow or any other such type instrument designed to propel or throw
missiles, unless upon a place specifically designed exclusively for the
use of any such type instrument.
"Sec. 13-1-2. Duty of parents. It shall be unlawful for any parent
or guardian or person having charge or control of any child under the
age of 14 years to allow or permit such child to have or possess with
the intent to use within the city limits, any firearm, airgun, rubber
flipper, or bow and arrow, or any other instrument designed to throw or
propel missiles.
"Sec. 13-1-3. Unlawful to sell firearms to children under 14. It
shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to give, sell or
furnish to any minor under the age of 14 years, any firearm, airgun, rubber
flipper, bow and arrow, or any other such type instrument designed to
propel or throw missiles.
"Sec. 13-1-4. Sale of pistols and revolvers. It shall be unlawful ,
except as hereinafter provided, for any person, firm or corporation,
directly or indirectly, to buy, sell, borrow, loan, give away, trade,
barter, deliver or receive within the city limits of Salt Lake City, any
pistol or revolver using explosive ammunition, unless the buyer, borrower,
or person receiving such weapon, shall first complete a record form to
be kept by the seller, lender or other person furnishing such pistol or
revolver. Said form shall contain such statements of identity, address,
and purpose of use as may be prescribed by the chief of police upon forms
to be furnished to all such sellers or lenders by the chief of police.
Said completed forms shall be made available to the Police Department for
inspection and filing in the manner and at the times to be designated
by the chief of police.
22. 1
"Provided, however, that no form need be completed for sales or
shipments from or to a manufacturer or wholesaler of such pistols or
revolvers to or from a wholesaler or retail dealer for the purpose
of commerce."
"SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance shall become effective
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Suit Lake City, Utah,
this 29th day of March , 1961 .
ty �� r
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 22 of 1961
Published April 4, 1961
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Leg14,yotices — D M Ockt•y
((((.,:��,- AN ORDINANCE
Ayv_I'ORDINANCE REPEALING r� i r r TIT¢es o3.3 Salt the Revised Utah. Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
gIE,'"and en tint:a new Title 13.
¢7 ring to fr¢arms. pres¢npins clerk of the DESERF.T NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELT:-
[ la ful passessmn, d s 14
e,^f�f@arma ,then SaitsLakc bCo 4 GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper in the En -
Be-itII gained by the-Board f f Pprinted9
Comstlisdloners of Salt Lake City.
Utah. fish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
Revised'OrdION ina°es olf'¢salt°Lake Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County. in the State of Utah.
awnew Talc'13e be repelled and
read 8s follows:
F TAnar?s That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
USE.POSSESSION.SALE OF— 2 o f 1 9 REGULATIONS j,j 't, •L%t 1C(, City Rill No2
"S shaIti.Possession of wean...
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',within the city limits.any firearm,iroun,rubber flipper,or bow and L:n I'�1_ 4, 1.961
y other l a et nt do- was published in said newspaper on_
signed to any
or propel missiles.
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Years of age, It shall be unis)ful
fora Volta,..firm or corcoraeloy
mtno�eindeel th'e arenofh l4t Years.
ae�,blo vmmit eirgun, rubber flip- 1 l,row or a other
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C Pt hereinafter provided.for .1 / ``
ai 2et] eninai�9ittt t,to 8 ya n , Legal Advertising Clerk
borrow.Olroan, give haw/sy trade.
{ bha t deliver r receive'within -
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islet m r al, 'U f ex-,
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Ei,ere cortl form to 0 kegt
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so faro lshing such Istol o
such statements off 101lie, ad- I day of
S e�,ea ra Cpn¢e f a may re me this-
be sc IbtO by the thief of Do-
Ilce Dson forms to be furnished
to all Ch notice. r lenders en Bt
the chief oP notice.Said eo feted A r� 19 1
forms hall be ads a ag m o e. /-1 D.
the Police Deportment for ins e•
and fllin6 In d manner r a y
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or shipments from or to a �- /i
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SECTION 3. In the ophtlon of
the Board of Commissioners It
n to the pp re,health nd
Lsorely avvrt the h,hahitants f and
ake City. Utah, that this a df.
ounce olva11 become effecting in,-
ohaSECTIOe effect Thlsn ordinance
iv, Publtcatlon. upon
Passed be the Board of Corn-
- of Salt Lake Cit.v.Utah.
--' this 29th day f March,1LE 1
Cit AY.,i°Oars ENSEN.
Bfll No.22.10ff1.
Pub]Ished April 4,1081 _(B-99)
92 N.