22 of 1979 - Amending section 25-4-5 reclassifying the position of defendant Resource Person. ROLL CALL ' / VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, February 14 19 79 Mr.Chairael: .:' ' / Agra I move that h Ord' ance be pissed. rgerfer man Campbell Phillips Result ORDINANCE //7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING the "Wage and Salary Administration PrOgram for Salt Lake City Corporation Employees," adopted by Bill No. 183 of 1978, amending Section 25-4-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt 'Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to position titles and classifications and salary ranges. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the "Wage'and Salary Administration Program for Salt Lake City Corporation Employees," adopted by Bill No. 183 of '1978, amending Section 25-4-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to position titles and classifications and salary ranges, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: DELETE the position of Defendant Resource Person, Pay Class 218, under the title covering Clerical and Technical. ADD the position of Defendant Resource Person, Pay Class 305, under the title covering Professional and Paraprofessional. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 14th day of February , 1979. MAYO CITY RECORDER (SEAL) BILL NO. 22 of 1979 Published February 21, 1979 22 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, S S. County of Salt Lake Shana D. Conaty AN ONDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMEND- ING the "Wage and Salary Administration Program for Salt 1.aka City Corporation Em- Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal itUyof el {kelnRev dby llvl rir advertising clrk of the pDESERETYNEWS, a daily of {f+e Rev{sad Ordl Cw`,e,eimrgliM i''1t'iM (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English Cad classifications and salary range, language with general circulation in Utah, and t ordained by the Board of CCommissionersslioners of Salt Lake published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the SEC',ION 1'hat the"Wage State of Utah. Program for Salt Lake City Ctfopled il311 .VIOVeaS," a ,ding Section n'2-4-3 of l That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Reel I ordinances of Salt L ,ake 01 Utah,1905,relating to position titles and do:silica- Innnsarlesalary ranges,be,ls,ornondodad Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to the the same hereby Is,amended as loners OFI.DLE the Vositloo of De- foadont Row irce Person,Pay Wage & Salary Admi.n istra tion Program for Salt Class Clerical under l ndTecchniical cover- ing the position of Defen- dant Resource Person. Pay Class 305,unProfessIonthehntd'ePuea Lake City Corp, Employees or0fensiroo1. l a SECTION t.This ordinance -hell lake effect 311 days after ,ita first publication. Passed by the Board of Com- isslOoe05 of Salt Lake Cif V, Utah,this 14111 day Of February, 19/e. TEO L.WILSON Mayor civ aeco ner ruGNArA Fen, 21, 1979 Btu No. was published in said newspaper on BtuI.Al.NO not 1974 FOOV0131.2 197V.-_ _._{Bill Legal Advertising (sick Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26tn day of Feb, A.D. 19 79 1 , Notary$blic My Commission Expires June 1, 1981 +'nya