228 of 1914 - Transferring franchise of Utah Light And Railroad Company to Utah Light And Traction Company ROLL CALL VOTING Yes No \ Salt Lake City,Utah, Dec amber...21.,.. Lats.., Shearman Wells I move to strike out Section 6 of the proposed . . Lawrence -7:: franchise to the Utah Light end Traction Company. Morris . . Mr.Chairman if( 4, dX0.4..,l .-- Result ROLL CALL - • --...- VOTING Yes No Salt Lake City,Utah, 191 Shearman 11, Wells -/I--- ___ .t ___ , _ I move that the ordinance be passed. 7 --Lawrence IP ,/. ( (( ---- / Morris Mr.Chairman i 1 Result c,?‘' An c,:,-ai,Ldoe ,nd elir :in 2he tomi;- Thr to bhp Utah bi-ht an'% inaction Company, ito cpccesoors acsirac, o0 the privilecso P.11 fr_nobLle cov'r34. certain Ordinances of Jalt h %:] c , %.% On c .id LulOI000 a reordmininf. t; e ;vie as so o%caded. Ui IC Ca,: 11, by tho l'oard of Cori:2:issionero of %;alt Cit2,, Utah: ::HC'-,2IuZ I. t'hat all the ribto, p-2ivile3'eo and franchises graited, e%),tended, conTirmcd, amended or covered 14 or under the following Ordinances of Calt Lni-e City, to-wit: 1. An Ordinance ratifyino% and confirmin • the tra:i:fer 04' rranchiceo to Utah ] i7lit a.nd ,,:ailoay Company, etc., pacsed by the City -omen Anrwt 3, 1(.)05, and approved by il: ilor _uclait 4, 190T,. 2. An Ordinance Fr„,:ntinP% a riE:ht o%7 0(c,,, to the Utah and _ailww: Company over certoin strents in i',1t -- passed by tae City Council tur-ust 27, 1906, and ap2roved by the . o,;or au:ust rA, 1906. Z. LS Ordinaace Frantint, a franchise to the Utah M.:2:ht and -ailw .;,„ CompLn , passed by, the City Council I.T.a;,%: 27, 190%7, nd approved b, Lhe .1,W02 a:;, 1907. 4. _T1 Ordin'ace ameninj and confirmin "An Crdinonce rati confirmin the tracfor of iron- oh] ass to Utah .nd Aa4l0ay %Jomp:.-n,;_, etc., passed 190E, and approved u,%:%ust I, 1905", -- par.:sod the City %,;ooncil ..xecemher c, 1907 -,nd approve" U, the r4yor oco-bar 2, 1907. 5. :n urdin,nco sail lact mentioned Ordin,pce passed Jece,-her L , 1907, and 't2,,f0V0,1 1)000 her :I), 1907, -- lw.Cflea taa the Cit: Council i-arch 28, 1910, (erroneovoly puhlished as uo-o_st :A, 1910) , and approved in' the 1.,:e,:;or march 1910. G. al Ordinance ,:meading dection 1 of said Ordinance pacced Jeccm:hor 2, 1907 tnd approved 2eco-i'per 3, 1907, -- passed by the is _:arch 20, 1911 and approved by the ayor . arch 01, 1911. 7. In Ordinance a_lendlaF: 0ection 4 of caid Or- dinance paoaod Decembor 2, 1907 and approved :'ece,:ber 0, 1907,-- , 22S 2Le3sed. kJ the .2.11.,-/ council1911 and a e-,,roved 5 . the in,:y or r114W t , 1.911. n Or0.:111,41(11; amend iriF -",ec,t1 on /I- of s u-rd _ na-no e n used Jcan:.,];he 0, 1987 Zlibi arerovea Iece::her :11, 1907, nance'L 1, the CS t 1.1caracil _Deed::he 11.:, 1911 erd an-ereved 0c, the _ or Jeen 1033• 17, 1911. 0rh51 ce alnenhin re ion 4 of u I I rdi- nance nass 1907 a,nd proved jee er.d, r 2, 1907, 0,y the ,'Jiard cy-J :.1o.i::.:1:asione-rs of" ;3-3,1 L d n 'eldr-uar;,, 1.Y7, 19113. 10, In Or,:1:i n inee ah,endi .2,00 Lion 4 o11 s 1:1 hrindi- nn'ACe -110,f,:1302. Jeu0111ber 2, 1917 d,r1 aenroved .ueear-Ther 1907, -- passed 0, the Doan', of s one rs haj-e 35 t:rri 11,''..1:11t; 19, 191,1, d 1. :In Ordindece author:7 the stall 1:irslit and Oomoan,y, ccessors assiPTIS, tn earrz, 1.113 e..nress on 0(21u-in streets in t , 3370.32 k, the Loard of 9 cP:19-d s;.,fronerr:„ t e lIt, adin 111, 191-1. be and the:, are horek,/ validated to date an- declared and ordained to be vested UtZth 3.3 ChIt :MCI c21-10 ti Ylc;" I 1:“:"! 1'1100.3i101',='; C33,i0,21- 01 ,11;], (harniinafter called the Grantee ,and sal(1 Ord inances nd onsh of them are arlen1ed by thie Urlinance, a.dd are hero- re-ordained. •0123.011 II. the .)rainaace eassed, by the 1.1it," 1Iounell of .10t1 I. hahe. Cit , Utah, 1; :1, 1905 end', a 'roved:. 17 the or Jr7sla L , 1905, (as ane-,...d ea and L:onfirdied n„,ace e,31,1ed 0, tho lit, 11:c ace i 1 Deceldoer 2, 1907 and cc vol 1r,;/ the "a::or ,ecc,T:he, 1907, and as in,n1e11 0 Crcri in , a,ssnd hthn 1:111;:. 1fed.onni 1 :31,1 ?-eproved by the J.ayo-r• on th a roll 0 .rlitp. re-yofie five one , 1910, and J.Jeerovea aar,dh , 1910, one passed Laro , 1911 and a pdro ved , 1911, one, ne _wain t 24, 1911 end we'orovea dIFnut ,.Lo, 1911, and one -nassed Jdee:bar 10, 1911 ana approved _Jecowher 1911, and 311-nrthe-,• a ,('aded Urdinanses -pas cod by the Lion..1.-(1 10 ComraiJisi o[Lers of Salt Tale Cjj chr 191 and Auc:urr t 19, 1914), be and the same 5 l7 r eby ardond .-,— Ctr1J111 OUt the entire ;!,,2(1,Li-q-J. ,:', ;,..1D7.. V ) entire -iectinn r thereof drill ::pehotitntjmn, :In. 11(m o-T gaid a`eetions 4 •tl 5 the folleiii Sections ..:.'..., i.r, , ,a C, ti,- 3eotion .:.,.. lnd for and. in con-AIMrat:Jen of the -pre'4sos •30..:1 Gni.01,00 ...J.p:ree 1 ....:u., 1 i; Is iLei:(7)1-c,,, erfC,.:,..rit.00, A., ..f,,,Jc, ,,r7,,,J,-id:,,,,,,,-;2 it,i•; 211.,...,,i!e,-.!"01,5•:: .'...-,-.,", ,i;..3S"i...1.:.,, 0111:13-L, th 0 life cyr ;-,sli.1. -_ ,.10H,.:.1,, , , 1);-.,11 ....,..C. ,•7117, firci,j_s1-1 t'r,•:',.• 1.1n.': li 11 ;-', i a el,-,;.:.-1-,ri c lip•ht,i\Ht, •pirL3().!-; f lo-L e .,:oee,lja,... ti.m:; -: ..-.110-rlanr. riti--n-:-., niale SS 01.--ILini.•!:i .._s im's-coi ii.,)S-1.,..,i's •p3'07.fi lOP, t 0---.,it: (a) i. nirifi'li. ::r-i'jit..-1'2 iiC-1-T=M -.7 1,,C ' ..- L].. C.V..4-111;[,0, itS 3)0,.1COSC37s :::. ,.i.!,1P1,1, shall an till ,Th-einis II life of sald franehjs facidah to n.:!td. 'iitz, for .musieir,J atreet :11hting puroosou nailer oontratn oIt 1-1.0t lei:.' troi throe ,ar,r periods the latc)m,,,t, model ltiminona are or ...let Cilia flaim-tic) lfFht, adr.im-th -g•ill give an LLverage I 1 lnrsi is,,,t]on o.-- iLot le -,p, than the !tce seat-) a t ind a rd. of :r0-0.2 a..pref:1-sse of thnis tjne, or ,:.. lLsm of ennal effic,-Tonezi-, all night service, at a -price not to c-r,-ceed )4.7:5 por Dmurdd 00Y '-'0(L1.1. (Pot fed -:r.'rom nimili or--....:.o In 1 ine ,-iLed. m2.1.1.:,0 per :1.....0mo "nor month -.-.Tlieu. -.fed from overhead lino, and nnder each terms and oonditions as shall be agreed. neon In .), coetraet itotrOen naid Cilty and the CrJntee, its nnoeesors os. amlignc. (b) ......nr) 1:TOT1I-Zii 1'0 di,,T7-.:2...i -Il:,?.an'Hf,. ixo lights which will Hire an illumination of not los:-5 than the nresent M-„1.tm1ard. of 4:55 watt c.:Holo-'o,. 1: :c'oe'li. 1 t,M. ,:01' above service for .,al ,13"itt service not to oYcood it .(-M) par -Iaap eer pputh; Mor midnifstt service not to eTeeod - 0•00 per infop pep ii.-puth; -Tor ton o'cloed: service not -,o ei.ceed : ,....00 -1)e.:-.. 1 1.3.0 per .:o:)th; 4 or se'r, :.C.:i.! ;,.. 1:-,e.1:;:i;:, n ' Coo"i po 1,„ -',-,0 0-_-,.c3131' nine cents prJr 1-ilOW..).:tt 'se.-.,,SC :rsr th,-.:.. s7.":(1,ts:',(3 ,f...., T.,"'''., Il3e.0. In each of the (.1;101 Jr thi:,,.... '30.1J ,Ti3ju (1,; .i:017.6.10o.o3 thorn Hail he an .,...ohlmtionid Cds:.-spe -7,Ye 1.:.',,,D 0,-,re ::3s,1 rviintehance of the larans not e-/.cooding the followinE -rates: In cse 0f s:,-11 installation of less •- ..._,. then tun ixe 1:-.orp , 1.50 for -Lilo first lo0p ;:in,1 :1.00 Our each fni..litlooeIl lin,ip; in the esse of .41 jiits.1.ii,tioe of ten. or elcre ore 1:n.ins, 1.00 for the Tirol, 1;ii;in ::..lei oevu ety-five cents :r_or oe oh aciiiitiou.o1 7.1:0,.p. (c) ISTC.iiI,.IIC iiir.`..' "I ri'TirC. ...'01' Ille,..,,f0 e20ei‘j; -,i,„,n,,E, a mu te r riit e of ho't to e.:.coca nine e 0-et i•3 iTie-_c ki 1 o-....itl.; 11:s0r ::.Of oleo- tr i.o i•-ihor.,4 -o•iecl; erov.hlei; -Lilo I„; the piinimuin charFe eti,111 he :-1.00 a i:ionth :l'or eueli O.O'il=Yr.(.;-.L,:.,7,' of eli, c-1;,-‘7.1;-; erLei;E:;,]; ;ror IncanThecent 11.•/h.tio.-•-„ CoIlitiI0e-cri II-2-..1:3t ET. TiOrC.h1Z: on or leTiiioro tie-; 7-1;1 .7 ,.;. 07 -:-.).-,-, - -tio;•1.1., .•;;i11•-";ci7.-•1.c: t to -Iii oe II IHoi.•,!:',. in -..,/11 ch, ;pie,.it el.F1_,7,-i 7_,i tc. .r ,:l •oJie:7, ,31,0,11 hive ,...i. ,i h.;(..t,.,ll 1 1, Of tre2.1 ! 1: C 0 _,,"".. Oil 'Ill° I'lliOve ' (d) 1.150.in ,IC.i.-JIT 21.CI.,..TIIIC -_,S.-ii IIPI IC :3011201. n'cr incur lie:htiin'•: for the pnblic schoole of t,;ilt TnIte Cit-,,,; s rste Ol hOt tO 0.X0OC.:(1 thrco °este 'ner 7,-110,..e.;..tt• ; 1.,0 ',ion the 07,ectrie enea.s,T.,,/ useci; pr0viJe6, however, thnt tile 'erentee Irerein, it;-. rirc- ces;',0re :erol aseignp, shull not he in.7,euire„i to e-.;;;Lend. itF;! liner 'i3OPO ti'lir.ri one Ide oh -Iron, npeviortsly constiniete:i. D.inee tor thc:, ±-,Fr-no.on of suP-21:;•11iP: ale,i of 3:.i.i,"; oc%iool hni1,11,LE;5.2,. (e) iIII'ITI. faIII/ .I..iTi. 'iiiie ms.i,-5±1,11!, rule for rot-ill -00.,,er f or :viol' 'Dili t o oe ;;:e 'er.•-..ie pone r 0e.tor elaii.:L1 he z;,-.H.; to E:v coed ninn eenth par illowtt hoor for the -_,:iret one hun.inciI kiloymtt hours; or .iLIyoution tini.c.:.:eT, ones-tiff:A-Ion in Ole •-•'.01..; .`1010ii teirts per Illowatt hour for the eenon,1 0.ri3O 111101:1]ecl. hiloim_itt ho-iefE,,, or fr,Le•i_i_an -'0,c,coo.. , con.orTIO1,.1_01J iTil MI C il MOOth; .ri.Vt..:, CO Ot:-1 •001' :.-j1C-...Lt t ;101.1-r- _1'01: t..,•.0 •_.e.:;,4:, LW',, 'f11111iI000. 7.i1c0nAt le-orii , or Tr eotIon thnreof, cononntion I p0h. mon th; :;,.- it o e:,1..p eec Fl.o;•.,;!..lit :..,..-,ie. .I o,.- ie-.-., , e- i. i hr ef•-• In.-.Z 7c0,.. -...j_3_cy.ira it. hoPcn, or fr..ctip I thureo , s semi...i.o.o in. , i•ch. iriith.; eihi three cents por kilowiitt hour Sec th . C:-."..00f2,C coeumntina in rnoh ir.,oAth ovur 'even 11101..1,,,c ):-.-Lao,,.,t1., ii()Ii2,.,, ,11.', the Inintou, its opooesoore oioi eh,T1 -he n•iilii ti ri•T. i;o :1.' .hD Lltni collett .i tiriff, (-0±:Tr.,Le, zT,11 ::17.1 1M-lt,13.1.3,- tion.,:. ueln . ulciot, ieit : -iniCer the "or cc 'lit rri-Ac in the followinE aLiolutt:L.,, t it.„1; i L to r,-;.-...:, , '.::....,...) _....,011 ...w:, 1-.)e.-L. .-loat'o :.0.."': t 1 h. 1.. :',-,'-•t '001'1;0 prry,fea', Or -..1':.,...(.:.t.i..,,:i. •:.',..,.--,:c-0:2 01 3pH.),:it-ored ,:lei,-....-...,;t7., ..•.11,7 1.:.7.0 T,o.r :••o.,-ith :for (1,.,o.',1 Ltrl ;i 4;i ort.:...1. ho'r::2.',.-, i",o-fo7o o-..' -.-1.!x-ih'cim.-: (1.et!,.....ci.(:. !.:;01,f.-ur,-,c)-., ,.....,51v7 iliontl.L.... ou o7c tic:-_nee The ''Oh ,t.:Q.7 0:,7 t'tie :L._..-.-..cf:,.I. .,,,,,r,th of;30 00!11-i1v7 the f1f.,,o.-......1_ -,.non.tii. ill ,.11,71 li :Me,;:` 07.t.iie.tr-10.1.t::, V70,3 t100,'., :T:00.11 hi.I.V0 COUllt 0::: 'L;()1.i. t,0 r c 00t 00 the ....H.:heve •!-.,r i oes. ::ieC:tieli "_?,. 'iii:...;;CI Cri.•,1-it 0.7:, for Tit,.-3011.f, it. ..;,..10 oo::,,-.. no Jr ;, ...;..fsroc.4. Co' ..,-0.32-,...i .'_;h. to ,.1 t, 1.-.1-6 '::.i.-1-;,. , "re 3 of. ,•:,7.,.-....a7.7c (1;,.211,7:, 1;11,-; rr,,,.,.,.-11:0=.1,0.,.• n tile 1...,-..Ce 0-f ,3-7.1.T.A7 frAncftj.,:.:e,,,,., .r.n)::::".i c-.T.,:-:iit ol.ct.Ari.c.--a o.00r,7i for -orcrriorl.',7 1:1,cliti(1.7..' t-..-icr.i)t-..,---..71vo :Arc 1 .r.-o-1 of the ,-.....AI:e 11..(F', c.t1,..r,`.to to ,.....1,10 r::treilF•:th -1 thrL30 prO7i,10:1 ''01' :II", ,,h0 h- ,1:177-1:::1 0'0 (..1) o-.".." .3of...-10.,-...y, ...... hereof, :Tach 1,.:1p-.3 to 1)0 Jon; 'to.... ...-...t cicoh pl....;.00:t 1 ti .,-,..2-1.-t-, -::.;11,0 (..rlt,...,• ...,..,0 ro.c, ...:',0.,..1-,1 0:- ..;,2,,b:.1s,..d0r:.c.,-1,-:. ,..,..--„..- ::',E.!::,1.TD.,..te, ,.' ,..Ci....,(.., to 71711111i Sil to J;.:1t, =,'..,ft-::‘,-; '.;.',.t,.,., :fro() o c.Chi 1t70, 771)1'1..1,er .±.,',. L-,.0..OH tiou.;1 ol oetrli o.:.,:l. oiloro:-,... lit) to ....:c:cy LL.tc,o111.; hot. o.....co.-.c.5.-6.., Iei.1 0.1,.-1.4.; '00-0 Ii.';'', 0 00 ;.[..i±iltiin, OF'I fv.r.tlic r ..;.-.0.:: ;..,:,{1•1.1-,-.1 011:1 ,-..,1,..:.o-Lift c.,..3. ataorr:zi to -1.,(-.: 1.,...ol '.,-;./ ;-',....1,T. '._;.-11;..i. :ror :11:.11t:i;:i o• '.,:,c; ...,t.a..(.,..r.1.-,f.,, i-..-rcc.ii.o5:ol trul 1(11:,:-.T.,, rTolla.1(1;.:., or otl-J.r..r ol ,coo-; .-o,.--.7 .:-.,:c '.y•o:c.-,..-,:...f.f.;C:r 0;.,-.H.::,:7, oc cr..;:ol f:-!,1, 1:1;,o,3. o-i.• 1 c]L.•:rJoii. -'01„. 3.,::,.1 ,.:;:!t.::. i:f07,:i.,-071_, 1 Otiet".7-1-, ii,Y.1,1 00)0r, '1',.;10 e...r.orn . ,!.01:07-",tiou 'L 1-1-1. the '..:,-r:J.iltoe, .'On cce,..:.;-zo-oF oi.-1,7. ;Ain;.c-17,,,,, ..,,,,,..:11 t.).0.1, 1.1)O., -,7.)0,1:1 I torito -.1io,iri..11-., .1.1);-. ,D f 1;he .-.:.1)07e 1101.1t.i.()Dili(7. f'pec 7 5..- :ti 1 : 01.7,--:,,-“:„-_L-0 e ht iT,;:p3..].!.- .7,0•::-.il :!)01'11.(H;t ,..,h: t''no :.,,o ,..•-,..1,". (1:-.-1:1:t0 0., li t iJ; i•roc: CO-•';:,0:i'fl ...,t1 :•.:',•!:i'1',"! !, :'hi.i..itl. ITh,,l'e; Vie contr:lie 1.. for :.y-J,13.1i.oi.ooa. o trent 11..::::,)tinc,. -:.proviclo(1. ,70 r liq 1:11.1 -Li.',,:i -Jo,: il (V,) 0:-. :;i'e ti.n.iL ,iL it':1"e 0 7,7. i.1 ':i'::•1-1.1,t 0 C, '..:07C it 701-:;" ...ifi,-.1 -.L.or I-1:. '::t.oor•: -..to, :, ..it' :,:O.,i".:nS, feirtTh iiCr 1CCee t711'..t j t :Till '1-,oli-1,..11. to :.-.;..,-... C-1 ii-., (1 ...-1.11- -ICc, 0e7...1.1:1-;;:i or 07r to 1 i_.'...e c, ,:i.1.,' 7ri'r',t'VI t-:-:,,, ,7t.0 r., ,-,T :,..-..c. 1-.0 ,-;.:...:.'",. '.....,..1t. 1 -17.:-.0 (..;-.1 t-,., t!!a ..-..:,.-211.17:1.1.{-,,,t, 0:1: ;.;',ILt. --H,-) .n.-1,...,..:1:7 (C,Z.r,,) 1-.....o..-cf3c: -;-..c.i.:07. of i-,.11--etf!c- L1,1 0,i' ri-,-± -'60 hi: ..1,-07,t7 0.)T. -9r, "0 r : ,71:'-L.::C.:: '',.... -2O,.11Y, '.:1 li,;/ iii t'lie I ,ir,or t*..eil 'or 1 i.:-,:h.t.:1 ro:.. '.L'Ii.c.. ':---;:c.'...,-...too _:"O'7,..t',..e.r *--re.E.,;:-. ..:.),...t ,l'-.()-Lil -7_ the ;A,-Co. .. ... l'o..../c...r -,...; :hi:-IA; 0 fy.a!-o,.-J,-, ,;, 1. ts ...31..,,oet-r :,(;-f:":. (1 71.• .,_:. a i,.-1.,..., L11, ,Ln.. .t:11,?c: .:n:j.i..1 0 ii:.• 1 w:...1e.t -1_,0 .1.-:,•:i if,H.'n ree to .,.1.11 H'.,:.:..,..-, C i L,:... •) 1 17,-e ..:d H.::-t TO ,i11,1. one- 1:L ..1 c (€1.,..:, ) horse no,...re r o;i t.J(..-otrinol e.o..-..zo-:...• v..,1:-....:,rs .,.,:;.,;1 .1" .:=e,c0;_-,;.-,,-,Ice ,..-r.1 t hi the -for.„.•.: .:..,ma oo-.1,711 tic';,' 0-7 er.,. GC 05j.c:"..11,..!() 'fibf"; .:7,.:.',. !)•. T":',7;i1 I':, ti 0 :1-2,‘XtTri 0:.n 'jelff,"1:',!..1..!01.,,,7:,)',1=', OH- : 7.1; .tJ.t..7,i.:' ',:l t,-i." .:.:15 t 11,7, 70 .1.r 3"t of ..7.t:.1,1 Utah 0 op.lio ic-, t hen th-.1 s Cr.-,,...,:l toe, it .....s.,co,e use r s or a ssri rri 3, s hal I, upor, J.I.oz,,,,ocl, i'u-oh i ri-1 -nroe of c,h.c....rpo to .._;,..1.:1.t Ki..,..C 'II.t., -1-Ur ir1,7' t Ile Pe)..-1-0('1 Of au o li f,LI"lure or iao F.TI cot of -s-.1.i .... Utah I'o..,.,o r r.... i iFirt C er,.:y:..v.c4,-, i I,f1 ;yr!ocessors o-r as s 5ei s, at ..!.o..,,,,.. tin- qu.-r 1 r.,-. t.r.,e, rc'l, ,I oilL or of the 1..i.:::e of ti.ti..., Si'..:0,-.:.1,i se, an e1.(1..j.t1 onori. ;--A.-;zt,-.;.-t•,-o .-.P.-r1 one,-half (62,:,,) hero 'inc of electrical oner / to he uf.,,le0 for po-Jor T1111-00C.I.E1 1%'; roil '...Ht,';', i,ol .-yo.o 11 f..1(1.,.7.i.ti au al uo,-;er ...hal]. not 1-)o I.Ls e C 101 :i. .5a1(3.. Ur Jnteo, for itself -,--.LP,7, 7.-or it o sue c e ss o i-s otirl. r,sa,f, OT-1.--1, flirt:11r:r LTe OP; to :11TO 1;.•11 011,0 ii o thr..7:r ari.C, fur th o.,- ,i_i...(rtri erti, e ,rp,,,-,:,... :Cr r.eior -9-c-cruses as th.:.: ..Ji t‘.,• ,a....-,, re a 1.,..-i....e for -1.-0,1-9i af...' 1.uci, other .ffiurii c i p.,,,I. pur ooses qp .to coo limulre(, a:/id1 t.',,elity-five here y,o-,.,..or at a price tir.rt:, to e.r;ceeci. ,ene c or t -nor .i.,-.1.10.,.0i.tt 'emu' for t,,,-,00pty-four limIrs a :7103.-ktiCe; prcrvii CO.,Ci. 1(1.i.1; TiCLO of 1:1C; 1,,0—;";:i• •01'rech.t...:30. Or 01)-1,.'_]..i Tier' as 0:101-02C:1,1 1)!.. tir.. '.ill.." f71.'01-r •-..,.:1.,-; -c.:,,:tc)e, it;s ._o7c.:..:;ose-rs or f...,1.p-L-11 ice tuie f;. 'for 15.rht-I ii...- pur.r(:h:r1C1,:::3; Tif'0 7 i t,0(7. f1.17,-t 1`.O r 'HA'it •.:tt:0 C ft::: "1-1,..11.1 'lot..1_.%• t'Or: Gr'tit O 0 0 f tile ?:Ittrlihr:!-P of horse e0-.7er ..1 eF-4 1 ro,r1 or .-.,.'o (-faired 1.Q., I t f or i ..1 efAulte -2eri or". o.r iri-le ,.,-;.-qc.O ohr-:d l I-.0t -,,,, i c nR, t,ho,n one 1:!oirth of co e t ini,.0u..., r,-10,, L;hou'Ll, -t.,Ile ui 1.:,.!.,, h0,...101 er, .n.J.a ,brine' iis).ch ri.),-.o iliel - 'in-'., ti; ".;'',0 i'".0 j:Illii. 1111.11:ber 0ir 110I' 0 pc-ior :.:o cal.l.eel for, I.',ho m ,..,,.aki. in ti-t el/wit the ::,..t.;C., ,.211-.;;.,. st,-......1 1 jo..,.:? for ;yoo hi K.r.for as i8 ec tikt,171-x o..;.-,.,o(1 e.t 'the 1,..,.t0 1,, r o i 11-before j.rro1•il..e(1. Ito iover, the ;:;0,h..; '...]I ty ;:;1 :171.1 .p,‘y -17 o r it 1.ch trt " i-J71-,:y• :,-,:h-:r c ex t of the el.e e tr 1 c al e.ip-..,r- ,!,;!,' LIO CeO,'It.? f 0 1: ;in ho,re 1..,..1)e,-fo:se r,re-,:j.J'.eci, ',II-lot:re-,: 1.1. C,..1 or it. The arallteC '.121113,./r! ,-1Fri,,:,:: ';1-,5.1", ',:.1,0.1).1.7 tic T:ta h .'o'.....r-or .`'.. Lir:lit Co li-p..,,1-4, 'its :file of..,r-ir-u..)r e or :o.io i-:oi;:.:, ..•,_I, o.e.z.- ti.00 he roa:','t o r f ...1.1 or no,-..lec t to :.:"urui s h. to ,,...;,-,.t -1-,-,..n uit ,.., -.1..i-,.:(i, olic, hlilljr,-„" .,..oc,-i t..,.e.e-1-,•,,,,---:Li...i...0 home power ...t tho ,llet C. C ju. oeo r,it.ett e . i tl; att7 oDC or the tta' ' 0i0t-aZ, ti oe,t of ,tilhcc I t his U HL,-, ettsf, Jorh,h1 ,ioncr0 oCot e. 0it t the recuert of 0,I 0 Utah? -!;ho:1 ‘-..reo.t cc, to ..-0e,e,o ,;(,1r,s nit] rl 1 ' '], r' 'to 1.; oi e u ' j [i.e -2 e:r of the. 1Ii10e o ' th.1 fr. o 1 se, ,.h-roI f"..11 t , Oroit to 111 '.:(1 ti 0 ii 1 0110 ttrent -five horse pooer ;sit the r.--.1to wrIer the tin e coii tions ot-2. -et :forth hi t11..r Tlts•,t, the free eervico oiL recItoe 0,(1.-rate or Ito -oro- vd(1 oil for oth".11 not he in :.ltion to th.T.t oroai Thd for In the :inc:Titionect oil 'oereof,, le tc, - titer to the it 1] be o 1 1;1,07:of. ;;Lthri tntee fOrtlit7i7C '0Or€'0Z. 1,Fra-eon,-3 th,1",t ir,0110 cofnac,tati on c'er-, el fLft.,,- f.' re0. [or '2...ro oxo, the hollers 0 ete uT L11 re the tretrrfel- -t-Iloctoo to pd; Leo-- ,1.1 J,ro fis,70 aente of pith i :relict:0.s oo-rwm-totion et,: o iftt (310. J0112,1 atil(1 tTO:ie.70.0 O.% 1 C.:;e;3 to an,s1 fit) school .-..ttcyr,2-3". rssielt f:1C1,001 I Iii r oral sch-isio-n. bet 'TO' ' hare 7:;70 o olo . n 0licè' '0' tl '1rettan ore rtholllie entitlen to free oft soapse on re,,71,11, 13" ;.-;eoti on C. r..ne '..at.Linteos, its !ist-lo cc o. to alt La; e C.t1 O'er the pr:1 tflese ETotste1 nO -1 : Her the h-r10,9 ,11'1].1,OeiV 1, 1915, to OOT f:,! o:ot ,.yert o.011 the ,TC'.1O s thE, 071 :31,-.!ctried or Uniting thin the cernortte to of Ialt jitu (other than 1n0111ci.po.1 or :,chool : 1;1,e t'rie 1100 cc.' 011:1-11-.1:r 0 . IT. crieri 1 ,,-,- 21,1; • 7,11 t••• 1 or ;:e1,00:1 1 1le.,7). ' 1lC 'Ors 10 0e.•:1.1' 11 1,o :t-1.-1-,o,1 to , _,t ; Granteo I'ee, vcc IT- CC o 21- 1:"e:,:it;: of UII , 2-1 e deter, root-, 7,1.01 2 Of -1-17: r.!,.// e . 1141'e .-.CO.Lel,:CO1.4 ,(-1,7 ;4,w-cc 0:: ',hoe 11,r; it1. .1 if•TO!..- roysii-oe, for --. .1.1. ;le! to the 11;1 0:„-.)11. 1.-"r,,A-,or on or le,-eore th? 0 o 1) f210 111 , a, - -11,t(po lOT. 0:[. (CI ootri o eherr -for,' ii r-titi liI. .11 i •••1•- --Po': tor of tie q?-V t' ,.!; o for si-) II 'ee lii .t.i , t- its ,!.: , t,o - o .",".n-T1 ,1, •- • t . .1),1 •,, ITO to -11:,1 01; for L'es C1,20 011 001 its lilies. ..... — lc -',..'n)-. C.-.-]t.,) C.'ioadoil of ,-;))...lt , Uto,1-,, ,.o:,)).1_,.)..-:-, ;,,, ir()5, ...).nJ ..-o).--.•oveC) '')p. f.)'o o -. .,,•;for '..noo I; 1, 190'6, (o):. :.).-1:ion.Th1 :,..-. 1(1 oolif irn'. 1 at ; o ,7:-.Ht,. :r7et To rt't.1 in 7.)ection II 11o1•:•(o." ), b o Of:i .-2,,) ' .:o 1-.-_-) i a -.‘,1);. -2-ort1),).,:. -_),,..):,) ,.1. -,,,./ .),))0,.,),,11):.: y) -).):,,,s,tion 7 tia....,r.:•.oi ti-p.: -ollo,...,iw,:• n,..Tr.'*')-c-,..O,l'i, Po'•.'i t: (c2) 1 1- -::Ja_,-...).; !21-)621 1.,e a uoll. ..-o.i. ino.).-ea-. o,-". -7olurro o:'• 'ir,....ntc‘o'c e - t : ! 1,n).•,..n).03;-..: in. ...)a..[..t :',..)•.,J..,,r-) ji :-,), ..)...-, io ,i,.-..t.--:-..i.-011.„. or 7.,.ice t'oo co fst o',' p:rolooinf:- or ,l.i:.31-..23.1n)t1i.. .. el o).ttri oa.1 ol.-1);-. )--,,... Tor 11..!. ti.-)..:).-", , o-,T.rer or noi-ot,:.',1:.• 1'ilra,o2o:. , -t-ier). ..:,-.[,, iy! -1.'not evont .).1..ao -Lao Ci t::- r-...).y ref-v.ire y-P.-,...77 doc-: for in till ..)ool.:ion. (O) 'no o,rbit:...-at,..,-. :•2 o6).-.,iote !, o::: her,7nin),1.)0, --.,..o-..--..;::0,1., ci16.11 I.,.ave i(0..LI. ,,o'..-T or ..):-.Di ....o-')..'0n6-.-i -1,-,))' to .-3.or'.1.1-, ,..n". 07.:21].110 '711 t;'.,:, 7')OOkS OT the Grantee nert)J ni1.0," LO i-1-.,2 n)...-,otri..'.', li.::;-!-Lia: , -...,o...-r)-,.)... „a-C. 1•,0o.t-Inp• bu:..yine ao ill ..;,. _t -±,,':.,1.-C; ''-';it.,; -7 o,' tc.n .so")6 coo ei ''.',ot)-a-r.)1r)ilf- u'ilo „ttel-Fi. 21f),]i.t .)D,1 to 'Coon 'Cr7;7 ,:.:(Thi ..ti. .; 'COTT: -',111.-i Ill .e0,.'ef H-L.7 .1:'.1/t :Y.I'j tc,/ 000-30 :.),:r.ni ton,1...i..il.,e :i a,.;)-1 ...; fnLovor t',,a, .7,•e,-.-:-Iat'.-1117.r0 C.-.:, 11le ,:..f-,,te ec tit,-,„01, :inn:!!, .:,,,,/ r,T),10:,:' a Ht..,,t,Jte, : -.ZGi`CI`j.He ,...)!' ,Th-:.90..,'ef coop: other CoLl-n-Li ssion or ii0(3)::i to ..) -)),f)ri.u.. t13,0 1.)0 07.0 of •,-)ablic ..-iervi co COT.)-)o--o.)..t.j 0110, all,l. -.al:* the feculi ; of :..,-)2oh o-:;a3.... ni.tion 1-)-,.; a)a...'6 a tl)nr ',2•011.1:1. 9.j.ell Co' BO..'71-,"7, sh:111 be oron to fit-otoo,...Ai011 11"/ ouol-, a..);'))i tr-ato*.ro. :o 030'Oitf!.'j.:1.0f1 1).11(1..er any c'1 t111:•• ..;eotion o'n.01,1 1)e ,-"'oL)_',1-1)1;--)11 ly,‘,-. oit'r''n-,r 1-•:-:yrt:: 1)eTore -(;', e o..,-.. ..ir...cf,-]on o.- at loo.;-it Pour o.r.,(,) onn-Loaf -:.70:-:-.1'-,-, '.'-falo .1.)1.)--.: (I .1.-))'., con ...ololl 'Lilo Cr..11.nono.-:, 01-.-0L:r- ',-..,hi.:. ..2z)en,":.,-.-.:_ht ,.-o es Into of:roc t, •al i.7.20.c:, )),V.oli ao( H.1.-01. 1.);;) t'oe Lti-i)i tru,torB 211-2,11 P€: treate:1 ..n_l c))1,,:-.•:i..-,.,ilti.),:i. )-:,1)..)1. ',-)o u!...,;(3,1 on1.4 in C)),..tor:1-lini.z4,2- t'oo (..ue)ition.:, or.7:)..,-itto.-1. fo-f ._):),•-nit-noii on. II. ":21aot il-.,. 0r,lina,0o .:1: 0e:I. -'):.); 010,-): Pop ooa-o.)-.til c:i-- )--.-=',..lt , htah, 'en:pi:A A 1905, . nepoo-ved !;he (na ni!lieidad eerfirmeil n. -rorth in 'lee ion I I heroof) nt all tit iao hear uo-netrerd, ,nd at nil L:Ino s %o to ba ciinelrned no io Locisn,;, The oavarol . m0ntione01 in i=“iotione 1 tel 2 thereof, and daeocibeil or uaat,,a ' lioca the ci--„tee ru-intioned Ill conroctioni4lbi , ,,21 ros-Paetiv,ir:, , aro 1deetto.,1 the fl(.1 deeer-ihel .:',.ev42.oUi OrFiintiaces ,,Jat as "effecti-,a" npor the .tas Viol .i.Lt, on'it,;.= he fLi horoib pir-nto9 to Lho Tr_eiion ao !:;ne, until 1,10 1, 19151-i, Lo eorotrnet, po ri to nint-iP u no ita noles or In itouondnite in the olreat,i, oor Salt the nekire n,in, or converient Yiros f'or tho o 'ii nee io oi2nnl 'immimIliention In corle11io '27 illiAleutel to the op,e, Aiet its caectrie Liop nvid 'o or op'etem, [(I for toe L,ranteelo CO use i- aigrni service aril ee,mmuni- ention in eorroation op incilontel to 1)1" oeer.Lien of ite street and oeliurbnn c Ii.. 'Or; but the de-j nrC I. tarii 1 Qin tL.r! oeles epee toil or 01)013 tree t 00 ;•_n_ it: , the ia',rice, or places 01 oreerollw the oana, eh ao be nr000rilied 70acia, of 11.0 .;11,al lie ''Iron- On an;,; pole or peire ereted Lle :te 0)' vrhioh iii intorfiira 1%e ipoe of !,,iny other pernor or "OrOVJOGCld atrunp nrder elv rrom ".:it '. coroont be an:l ic horeb,, oliven to the assinvieny/or --11-- Of 0 0 n"..- LL'107 -1,-;,1 • cyt(t:j, • tilt 1ncm,r1 tIn lit'' ,-toyoro(1 -n.•t,00), v .-."! iOn o f ei° i`,1 0070f:12 tiore , ot,(0 wnti t-to-2-11-.-Ltel--,:y the riFth',-. • thereunder port:-ininib to Lin, olio or ido-re 01 cv 1. uLilitin o. To o O113 :,:t_te 't ,,„10 oothiff, •th, vero :rt 3 C) 1 or t.ron,jier ctn1i H-1:•,-ont ,,•_.1 him-line,' 1L)oli Bitola ee err: tioree, 1,114: ItOt 1)t) 1,110 hola or, trL,.m._•.- -_-ree o" titn -to 1,1-ftio I ito r uti_tit, on or o ;:tTI'lCtit. Vii ,j10 0 0,,1 t110 CJil • lordi VC :f 0 100 (-,,.!!2-t-ct..1,.!. cal, o"o o-0 2-Li 1 L1C,3 1.11.: t.),ro int Ido 1 1 0 to.,, 1,0 CO CO.LW.i; , cl-Jor,ction c,) i.'31.0 .c.reet. uoon OtJ :31:1'0('-1,`.-, 0: t . 1(111 Li .'. '2_0 it. I '1:1]. 20f (30 the ry.-_-It?c,...1e 'Li'is 0 -t;,": n ept toIt. tt• 3.) T,a3,e 331 , r.o 'i 111,11 . void. t:,.1e c- -:c:et, 1,10011 it's.; rLCol 000(1 11,1.1.10 . ) / -'7 '..201..nn I 0 f 1-, a"-0 City, rut , (1, c' /Y City Recorder. • . . . . ' . . I . e Eh. ,.. 4. . 0 ... II. , .... I. ., ..„....„, 5, . , .. .4. . ._. i . k.., i 1 i 1 ItN1 \ ‘ --, '1 _ !- -74 ['J.::