229 of 1914 - Transferring franchise of Merchants Light And Power Company to Utah Power And Light Company ......,, CALL ,,,....,..........„, VOTING Yes No Salt Lake City, Utah, Shearman I move that the ordinance be passed. Wells i — i Lawrence / 47 ' Ze7C-c Morris Vir , / Mr.Chairman Result 6) s....- -2/ CALL j S 4 /VOTING Yes No 33 . - Salt Lake City,Utah,.)De ember 21, 1914 Shearman Viv Wells 4 1 1 Lawrence i_t_ I move to strike out of Section 5 of the proposed *if Morris . ordinence to the Utah Power and Light Company amending 'Mr.Chairman. — the franchise granted to the Merchants' Light and I — Power Company August 22, 1912, tl.,---1-i•4trix/s0(a) and (b), Result a ) . . .'/V X). Afki-4/1-4/1A.a/14.7 -Z2/ Aid Old Din.H.:',i101, o..,1“_Yol I n !-, "An d1rd 1 oat-Jae ,.,•rantiow oeri se ion to thd „Le rahants T,:i 'JA L. P 01,1(:.:I' CO:..fli.',;',", a ,7.0 r.L.f,o r,-It ion, to coo strne t,, d:airt, i o .ai,d operate ar el ec tri a 'nea.to:;, 1 i-::1-tir,,,' and ide7,:er system I I ,dit1to the 1.1dits of ',:.-it Lal,e City", parsed Audddst L:2, 1912, re- (..ri'o-...,1 ni rdd the ea die as coin d ed and eenf i oinir,..d ;he 1,i tic .1-1-ie,re to in tha 11taii t ewer .,-. Li 't (.',!0;;.,1;an-;,:, its successors ani a:-•01hdards. TT Gh11.!1101,111) by the h,oard o f Cor,,dd eed on ere of :1-nit Lai e 01 ty, lit ah: 1 SECTI:31.1 I. . . That "Arm d,-.:7,1 luanao p.r an Lir•-• i.a rfoi.0 s 1.o 11 to t1,a 1-arch ants 1did,ln t I .207C,r ir.::0iay any, a o orp ors t ion, to coos troa t, mai n tr.ir„ and oiderate .`-31.1 el..eo tri e he nt Ira, 1 1 zrht i r,-;': and pocoor eyst e1. v,-1 thin the 11 intits of Salt Thdl. d 0i ty,", passed ^oiodlot, 22,, 191c, he ord. tl•e -'cone 10 1-)erv,,-hy smenJed as hereinafter eet oot, -1dd as so f-, -,orile11. he and the ss:we is herohy re-ordained, ,.rnil that the tO tle there to he and inn 11.!.:r ay co n f i.rdia d inn the "'Stall 1do'er ,"1, Li Cut Coml.,an y,, it-s successors aod f.-0i'doid, (her,dinafter called tl.e C1radotee). ' C-1110121',.L. II. , That parn.,-rrph •J'irst of 1,,ecti Yr, 2 of said 1)rdir aria c he arid the some is 'hereby ?ithe.oded so as to read an fo'love: rfi rat! To erect „ar d fd;aldt,ir in roan] etre ot s, lariee, alleys sdad 1.0111 la 9.,,1 no.(red ,...)r 0...q1 City pediee and attaah thereto Or extend th srd frddd o:i. re 0 and o tlad, oo a.ho a t ors for tie ;di...ride-3e of tro ideril I ti,-1 o'd ,Dleotr', ,2,71_ con rer t s ,,,,-1.1-1-ir t' 1 Indite of sn i d City .,7or -power, 1 1 d'h t 1 i'd and 'neat ins: or other purposes, to t.he inhabiter-Le th en no I, to;:•;E::tTle r with the necessary or cc-„d no I Cr't od.,orh cal or onl or- or 013.1hi wires for the .0rant oe Ye OTql idea in skraal cornice and +.->c),-,IIIII11.- C El t 10111 1 n aorin,dcti Or ,11 1.117. or 11-:a.1 d art sl to the oi.,er sti on of its 11 229 ._.i [ -. ...., .' _ __. ..... ..... .. .,. e l ec lyric ati , I i tin and vower system; but the de 'i.-n and f i `.i - -t.-io tied. non any street r ,_`Li t:.- and. iia place or place:-.., of e rec.:tI the surr.e, all be pr_ anal ed and fixed 1i;r the Board of Cormr,issioners, arbi on ,m1ros sr all be .:trnrnFr on or attached to any pole or .tole: erected by t%;e r.tee, i-ts ;uncessors or a s:a os, which . all in any mr.rnor intr_rfare 'Co.•i tie =iras of any of er• person or rto roar- tion previously et-run under- any ira,nchise, fro alt Lal'a City. CE C TIO.�1 III. That p,17rtlrraph i'irrt. of 0ection 3 of said hrainance be and the same is hereby amended so as to read au follows: Fi.rat: . gat the permission and au the-it; hereby li•:canted i-a aub jog t to such dawn of the State and Ordinances and. resolutions of the hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City as are now in force or will nayheraCtor be passed, :;overninP; excavations in streets and the cons-tructian, e"ection or eelete--ns:nce oa: polea, •mire:, cond-uito or otl:or erections or aeepli knee,. non, in use or to be flood in the transmission anal distribution of e-lectri ci ty in said City-. That the Cection imr-:ediatel Co11c,vin eetion 11 and imm d'Lately procedin Cecti.on 13 of said )r3t-;-_r,,nce, sni rr'-rioh is incorrectly. numbered 10 (hoin,-, 1 a second section numbered 10), be and the same is borohy correctly numbered so as to read "Section 12.". C T0:: V. That £lecti-ons 7, 0, 9, 10 (a) and (b) and ^.ecti.on 15 of said ordinance be and the same are hereby stricken out, and in lieu theya-:of the .Collowio. Zectionn it, 13, C, and .D, be and they are hereby-- substituted. Sec ti.on A. And for art d in con rid erati on of the premises said Ccantee agrees and it is hereby ordair ed that an d iIrantee, its successors and ass:igns, diir,i or the ii do of said franchise, shall and. will furnish the users in said City electric lightat prices not erceE.idi-n2,- the following rates, tunless changed as hereinafter provided, to-wi t: (a) TIUNICIPAL STREET LICHTTiiiii TiY ARC TAii-PS. Said Crantee, its suctcer.rorc ! nd will d'Jrtn.. the life of this fray.chi se, .7-aral,sh to said City for mun cip al street I izihting purposes under contracts of not less than three year periods the latest model luminous arc or metallic flame arc light, which will give an overage illumination of not less than the present standard. of four ampere lamp of this type, or a lamp of equal efficiency, all night service, at a price not to exceed. .'.i/1.75 per lamp per month when fed from undera;Tound line and •.i4.50 per land per montb when fed. from overhead. line, and under a.u.ch terms and conditions as shall, be agreed upon in a contract between said City .and the idrantee, its successors or a sir.,limas. (b) ARC IA GliTIai TO ILI:iIVATIO Arc I irhte which will o:ire an illuminat ion of not less than the -present stands.rd of 41.:)5 watt onclosod c?rbon lamp: Rates. }'or above service for all service not to exceed . 8.0() per lamp per month; for mid_pl.Tht service not to exceed. '5.00 per lamp per month; for ten o service not to exceed per lamp per v.;nth; for serviee by aster a ri-te of not to exceed so to per 1-ilowe.tt 1,o0r for the, electric each o the cases in this vision (b) mentioned, there shall. he an additional ehr.i..rge for the care „and riolintenance of the lamps not excpoding the folloi.vin7 rates; In case of an installation of less thao ten arc lamps, 4.'1.50 for the first lamp and '1.00 for each , . -......- ....,• . ' additional latT; in tire case os an irstallation of ten or Toro arc lamps, 1.00 for V70 first 1.9.10 and se-vonty-five Cent‘- for each ad 1 ti or al l :amp. (o) PIC V.1ttiiF.C77,72 LT MITT:C. 7o r i r earl ascent lamps a motor rote of' not to crmeed al no cents !,yor hi i owat t 'roll.- for elec- tric iinorp:y used; p oc-vided, that the mi rim r.ytr,,,,rp:a pt.all he .1.00 a month for each consumur of' electric enery for incan9esce-1i t liw.htinc". Co at.....unie rs payinw monthly on or before the 7th day of the fi seal month succeedirmr, the fiscal month in which such el octri city was user], shall have 0, a 10.(30',7/1t, a .`-' ter per cent on the above .rricer . (d) ThiCIC.S.Si0T11.77 7.1-07.7112 C tOP. 1S1CHt1C CCI1001LC. 11'or incandefEcent lt shtioa• for the public schools of '-_'a3._t Lake City a rate of not to exceed three cents oer kilowatt boar for the electric orory need; provided, however, that the' Crartce heroin, its, successors. art mire i.2;ns, shall rot be regal:rod to extend Ito li cies more than one bloc from provioasly constructed lines for tho purpose of snpplyiog ani, o r said achool Iaildits. (e) 7,72 A.:11, :1207E7 dICE. The maximum rates Soo retail power for suall aolts on sepa,ate poy.-or mr ter sd..111 1-;e Got to exceed h'Liao Coatn 000 kilow'att 'soar. .ro, tire first one 'hunt',rod 3,-.110wat t i1011 t'S, or Tra.c I i an tle,ansT, consanct ion in one north; :10VCif, `7.!ertF, or 'kilowatt hour for the secont one b-andred ',.:il.137att, hours, or fraction thereof, corsnmptior in such m2nth; 2ise Coats .:-.er kilowatt hour for tie nett two hand rod. kilowatt hours, or fraction thereof, co rss ff,wti enn i n such mon tie 11011-r Cents Per TinoiTatt 'nowt' .fer the noyt three latrol red kilowatt ion-a, or Traction thernoT, consumption in such month; and Throe Cents Per t I lowatt 'poor -To a tloo- cycess coo::umpt ion in so.ch mooth ovor seven horidosd 0I1owatt honrs. cut the Cert.eo, its successors and assins, shall ho entitl:,d. to make and collect a minimum charxe on all installa- tions as inc',' electricity -under the forea'o int; rate in the followina- -------------- ---. amounts., that le to sAy: a'2.09 per month for the first horsepower, or fcaction thereof, of maximum demand, and :,'.1.50 per month for each additional horsepower of maximum demand. Consumers raying ' monthly on or before the 7th day of the fiscal month succeeding the fiscal month in which such electricity was used shall have a discount of ten per cent on the above prices. Section B. Sail 1.--..st•:.o, fc.r itself, its stteeessorE3 and ase'i,':flo, ae:rees to furnish to Salt Lake City, free of charge, dinins- the remainder of the life of this franchise, sufficient electrical energy for pronerl lighting twenty-five arc lamps of the same kind, character and strength an these provided for in sub- division (a) of Section A hereof, such lamps to he located at such places in Salt Lake City as the Board. of Commissioners mar designate, and also to furnish to Salt Lake City, free of charge, further and additional electricd energy op to op ,ronnt rot ex-coedit-1g 400,000 hilowatt hours per anoint, such •r".1. rtl'er and ail-it-tonal electricol energy, to be usod by said City for lim.-7btimlg any streets, municipal bnildinge, grounds or other plaice now or hereafter owned, ecoopiel, uesd or lcoed, by said City. :rovided, however, an.d upon the expruse condition that the Grantee, its suceessors and assigns, shall. not be renired to furnish any of the abo,,ro mentirelea. free li gh t hos, s erri c e (...:::,T cept diji-1. .. .•:-!-r.,-.,}-, f.e r 1(.3_p of time as s!.3.7,73. Ironies, It E ,..:-. .,:.;.3.;-.017,,,..1 ..),-,-,3. ;-.;;.... .1.,n..., -:', cal h000 1.7.,c (!niit.7,71,“: for miirci 0 ii p al. Eltr e et it-':11.1D,- 1.....1-,.-rviii 0.' fol. in ::31,-..j.(11\-1.::i...-)r': (a) of L,::ct i(.-n A I t .',,f.',:r. Pail ,......•.,1 r-,•, 7r)r it :lfal ,",::,n Ito ..;::-r,,,: co-,:.,,: -, ;-iril f;.,,;:•;.,:-,11:7, fur ti.,f...y. •, ,:r k:, .i.: ',1 -,i_ it, ',11 1 -1'0,.'•,: -1, t() !, 1.'. C,i t;„- a,010 tile .,-e,,a1 Ed..F.T!r o.1* I,'T,.J 1 1. 7o c)7 t..1 i::.. 1.`-,.•,....,:,f,-,1 of o t non .)^ ci-,,T.,,-.: ,,, to nirib Cult Lal,.--c, ci%., ti-!e. ,:, 1_,:alont o-f' ::'1.7K f,,,,-1..',7,., al,.1 on --7"J 91-.' (6:.ii,) 1.t./,,-:.(,:. pfy.,e,r if trical. ouergy to he used for power purposes by said City in the manner said City may deem necessary and proper, but this power shall not he -.,,..,. near) for 1i..hitt lig. The Proof-re further agree e s that should the Utah It_,-,q,-1: and Tracti or Corni)ary, its re- e osors Or as si70 P, at nny ti r, fan or :on g-i t. to rii . 1• f re e 1:7.) ,C7 al t Pole CI.tye a like. oi.Kt y-two and oh Cr-ihq f ii or he ;-,cr,.....er o I' el.ret.?...i..c al energy under au ed in .ac o erl an cc w ith the terms .and c o nd 1 thme o 7 ar, 1-0 1-Iva-rutO t1,1.,.., CLEI7,7 passed by the 'lova]. of barrio( o loner c o f `.'_':alt: Take City rt the rogue st of S9.116 Utah T,i_gbt and ';'rao t i on Company, then raid .1%r ant on, its ono o.essors or aosi gns, shad 1, upon demand, if's.rni oh free of chae to Solt take City denim the period of tarol f al lure or neglect of nail Utah Tim ht. arii nr act i on COCuparly,t Ito 0tn,•.-!(!e: ;-.10.r 0 01* 9C,J.,17.13f3, at any tome eluri nr- the rr,91.9,117.0.er of the li fa o tIci -r:rail eili pa, an ad.-VI t ion al sixty-two ...111,1, One-half he T'00•,) -power o f electrical energy to be used fo r !,or.hor tu r,,,Doe 0, 1):: said City, but such add I.t ion al pa rev sh ill not be used. .Po r 11,,,:hting. Said croatno, for 1 tool f artil f0,.. 1 to SlIcea,"::::,01-0 and. a sol-one .furt h a r aprons to .rurn 1 oh such other and further elet"ic al energy for .rower purpos es as the Pity, may re cm ire for pumping and other multi c 11,a1 pi-coocE.1 n.:., to one hundred and twenty-five horse poyor at a price no t to exc eod on it cent per kilowatt hour for twenty-four hours a day service; p rovi.-1.ed., that none of the pew e r purci a sed or obtained a5 n-rfirr-'ph.id bar tile City -rroc said Pr-rote e, Ito ..,..1Y-!(.'.,eP!..-,Ono or assigns orb,..11 be uend r or- lightring -our uoses: revile),-. further, that s-I d City shall not)r 7 ti,0 Crart o e of the number of h or se f..oe-,- des iced or re qu I roti by it fo r o .1,finite perio d of ti.•-ne wh i ch oh all not he 1 es o than one moutii. of I;0 I]t 71(11101)I? ore. :ShO t)-./..•1 t' o City, 1,0,.,ever, f,3,p. 11.:1-1,,,,7 such ere c 1 Ti nd p ehri q d. to nne toe f pi v numb.,, 0 f 1-,0 Pe power so called for, then o-ud in that event the sold City. shall pay for such power as le •Ictrally ro al ot the rat e I.er e inh of ore proy bled. -gewever, the soil C 1 i„V P.H111 pay for at. le -,A; rift;: per cent of the eleet,eic;,[i enorg.y so called -to r at, k e.hre ivrhefo re -p ro v idol, wbe the r used or not. The Crentee further ogre e r.., that should the Utah Light ,.-o and ii"rac Li or Se aiti any, its sn c c.e ps or s or ass lan s, ot any time hereafter fail sr n e(71.eel,- IN f'il,n 1 F:1-). to 30:1 t L'Ik.e 0 i t,;y a 1.1:1-c0 one ironl r(,,1. and teu.,.-nty-f i v; o,so p ry..,-••r .'7t, id-e same -pv I ce and lull er tHero- to r.,:s as i r( tti s parr ',ph or ev5 del, in .af!,)0 clance 7 i.tl, oncl and or the terms and. conditions of an Ordinanc e thi.s (day pas.'ed ty tte Board of' C 0 mmi vol 0 ners of Sa,11., Lake C ity at the r egne.st o f ra I] Lit:aia T.i al-:t and flractio n Cou(pany, then sold. Cr strt ee, i ts M,Cti3OSPCr'S and 5:21,1. 1-1`,1,, Crl all rindti ng the or 10(1 of snot Pal lnre or ne al er t of .9''1 a Irt al7 Li--71-.t and Cr oCtti.:)11 C emp(any ot any time d u rill:, the remainder of the life of tipi s -Franchise farad sh to Salt Lake C I ty, up(. 11 dorr.a....r d, op to or add 1 t i0 ii l onI 11111dd:red !Ind twenty-five i)o rse E:.07,,or at th e 17,J li,.: aria 11 na(i r t3)(.1 t erilis and conditions ai; ;-:et forth in this par.s.(3r a pt. Section c„ Ti;.; Gra nt in(. , it s SO 42 CI e SS ore and aF,''-.i,...71-1S, :',1'1 all pap t(1-, Salt Lai,.c City (-or the i.r lir il e&:es ,10,y.1 ted 1::::,:- this frapi;i se lint: For the period of t.i7rIE,1 from .Ta -n,-;y 1, 197.5 to iini:(.us t ..4, 1 iN57, ors::-Pm(.tii Of ono !dr:so c er.t. p en t..e .L.,..,.00!, revenues of tin So.-(o(an:v derived -(..so m tte sal a o f el s,c tri o ol oner 7.y. for 11.2.+ting purposes wi tt I.p tie in Note 1 mi.ts of' Salt T.a".e..‘ 0 i ty (etid:(1- t: rm 40111 C I i,al 0 r S,..:!11 0 01. 11..-,'1 t;i no) CO Oli ll; 701' t110 refiJ a i.r.-;..r: period of th_e I i fo o r ttl.s fran- c-ft i s., ore.-1 p..1 o fs 0:1-:ti: I,,,'.1 r ,:..:,,'n t il I)0 13 tit' '70 0 rc,P revenue o.i'' the Corp a yry (1.(:.r I.v(7.11 from tic sole o 17 el ec trio' ] oiler::y :I!o r 1.1(;"(d:ti r;•..1' 1:,,,I1.," C 1 V,:!0 a it'n in the co r s or fte li.oi tr.-. o f ("al.t Lake City (ott er th on voni o i psl or 5.-7,-",•:;10 01 1.i',Mti ii,:,). r.:Tt e torn "Bros s revenue" 711, 1,Fea in t'sin Sec t io n sh ill be ci:-(d.(trned to me en th at sum ,vhi.oh the ,iirsr(tf.,e a a tn&lily receives from tile cc 11(...: of electric prior s:y f or 1.I al,t.I r..(: 111rp,:)2(32 WI tl.1..11 1,1-10 corporate 1 im i.ts of Salt hake City (other than ( tr.i.ci.pel. ond ;..,,chool 11,31-Ai na) as h ero in stated, and shall be determined from the books of the Com- .1.oan, at tin, end o 7 each c'lad ar 00 or. a s tat eri an t v or 1"i.ei il iiii/ „....,..,' ma the Try asurer o c :.,ad. te r a 7 the 7..rantee as to its truth and c or rect- nOEC., 01 i0V:i_Si..: I tS Sal 1 ,.-1-',.:< : re VC1M 0 fOr V.e. :','?C e i:CI, 7/12•.-' 21-,n..,11 he delivered to the .i.u.ditor o7 the -rantor CT or before tie first day of Feb re a ry. I.o o ae h year, and the pair:leo-it a fore sni.d. s h.el 1 he 'a ate on or he fore tic first, d.a.:7 of 'tar eh in e ach :ye ar fo r th e. 'rem:ceding y o net-. The hooks o-7 sail --brunt e o cent al riae'. the records of sales, of el ect-r I e enere7y for li c'ot trig purl:ewes "7 I t''';!. 1.:`,e CO r;)C."''ate limits of "tali, halo City st-all be (Ten for i oat peo ti e.a and examination by the City Auditor o I' the 10001.00 at any time alit er Vo_ore ciel:pt of said stateceot, "a the purpose of aseertoinioe the amount o7 such TOSS revenue. The :ioyalti e':'4 herolD provided .7er and the free service and rod-need-rate service here in pro vid ed, for shall be .1.r lieu of ar'y occupation or license t ax upon. the Grantee, its property or hu siness. 'cc II an D In co ss icier-ti en of the premises it is he"eh agreed thnt if tor'e sh ell tern p rafter be any her., inventions 00 improvements that will materi al'y reduce the cotr--1.-, of' prod u el sg or distributi np; electrical ener,:y for light'pr-, -pure r or huating purr.os es, o-c i 7 the r'f; Sh all be such an increased volume of :lrente e is bus inone in Snit Lahr_c City as to materially re due e the cost of pro- due in e or d 1 str i but i ii."7 stub eners7, or providednt] further if there shall hereafter be any conditions whi ch shall materially enhance the cost of produciui:f. or distributing olectrical enor,iy or li,htiim, power or led a purposes, then and in either event there shall he a, reasonable readiustment by the Board of Commissioners or. the one part end the gran- tee, it' successors or ass-I e.;ns, on the other part of the rates herein fit_ed. In the event of' detsa-7:reerient between the parties e ithe r in respect to the fact ,rhether the said condi'Lions au tharizing a re ad,10..treat of sii id rates have ari men as above provided, or as to ..... -.....-' •.- the a!•eunt ofl rhduct.4).1 tle,eof, or hoth, thee the ssme shall ire dote rw: :ie d and a,,,;(-1,-2 rt t7il.net lg,,,, t•n co mqet et z.,ni. disib le-oopted. amil-i.sers, tbe City and sold 'irantee each solectio- o7ne, and the two so cbosen shall select a comletent asul dieinterosted umvire, irl th,n qt,0,,,,11 --'a' ,,:'=,.h,11-1, 11-,On 0e t e r—c_r,e. ,T3',e fr.er -roe ;fflid c on di tic'ns 0YiCt aud what r's,,Tretitsf- or advonce or sot" rotes cfl,-011 he mate, and .J pun 71",.1.1 ore to ag-ree ti ey shall ?.i.1.11i 1- 11-.., A'r differences to tie 11[4:ire, and tie doe isicn i.:.: wri t in g of any two shall d etermine tire soi 6 quest"en. :.ach party shall bear equal I y the ex-pens° of the apl,roisal. in the eve bt the said •;.:',rantee, its successors and, as st g-ns, shall upon d&mood of the .130oni o r Commissioners refuse or neg- lect to pro ac.n.A. to arbitration for a read justment of ?.....,t es as leered n ,r ovided, or rail to carry into effect the rates when 7^eal j9..E.ted as heroin provided, they:, tie lband of Commissioners reserves the ri..gbt to alter, amend and ciange this fray:chi:7e in rush cot to rates or charges for the services referred to in. this 7ectio-n. The arhitrotors a pee i rt ed, as bur-inabove .,-,:-.....i.6 ed, shall have full power and outbority to audit and. exarlre :ill tie books of tics C;rantee lee rtatnitt,g to :its electric 1 if-ichtin:r, poorer and. 3/4e atir19; busisess in Salt T.alb a City for the pu rio ore of d°termini:5g the matters eubmittea to ti-ern -.Pc-r arbi tratic n: but this pp:ler ..c.-nd autic:rity shall co s se ant term 1 sot e if and whenever the F.. T,c,,i.E3?..1 tire of the 2t at C of i]tah shall, by general. at' tte, "Cl theriz C; Or emu (rye r 0,1-17,-, oti-y:•r Commissio.n or Po dy to examine the books of publi c,. s,orvice corporations, road if tie results of sueh exarninat len by such other Commi ssic n or Body shall he open to inspection i-p such. arbitrators. lie arlitration under any pro:\hi slot. of this L'oc 1.;or: shall he demanded by el thqr party ire f Cl'e ti.,e e:X 4 r,,:tio n of et least -four and or a-h•alf (4 .-) peon'- from the date u pot) which the Ord in one e maldr:, II i s: a:sendm)on t :r0 c E i;'.-.to e'ffec.t. All I n..1.'o-.mat i en acquired by tine arbitrotors shall be treated as confidential and be used only in determining: the cyostions pubmi tted for arbitration. ........ --10-- 0 CTIW, III. Mat said Utah Power .. hip 'rt Co a any shall mi thin thirty days from the warsare of this Jr'irerce rile i.t, ac':ehtance thereof in wri tir.=, with City '3ecorder of Belt Lake City; otl erWi e the same shall he hell and void. OCTIC,N VII. This Jrd.irianco shall take off apon its ieobiica ion and acneitance. !' r:`". Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City December 21st. , 1914. /�7. 1nI ` �!�l// ✓ City Recora.:r. I:TA?OR. • • i,_.‘ ,.:1:,,,Att 71; ti. 0. . ,..,. ,. • -,3 • AA (/�Qom\ Y 1