23 of 1901 - Ordinance 23 of 1901 – Prescribing rules and regulations for licensing and registration of master AN ORDINANCE.
Prescribing riles and regulations for licensing and the registration
of master plumbers and all persons engaged in the plumbing business, and
relating to plans and specifications for house drainage in the City of
Salt Lake.
There shall be in the City of Salt Lake a board of examiners of
plumbers, consisting of the Health Commissioner and Chairman of Committee
on Sanitary Rules and Quarantine and inspector of plumbing, who shall be
members ex-officio of said board, and serve without compensation.
Said board of examiners shall, as soon as possible, meet and
organize by the selection of a chairman, and shall then designate the
time and place for the examination of all applicants desiring to engage
in the business of plumbing within the City of Salt Lake and who shall
have made application therefor to the board of health, which board shall
refer all sliich applications to said board of examiners. Said board
shall examine said applicants as to their practical knowledge of plumbing,
house drainage, and plumbing ventilation and if satisfied of the compe-
tency of the applicant, shall so certify to the Mayor, who shall there-
upon issue a license to such applicant, authorizing him to engage in
the business of plumbing, fot the term of one year.
Within ten days after the approval of this ordinance the d
Neatt% shall appoint an inspector of plumbing who shall be a practical
plumber and who shall not while holding said office be interested
directly or indirerctl,y in the business of plumbing or the furnishing of
plumbing materials or supplies. The Inspector so appointed shall hold
(I) 23 J,.
office for a term of two years, unless sooner removed by the City Council.
The compensation of such Inspector shall be one hundred ( I00.00) dolls
per month to be paid from the City Treasury. The Inspector shall report
to and perform his duties under the direction of the Health Commissioner
1 and shall inspect all plumbing work for which permits are granted within
the City of Salt Lake in process of construction, alteration or repairs;
and shall report to skid Board of Health all violations of any law or
ordinance relating t.o plumbing work, shall inspect all pipes, tanks,
fauctts, valves and other fixtures by and through which waste water Or
sewage is used or carried, report any defects in the same to the Board of
' Health which Board may order changed therein which shall be made at the
expense of the owner; and perform such other appropriate duties as may
be required by the Health Commissioner.
Every person who has been duly licensed as a master plumber, and
every other person engaged in the plumbing business, as a journeyman
plumber, in the City of Salt Lake, shall appear in person at the office
,.of the Board of Health and recieve a certificate of registry and no
person, other than a registered plumber shall be allowed to carry on or
engage in the plumbing business, or make any connection with any sewer,
soil, or waste pipe, or any pipe connected therewith.
Every registered plumber shall give immediate notice of any change
in his place of business, or residence, and upon retirement from business
shall surrender this certificate of registry to the Board of Health. .. s
Every building in which plumbing arrangements are constructed shall
be comn:acted with the city sewer, where such sewer is provided,and when
not provided, with a cesspool, in a location and with a capacity to be
approved by the Board of Health; and every plumber before doing any
plumbing work on a building, or before any alterations or additions are
made to old work, excepting old repairs, and shall submit a plan and
description of the work to be done, on blanks furnished by the Board of
Health, and no such work shall be done until such plans have been appro-
ved and a written permit to do the wort Is issued by the said Board of
Health; PROVIDED, that in buildings condemned by the Board of Health
because of unsanitary condition, or when fixtures must be removed or any
opening made in the pipes for any purpose whatever, no plumbing shall
be considered as coming under the head of repairs, but all plumbing shall
be done as in the case of new plumbing.
Plans and specifications will be approved or rejected within forty-
eight hours from time of filing, which shall be endorsed upon the appli_
cation when filed. All work done on such plans shall be subject to
inspection, and no alteration shall be made in any plan or in the work
without first obtaining a special permit, in writing, from the Board of
The discretion of the Board of Health, or Inspector, in approving
plans or accepting work, as above, shall be limited by the following
rR4uarements, viz;
No water closet, in which the -walls are not fully and freely sashed
by the normal discharge of the closet at each operation,
p , shall be set yP
in any house or building; nor shall any hopper closet be set up which has
a trap with less than one and three-quarter (I 3/4) inches seal. Every
trap which is so situated as to be subject to siphonage shall be so set
that it aannot have its seal broken; and all traps shall be vented except
by special permission of the Board of Health.
All water closets within buildings shall be supplied with water from
special tanks or cisterns which shall hold not less than eight gallons of
water when up to the level of the overflow pipe for each closet supplied,
(3) C %
excepting automatic or syphon tanks, which shall hold not less than
' f
five (5) gallons of water for each closet supplied, the water in said
tanks shall not he used for any other purpose.
The flushing pipe of all tanks shall not be less than one and '
one-quarter (1 1/4) of an inch in diameter.
No closet, except those placed in the yard, shall be supplied
directly from the supply pipes.
Water closets, when placed in the yard, shall he so arranged
as to be conveniently and adequately flushed, and'their water supply
pipes and traps shall he protected from freezing by placing them in a
hopper-Pit, at least three feet,. square and three and one half (3 1/2)
feet below the surface of the ground, and the walls of which shall he of
brick or stone laid in cement mortar. The waste water from the hopper
stop-cock shall be conveyed to the drain through a pipe properly con-
The enclosure of the yard water closet shall be ventilated by
slatted openings, and there shall be a trap door in the floor of suffi-
cient size for access to the hopper pit.
Water closets must not be located in the sleeping apartments
of any building, nor in any room or apartment which has not direct com-
munication with the external air either by a window or an air shaft, hay-
ing an area to the open air of at least four (4) square feat.
No trap nor any manner of obstruction to the free flow of air
through the whole course of the drain and soil pipe will be allowed,
and any plumber who shall, directly or indirectly, place or make any
trap, contraction or other obstacles anywhere in the course of such
drain or soil pipe, shall, upon conviction, in addition to the penalty
herein prescribed, forfeit his license, and. shall be ineligible to re- ('y�
license for one year. Any other person offending as above shall he sub-
,ject to the penalties of this ordinance, and in addition shall pay the
cost of rectifying the wrong done.
All soil pipes and fittings shall he of cast iron, of the
grade known to commerce as extra heavy, and shall be of the following
weights per lineal foot:
4 inches, 13 pounds, per foot,
5 inches, 17 pounds per foot,
6 inches, 20 pounds per foot.
The main drain, or soil pipe of every house or building must
extend full size from a point five (5) feet outside the foundation walls,
when connection is to he made with the sewer, and from the cesspool in
other cases, as direct as possible, to a point at least three (3) feet
above the roof. This pipe must he carried up within the house or
building to such a point that, when extended through the roof, not more
than five (5) fent of itt length will he exposed, and shall terminate not
less than twelve (12) feet from any window or opening.
All drains, soil and waste pipes must be as direct as possible
and be so arranged that they may be easily examined and repaired. When
necessarily carried within the walls of partitions, or under the floor,
they shall, when practicable, he covered with woodwork, and fastened
with screws, so as to give ready access to pipes.
In all horizontal drain or soil pipes, there shall be placed,
in addition to the initial one, located just inside the foundation wall,
which shall in all cases be so arranged as to be easily accessible for
cleaning, Y branches with clean out screws, at all changes in direction
and when practicable, at all terminal points when practicahle, and all
connections to the drain must be made with Y branches, and one-eighth 41
bends. Sanitary tees are prohibited except in vertical pipes or where
special permission is obtained from the Board of Health.
Every sink, water closet, bath tub, basin, or other fixtures
shall be separately trapped as near the fixtures as possible, and all
flow from kitchen, sinks, or any greasy flow whatever shall be caused to
pass through a suitable grease trap approved by the Board of Health or
No fixture shall he trapped by having its outlet connected
with the trap of another fixture, and in no case will any fixture be al-
lowed to discharge into the hmbo( bend or trap of a water-closet. Sc
Waste pipes from bath tubs shall be connected to drum traps,
having trap screws not less than four inches in diameter, with vent at-
tached and put as close to the bath tub as is practical and accessible.
{ Waste pipes shall in all cases be of lead or cast iron and of
the following sizes for each of the following named fixtures:
Bath tub 1 1/2 inches.
Sink 1 1/2 inches.
Laundry tub 1 1/2 inches.
Urinal 1 7/2 inches.
Wash basin 1 1/4 inches.
Slop hopper 2 inches.
Waste pipes from safes, refrigerators, beer pumps, water tanks,
and other similar fixtures or from receptacles in which provisions are
stored, shall not he connected directly to the drainage system, but
shall discharge into an open sink or tray, which shall be in plain sigh
This sink or tray may connect with the drain pipes, upon being properly
trapped like any other fixtures.
All vent pipes and fittings shall he of galvanized iron,
or of cast iron or lead, and cast iron shall he of the grade known to
commerce as extra heavy, and of the following weights per linear foot:
2 inches, 5 1/2 pounds per linear foot,
3 inches, 9 1/2 pounds per linear foot,
4 inches 13 pounds per linear foot.
All fittings used with such pipe shall correspond with it in
weight and quality, and all cast iron pipe and fittings shall he coated
inside and outside with coal pitch varnish.
The vent pipe from each fixture shall in all cases be of the
same size as the waste pipes from the same fixtures; PROVIDED, that when
more than one fixture is vented through the same pipe, the size of such
pipe shall be as follows:
For more than one and not to exceed (3) fixtures, 1 1/2 inches.
For more than 3 and not to exceed five fixtures, 2 inches.
For more than 5 and not to exceed 8 fixtures, 2 1/2 inches.
For more than B and not to exceed 10 fixtures, 3 inches.
Vent pipes from water closet traps shall not in any case he
less than two inches in diameter; and where more than one closet is
vented through the same pipe, the size of such pipe shall be as follows
For more than one and not to exceed four closets, 2 inches.
For more than four and not to exceed eiEht closets, 2 1/2 inches. ,a
For more than 3, 3 inches.
A water closet, bath tub, and wash basin may all be vented
through the same pipes.
Trap vents from two or more fixtures must be connected at
least 6 inches shove the top of the fixtures, and a trap screw of the
same diameter as vent wiped into it and more than 6 inches above the
connection with the trap. Where traps with vent coupling attached are
used, the trap screw may be omitted.
in no case shall any vent or soil pipe he run on the outside
of any building without a special pewit from the Roard of Health.
The joints of all pipes excepting where screw joints are used,
shall be made of an Oakum gasket and Molten Lead thoroughly caulked.
All connections of lead with cast iron pipe shall he made with
a brass ferrule, the ferrule to he thoroughly caulked into the hub of
the iron pipe with lead, and the lead pipe to be attached to the ferrule
by a wiped joint; and where wroutht iron with screw joints is used, the
connection must he mde with a solder nipple.
No connection shall he made with any part of the house drain-
age system, with roof gutters, or any other chanel for the conveyance of
rainwater, (save that plumbing fixture myy he supplied from tanks con-
structed to store rainwater for such purposes.)
All exit pipes from plumbing fixtures, except the soil pipes
from water closets, shall he provided with strong metallic strainers
securely fatened.
(8) 017
Double hubs are prohibited in all cast ironwaste and soil pipes
Wooden wash trays and wooden sinks, whether lined or unlined, are
prohibited inside of buildings; such fixtures shall in all cases be of
non-absorbent materials.
All details of Plumbing work, such as water closets, sinks,etc.,‘
must be of a quality to be approved by the Board of Health, or Inspector.
Before the. fixtures are set, the plumber, to whom the permit was
issued,shall fill the entire system of drain, sibiland waste pipes with
water, and after securely stopping all leaks, notify the Board or Health
that the work id ready for inspection; and no further work shall be done
until it has been inspected, and the whole work approved by the Inspector.
Upon the completion of any work done under permits issued by
authority of this ordinance, the plumber to whom such permit was issued
shall give written notice thereof to the Board of Health, and thereupon
the Inspector shall make an examination of the whole work and if found
to comply with the requirements of this ordinance, he shall approve the
same and shall issue a certificate therefor,and shall immediately there-
after endorse on the application upon which the permit for the work was
issued, and which shall be kept on file in the office of the Board of
Health, the date of such final inspection and approval, and no plumbing
work shall be used until such certificate shall have been issued by the
Board of Health.
The failure on the part of any master plumber to make said appli-
cation for final inspection, or the violation of any of the rules of the
Board of Health in the construction of drainage work, and failure to
correct the fault after notification will be deemed sufficient cause to
place his name on, the delinquent list, until he has complied with the
said rules and regulations. Any attempt on the part of master plumber
(9) J
to construct or alter a system of drainage during the time his name
appears on the said delinquent list, will subject him to criminal prose-
cution, as herinafter provided.
Any person or persons found guilty of violating any of the provision
of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not
less than ten(I0) dollars or more than one hundred (I00) dollars, for the
first offence, and not less than twenty-five (25) dollars for each day
such person or persons shall continue in violation therof, after due
notice to cease by any city officer.
All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with this
ordinance are herby repealed.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after
its approval.
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