23 of 1902 - Ordinance 23 of 1902 – Regulating ice dealing and repealing other ordinances. r
C R D I N A C r; .
An ordinance regulating ice dealing, and repealing those three
ordinances amending Section 9 of Chapter 18 of the Revised Ordi-
nances of 1892, viz.: One passed February 12th, 1895, and approved
February' 15th, 1895, one passed August 27th, 1895 , and approved
August 29th, 1895, and one passed December 3rd, 1895, which became
an ordinance without the approval of the layer.
Re it ordained by ttio City Council. of Salt Lake City, Utah:
Section 1. That every person, firm or corporation desiring
hereafter to engage in the business of retailing and selling any
ice from house to house, or to hotels, restaurants, saloons or other. -.
places where such ice so sold and delivered may be used in contact
with articles of food • drink (which use is hereinafter referred
1 to as "domestic use") shall, before engaging in such business,, file
a written application with the Board of Health for a Hsrmit there-
for, stating in such application the place or places where such ice
is to be, or has been cut or gathered, the moans of delivery, the
location of the storage thoreof, or places from which such ice is to
be delivered, and the duality of the ice intended to be sold. Such
application shall be verified by the oath of the applicant; or if
the applicant is a firm or eorsoration, by the oath of a member of
the firm or some officer of the corporation; and the person verify-
ing shall state under oath that the matters stated in the a1 plica-
tion are true. Such application shall he likewise accompanied by a
fee of fiven8.80) dollars, which u,.en issuance of tie permit hereir
referred to, shall be by the Board of Health covered into the City
ureasury. Upon refusal of such permit by the Board of Health the
foe deposited shall he returned to the applicant.
": All ice to be sold and delivered within Salt Lake City for
domestic use, as aforesaid, sh a1 he pure and healthful ice, free
from matter deleterious to health; and such ice is hereby defined
to he ice which, upon chenic and bacteriologic examination shall be
II ,you
found free from nitra4te4sy,Ani��trites and pathogenic bacteria, and to
contain not more thann woia� c"4. f 444pf one part of free.
1 �
ammonia, and nine one ( 9) of one part of albuminoit
/N ammonia in one million (1,000,000) iortsA and in respect to which
the loss on ignition shall be less than one half (1-2) of the tot e
solids and the oxygen consumed shall not exceed two and one-half (2 1/ ) is
, million..
/ Said Board of Health shall examine such a;plicatlon, and if SJ—
eihali appear therefrom and from a chemic and bacteriologic examina-
tion of fair samples of such ice, made under the direction of said
Board of Health, that the ice intended. to be fold is such ice as may
under this ordinance he lawfully sold and delivered in Salt Take
City for domestic use as aforesaid, said Board shall issue to such
applicant a permit to sell such ice for domestic use within the
limits of said Salt take City. No permit shall be issued for a
period greater than t •( ) months from the date of its issuaned
Section 2. No person, firm or corporation shall sell or
deliver in Salt Lake City any ice for domestic use without having
first obtained permit from the Board of Health specified in
Section One (1) of this ordinance, and shall not under any circum-
stances, sell or deliver in Salt Lake (lit:, for domestic use any ice
which shall have been taken from any lake, pond, river, stream or
other body of water,wherever located,whioh is defiled by sewerage,
garbage, ashes, decaying vegetation, refuse or wastes from any
industry, or by, any other substances tending, to make water impure
and unhealthful, according to the standard fixed by this ordinance. .,
Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Health Commissioner of
Salt Lake City to examine or pause to be examined from time to time,
the palette where ice is to be gathered, or has been gathered for
sale and delivery as aforesaid, within said City , and all places
where such ice may be stored or kept, and every vehicle in which
the same may be d.elivered,on any part of its route from the place
where it is gathered to the final customer; and to examine or cause
to be examined from time to time, ice so sold or delivered, or to
be sold or delivered, so far as he may doom necessary or expedient
1 to ascertain whether such ice is pure and healthful and free from
matter deleterious to health, according to such standard; and if
upon such examination it shall be found thR•t any person, firm or
corporation has sold and distributed, or in selling and delivering
any ice for domestic use as aforesaid below the standard above fixed
1 or any ice contrary to the provisions of this ordinance,th.e said
Health Commissioner shall ns.iiae every such offender to be eroseouted
Provided, that in all eases where ice is so taken for examination suoh
sample shall he taken with the knowledge of the person in charge of sai'
ice or ice wagon. --�
will: not come in contact with articles of food aml drink; preoide4 �.
that a permit to sell, deliver or use impure ioe for the purposes
aforesaid, and for no other purpose shall be first obtained in bhe
manner and upon payment of the fee in `section One (1) of this
-- I i
'Whenever any impure ice for packing or cooling aszrposes shall .
be sold or delivered from any wagon or other vehicle, the driver Or
other person in charge thereof, shall carry a supply of printed
cards on which shall be printed in large, legible letters or words:
XIce,for paolsing and cooling purposes onlyK amd/i/at for domestic
use, and he shall hand with each delivery of such ice, one such
card to each customer thereof, or to the person who receives the
same, and shall take at the same time a receipt which shall be
given him by such purchaser or recipient, on which receipt said
words shall h•o similarly printed. wo ice for packing or cooling
purposes shall be sold or delivered in Salt Lake City by any person,
firm or corporation without such permit, or otherwise than in con-
formity with the provisions of this section.
Section 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of
the provisions of this ordinance shall he deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and shall upon conviction thereof be subjected to a tine
of not less than twenty-five ( k25.00) dollars or more than one
hundred {0100.00) dollars for each offense.
lSeetion 6. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
iwith the provisions of this ordinance, and particularly an ordinance
amending Section 9 of Chapter 19 of the Revised Ordinances of Batt
take---0-1-ty-, e City Council February 12th, 1895,
and approved by the Mayor February. 16th, 1895, and an ordinance
amending Section 9 of Chapter 18 of the ,Revised Ordinances pries&
August 27th, 1895, and approved August ?9th, 1895, and: an'ordinance
amending Section 9 of Chapter 18 passed December 3rd, 1.89 , whieh
became an ordinance without the approval ;of the Mayer-, ar., hereby
Section 7. This ordinance shill fake ` ffect uHn.,etpprova1.
fir- ..
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,
Utah, April 8,1902, and
referred to the Mayor for hir. z:ueroca.l.
��)) City Re order.
:Approved this _./ ;day of April, 1902.
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