23 of 1910 - Ordinance 23 of 1910 – Creating office of City Purchasing Agent. AN ORDINANCE . AA ordinance creating the office of City Purchasing Agent; pro- lviding for the appointment and compensation of such officer; presorib- I ling his powers and duties; and providing for the appointment and com-j penaation of assistants, bookkeepers, storekeepers and employees. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. CREATION OF OFFICE. There is hereby created the office of City Purchasing Agent of Salt Lake City, Utah. I'! SECTION 2. APPOINTMENT AND COMPENSATION. The Mayor, by and with ', the advise and consent of the City Council, may appoint a competent person as City Purchasing Agent, who shall receive as full compensa- 1 tion for all service rendered, the spun of ' per II h,annum, payable monthly as are the salaries of other city officers. SECTION 3. BOND. The City Purchasing Agent shall give a bond r � ! to Salt Lake City in the sum of 3 with corporate! surety, or with not less than three qualified legal sureties, said haond to be approved by the Mayor and City Council The oosai+terettteal of said bond shall be that said City Purchasing Agent shall honestly land faithfully execute and perform the duties of his office as pres- oribed by law and the ordinances of said city; that he will not di- 1 reotly or indirectly be in any manner interested in any contract, !I work or business, or in the sale of any article or property to the !! ! !Ioity, the expense, price or consideration of whioh is paid from the City Treasury, or by the people of said city; that he will not di.reoti- ly or indirectly accept or reeeisa any bribe, gift or consideration of any kind from any agent, person, firm, corporation or association ,who have been, are now, or likely to be engaged in .furnishing suppliel, or selling any article or property to the city. SECTION 4. ASSISTANTS .1 L'OYI:RS. The ^Rayor, by and with the advice and consent of the City Council, may appoint such assistants, storekeepers, bookkeepers and employees as may be necessary to prop- erly conduct and transact the business of the Purchasing Department, it (at such salaries, a.nd upon such terms and conditions as may be fixed,;:_i -2- by the City Council. SECTION 5. POWERS AIID DUTIES. The City Purchasing Agent shall . purchase all artioles and supplies needed by the City in its several departments, in such manner and under such regulations as may be pro- vided by ordinance. He shall purchase all articles and supplies as far as praotioabls by advertising for proposals. All purchases -made by him without advertising shall be approved by the Mayor and City JCounoil before the same shall become a liability against the City. Lin advertising for proposals to furnish supplies, quantity and quality of all artioles shall be fully stated, and any bidder may bid for any I!one article named The award for each article shall in all. oases be ('made to the lowest bidder therefor. The City Purchasing Agent shall Ii, furnish to the bidders printed blanks.which shall be filled by the ( bidders with the prios of the article to be furnished, and shall in specifying the quantity and quality of the article, recite the advert tisement. All bids shall be sealed, and opened at an hour and place to be ,stated in the advertiseuent for proposals, in the prssonse of as inanyl bidders, city officers and citizens as may desire to be present, and ,(shall be subject to the inspection of all bidders and citizens. All future bids and proposals shall be filed for frEtnix inspection and reference 'by any person interested. All bids having any altoruti,ni or erasure ;upon them shall Me rejected. The City purchasing Agent shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids. All contracts made by the City! 4urchasing Agent shall be approved by the City Council auf the Mayor [:Oeforo they shall b come biding upon the City. SECTION 6. FUEL. ICE. The City Purchasing Agent shall, in the! ?(month of June of each yoa.r adveri,i_oo for propo;;ais, end eat.-;r into a ;contract on the part of the City for furnishing for the period of one year, all fuel Loot r_. 'ard in t.. e months of ';ec_,m'.)er, January or 'ebruary of each year, advertise for proposals, and enter into a contract i?ax no behalf of odd city ! -3- • !'for farnishind all ice that may be required for the use of the City, the articles to be delivered from time to t ime at the J i Cfcr_s�rt in- li atitutione (,.n3 departments of the city; and he shall require a good and sufficient bond to be approved by the City Council and the Mayor,! !I conditioned for the faithful performance of raid contracts. SECTION 7. FOOD AND MEDICAL SUPPLIES. The City Purchasing Agent Ilohall in January of each year, and quarterly thereafter, advertise L�' for proposals, and enter into a contraot on the part of the City for ( furnishing for the period of three months all food supplies eel esdi- I ;,cal supplies required for use of the Health Department, Ieoletion %Hospital, Emergency ?io°epital, Jail, '4ire Department sal;,,' all other de- ! 'partments of the City. i� PIMISHABLE ARTICLES. All perishable articles, :i.eh 1: frait and vegetable:.;, th t mey be required for us< ,,C' hospitale and jra,i.l ahrall. be pare-eased at the lowest current :nerket price, on a requisition 1, signed by the proper officer in charge of the Jepa"tm.at . '.11 such ;purchases shall be reported to t;he City Council at its next meeting, and to the Mayor for approval. ' I SECTION 8. Ai',ILtLL +OOC. The City 2-arch hnh AZ3 O. „ will in iAugust, September or October of each year, advertise for proposals, and enter into a oontraot on the part of the city for fury ehinq hay, Ingrain, ground feel, ,heal and all a.ni n.e]. food supplies required for ust Ilby the different departments of said city. SECTION 9. FIRE DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES. The City .urohaelt,; Agent ':shall, when so ordered by the City Council, and funds are appropriated Ito meet the purchase, purchase all supplies ri: '? apporatoa Isappre eel en or axtin deiLucnt o" a,, prof e i,;.cI .1.i.ic add (property that may be needed by the Fire Department of said. City. When 'practicable, t' . .i..C:..i-..,_ . .>,l'.., -_yJ ..> ....r."r +; .:iTer- i. H.ioe:aeut Crfl'oe propw::als shall. be wade, attt.'. a seetr ..;t: o;u1;ore3 into. !il SECTION 10. MISCELLANEOUS IUPPLIE'1. The City ; z. s:su;i .r, :,giant a. .._e:e.,.,s all horse., males, .;•rtt7,_, ;1af ._ e,tr. _ :ra,;oas Bart;}, ! `'I it I f; I I -1- 1 ambulances, vehicles, automobiles and motor eyeless that may be neede4 for the several departments, officers or employees of the City; Tided, that before making said purehass$ requisitions for the same shall be signed by the officer in eharge of the department where snot articles are needed, aid approved by the Mayor and City Couacil. 1 When practicable, in the purchase of said articles, advertisement foxy proposals shall be mode, and a contract entered into. SECTION 11. GENERAL 8UPPLIES. The City Purchasing Agent shall I ,at suitable periods of the year, advertise for proposais enter in- i I:to contracts on behalf of the pity for furnishing all ftepOkaa, appa-1 ratus, machinery of every kind, nature and description .L:, u , oGeded or required by the several departments of the City. SECTION 12. EXAMINATIOIN OF SUPPLIES. It shall be the duty of 1 jithe City Purchasing Agent to personally examine articles and supplies!, purchased by him and delivered to the several departments of the City,, land see that all articles and supplies are of a standard quality as I required by the proposals, bids and contracts, and when articles and 1 supplies do not conform to such standard, he shall at uii.'-e re:jest,al1j such and shall not certify the bill for the same for payment, and,re- port all facts to the City Council. It shall also bo hi:; duty when- ever supplies are furnished to any institution or department of the City, to send with such supplies a duplicate memorandum st;.tir, quality, quantity, n ight or measure and price of each article sent, one memorandum to be retained by the officer in charge of the insti- tution or depart*ieiit, the other to be returned to the City Purchasing, Agent with the endorsement and receipt thereon of such officer as to its correctness, except in re,peot to 'the txi ercc; The City IIi'urchasing Agent shall file for record all such riemorenda or receipts, and the amount of such supplies shall o c''. r.a to u, iautitutione or departments. OECTION 13. Ai'i'I'.CVAL OF P,UP1'LIRS. It shall be the duty of the City Purchasing Agent to approve, if come, w .. ru..,.. ;,E; of sap- plies furnished the City. If purchased under contract, he shall at'S -5- I ii en the bill of purchase the date of contract and the date of approvals Oay the Mayor and City Counotl. If the purchase is not made under con I traot, it shall be approved by the Mayor and Council, and a certified! jioopy of the requisition for the articles mentioned in said bill shall! Iibe attached to the same, together with all other facts relating to '!the purchase. 11 I AUDITING BILLS. The City Auditor shall sot audit or allow any bills for supplies unless the foregoing provisions are complied with. ! SEC'TION 14. hONDS AED CERTIFIED CHEQUES. The City Purchasing HAgent shall require all parties contracting through his department tol !!give bonds for the faithful performance of said contracts, and when he !deems it necessary, shall require bidders to accompany bids with a certified cheque in a reasonable amount, to guarantee the performanoe! !iof the contract, if the same shall be awarded; if not awarded such 1 cheque to be returned; otherwise to be retained as liquidated damages Ifor any loss or damage sustained by the failure of such bidder to l comply with the terms of his proposal or bid, or complete or comply l with the terms of his contract. Every contract shall, where praeti- oable, contain a clause that the articles or supplies to be furnished', are to be delivered to the various institutions or departments free of charge for transportation, and no charge shall be allowed for packages. SECTION 15. REJECTING BIDS. When any person engaged in selling! jjor delivering any article or supplies to the oity who has failed or refuse* to comply with the terms of his contract, or when sny person fails to make restitution to the city for any loss the city has sus- ka.ined by failure or neglect of such person to comply with the terms of his contract, or when it shall become apparent that such person cannot comply with the terms of any contract made with the City, then', it li the City furohnsing Agent with the consent of the City Council and the niryor, shall nbgsisas decline to receive any bid from said person for any article or supplies to he _'urni::.hed said City. ii II -6- SECTION jl 16. SAL' OF SURPLUS, CONDEMNED AND REFUSE PROPERTY. Th City Purchasing Agent shall report to the City Council at stated pe- riods the quantity and quality of surplus, condemned or refuse proper ty then on hand, and when so directed by the City Council, shall ad- vertise for proposals for the purchase of all such property under his control. Such advertisement shall state specifically the character, quantity and quality of the articles to be disposed of, the time and place when the bide shall be opened, with the right reserved by the City Council to accept or reject any or all bids. DISPOSITION OF MONEY. The money received from the sale of all ( surplus, condemned or refuse property shall without delay be paid by the City Purchasing Agent to the City Treasurer, and proper receipt therefor given and filed. SECTION 17. PUBLIC PRINTING. The City Purchasing Agent shall advertise for proposals and enter into oontraots on the part of the city for the printing and publication of all matters and things now or hereafter required by law or ordinance to be printed or published. SECTION 13. L11 ordinances or resolutions, or parts of ordinances it or resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 19. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. li I I; I I I li I II � it I 1 • -a- ed7 .1'22:,',.37'... :"CVIIH. 0".,..'. 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