23 of 1920 - Directing sale of $857,500 of an issue of $2,000,000 bonds of 1919 NOLL CALA-
Salt Lake City,Utah, • . tSr , 192
Crabbe I move that the ordinance be passed.
Mr. Chairman
The Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City met in regular sea- .j
Sion on the day of February, 1919, at the hour of
; o'clock . M.
On roll call the following members were present:
I �
Mayor E. A. Bock.
Commissioner .
Also present W. A. Leatham, City Recorder.
The following were absent
The following resolution and ordinance was introduced by Commis-
sioner and upon motion duly made and second-
ed was passed by the unanimous vote of all Commissioners present.
Bill No. .
An ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of Two Hundred
and Thirty-six Thousand Dollars ($236,000.00), being balance of total author..
ized issue of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars� ($250,000.00) "Water
Bonds, Series I;" One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) being total
authorized issue of "Water Bonds Series J;" Fifty Thousand Dollars (050,000�))
being total authorized issue of "Sanitary Sewer Bonds, series H;" Thirty-
five Thousand Dollars 435,000.00) being total authorized issue of "Bridge
Bonds, series No. 14;" One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) being
balance of a total authorized issue of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars
($200,000.00) "Paving Bonds, series No. 15;" Eighty-five Thous-ead Dollars
($85,000.00) being total authorized issue of "Curb and Gutter Bonds, series,
No. 16;" Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20;000400) being total authorized issue
of "Sidewalk Bonds, series No. 17;" One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000)
being balance of total authorized issue of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars,
($200,000.00)'Bath House Bonds, series No. 18;" Eighty-two Thousand Dollars
($82,000.00) being balance of a total authorized issue of One Hundred and i •
II Thirty-two Thousand Dollars ($132,000.00) "Park Bonds, series No. 19;"
6 Twenty-seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($27,500.00) being total author-
ized issue of"Cemotery Bonds, series No. 20;" and Twenty-two Thousand Dollars
($22,000.00) being total authorized issue of "Fire Alarm ponds, series No. 21.;"
all of Salt Lake City, Utah, and
WHEREAS, by the result of a special election duly called, advertisi3d
and held in Salt Lesko City, Utah, on February 25th, 1919, said City was author-
ized and empowered to issue and sell, among others, the following bonds, to-
$236,000.00 Water Bonds, series I, balance out of total
authorized issue of $250,000.00;
$100,000.00 Water fonds, series J, total authorized issue;
$ 50,000.00 Sanitary Sewer Bonds, series H, total author-
ized issue;
$ 35,000.00 Bridge Bonds, series No. 14, total authorized
issue; I
$100,000.00 Paving fonds, series No. 15, balance out, of a
total authorized issue of $200,000.00;
$ 85,000.00 Curb and Gutter ponds, series No. 16, total
authorized issue; F
$ 20,000.00 Sidewalk Bonds, series No. 17, total author- '
ized issue;
$100,000.00 Bath House ponds, series No. 18, balance out
of total authorized issue of $200,000.00;
$ 82,000,00 Park Bonds, series No. 19, balance out of
total authorized issue of $132,000.00;
$ 27,500.00 Cemetery Bonds, series No. 20, total author-
ized issue; and,
$ 22,000.00 Fire Alarm fonds, dories No. 21, total author-
ized issue.
The results of which election was declared by the Board of Com-
missioners of said City sitting as a Board of Canvassers by resolution duly
iprssed on the 3rd day of March, 1919, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of said City on the �3•day of I ;
January, 1920, duly passed a resolutiontuthorizing and directing the Mayor
and City Recorder to advertise for bids for the purchase of $236,000.00 Water
:onds, series 1;;$100,000.00 Water Bonds, series J; $50,000.00 Sanitary Sewer
Bonds, series H; $35,000.00 Bridge Bonds, series No. 14; $100,000.00 Paving
'Bonds series No. 15; $85,000.00 Curb and Gutter Bonds, series No. 16;
$20,000.00 Sidewalk Bonds, series No. 17; $100,000.00 Bath House Bonds, se-
Tries No. 18; $82,000.00 Park Bonds, series No. 19; $27,500.00 Cemetery Bonds,
[series No. 22 and $22,000.00 Fire Alarm Bonds, series :;o. 21; and,
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Recorder have duly advertised for bids
for said bonds so authorized and directed by said resolution last above
named, and,
1 WHEREAS, in accordance with said last mentioned resolution.and said
advertisement for bids for said bonds, all bids in the hands of the City Re-
corder at 10:00 o'clock A. M. on the 5th day of February, 1920, were duly
opened and considered by the Board of Commissioners, at a regular meeting
thereof held on said 5th day of February, 1920, beginning at the hour of 10:st
lo'clock A. M., and after all of said bids had been opened and read, they wer:,
referred to the City Treasurer for tabulation and report and the Board of Cit,
Commissionero then adjourned until Saturday the 7th day of February, 1920, at
the hour of 2:30 o'clock P. M. and,
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners duly met at 2:30 o'clock P. M..
on Saturday, the 7th day of February, 1920, and after considering the report
of the City Treasurer tabulating said bids, by resolution duly passed reject-
ed all of said bids and,
WHEREAS the National City Company and Redmond a Company jointly,
thereupon submitted a bid for the purchase of all of said bonds, agreeing to
pay therefor their,par value, $857,500.00 and accrued interest, which bid,
after due consideration was by resolution duly accepted by the Board of Coin..
1p0W THEREFOR E, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, Utah:
Section, 1.— That for the purpose of defraying the expense of oncreasing,
improving, enlarging, extending, perfedting and adding to the present water
supply, end to that end to acquire additional water rights in canyons and
creeks adjacent to the City, and other sources of water supply by exchange or
purchase or both, and by the development of local sources of supply now owned
and to be owned and controlled by the City in the manner provided for in an
ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on the 21st day of January,
1919, providing for and ordering a special election for the purpose of sub..
mitting to the qualified electors of Salt Lake City, Utah, the question of
incurring a bonded indebtedness to the amount of 12,000,000.00, Salt Lake
City does iseue Two Hundred Thirty-six Thousand Dollars (1236,000.00) Water
' Bonds, series I, being b;.lanc:e of total authorized. issue of e250,000.00 of
the denomination of 11,000.00 each numbered consecutively fro . 1 to 236 both
inclusive to be denominated "Salt Lake City,Water Bonds, Seri s I," to he
!dated February let, 1920, and to become absolutely due and pa able twenty
years from the date of iesue without option of prior payment. Said Bends
and each of them ehall be (except as to consecutive numbers) n substan-
tially the following form, to-wit:
I j
i I
1 No. $1,000.00
That Salt Lake City in the County of Salt Lake, Stet- of Utah,
hereby acknowledges itself to be indebted , and for value received hereby
promises to pay to the bearer hereof, the sum of One Thousand D.11ars
(11,000.00), in lawful money of the United States of America, o the first d
day of February, 1940, without option of prior payment, at the attend]. Park
Bank in the City of New York, with interest thereon at the rate of five (5)
per cent per annum from d .te until paid, payable semi-annually in like money
or. the first days of February and August in each year, said int=roof to' •
i I
maturity being represented by interest coupons hereto attached.
This bond is one of a series of 236 bonds of like teno' , date and
{ amount, numbered from 1 to 236, both inclusive and known as "Sal Lake City
Water Bonds Series I," amoun:-.inf in the egeregrte to 1236,000.00 and is
issued for the purpose of defraying the expense of increasing, i r,,roving,
h enlarging, extending and adding- to the present water supply of e,id City and
Ijto that end to acquire additional water rights in canyor7 and ore-ks adjacent
ij JJ
to the City end other sources of/supply by exchange or purchase or both and 1 y
the developement of local sources of supply, issued Linder and pursuant to Sec',
tions 792, 793 and 794, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, and an ordinance passed
on the 21st day of January, 1919, by the #Joard of Commissioners of Salt Lake '
City and as authorized by the electors of said City at a special election held
for that purpose in the said City on February 25th, 1919.
The Board of Commissioners stall annually levy a tax sufficient to
pay the interact on this bond as it falls due and also to constitute a sinki g
fund for the payment of the principal thereof within twenty years,
tion hold in said City on February 2j, 1919, all duly qualified electors of
said City who had paid a property tax in said City the preceding year were p.n.
mitted to vote and no votes were received at any voting precinct except from
such duly qualified electors and the returns of said election from all the v.t—
ing precincts in said city were duly and regularly canvassed by the Board of
Commissioners of said City on the third day of March, 1919, and it was found
and determined by said Board, and it is hereby declared that a Majority of t e
qualified electors of said City who voted at said election voted in favor of
said bond issue and full power and authority was thereby given to said Board of
Commissioners of said City to issue end sell said bonds. It is further hereby
certified, recited and declared, that all conditions, acts and things eocent al
to the validity of this bond exist, have happened and have been done and tha
every requirement of law affecting the issue thereof has been duly complied
with and that this bond is within every debt and other:limit proscribed by t e
Constitution end Laws of said State.
The full faith and credit and all taxable property within the limi s
of said Salt Lake City as constituted at the time df'the issuance hereof are
and shall continue to be pledged to the punctual payment of the principal an.
interest of this bond.
IN VIITNESS WHEREOF, Salt Lake City has cause' this bond to be
signed by its Mayor and City !treasurer and its corporate seal to be affixed
I! i
I I.
hereto, attested by its City Aec°�re�er, rad the annexed coupons to bear the
fac-simile signature of the City Treasurer as of the first day of February,
Attest: Mayor
City Recorder
City Treasurer
( SEAL )
To each of said Bonds shall be attached a coupon for each install-
ment of interact contemplated by said Bo nil, which said coupons shall be num
bared from one (1) to forty (40) consecutively, with the several dates of
payment and number of bond and shall bear the fac-simile signature of the Ci
Treasurer; said coupons and each of them ( except as to dates of payment and
number ) shall be in the following form to-wit:
No. $25.00
• August
On February 1st, 19� , Salt Lake City, Utah, will pay to bearer
hereof at the National Park Bank in the City of New York, the sum of Twenty-
fivo Dollars ($25.00) in lawful money of the United States of America, being
six months interest on its Water bond, Series I, dated February 1st, 1920.
(Fac-simile signature)
City Treasurer.
There shall be endorsed on e.,ch of said bonds the following:
"I hereby certify that this bond is within the lawful debt
limit of Salt Lake City, Utah, and is issued according to
City Auditor."
Section 2.. That for the purpose of increasing, improving, enlarging,
extending and perfecting the present water supply from City Creek Canyon andi
to that end to construct additional storage reservoirs in said Canyon in man.1
ner provided for in an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on then
1 21st day of January, 1919, providing for and ordering a special election fori
the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of Salt Lake City, the
question of incurring a bonded indebtedness to the amount of $2,000,000.00,
! Salt Lake City does issue One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) "Water
Bonds, Series J," of the denomination of $1,000.00 each, numbered consecu-
tively from 1 to 100, both inclusive, to be denominated "Salt Lake Uity Wate4
Bonds, Series J," to be dated February 1st, 1920, and to become absolutely
duo and payable twenty years from date of issue without option of prior
Said bonds and each of them shall be (except as to consecutive
numbers) in substantially the following form to-wit:
INo. $1,000.00f
That Salt Lake City, in the County of Salt Lake,makt State of
Utah, hereby acknowledges itself to be indebted, and for value received her
by promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) in lawful money of the United States of America, on the first da
of February 1940, without option of prior payment, at the National Park Bank
fiin the City of New York, with interest thereon at the rate of five (5`0) per
cont per annum from date until paid, payable semi-annually in like money on
the first days of February and August in each year, said interest to maturit4
lbeing represented by interest coupons hereto attached.
This bond is one of a series of 190 bonds of like tenor, date and
amount, numbered from 1 to 100, both inclusive and knorm as "Salt Lake City I
Water Bonds Series J," amounting in the aggregate to $100,000.00 and is issu
for the purpose of increasing, improving, enlarging, extending, perfecting at
adding to the present water supply from City Creek Canyon, issued under and
pursuant to the provisions of sections 570x6 and 792, 793 and 794, Compiled
"Laws of Utah, 1917, and an ordinance passed on the 21st day of January, 1919
1 by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City and as authorized by the 111
1 electors of said'City at a special election held for that purpose in said
1 City on February 25th, 1919.
The Board of Commissioners shall annually levy a tax sufficient to
I .I
pay the interest on this bond as it falls due and also to constitute a sink-i
ing fund for the payment of the principal thereof within twenty years. I
tion held in said City on February 25, 1919, all duly qualified electors of
said City who had paid a property tax in said City the preceding year were p¢r-
mitted to vote and no votes were received at any voting precinct except from
such duly qualified electors and the returns of said election from all the
voting precincts in said City were duly and regularly canvassed by the Board
Hof Commissioners of said City on the third day of March, 1919, and it was fond
and determined by said Board, and it is hereby declared that a majority of tip
' qualified electors of said City who voted at said election voted in favor of!
Isaid bond issue and full power and authority was thereby given to said Board!
! of Commiseioners of said City to issue and sell said bonds. It is further i
hereby certified, recited and declared, that all conditions, acts and things
essential to the validity of this bond exist, have happened and have been done
I and that every requirement of law affecting the issue thereof has been duly
complied with and that this bond is within every debt and other limit pre-
scribed by the Constitution and Laws of said State.
I The full faith and credit and all taxable property within the limi s
jof said Salt Lake City as constituted at the time of the issuance hereof are
and shall continue to be pledged to the punctual payment of the principal an
! interest of this bond.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Salt Lake City has caused this bond to be
signed by its Mayor and City Treasurer and its corporate seal to be affixed
I hereto, attested by its City Recorder, and the annexed coupons to bear the j
i fac-simile signature of the City Treasurer as of the first day of February,
Mayor. I
1!ICity Recorder II
q City Treasurer.
II i 1
( SEAL ) I
To each of said Bonds shall be attached a coupon for each install-
ment of interest contemplated by said Bond, which said coupons shall be i
Ilnumbered from one (1) to forty (40) consecutively, with the several dates 1
iof payment and number of bond and shall bear the fac-simile signature of the!
City Treasurer; said coupons and each of them (except as to dates of payment!
and number) shall be in the following form to-wit: j
INo. $25.001
•August II
Onggbru a]^y let, 19 , Salt Lake City, Utah, will pay to bearer'
11 I
St --
� I
hereof at the National Park Bank in the City of New York, the sum of Twenty_
II five Dollars in lawful money of the United States od America., being six
months interest on its Water Bond, series J, dated February let, 1920.
(Fae simile signature)
City Treasurer.
1 j
There shall be endorsed on each of said bonds the following:
"I hereby certify that this bond is within the lawful debt
is limit of Salt Lake City, Utah, and is issued according to
City Auditor." ....____
Section 3, That for the purpose of defraying the expense of improving,i
extending and adding to the present sewer system of said City and to construct
sanitary sewers in manner provided for in an ordinance passed by the Board of
!Ij Commissioners on the 21st day of January, 1919, providing for and ordering a_
special election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of I
Salt Lake City, Utah, the question of incar ring. a bonded indebtedness to the
jiamount of Two Million Dollars (t2,000,000.00), Salt Lake City does issue 1
FiftyThousand Dollars ($50,000,00) "Sanitary Sewer Bonds Series H," of the !
denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, numbered consecutively
1 '
from 1 to 50, both inclusive, to be denominated "Salt Lake Sanitary Sewer 1
I Bonds Series H," to be dated February let, 1920, and to become absolutely du$
and payable twenty years from date of issue without option of prior payment.'
Said bonds and each of them shall be (except c.c to consecutive I
numbers) in substantially the following form to-wit:
That Salt Lako City, in the County of Salt Lake, State of
Utah, hereby acknowledges itself to bo indebted and for value received here
Eby promises to pay to the bearer hereof, the sum of One Thousand Dollars !
fd ij I
, j
I ($1,000.00) in lawful money of the United States of America, on the first da
of February, 1940, without option of prior payment at the National Park Bank
in the City of New York, with interest thereon at the rate of five.(5j2) per
cent per annum from UN date until paid, payable semi-annually in like money,
' on the first days. of February and August in each year, said interest to I
maturity being represented by interest coupons hereto attached. .
' This bond is one of a series of 50 bonds of like tenor, date and I
'I amount, numbered from 1 to 50, both inclusive, and known as "Salt Lake City
Sanitary Sower Bonds, Series H,f amounting in the aggregate to $50,000.00
and is: issued for the I
purpose of defraying the expense of improving, extend-�
ing anC adding to the present sewer system of said City o.nd to construct 1
sanitary sewers, issued under and pursuant to Sections 570x6 and 792, 793
and 794, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917 and an ordinance passed on the 21st 1
day of January, 1919, by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, and
11 as authorized by the electors of said City at a special election held for
that purpose in said City on February 25th, 1919.
The Board of Commissioners shall annually levy a tax sufficient to?
pay the interest on this bond as it falls due and also to constitute a sink-1
j ing fund for the payment of the principal thereof within twenty years. .y
� election held in said City on February 25, 1919, all duly qualified electorel
of said City who had paid a property tax in said City the preceding year werf
permitted to vote and no votes were received at any voting precinct except
from such duly qualified electors and the returns of said election from all
the voting precincts in said City were duly and regularly canvassed by the
I Board of Commissioners of said City on the third day of March, 1919, and it
was found :and determined by said Board, and it is herby declared that a ma- 1
jority of the qualified electors of said City who voted at said election 4
! voted in favor of said bond issue end full power and authority was thereby
given to said Board of Commissioners of said City to issue and sell said
!I bonds. It is further hereby certified, recited and declared, that all con-
j ditions,.acts and things essential to the validity of this bond exist, have
happened and have been done and that every requirement of law affecting the 1
issue thereof has been duly complied with and that this bond is within every;
idebt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of said State. jj
The full faith and credit and all taxable property within the
limits of said Salt Lake City as constituted at the time of the issuance
giereof are and shall continue to be pledged to the punctual payment of the !
principal and interest of this bond.
IN WITNESS WBEREOF, Salt Lake City has caused this bond to be
signed by its Mayor and City Treasurer and its corporate seal to be affixed ,
dhereto, attested by its City Recorder, and the annexed. coupons to bear the !
j'fac-simile signature of the City Treasurer as of the first day of February, f
1920. 1
-City Recorder.
City Treasurer. i
[( SEAL ) 1
'1 1
li i
li I
l i
To each of said Bonds shall be attached a coupon for each in-
Istallment of interest contemplated by said Boad'.,, which said coupons shall
jibe numbered from one (1) to forty (40) consecutively, with the several
kates of payment :tad number of bond and shall bear the fac-simile signature
jof the City Treasurer; said coupons and each of them ( except as to dates of;'..
_ Ij
Iipayment and number) shall be in the following form to-wit:
J No. $25.00
On February lst, 19_, Salt Lake City, Utah, will pay to bearer
it hereof at the National Park Bank in the City of New York, the sum of Twenty-
Ifive Dollars in lawful money of the United States of America, being six
j months interest on its Sanitary Sewer Bond Series H, dated February 1st, 192
I !
(Fac-simile signature) i
City Treasurer.
Theta shall be endorsed on each of said bonds the following:
"I hereby certify that this bond is within the lawful debt
limit of Salt Lake City, Utah and is issued according to
City Auditor."
I i
Section 4.- That for the purpose of defraying the expense of construct-
/ iing, within the limits'of Salt Lake city, of two bridges across the Jordon
River and one bridge across the Surplus Canal in manner provided for in an
Gordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on the 21st day of January,
41919, providing for and ordering a special election for the purpose of sub-
1'witting to the qualified electors of Salt Lake City, Utah, the question of
inc:mrr ing a bonded indebtedness to the amount of Two Million Dollars
($2,000,000.00), Salt Lake City does issue Thirty-five Thousand Dollars
jj($35,000.00) Bridge Bonds, Series No. 14, of the denomination of One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00) each, numbered consecutively from 1 to 35, both inclusive,
to be denominated "Salt Lake City Bridge Bonds Series 14" to be dated February
Ijlst, 1.920, and to become absolutely due and payable twenty years from date ofl
issue, without option of prior payment.
Said bonds and each of them shall be (except as to consecutive
numbers) in substantially the following form to-wit:
No. . $1,000.00
That Salt Lake City, in the County of Salt Lake0andwieke State of
Utah, hereby acknowledges itself to be indebted and for value received here-
by promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of One Thousand Dollars
(01,000.00) in lawful money of the United Status of America on the first day
of February, 1940, without option of prior payment at the National Park Bank
Id the City of New York, with interest thereon at the rate of five (5?) per
cent per annum from date until paid, payable semi-annually in like money on
Ithe first days of February and August.in each year, said interest to maturity]
ibeing represented by interest coupons hereto attached.
This bond is one of a series of 35 bonds of like tenor, date and
amount, numbered from 1 to 35, both inclusive and known as "Salt Lake City
Bridge Bond, Series No. 14," amounting in the aggregate to $35,000.00 and
iis issued for the purpose of defraying the expense of constructing within
the limits of Salt Lake City, of two bridges across the Jordon River and
one bridge across the Surplus Canal, issued under and pursuant to Sections
ii "
570x6 and 570x36, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, and an ordinance passed on
the 21st day of January, 1919, by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City and as authorized by the electors of said City at a special election
held for that purpose in said City on February 25th, 1919.
The Board of Commissioners shall annually levy a tax sufficient
to pay the interest on this bond as it falls due and also to constitute
a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof within twenty years.`
ij election h eld in said City on February 25, 1919, all duly qualified elector
of said City who had paid a. property tax in said City the preceding year wer!o
permitted to vote and no votes were received at any voting precinct except !
from such duly qualified electors and the returns of said election from all
the voting precincts in said City were duly and regularly canvassed by the
Ij Board of Commissioners of said City on the third day of March, 1919, and it
was found and determined by s:id Board, and it is hereby declared that a
majority of the qualified electors of said City who voted at said election
1 voted in favor of said bond issue and full power and authority was thereby
given to said Board of Commissioners of said City to issue and sell said bonds.
• It is further hereby certified, recited and declared, that all conditions,
acts and things essential to the validity of this bond exist, have happened
and have been done and that every requirement of law affecting the issue
" thereof has been duly complied with And that this bond is within every debt I
and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of said State.
The full faith and credit ami all taxable property within the
ji limits of said Salt Lake City as constituted at the time of the issuance
hereof are and shall continue to be pledged to the punctual payment of the
principal and interest of this bond. I
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Salt Lake City has caused this bond to be
signed by Its Mayor and City Treasurer and its Corporate seal to be af.
fixed hereto, attested by its City Recorder, and the annexed coupons to
bear the fax—simile signature of the City Treasurer as of the first day
of February, 1920.
City Recorder.
City Treasurer.
( SEAL )
i i I
ji I
To each of said Bonds shall be attached a coupon for each in-
' stallment of interest Contemplated by said Bond, which so.id coupons shall I
be numbered from one (1) to forty (40) consecutively, with the several
date of payment and number of bond and shall bear the fac-simile sig-
kature of the City Treasurer; said coupons and each of them (except as to
jdates of payment and numbers) shall be in the following form to-wit:
No. • $25.00
On February 1st, 19 , Salt Lake City;: Utah, will pay to bearer
hereof at the National Par&'Bank in the City of New York, the sum of Twenty-
five Dollars in lawful money of the United States of America, being six
months interest on its Bridge Bond Series No. 14, dated February let, 1920.
No. _
(Fac-similo si'naturo)
City Treasurer.
! I
IThere shall be endorsed on each of said bonds the following:
"I hereby certify that this bond is within
the lawful debt limit of Salt Lake City,
Utah, end is issued according to law.
City Aiditor."
I �
I' I
Ij I
Y �
I; 1
� I
Section 5.- That for the purpose of defraying the expense of installin g
lan underground fire alarm system in the business district in Salt Lake City I
in the manner provided for in an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissiot
ors on the 21st day of January, 1919, providing for and ordering a special
1 election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of Salt
Lake City, Utah, the question of incurring a bonded indebtedness to the
1 amount of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) Salt Lake City does issue Toren• .-
two Thousand Dollars ($22,000.00), Fire Alarm Bonds Series No. 21 of the de-
nomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each numbered consecutively
from 1 to 22, both inclusive to be denominated "Salt Lake City Fire Alarm
Bonds, Series No. 21," to be dated February 1st, 1920 and to become absolute
due and payable twenty years from date of issue, without option of prior pay-
Said bonds and each of them shall be (except as to consecutive
numbers) in substantially the following form to-wit:.
fNo. $1,000.00
That Salt Lake City in the County of Salt Lake State of
Utah, hereby acknowledges itself to be indebted and for value received here-
by promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) in lawful money of the United States of Ametica on the first
day of February, 1940, without option of prior payment, at tha National Park
Bank in the City of New York, with interest thereon at the rate of five (5%)
1 per cent per annum from date until paid, payable semi-annually in like money
on the first days of February and August in each year, said interest to ma..
Iturity being represented by interest coupons hereto attached.
This bond is one of a series of 22 bonds of like toner, date and
amount, numbered from 1 to 22, both inclusive, and known as "Salt Lake City
Fire Alarm Bonds, Series No. 21," amounting in the aggregate to $22,000.00
j and is issued for the purpose of defraying the expense of installing an
underground fire alarm system in the business district in Salt Lake City,
issued under and pursuant to Sections 570x6 and 570x75, Compiled Laws of
I -
Utah, 1917, and an ordinance passed by the 21st day of January 1919, by the
'Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, and as authorized by the electors off
said City at a special election held for that purpose in said City on Feb-
ruary 25th, 1919.
The #oard of gommissioners shall annually levy a tax sufficient to
pay the interest on this bond as it falls due and also to constitute a sink-
• ing fund for the payment of the principal thereof within twenty years.
election held in laid City on February 25, 1919, all duly qualified electors
of said City who had paid a property tax in said City the preceding year were
'permitted to vote and no votes were received at any voting precinct except it
from such 21221 qualified electors and the returns of said election from all
'the voting precincts in said City wore duly and regularly canvassed by the
Board of Commissioners of said City on the third day of March, 1919, and it
was found and determined by said Board, and it is hereby declared that a ma-
jority of the qualified electors of said City who voted at said election vot
in favor of said bond issue and full power and authority was thereby given to
said Board of Commissioners of said City to issue ,nod sell said bonds. It is
further hereby certified, recited and declared, that all conditions, acts an
• things essential to the tAlidity of this bond exist, have happened and have
been done and that every requirement of law affecting the issue thereof has
been duly complied with and that this bond is within every debt and other
limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of said State.
The full faith and credit and all'taxable property within the limits
of said Salt Lake City as constituted at the time of the issuance hereof are
and shall continue to be pledged to the punctual payment of the principal
and interest of this bond.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Salt Lake City has caused this bond to be
signed by its Mayor and City Treasurer and its corporate seal to be affixed
hereto, attested by its City Recorder, and the annexed coupons to bear the
fac-simile signature of the City Treasurer as of the first day of February,
City Recorder.
City Treasurer.
( SEAL )
i I
To oach of said Bonds shall be attached a coupon for each install-'
I i
ment of intorest contempl•.ted by said Bond, which said coupons shall be
r numbered from one(1 ) to forty (40) consecutively, with the several dates
of payment and number of bond and shall bear the fac-simile signature of the;
City Treasurer; said coupons and each of them (except as to dates of payment;
r, and number) shall be :in the following form to-wit:
E No. $25.00
On February let, 19_,, Salt Lake City, Utah, will pay to bearer
I hereof at the National Park Bank in the City of Now York, the sum of Twenty-
'! five Dollars in lawful money of the United States of America, being six
!! months interest on its Fire Alarm Bonds Series No. 21, dated February 1st,
(Fac-simile signature)
City Treasurer.
There shall be endorsed on each of said bonds the following:
"I hereby certify that this bond is within the
lawful debt limit of Salt Lake City, Utah, and
is issued according to lc.w,
City Auditor."
!I �
it f
i 1N
Section 6,- That for the purpose of providing for the payment of the
interest on ell of the above enumerated bonds to-wit:
0236,000.00 Water Bonds Series I.
$100,000.00 Water Bonds Series J.
$ 50,000.00 Sewer Bonds Series H.
$ 35,000.00 Bridge Bonds Series No. 14.
22,000.00, Fire Alarm Bonds Series No. 21.
i.as the same chall fall due and also to provide a sinking fund for the pay_
I s �
'meat of the principal of said bends as they mature, the interest falling.due {
on said bonds on August let, 1920, shall he paid out of the general revenue
fund of the City and for the aurpose of reimbursing said eoneral revenue
fund for said installment of interest and to meet the interest accruing on
said bonds on February 1st, 1921, end August 1st, 1921, and also for the
purpose of constituting a sinking fund to pay ono twentieth of the principal
of said bonds there shall be levied in the year 1920, on all of the taxably
,property in said City in addition to all other taxes o, direct tax sufficient j
into prod-use :a swn of 55,375.00, being ��33,225.00 for interest and 22,150.00
for sinking fund. That for the purpose of raising the necessary funds with 1
!Iwhich to pay the interest promptly, as the same accrues, and also for the
purpose of constituting a sinking fund for the redemption of all of said
`bonds when due, there shall be Levied in the years 1921 to 1938, both in-
elusive, on all taxable. property in said City in addition to all other taxes
la direct annual tax sufficient to produce the sum of 044,300.00 in each year
being $22,15p.00 for interest and $22,150.00 for sinking fund. That for the I
purpose of raising the necessary funds with which to pay the interest ac-
curing on said bonds on February lot, 1940, and also for the purpose of con-
I;etituting a sinking fund for the redemption of all of said bonds when due, ((f
jthero shall be levied-in the year 1939, on all taxable property in said City,
!in addition to all praxes, a direct annual tax sufficient to produce the sum 'I
of 133,225.00, being 011,075.00 for interest and 022,150.00 for sinking fun4
That said taxes when collected shall be applied solely for the
purpose of the payment of said interest and principal of said bonds, re-
spectively and for no other purpose whatever, until the indebtedness so
contracted under this ordinance, principal and interest, shall. have been
ifully paid, satisfied and discharged, but nothing herein contained shall be
so construed as to prevent said City from applying any other funds that may
be in the City Treasury and available for that purpose, to the payment of
said interest and principal, as the same respectively matures and the levy
or levies herein provided for may thereupon, to that extent, be diminished.
And the sums provided for to meet the interest on said bonds and to dis-
charge the principal thereof when due, are hereby appropriated for that
purpose and said amount for each year shall also be included in the annual
appropriation bills passed by the Board of Commissioners of said City in
each year respectively.
All proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds must be applied
exclusively to the purpose for which said bonds are issued.
Section 7.- That for the purpose of defraying the City's portion of
the cost of improving the public streets of said Salt Lake City in theI
manner provided for in rs ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners
on the 21st day of January 1919, providing for and ordering a special
election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said
Salt Lake City, Utah, the question of incurring a bonded indebtedness to
the amount of Two Million Dollars (02,000,000.00) Salt Lake City, does
issue $100,000.00, being balance of a total authorized issue of $200,000.00
Paving Bonds, Series No. 15, of the denomination of $1,000.00 each, num-
bered consecutively from one (1) to one hundred (100), both inclusive, to
be known as"Salt Lake City Paving Bonds, Series No. 15," to be dated Feb-
ruary let, 1920, and to be paid serially as follows: $5,000.00 payable
one ye::i after.'date of issue end 05,000.00 each succeeding year thereafter
for the full period of twenty years.
Said bonds and each of them shall be(except as to consecutive
numbers and dates of payment) in substantially the following form to-nit:
/ 1
No. _._ $1,000.00
haief',� That Salt Lake City in the County of Salt Lake State of
Ut llreAnowledgee itself to be indebted and for value received hereby
promisee to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00)in 7IKC lawful money of the United States of America on the first
day of February, 19_ at the National Park Bank in the Lity of New York,
with interest thereon at the rate of five (5%) per cent per annum from
date until paid, payable semi-annually in like money on the first days of
February and August in each year, said interest-to maturity being repre-
sented by interest coupons hereto attached.
This bond is one of a series of 100 bonds of Like date and amount ,
numbered from one (1) to one hundred (100), both inclusive, and known as
1,"Salt Lake City Paving Bonds Series No. 15," amounting in the aggregate to
„($100,000.00), payable serially, five rf said bonds, numbered from 1 to 5,
!'+,,both inclusive, payable on the first day of February, 1921, and thereafter
iLFive Thousand Dollars (t5,000.00) payable onthe first day of each succeeding,'
February, until fully paid, and is issued for the purpose of defraying the
City's portion of the cost of improving the public streets of said Salt Lake
City, issued under and pursuant to Section 679, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917,
Tang an ordinance passed on the 21st day of January, 1919, by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City and as authorized by the electors of said City
at a special election held for that purpose in said City on February 25th,
The Board of Commissioners shall annually levy a tax sufficient to !
pay the interest on this bond as it falls due and also to constitute a sink..'
ing fund for the payment of the principal thereof within twenty yeats. !
Ij at
hel.d in said City on February 25, 1919, all duly qualified electors of said
City who had paid a property tax in said City the preceding year were per-
mitted to vote and no votes were received at ary voting precinct except from
such duly qualified electors and the returns of said election from all the
1lvoting precincts in said City were duly and regularly canvassed by the Board ,
lof Commissioners of said City on the third day of March, 1919, and it was
, found and determined by said Board, and it is hereby declared that a majorit,i
of the qualified electors of said City who voted at said election voted in
favor of said bond issue and full power and authority was thereby given to
said Board of Commissioners of said City to issue end sell said bonds. It ill
d' Lfurther hereby certified, recited and declared, that all conditions, acts I
and things essential to the validity of this bond exist, have happened and hive
!been dons and that every requirement of law affecting the due thereof has 1
( been duly complied with and that this bond is within every debt and other I
limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of said State.
ii The full faith and credit and all taxable property within the j
;limits of said Salt Lake City as constituted at the time of the issuance
(hereof are and shall continue to be pledged to the punctual payment of the
principal and interest of this bond.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Salt Lake City has caused this bond to be
signed by its Mayor and City Treasurer rlid its corporate seal to be affixed
iiherto, attested by its City Recorder, and the annexed coupons to bear the
p'ac-simile signature of the City Treasurer as of the first d;.y of February, i
iI i
l Attest:
1 City Recorder.
j 1
City Treasurer.
. ( SEAL )
To each of ss.id bonds .. :all_ i;tached a cou;on for each install-
ment of interest contemptted 'y said bond, which said coupons shall be
?numbered consecutively, beginning with No. 1, with tho several dstes of pay-
hment and number of bond and shall bear the fac-simile signature of the City
uTroasurer; said coupons and each of them (except as to date of payment and
;;number) shall be in the following form to-wit:
No. 025.00
f �
On February 1st, 19 , Salt Lake City, Utah will pry to the bearer
hereof, at the National Park Bank in the City of New York, the sue of Twenty-I
five Dollars in lawful money of the United States of America, being six months
dintorest on its Paving Bond Series No. 15, dated February 1st, 1920.
Fac-simile signature
City Treasurer.
There shall be endorsed on each of said bonds the following:
'I I
"I hereby certify that this bond is within the
lawful debt limit of Salt Lake City, Utah, and
is issued :.ccordirg to law."
City Auditor.
L j
I i
' r "
Section 8.- That for the purpose of defraying the expense of improving
the public streets of said Salt Lake City and to that end to construct
additional sidewalks upon the public streets of said City in the :;ginner pro-
vidod for in en ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on the 21st, ,
day of January, 1.919, providing for and ordering a special eledtion for the
purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of Salt Lake City the ques- I
tion of incurring a bonded indebtedness to the amount of Two Million Dollars'
($2,000,000.00), Salt Lake City does issue $20,000.00 Sidewalk Bonds, Series,
11 i
1 No. 17, of the denomintior. of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, num-
bored consecutively from 1 to 20 both inclusive, to be known as "Salt Lake
City Sidewalk Bonds, Series Nc. 17," to be dated Febru ry lat, 1920, and to
tbe payable serially as follows; One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) payable
11 of issue
one year after datfand One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each succeeding
jyear thereafter for the full period of twenty years.
jl Said bonds and each of them shall be (except as to consecutive
numbers and dates of payment) in substantially the following form to-wit:
,+ i
{No. $1,000.00
That Salt Lake City in the County of Salt LakelemedegWe State of
li Utah, hereby acknowledges itself to be indebted and for value received here-
by promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of One Thousand Dollars
(11,000.00) in lawful money of the United States of America on the first
day of February, 19__, at the National Park Dank in the S'ity of New York,
with interest thereon at the rate of five (§/.$ per cent per annum from date
until paid, payable semi-annually in like money on the first days of Feb-
ruary end August in each year, said interest to maturity being represented
pby interest coupons hereto attached.
I� I
This bond is one of a series of 20 bonds of like date and amount,
Inumbered from 1 to 20, both inclusive, and known as "Salt Lake City Sidewalk
!Bonds, Series No. 17," amounting in the aggregate to $20,000.00, payable
serially, $1,000.00 on the first day of February, 1921 and thereafter
11$1,000.00 on the first day of each succeeding February until fully
paid, and
lis issued for the purpose of defraying the expense of improving the public
(streets of said Salt Lake City and to that end to construct additional side-
Iwalks upon the public streets of said City, issued under and pursuant to
Section 570x6, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, and Section 570x8, Compiled Laws
of Utah, 1917, as amended by Chapter 11, Laws of Utah 1919, and an ordinance
jlpassed on the 21st day of January, 1919, by the Board of Commissioners of
(!Salt Lake City and as authorized by the electors of said City on February
I25th, 1919.
The Board of Commissioners shall annually levy a tax sufficient
to pay the interest on this bond as it falls due and also to constitute a
sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof within twenty years.
election held in said City on February 25, 1919, all duly qualified electors
iof said City who had paid a property tax in said City the preceding year
;were permitted to vote and no votes were received at any voting precinct j
ilexeept from such duly qualified electors and the returns of said election
I'from all the voting precincts in said City were duly and regularly canvassed
IIby the Board of Commissioners of said City on the third day of March, 1919,
;and it was found and determined by said Board and it is hereby declared that I
la majority of the qualified electors of said City who voted at said election
voted in favor of said bond issue and full power and authority was thereby
given to said Board of Commissioners of said City to issue and sell said bond
OIt is further hereby certified, recited and declared, that all conditions, ac s
and things essential to the validity of this bond exist, have happened and h e
been done and that every requirement of law affecting the issue thereof has
been duly complied with and that this bond is within every debt and other 1 't
prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of said State.
The full faith and credit and all taxable property within the limit�e
of said Salt Lake City as constituted at the time of the issance hereof are
and shall continue to be pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and
vi !interest of this bond.
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Salt Lake City has caused this bond to be
signed by its Mayor and City Treasurer and its corporate seal to be affixed
hereto, attested by its City Recorder, and the annexed coupons to bear the
fac-simile signature of the City Treasurer as of the first day of February, i
1 1920.
Mayor. i
City recorder.
City Treasurer.
I� I
� 1
IJ i
To each of said bonds shall be attached a coupon for each install-
Iment of interest contemplated by said Bond, which said coupons shall be
Inumberod consecutively, beginning with No. 1, with the several dates of pay-
Iment and number of bond and shall bear the fac-simile signature wignertesza
Iof the City Treasurer; said coupons and each of them(except as to date of
payment and number) shall be in the following form to-wit:
jNo. •
On February let, 19 , Salt Lake City,Utah will pay to the
bearer hereof, at the National Park-•Bank in the City of New York, the sum
of Twenty-five Dollars, in lawful money of the United States of America,
being six months interest on its Sidewalk Bond •, Series No. 17, dated Feb-
ruary let, 1920. •
(Fac-simile signature)
City Treasurer.
There shall be endorsed on each of said bonds the following:
"I hereby certify that this bond is within the law-
ful debt limit of Salt Lake City, Utah, and is
issued according to law.
City Auditor."
I� 1
Section 9.- That for the purpose of defraying the expense of erecting ,
constructing and furnishing of a municipal Bath House and the parking and
improving of the ground surrounding the same at and upon the warm Springs
property owned by said City, in the manner provided for by an ordinance
passed by the Board of Commissioners on the 21st day of January, 1919, provid-
ling for and ordering a special election for the purpose of submitting to the
'qualified electors of Salt Lake City the question of incurring a bonded in.
Idebtedness to the amount of $2,000,000.00, Salt Lake City does issue
i $100,000.00, Bath House Bonds, Series No. 18, being balance of a total
authorized issue of $200,000Q00, Bath House Bonds, Series No. 18, of the
denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, numbered consecutively
from 1 to 100, both inclusive, to be known as "Salt Lake City Bath House
i Bonds, Series No. 18," to be dated February 1st, 1920, and to be paid serially
as follows: $5,000.00 payable one year after date and $5,000.00 each sue-
, ceeding year thereafter for the full period of twenty years.
Said bonds and each of them shall be (except as to consecutive
numbers and dates of payment) in substantially the following form to-wit:
f I
No. 01,000.0OJ
That Salt Lake City in the Bounty of Salt Lake State of I
Utah, hereby acknowledges itself to be indebted, and forvalue received here
by promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) in lawful money of the United States of America on the first day;
of February 19_, at the National Park Bank in the City of New York, with
interest thereon at the rate of five per cent (51) per annum from date until
paid, payable semi-annually in like money on the first days of February and
August in each year, said interest to maturity being represented by interest
coupons hereto attached.
This bond is one of a series of 100 bonds of like date and amount,
( numbered from 1 to 100, both inclusive, and known as "Salt Lake City Bath Hogs
Bonds, Series No. 18," amounting in the aggregate to $100,000.00, payable
serially, Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000,00) on the first day of February
1921 and thereafter Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) payable on the first
day of each succeeding February until fully paid, and is issued for the put..
pose of defraying the expense of erecting, constructing and furnishing of a
municipal Bath House and the parking and impraving of the ground surrounding
the same, at and upon the Warm Springs property owned by the City, issued
under and pursuant to Section 570x6, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, and Sedtiod
570x8, Compiled awe of Utah, 1917, as amended by Chapter 11 of the Laws of
Utah 1919, and an ord±Rance passed on the 21st day of January, 1919, b.y'the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City and as authorized by the electors
of said City at a special election held for that purpose in said City on
February 25th, 1919.
The Board of Commissioners shall annually levy a tax sufficient to!
pay the interest on this bond as it falls due and also to constitute a sink
ing fund for the payment of the principal thereof within twenty years.
election held in said City on February 25, 1919, all duly qualified electors
f of said City who had paid a property tax in said City the preceding year we
permitted to vote end no votes were received at any voting precinct except
from such duly qualified electors and the returns of said election from all i
the voting precinct in said city were duly and regularly canvassed by the
Board of Commissioners of said City on the third day of Marcii, ,1919, end it
!was found and determined by said Board, and it is hereby declared that a ma-
I jority of the qualified electors of said City who voted at said election
voted in favor of said bond issue and full power and authority was thereby
given to said Board of Commissioners of said City to issue and sell said
bonds. It is further hereby certified, recited and declared, that all con-
ditions, acts and things essential to the validity of this bond exist, have
happened and have been done and that every requirement of law affecting the
issu.s thereof has been duly complied with and that this bond is within every
debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of said State.
1 The full faith and credit and all taxable property within the
I limits of said Salt Lake City as constituted at the time of the issuance
j hereof are and shall continue to be pledged to the punctual payment of the
principal and interest of this bond.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Salt Lake City has caused this bond to be
signed by its Mayor and City Treasurer and its corporate seal to be affixed
hereto, attested by its City Recorder, and the annexed coupons to bear the
fac-simile signature of the City Treasurer as of the first day of February,
1920. !�
City Recorder.
City Treasurer.
t i
( SEAL )
iE I
To each of said bonds shall be attached acoupon for each inatU1-
went of interest contemplated by said Bond, which said coupons shall be
numbered consecutively, beginning with No. 1, with the several dates of pay-
ment and number of bond and shall bear the fac-simile signature of the City
Treasurer; said coupons and each of them (except as to date of payment and
number) shall be in the following form to-wit:
INo. $25.00
On February let, 19 Salt Lake City, Utah will pay to the
bearer hereof, at the National Park Bank in the City of New York, the sum
of Twenty-five Dollars, in lawful money of the United States of America,
',being six months interest on its Bath Hodes Bond , Series No. 18, dated
February let, 1920.
I Ne.
(Fac-simile signature),
{ City Treasurer.
There shall be endorsed on each of said bonds the following
"I hereby certify that this bond is within the
lawful debt limit of Salt Lake City, Utah, and
{ is issued according to law.
City Auditor.
I f
I 11
Section 10.- That for the purpose of providing for the payment of the j
1 interest and principal on all of the last above enumerated bonds to-wit:
$100,000.00 Paving Bonds, Series No. 15.
$ 20,000.00 Sidewalk Bonds, Series No. 17.
$100,000.00 Bath House Bonds, Series No. 18.
the interest falling due on said bonds on August let, 1920, shall be paid
out of the general revenue fund of the City and for the purpose of reim-
+i burning said general revenue fund for said installment of interest and to
'i meet the interest accruing on said bonds on February let, 1921, and August
1 1st, 1921 and to pay the principal due on said bonds on February let, 1921, I
1 there shall be levied, in the year 1920, on all the taxable property in said
City, in addition to all other taxes, a direct tax sufficient to produce thelii
sum of $27,500.00, being $16,500.00, for interest and $11,000.00 for prin..
jicipal. That for the purpose of raising the necessary funds with which to 1
pay the interest promptly as the same accrues and also for the purpose of
constituting a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds when they be.
come due, there shall be and there is hereby levied en all the taxable
property in said City, in addition to all other taxes, a direct annual tax
r as follows; 1
i In the year 1921 sufficient to produce the sum of $21,450.00
if In the year 1922 sufficient to produce the sum of $20,900.00
In the year 1923 sufficient to produce the sum of $20,350.00
1 In the year 1924 sufficient to produce the sum of $19,800.00
In the year 1925 sufficient to produce the sum of $19,250.00 .
In the year 1926 sufficient to produce' the sum of $18,700.00
In the year 1927 sufficient to produce the sum of $18,150.00
In the year 1928 sufficient to produce the sum of $17,600000
In the year 1929 sufficient to produce the sum of $17,050.00
In the year 1930 sufficient to produce the sum of $16,500.00
In the year 1931 sufficient to produce the sum of $15,950.00
1 In the year 1932 sufficient to produce the sum of $15,400.00
In the year 1933 sufficient to produce the Bum of $14,850.00
In the year 1934 sufficient to produce the sum of $14,300.00
In the year 1935 sufficient to produce the sum of $13,750.00 1
In the year 1936 sufficient to produce the sum of $13,200.00 i
1 In the year 1937 sufficient to produce the sum of $12,650.00
V In the year 1938 sufficient to produce the sum of $12,100.00
In the year 1939 sufficient to produce the sum of $11,275.00 1
1: I
and said taxes when collected shall be applied solely for the purpose of
1 the payment of said interest and principal of said bonds, respectively and I
1 for no other purpose whatever until the £ndebtedness so contracted under
this ordinance, principal and interest, shall have been fully paid, satin..
fied and discharged, but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as
to prevent said City from applying any other funds that may be in the City
Treasury and available for that purpose, to the payment of said interest
and principal aethe same respectively mature and the levy or levies herein
provided for may thereupon to that extent be diminished. And the sums here-
in provided for to meet the interest on said bonds and to discharge the
principal thereof when due, are hereby appropriated for that purpose and
said amount for each year shall also be included in the annual appropria-
tion bills passed by the Board of Commissioners of said City in each year
All proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds must be applied
exclusively to the purpose for which said bonds are issued.
I i
Section 11.- That for the purpose of improving the public streets of
said Salt Lake City, and to that end to grade and construct curb and gutter
upon additional streets within said City and to pay the City's portion of
the cost of the same, in the manner provided for in an ordinance passed by t 9
Board of Commissioners on the 21st day of January, 1919, providing for and
ordering a special election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified
electors of said Salt Lake City the question of incurring a bonded indebted-
ness of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00), Salt Lake City does issue Eighty
five Thousand Dollars ($85,000.00) Curb and Gutter Bonds, Series No. 16, of
the denomination of $1,000.00 each, numbered consecutively from 1 to 85, both
inclusive,to be known as "Salt Lake City Curb and Gutter Bonds, Series No. 16," 1
to be dated February let, 1920 and to Vs paid serially as follows: $4,000.0
psyable one year from date of issue and $4,000.00 each succeeding year ther
after to and including the nineteenth year and $9,000.00 at the end of the
twentieth year.
Said bonds and each of them shall be (except as to consecutive
number dates of payment) in substantially the following form to-wit:
• No. $1,000.00I
That Salt Lake City in the County of Salt LakeLake,m141110 State of
Utah, hereby acknowledges itself to be indebted, and for value received here-
by promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) in lawful money of the United States of America on the first day
of February 19_, at the National Park Bank in the City of New York, with
interest thereon at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum from date until
paid, payable semi-annually in like money on the first days of February and
August in each year, said interest to maturity being represented by interest
coupons hereto attached.
This bond is one of a series of 85 bonds of like date and amount,
numbered from 1 to 85, both inclusive,and known as "Salt Lake City Curb and
Gutter Bonds, Series No. 16," amounting in the aggregate to 185,000.00,
payable serially, $4,000.00 on the first day of February, 1921 and $4,000.00
on,the first day of each succeeding February thereafter, ap to and including
;the first day of February, 1939, and $9,000.00 on the first day of February,
1940, and is issued for the purpose of Curbing and Guttering additional
streets within said City, issued under and pursuant to Section,7 and 570x6, Com- ,
piled Laws of Utah, 19,1 e�t ion
d'"b�f'L S70x8, Compiled Lays of 1
Utah, 1917, as emende G awa�o3Utah, 1919, and an ordinance passed on the
21st day of January, 1919 by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City an
'as authorized by the electors of said City at a special election hold for th
purpose in said City on February 25th, 1919.
The Board of Commissioners shall annually levy a tax sufficient to
pay the interest on this bond as it falls due and also to constitute a sink-
ing fund for the payment of the principal thereof within twenty years.
election held in said City on February 25, 1919, all duly qualified electors
of said City who had paid a property tax in said City the preceding year wer '
permitted to vote and no votes were received at any voting precinct except
from such duly qualified electors and the returns of said election from all
the voting precincts in said City were duly and regularly canvassed by the `
Board of Commissioners of said City on the third day of March, 1919, and it I
found and determined by said Board, and it is hereby declared that a 1
majority of the qualified electors of said City who voted at said election '
voted in favor of said bond issue and full power and authority was thereby
given to said Board of Commissioner, of said City to issue and sell said
bonds. It is further hereby certified, recited and declared,that all con •
. ditions,.acts and things essential to the validity of this bond exist, have
happened and have been done and that every requirement of law affecting the
issue thereof has been duly complied with and that this bond is within every
debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of said State. ,
The full faith and credit and all taxable property within the
limits of said Salt Lake City as constituted at the time of the issuance
hereof are and shall continue to be pledged to the punctual payment of the
principal and interest of this herd.
IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, Salt Lake City has caused this bond to be
signed by its Mayor and City Treasurer and its corporate seal to be affixed
hereto, attested by its City Recorder, ad the annexed coupons-.to bear the
fac-simile signature of the City Treasurer as of the first day of February,
City Recorder.
City Treasurer. 1
( SEAL )
— .,.. i
To each of said bonds shall be attached a coupon for each install-
went of interest contemplated by said. Bond, which said coupons shall be
numbered consecutively, beginning with No. 1, with the several dates of pay-
ment and number of bond and shall bear the fac-simile signature of the City
Treasurer; said coupons and each of them (except as to date of payment and
number) shall be in the following form to-wit:
No. $25.00
On February let 19 , Salt Lake City, Utah, will pay to the bears
hereof, at the National Park Bank in the City of New York, the eu. of Twenty
five Dollars, in lawful money of the United. States of America, being six
months interest on its Curb and Crbter Bonds, Series No. 16, dated February
let, 1920.
(Fan-simile signature)
City Treasurer.
There shall be endorsed on each of said bonds the following:
"I hereby certify that this bond is within the
lawful debt limit of Salt Lake City, Utah, and
is issued according to law.
I �
City Auditor. !I
Section 12.- That for the purpose of paving, erecting buildings and
I1otheir improvements at Liberty Park and improving new parks and boulevards
Ilin Salt Lake City in the manner provided for inJordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners on the 21st day of January, 1919, providing for and
ordering a special election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified
electors of Salt Lake City, Utah, the question of incurring a bonded indebt-
edness of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00), Salt Lake City,does.issue
132,000.00, being balance of a total authorized issue of $132,000.00, Park
Bonds, Series No. 19, of the denomination of $1,000.00 each, numbered con-
secutively from 1 to 82, both inclusive, to be known as "Salt Lake City Park
1Bonds, Series No. 19," to be dated February 1st, 1920 and to be payable ser-
one year from date of issue
ially as follows: $4,000.00 payable MentYkityalLittqa9S2a and $4,000.00 each
succeeding year thereafter to and including the nineteenth year and $6,000.
twenty years after date.
Said bonds and each of them shall be (except as to consecutive.
Ilnumbsrs and dates of payment) in substantially the following form to-wit:
No. • $1000.00
That Salt Lake City in the County of Salt Lake,earite State of
,Utah, hereby acknowledges itself to be indebted and for value received, her
lby promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of One Thousand Dollars
j ($1,000.00) in lawful money of the United States of America on the first day
of February, 19 _, at the National Park Bank in the City of New York, with
interest thereon at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum from date until
paid, payable semi-annually in like money on the first days of February and
• August in each year, said interest to maturity being represented by interest
coupons hereto attached.
This bond is one of a series of 82 bonds of like date and amount,
numbered from 1 to 82 both inclusive and known as !!Salt Lake City Park Bonds
Series No. 19," amounting in the aggregate to $82,000.00 payable serially,
$4,000.00 on the first day of February 1921 and $4,000.00 on the first day
of each succeeding February thereafter, up to and including the first day
of February, 1939, and $6,000.00 on the first day of February 1940, and is
issued for the purpose of paving, erecting buildings and other improvements
f. r
at Liberty Park and improving new parks and boulevards in said Salt Lake Cit ,
issued under and pursuant to Section 570x6, Compiled Laws of Utah 1917, and
Section 570x8, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, as amended by Chapter 11, Laws
of Utah 1919, and an ordinance passed on the 21st day of January, 1919, by
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City and as authorized by the elec.
tors of said City at a special election held for that purpose in said City
on February 25th, 1919.
The Board of Commissioners shall annually levy a tax sufficient to
pay the interest on this bond as it falls due and also to constitute a sink-
ing fund for the payment of the principal thereof within twenty years.
tionhold in said City on February 25, 1919, all duly qudlified electors of
said City who had paid a property tax in said City the preceding year were
permitted to vote and no votes were received at any voting precinct except
from such duly qualified electors and the returns of said election from all
the voting precincts in said City were duly and regularly canvassed by the
Board of Commissioners of said City on the third day of March, 1919, and it
was found and determined by said Board, and it is hereby declared that a
majority of the qualified electors of said City who voted at said election
voted in favor of said bond issue and full power and authority was thereby
given to said Board of Commissioners of said City to issue and sell said
bonds. 'It is further hereby certified, recited and declared, that all con-
ditions, acts and things essential to the validity of this bond exist, have
happened and have been done and that every requirement of law affecting the
issue thereof has been duly complied with and that this bond is within every
debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of said State.
The full faith and credit and all taxable property within the
limits of said Salt Lake City as constituted at the time of the issuance her -
of are and shall continue-to be pledged to the punctual payment of the prin
cipal and interest of this bond.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Salt Lake City has caused this bond to be
signed by its Mayor and City Treasurer and its corporate seal to be affixed
hereto, attested by its City Recorder, and the annexed coupons to hear the
fao-simile signature of the City Treasurer as of the first day of February,
City Recorder.
City Treasurer.
( SEAL )
'1 To each of said Bonds shall be attached a coupon for each install-J.
ment of interest contemplated by said Bond, which said coupons shall be
numbered consecutively, beginning with No. 1, with the several dates of pay_;
mont and number of bond and shall bear the fac-simile signature of the City!
Treasurer; said coupons and each of them (except as to date of payment and
Ij number) shall be in the following form to-wvit:
1,1 No. _ $25.00
On Fearuary let, 19 , Salt Lake City, Utah, will pay to the
bearer hereof, at the National Park Bank in the City of New York, the sum
of Twenty-five.Dollars, in lawful money of the United S tates of America,
being six months interest on its Park Bond Series No. 19, dated February
! 1st, 1920.
11 No.
"J Fac-similes naturp�_!
City Treasurer.
There shall be endorsed on each of said bonds the following:
"I hereby certify that this bond is within the lawful
debt limit of Salt Lake City, Utah, and is issued
according to law.
'E City Auditor."
I f
( I
Section 13.- That for the purpose of improving the City Cemetery and to
that end to construct hard surface roads along the main streets and to con-
a new residence to be used by the City Sexton as a public office at
said City Cemetery, in the manner provided for in an ordinance passed by the
Board of commissioners on the 21st day of January, 1919, providing for and
ordering a special election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified
electors of Salt Lake City, Utah, the question of incurring a bonded indebt-
edness of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00), Salt Lake City does issue
Twenty-seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($27,500.00), total authorized
issue, Cemetery Bonds Series No. 20, of the denomination of $500,00 each,
numbered consecutively from 1 to 55 both inclusive, to be known as "Salt
Lake City Cemetery Bonds, Series No. 20", to be dated February let, 1920,
and to be paid serially as follows: $1,000.00 payable one year after date,
and $1,000.00 each succeeding year thereafter up to and including the nine-
teenth year and $8,500.00 twenty years after date.
Said bonds and each of them shall be( except as to consecutive
numbers and dates of payment)in substantially the following form to-wit:
No. }500.00
That Said Lake City i11pe,0ounty of Salt Lake,a State of
Utah, hereby acknowledges itself 1nEebted and for value received hereby
promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.0 )
1 in lawful money of the United States of America on the first day of February
191 , at the National Park Bank in the City of New York with interest the e-
on at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum from date until paid, payabl
semi-annually in like money on the first days of February and August in sack
year, said interest to maturity being represented by interest coupons hereto
This bond is one of a series of 55 bonds of like date and amount,
numbered from 1 to 55, both inclusive, and known as "Salt Lake City Cemetery
Bonds, Series No. 20," amounting in the aggregate to $27,500.00, payable
serially, 41,000.00 on the first day of February, 1921 and 41,000,00 on the
I first day of each succeeding February, up to and including the first day
of February, 1939, and 48,500.00 on the first day of February, 1940, and is
j issued for the purpose of improving the City Cemetery of Salt Lake City,
Utah, issued under and pursuant to Sections 570x6 and 570x65, Compiled Laws
of Utah, 1917, and an ordinance passed on the 21st day of January, 1919, by
!! the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, and as authorized by the
electors of said City at a special election held for that purpose in said
City on'• February 25th, 1919.
The Board of Commissioners shall annually levy a tax sufficient
to pay the interest on this bond as it falls due and also ',to constitute a
sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof within twenty years.
election held in said City on February 25, 1919, all duly qualified electors
•. of said City who had paid a property tax in said City the preceding year
were permitted to vote and no votes were received at any voting precinct
except from such duly qualified electors and the returns of said election
I from all the voting precincts in said City were duly and regularly canvassed
1 by the Board of Commissioners of said City on the third day of March, 1919,
and it was found and determined by said Board, and it is hereby declared tha
ia majority of the qualified electors of said Cijr who voted at said election
voted •in favor of said bond issue and full power anc{authority was thereby
given to said Board of Commissioners of said City to issue and sell said
bonds. It is further hereby certified, recited and declared, that all con-
ditions, acts and things essential to the validity of this bond exist, have
happened and have been done and that every requirement of law affecting the
issue thereof has been duly complied with and that this bond is within every
debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of said State.
The full faith and credit and all taxable property within the III,
limits of said Salt Lake City as constituted at the tine of the issuance
hereof are and shall continue to be pledged to the punctual payment of the
I principal and interest of this bond.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Salt Lake City has caused this bond to be
signed by its Mayor and City Treasurer and its corporate seal to be affixed
hereto, attested by its City Recorder, and the annexed coupons to bear the
fac-simile signature of the City Treasurer as of the first day of February,
1i Mayor.
City Recorder.
City Treasurer.
( SEAL )
! j
4 =�
it J
To each of said bonds shall be attached a coupon for each install-
ladfnt of interest contemplated by said bond, which aaid coupons shall be
numbered consecutively, beginning with No. 1, with the several dates of pay-
,ment and number of bond and shall bear the fac-simile signature of the City
j!Treasurer; said coupons and each of them (except as to date of payment and
1nmmber) shall be in the following form to-wit::
it I
IfNo. .._.... $12.50
One Februany lst, 19 , Salt Lake City, Utah will pay to the
'bearer hereof, at the National Park Bank in the City of New York, the sum of
!Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents in lawful money of the United States of
America, being six months interest on its Cemetery Bonds, series No. 20,
!dated February let, 1920.
(Fac-simile signature)
City Treausrer.
There shall be endorsed on each of said bonds the following::
"I hereby certify that this bond is within the lawful
debt limit of Salt Lake City, Utah, and is issued
1 according to law.
Il �
City Auditor.""
4 i
li � I
Section 14.- That for the purpose of providing for the payment of the I
interest and principal on all the last above enumerated bonds to-wit:
$85,000.00 Curb.=and Gutter Bonds Series No. 16
$82,000.00 Park Bonds, Series No. 19
$27,500.00 Cemetery Bonds, Series No. 20
Tithe interest falling due on said bonds on August lst, 1920 shall be paid out
of the general revenue fund of the City and for the purpose of reimbursing j
said general revenuefund for said installment of interest and to meet the •
Ilinterest accruing on said bonds on February let, 1921, and August 1st, 1921 ,j
land to t,cay the principal due on said bonds on February let, 1921, there shag
''he levied in the year 1920, on all taxable property in said city in additionIL
VI to all other taxes, a direct tax sufficient to produce the sum of $23,587.501
IlThat for the purpose of raising the necessary funds with which to pay the
;interest promptly as the same accrues and also for the purpose of constitut-
ing a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds when they become due,
Ijthere shall be and there is hereby levied on all the taxable property in
Ieaid City in addition to all other taxes a direct annual tax as follows:
f In the year 1921 sufficient to produce the sum of $18,275.00
In the year 1922 sufficient to produce the sum of $17,825.00
j! In the year 1923 sufficient to produce the sum of $17,375.00
ji In the year 1924 sufficient to produce the sum of $16,925.00
In the year 1925 sufficient to produce the sum of $16,475.00
jI In the year 1926 sufficient to produce the sum of $16,025.00
In the year 1927 sufficient to produce the sum of $15,575.00
II In the year 1928 sufficient to produce the sum of $15,125.00
In the year 1929 sufficient to produce the sum of $14,6.75.00
In the year 1930 sufficient to produce the sum of $14,225.00
I In the year 1931 sufficient to .,produce the sum of $13,775.00
In the year 1932 sufficient to produce the sum of $13,325.00
+ In the year 1933 sufficient to produce the sum of $12,875.00
I! In the year 1934 sufficient to produce the sum of $12,425.00
In the year 1935 sufficient to produce the sum of $11,975.00
{ In the year 1936 sufficient to produce the sum of $11,525.00
{ In the year 1937 sufficient te'produce the suer of $11,075.00
In the year 1938 suffidient to produce the sum of $10,625.00
In the year 1939 sufficient to produce the sum of 424,087.50
and said taxes when collected shall be applied oolily for the purpose of the
!payment of said interest and principal of said bonds respectively and for no
other purpose whatever, until the indebtedness so contracted, under this
ordinance, principal and interest, shall have been fully paid, satisfied and
discharged, but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent
said City from applying any other funds that may be in the City Treasury and'
available for that purpose to the payment of said interest and principal as
the same respectively mature:and the levy or levies herein provided for may
thereupon to that extent be diminished, and the sums herein provided for to
meet the interest on said bonds and to discharge the principal thereof when
due aro hereby appropriated for that purpose and said amounts for each year
shall also be included in the annual appropriation bills passed by the
Board of Commissioners of said City in each year respectively.
arr'' All proceedsderived from the sale of said bonds must be applied
exclusively to the purpose for which said bonds are issued.
Said bonds and each of them shall be signed by the Mayor and City
Treasurer and attested by the City Recorder and sealed with the seal of sai
City and the said coupons shall bear the fac-simile signature of the City
Treasurer. The Mayor and City Treasurer of said City are each hereby em-
powered and directed to sign and the City Recorder of said City to sign and
attest and affix the seal of the City to each of said bonds and the acts of
said Mayor, Treasurer and City Recorder in so doing are and shall be the
act and deed of Salt Lake City.
All the covenants, statements, representations and agreements
contained in said bonds and coupons and all recitals and representations
of this ordinance are hereby considered and understood and it is hereby
ordained and declared that said covenants and promises therein , are the
covenants and promises of Salt Lake City and that the representations and
statements therein are the representations and statements of said City.
a municipal corporation and a City of the first class under the Conetitutiof
and Laws of the State of Utah.
-il J
: ,
Section 15.•• AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances and res-
olutions d2' parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict with the pro-
hereof, be and the same are hereby repealed and after said bonds
i I
are issued, this ordinance shall be and remain irrepealable until said bonds
and the interest thereon shall have been fully paid, satisfied and dischargddi
as herein provided.
Section 16.- The sale of said $236,000.00"Water Bonds, Series I," con-
sisting of bonds numbered from 1 to 236 both inclusive; also $100,000.00
"Water Bonds, Series J," consisting of bonds numbered from 1 to 100, both
inclusive; a#ao $50,000.00 "Sewer Bonds, Series H," consisting of bonds
numbered from 1 to 50, both inclusive; also $35,000.00 "Bridge Bonds, Series
No. 14," consisting of bonds numbered from 1 to 35, both inclusive; also
$100,000.00 "Paving Bonds, series No. 15," consisting of bonds numbered from
1 to 100, both inclusive; also $85,000.00 "Curb and Gutter Bonds, Series No.
16," consisting of bonds numbered from 1 to 85, both inclusive; also
$20,000.00 "Sidewalk Bonds, Series No. 17," consisting of bonds numbered from
1 to 20 both inclusive; also $100,000.00 "Bath House Bonds, Series No. 18,"
consisting of bonds numbered from 1 to 100, botkl inclusive; also $82,000.00
"Park Bonds, Series No. 19," consisting of bonds numbered from 1 to 82, both
inclusive; also $27,000.00 "Cemetery Bonds, Series No. 20," consisting of
bonds numbered from 1 to 55, both inclusive;,also $22,000.00 "Fire Alarm
Bonds, Series No. 21," consisting of bonds numbered from 1 to 22, both in-
clusiveIl to the NationallCity Company an Redmond & Company, I
and the action of the Board of Commissioners in accepting their ,joint
bid and all acts and proceedings pertaining thereto, are hereby ,ratified and'
confirmed, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and instructed to de-
liver said bonds when properly executed to said National City
Company and RP mop Qcurpoby
• l "
ion receipt of the purchase price thereof, namely the sum of Eipht Hundred i
Fifty—seven TboUS ,nd Five Hundred Dollars
11($ 857,500.00 ) with accrued interest thereon at the rate of five per
Iljcent (5%) per annum from date of said bonds to date of delivery, tmge.#9mcx
ijettarxxxocrioami xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsumwix
11 Section 17.— AND WHEREAS, it is necessary for the immediate preservation'
i''of the peace, health and safety of said Salt Lake City that the proceeds of
!these bonds be available immediately for the purpose of supplying said City
_ I
with an increased amount of water, constructing sowers, extending paving,
curbing, guttering and sil ,p sracting a bath house, improving its parks,
improving the cemetery and installing a fire alarm system.
NOW THEREFORE, it is ordained that an emergency is hereby declared
iiand that this ordinance shall be in force and tak effect one day after its
!,passage, approval and publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City this 26t11
j day of February , 1920.
� � I
Attest r_r4,7
City Recorder.
I '
1 i
I •
I, W. A. Leatham, the duly chosen, qualified and acting City Re-
- corder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached and for
going is a full, true and correct excerpt from the City Commission Records
of February . 1920, showing the passage of Bill No. , for an or-
dinance providing for the issue and sale of the following bonds to-wit:
$236,000.00 Water Bonds, Series I,
$100,000.00 Water Bonds, Series J,
$ 50,000.00 Sewer Bonds, Series H,
$ 35,000.00 Bridge Bonds, Series No. 14,
$100,000.00 Paving lionde, Series No. 15,
II $ 85,000.00 Curb and Gutter Bonds, Series No. 16,
$ 20,000.00 Sidewalk Bonds, Series No. 17,
$100,000.00 Bath House Bonds, Series No. 18,
$ 82,000.00 Park Bonds, Series No. 19,
$ 27,500.00 Cemetery Bonds, Series No. 20 and
$ 22,000.00 Fire Alarm Bonds, Series No. 21,
as passed by the Board of Commissioners under date of , 192
and showing a full, true and correct copy of said ordinance as signed by th
Mayor and as published in the Deseret News, a newspaper of general circula-
tion, published in said Salt Lake City; and I do further certify that said
ordinance was signed by E. A. Bock, the duly elected, qualified and acting
Mayor of said Salt Lake City and that the said ordinance was properly atteetf.
ed and the corporate seal affixed and has been properly recorded in a book
in my office, kept for that purpose, all of which ppears of record in my
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
it corporate seal of said City this day of ..__ , 1920.
City Recorder.
I ( SEAL )
� r
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