23 of 1923 - Creating a Shade Tree Department ROLL CALL
Barnes Salt Lake City,Utah, . ,192b•
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Mr. Chairman
o ) I.
yortotont at i!oszka
LI a eel )1: u aZt
,.3.1):.° 'AIM t . ha:a c -ey-- -- • - j '1 to Lit of
a en. 'out 1i- tee anti a jo:i .iat3 eon Li ant ..)o. _Ao,.r..1. as
; Ohate 'T,'oc )cd.n.q; ,oat, a a .1,0 Lu JC ,tiOn
,DLICTIO11 ii. 7,0 33" 2C._ 0 ;01:ILL,L,I00 11 u..7)0111t
irOC., ioaai ntoii at teic aern, U,1
o the ;11:,y 'near, ilia Lien o nor Zou.2 ie1i oo 1),0300 1;1-
).-ri.J.-o nizons ojitercaLot. in L 30..):, -;ot e tree Ore, Ota
oiaotei Lbr a torti or t.zu ':acy aay U ri.1Lod.
fol. the uue--;„)i-rea tu-fl) )31)-)Lto race )0111.1i;;-
;,1011 oh e1 ocey. /i Ciao, noldn nioll o.,ool;
rn 'J 21);.,11
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no i.1))),-„ )0. ecacenar to )11. the c.; (10_,.‘xt
L; to L';'0 ti)atree
0000100 to airoct tie L .o circe ro a_•.a•t:oot nil 1.,-;;In a; the
of .)"1.-).),_tine, )•).' •_))) trees iii the uaioe r)Locate
cci alt hoLe 31 i;L: an'''. to at to hInt , ,a) 30 no _a•vot-
oft ca Lao ru LI}O.0 'IL; LL3, LLVO:3',10:, .a LL, 2m2thox
L'no liota-.2o2t of taco aul);)o.-.2o, 'J1'67,111 the lid La eL ,a1 t y,, •
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;-3ECTIO Iv. I-L, L*all n:i u.nl...::Jfal Mr .'n:y ....:•u-ou, :it'..out
.fritlhon permit from ., .) ,haLo 0a:0 0 )0):-.]:'1::'al;U to )-1- .1t, Loin,
bray, remove, 3.0str.- oat, 1..efn.ce or in aay pdy i_ :':) ...Ili rue
02 -fifiJ in any izt of f.ny o: tho - ruts, •V :if lio
hirluJays. ..'.,aid acrmit n"..all ntJte o)ecificnlly ,.he aro.21:1 to ne
lono Undor it ani chall 'ae .void fter thirty L. frca dn.te thoro*f.
The 2rovicions of this section shall not a)21y to the
removal of trees by n...e etreet )epartent in cT.'nos of emergency,
nor by any contractor or city departMent on _Dublic viork in Ilur-
Th rd of
ance of plans ,,ihich have b...:d. te a.:..)proval of -to/,..,:ommicionors.
hiiCillOil V. IL shall 'he unlawful for 13 .e oner or j arson
in idossession of any ..).2oprty to pennit Dr :-.1low a09/3 trOCS,
limbs or overhanLluL; UouCa.s, ao-.20u21 CO lifc, hole oT ._',.'0 :.:1:t -,
to romain on said premioes after .notico in .:;:riting to sach cuiner
or aeroon in possession e:f D aid yfojorty from no '.. .do ..'roe .:Je-
poreent to T 01110V 0 cac.e. -'neh jornea chat" .ict upor n-.'id_ 1].otice
witnin a period of ton days after recoi)t of s=e.
aECTIO2 VI. It shull be unlawful for any Jerson to plant
(.-)1 set out trees or shrubs II)031 any .)art of t .-o etreetn, .-,:vo.?-irios
or hichways of unit T,die:e )it , er:copt sueh as are _,-,roviplc.1 for and
permitted by the .1:10,23 J2.200 ),- ).1- 11-t, and 1--: en suc':,. 2e11nission
in f.i.von ouch trees or ui-rues shall be planted ill tho uanaor
1:ied and at the )lace indicated in nada eriait.
ittCTIOe VII. 7'6 shall to t7-.:e duty of the ;...hade J2ree
ZommLosion to mal:e and )r.Plinh a. c-icednie of no aif.L'erent Ii.a.ls
Oil trues -j2ieh ,may be :ilantod u_me:. t,he C,Ifforont ..t2eotn, a7,-; ):O.0
Or ju-i,lic hiClwayz of .:alt La7.:e 1;ity :-).nd shall inC.lete 07.'0..;ej .:.u,c'a
tree may be jianted in oaia Ltre.c.,t , DN3DI:t0 Li 02 :Ilic; hihways.
‘JECTICT VIII. Ito . haae -.'e )op:.,oca.t bl,a.11 Ic:1-ve nu-
nc)1.ity to condomn and .cov:, or Drao:c tLe rna-=f.'l of a,ly tree,
tree stump, shrub or vino a ,on on,: of ,c, stroote, dvoauen or
'iLl'Ivays whero no naiC. tree, tree 2 Lao), shrub ar vine -1 (load,
:Incased or for any Jthar reanon nub , iraPlo, and. in nc: :event
1 . .
. ,
noLice is .;);iven by to _,hado ire() )eartent to the ower of uhe
aTiutting iprooerty to remove eL d trio, tree ;Aural), .7,7'rub or vine,
ouch removal shallire done by the oyaer thereof at hie eii.n 0::;.-
L,ense within thirty days after the Cite of service of no Lice upon
him by the nude T200 odaa'tae.at.
`JECTIO11 It. ny tree, tree stump, shrub in vine that
shell be relooved front -ny t7,e, streets, avenues, asl_eys or
highways shall he renDYed uloj the surface of the :round so
chat the top of tho stur,IL) removed sall no reject aoove the
surface of the ground.
SECTION X. _The ";oard of ')olamissioaers shall have the
rir;ht to review the coadl,ct, acts and decisions of tle fade Tree
aiepartment. any person maL./ appeal from any Tulin::: or order of
the Shade Tree )epartment to the a,oard of DemLiThsioners, uho may
hear the matter and raahe final decision.
bECTIO1J, xi. any derson violating ,any of t'-a) drovisions
lof this ordinance shall be )unified by a fine in any cum not ex-
ceeding Two Lundred ninety-nine (J2'29.00) Jollars, or by ild)rison-
meat in the City Jail for a _deriod not longer than months, or
by both such fine and i.m:.)risonuent. no court ,ay in LA)02ill'' a
fine enter as fart of 1,Tho judc,ment teat in miofol of the jayaent
of the fine the defeildadt :1,2.y be iladrisoned 1.0 the lily Jo.il for
a period not ea:ceedind. six moaIhs.
ufdOfldtI XII. '1'i2 e2Thot thirty-
one days after its jassaLo.
Passed by the .:020, of ,_,o,oissioners
utah, this 1..(kday o4),A4.3e "
0 2.
City ,a)eorder.
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