23 of 1928 - Sewer Extension No. 464 - 1st and final Estimate ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, April 12, 103
Burton - I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr - - -
Finch -
Moran - V
Mr.Chairman -
Result - - - AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of
property in Sewer.District No. 1 ( ewer Extension No. 464) for
the purpose of constructing a sewer.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of
the same upon the property hereinafter described in Sewer Dis-
trict No. 1 (Sewer Extension No. 464) for the purpose of con--
structing a sewer, to-wit
Lots 17 to 28 incl. of Blk. 1, Westmoreland Place;
Lots 1 to 15 incl., and 30 of Blk. 1, Lots 1 & 30 of Blk_. 2,
and Lot 1 of Blk. 3, Shannonts Add.; Lots 1 to 5 incl.,
University Heights 3rd Add.; Lots 1 and 55 of Elk. 2, Lots
1 and 55 of Blk. 3, and Lot 1 of Blk. 4, University Heights;
all of Blk. 12, 5-Acre Plat C; Lots 1 to 25 incl. of Blk. 5,
Colonial Heights Sub. of Blk. 28; Lot 2 of Blk. 28; Lot 1 of
Blk. 29; Lot 12 of Blk. 13; Lots 10 to 24 incl. of Blk. 1,
Douglas Heights, Plat B, of Blk. 13; all in 5-Acre Slat C;
Lots 1, 2, 3 & 16 of Blk. 3, Douglas Heights Plat B and part
of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.; Lots 10 to 14 incl. of Blk. 2,
Douglas Heights Plat.B of Blk. 13, 5-Acre Plat C, Big Field
Survey and part of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.; and beginning
at the SW cor. of Lot 16, Block 3, Douglas Heights Plat B,
a subdivision of part of Blk. 13, 5-Acre Plat C, B. F. S.,
and part of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., P. 1 E., S. L. B. & Mi., thence
South 468 ft. abutting on both sides of 13th South from
15th to 19th East Streets and 17th East Street from 13th South
Street to Roosevelt Avenue.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructin4
1 a vitrified pipe sewer eight (8) inches and twelve (12) inches in'•
1 diameter, including manholes, flush tanks and Y's for house tonne--
tions, all complete, upon the portions of said streets opposite
the property hereinbefore and hereinafter described to be especial-
ly affected and benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby
adjudged, determined and established that said property will be
especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby
levied and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at a urti Corm
rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said portions
of said streets fronting upon and to the entire depth of said parr
cels of land back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be
assessed upon said parcels of land is Ten Thousr%.nd Five Hundred
Eighty-two and 42/100 (e010,582.42) Lollars or One and 556/1000
(t1,556) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property
for half rate, there being 6,801.04 feet abutting said improve--
ment, which is the total abutterst cost and cost per front foot
of said sewer according to the contract entered into for the
performance of said work and making said improvement with L. H.
Sims, contractor, dated the 8th day of December, 1927, and the
Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accord-
ante with the provisions of this ordinance for the purposes hero-
in mentioned:
The north side of Lots 17 to 28 incl. of Elk. 1,
Westtaoreland Place; the north side o.' the west 65 ft. of Lot
1 of Blk. 1; the north side of Lot 30 of P1k. 1; the north
side of Lots 1 & 30 of Elk. 2, the north side of Lot 1 of , , fj
Elk. 3, the east side of Lots 1 to 15 incl. of Blk. 1, +: ;',
Shannon's Add.; the east side of Lots 1 to 5 incl. Universi-j
ty Heights 3rd Add.; the east side of the north 48 ft. of
Lot 1 of Blk. 2, the east side of the south 48 ft. of Lot
55 of Blk. 2, the east side of the north 48 ft. of Lot 1
of Blk. 3, the east side of the south 48 ft. of Lot 55 of
Blk. 3, the east side of the north 47.9 ft. of Lot 1 of Blk
4, University Heights; all of Elk. 1.2, 5-Acre Slat C, Pig
Field Survey; the south side of Lots 1 to 25 incl. of Elk.
5, Colonial Heights Sub. of Blk. 28; the south side of Lot
2, Blk. 28; the south side of Lot 1, Elk. 29; the north
side of Lot 12, Blk. 13, 5-Acre Plat C; the north side of
the east 69.25 ft. of Lot 14 of Blk. 1, the north side of
Lots 15 to 24 of Blk. 1, the west side of Lots 10 to 14 of
Blk. 1, the west side of Lots 1, 2, 3 & 16 of Blk. 3, and
the west side of Lots 10 to 14 of Elk. 2, Douglas Heights
Plat B, a sub. of Blk. 13, 5-Acre Plat C, and part of Sec.
16, T. 1 S., B. 1 E., S. L. B. & ai., and beginning at the
S.W. cor. of Lot 16, Elk. 3, douglas Heights Plat C, e sub. ;
of part of Elk. 13, 5-acre Slat C, B. 5. S., and part of
Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & _., thence ;outh 468.0
ft.; as the same are shown upon the official plats of said
city to the entire depth of'said parcels of land and to
collect said tax.
SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City
Treasurer, as corrected, approved pad completed by the Board of
Equalization and Review: of the property described in Section I ofj
this ordinance in Sewer district No. 1 (Sewer Extension No. 464)
of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing a sewer upon
said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the asses -
ments made and returned in said_ com_leted_ lists, and the report
of the Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and con-
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in five equal
yearly installments as provided by law and ordinance with interes
on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of six per cent per annum,
payable at the time each installment: is due. In the event any
installment or the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the
same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at
the time said installment and interest are due shall become due
and payable, and shall draw interest at the rate of twelve per
cent per annum until the sale of the property assessed.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall t nke` 4 ton(I d?y
after its publication.
(jam `s
Passed by the _Boarc...of Commissioners of Sal L 0 City,
Utah, the 25th day of _---April - , p. D. 1928.
� 1
-- ;t1diNdoPACLVIdk
City recorder.
Sewer Ext. #464,
First & Final Est.
�y f.
cK` 1
U c a
— I
Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake)}
,tbx o4m4,.ltcriP,
e kr•r;:bkgg e t 91 (dety r V ea.4....i.A.ezte_. ,
Porpo 3TSoTie[tdOTiti-
w r'.;
Ise it nerd Salt y•the 8 rd 0'[:otn•
e ctioni t Salt Lake the tefa d�(f",cnn being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the principal
ieelonet f Oat Lulte hr,does.here
by.lam thet and p Id toe t1ta
aseemmptStf'th eatvt `upon telbtDli•. clerk of TILE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in
ereinafter reinaft deecrlb fn gawi.bhp,.
t(t No, I (130,10'IDttta lisbi Nd. 46)'I
dot thevPorDO a•;eonetrdttlne• �9003,,
to,wit• to.as ... . of.Elk'[,=3vemc+ i 4 unty,in' State of Utah.
LotsDO of BM.'I, Lo'*Pretend Place;t�.1'and SP.0171k.A
and.Lot 1 f•1tlx. 3. 8h n on•e-Add.t r That the notice 14-(/
,tote 1 to•6 In 1 1.10110 lty 8elehtb
Third Add Lot Loto.1 end 66 ot all
Of �`NWvt•rir.4s-GL ( 1-3
Lots 1 t 66. f 81k. 3.00 Lot.,1 `e
q; .1k. 4 University lt.V Height*: ell of,'
k &et Pl tHe;jn.ts.I to-g6 O 3:
of 810 6 o IBM..; ) foots do I`l 81*1
L Lot¢ f BM.;( Lot e of 81$ lt3
Lot 18 f•S1k 18 to*.10 t 2R'1411;- ///lam
bf Hlk. 1•D g $•e liht Ylat 8, Of .-. - a..
. f8 .all f 6 ACr 3 t 1j Leta 1,
s a S 18 a Hlk,8' ae h13,v.,e1 lire
'Plat 8'and'pest a[ e 16 fi a A±: V
R.1 a Lot 10 to 14 Sn 1 0!8k. •Y .-. ..-.. .---.- -
D..Acre atC,-Relights gins•ld'Of 60 ad
6 r o,Plat O .RigT. •1 ., , Fly A11
Part in BB Se T. 1•g 8, 1 E le enQ,
betel ,'D t theleh a f La,-Is, of which a copy is hereto attached,was first pubh ed in said
lilk oo of a of+shim e;1 H ,Wn•
dt t Len m[part. f.pa 38 6 are'•, T.
i SD Ili E S and $ h 0 newspaper, s issue dated the day of
eotk 468';t aborting 0 11011 aides'd
nu, South from 161h to 130
t It and 17 tq Reef.,t eat fro* l P
South ereet t fr ea y It Mina;, g. D. 192.lJ
Thle.tax is levied to 1 'f tthe psi'•
1500 g t 5'eides”1000 a t J d ¢• /tom—""
manes I ntdiameter,"Iv l for
ye p e,:co (r,
0- If, nst In p a dew 50
flche tanks and" -[ardlh p0110010le'e- and was published _�2c�e...-
•ti 1.1 d0DNt-0 th tq D rtlbad o: .. ..
Mild t
I bet r and,herelnf ft.* d deed so�
betds ially atfeeted.. nd be etlfe,{ by: the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the,vrJ__-
ddaa dee improvement,d I sand odt, 1 ,ptrMlt 0/0 ',
that mild property will 'he',especially
thte,lag he thereby
b1010 Hann ealld pa rcete day of -- A.D.192-.t�i--..
f I d.or h 'by abed at a'. Y-
[ m to Inae d'Hoe With that 11,1
e d�ereetenfrontine•upoon n and=b1to the
entire depth of meld parcel,.. 't.'land
back therefrom and'iha tax hereby 6,.
lad and to.be 'embed.'upon.sell,pet-
le of land,le,Ten Thousand,Floe,Nu-
Filghtr.•two and lA-1do (ir0,6es.Ral
Dollar* or O and '30 3000 01430
tiollarie;pa tient 11 a [oof [ LiM;`1`�G—'v'�Lr
abutting Property e 'f r utalr rats, their, -..�
being e 801 04•tot t"hill g said... 1tt-��
prat•6 dncostt Which
f ht a ttt•
t tota101d abutter/
er dide to theentered r/
Intofor theperformance. f mid wisik
�}7td H...'Ri making Raldntmlet , dated tt [the
8th day of,ISpq mbar, 1927, and the
Treasurer.Is.hereby authorised and d[-
robted-to:none..to 060000 with'the
provision of this ordinance for• the
9etpooel herein tnentlpnedi•
Subscribed and sworn to before me this clay of
7 A. D. 192a..
.. .....
otary Publ .
The,north woe or Lots 17 to 28.tndi.,
f Rik. 1„,'Veatmorelnnd Place; the
north tilde'of-the•welt e6 ft.or'Lot 1
t BIk.�; the north Ide of Lot'ad.'s[
211k,1,the north side.of Leto 1 and
Id'of Rik."$, the:north- side':f..Lot
1,1,'.'of Blk,".3, the eoat••alas. 'dr,
Lnt'a; 1 t 16. 1,of, of. B1k -•I.,
Shannon Add.;the eaet side.of Lots 1,
to 6 NO..'W ereity Iteightg;8r11 Add;:-
theeast:siide of the north 48,ft..of brit
1 of Bik -2 the enst side-of the eautpi
48:.It.of 0.t 66'of'Mk.8,,the east•slat
of:the,;kth'41 ft.of Lot 1 of.Bik 3,.
the east'Ode.of the outh 48'ft.: f 4,ot'.
10 of.,Elk 3,the eat tide of the bill'
47.8•ft. of Lot 1-_of Btic 4, tintee elty%
B'elghte all or Rik. 13 5-Aare.$1 L-0 Pi
Hig Fteld SIR0 y thet1t elde.of 1
1-.to 26.loci.p Elk.6 C lo'nial,B Igi f
Suh. or BIk, 28;':the South'side of Lot
;2,Bile,'28 the-south aide of',Let 1,})ik.'
$e;'the 0orth aide'of Lot 12;,B11:'13„6-.
Aol'S Plat,•Ot:the-north.We At the.
!net 62.26 ft. of Lot f4 of Bik;.;1,ttle'
'north old.of Lote,16 an,21:of Bik.;T:1the.
;treat olds r Lot.,10 to 141 of Blk ,1.
'the.meet aide or Lore 1 2 7'.d Ie'of.'
731k.-'3. ,era aha wpeff role of:36t.;tf
t l9'of Blk.Y 3'1gY e Hejgjri kth
B a h f B1hk,118. 8811�;}1,,. nd
part-.of Sep 1A,'r,-}B I Li''a
L B,r. llj V 8 glnhi g ,1...rie he
site r, f L I 3A, Hof,or of Dili.
13, S A reTia a.C.anti.,'of yarolid,P31i.
of leo 16.'Plat.. .6C.,B,.F1.S.:.at'L..,Ptt'
of Sep. le. T..1.t R..1-�ft 8:'s lh
52`eel to a thence Routh, ft.;t et
anima are shown the en irl pthfa i'pinto
of said ally toof .entire depth said
D deele of I. T'at 0100:collect tell tea.
toadsstl I. Thaty the'•a.aeteel asf list
ot the n Treasurer. a
rooted, gon1i 411oo no ooa',
Dieted.,by phe
Board; y ilesaated and.Section
the proo c chin Sewer
In Section o'',oI
thin r3 e•In'o. 4r)of Salt-,
t No. e
(ity,.f 0 ou'No,-489)of Saltitif C .
sower fop said poee oflpOe f.aid athj�'a
Bawer ap Sold Dertl9lre' •the assees.
Wept, 'o old returotd n said
mane.ii and}atom'report
taof coin.
HoarWitted. -and, the n d l e ,2.tt
Boatel.of- dfaliaatipn and ltaotew
the Boor of Com ratified, of.{Ella[
Lake and Onfir herebye'. ratified,approyad+
a' trite a Yeattkp abaft eta asyph'14,`
ided'by i slob lobe Wt�a400e
tlded•by 1 ole Burn oe ddt Otnthe
eat. of Ito hoes-[per:nndo, e. the,
?thor'tint cent'pep aeot hi'
',hill}. p. i Inatantnil ott rn'le on.
detest afo iii no ime or the toy'
'three afore pyo,n s paidu tliw ole
the:-Same. he spec dua tdO hole
inio me s he special tan donne rent
the due e d installment and injerpo.
a '.shah
Olenaw inter du andit t rate f
Rsi:oral draw Interest at the,rota' e
tale(ve per dent ort n untN:Rae
Wale do the' . This
e000 ed.ahs
.Section on 9d yhle rflleanea !hail tadaa'.
by nyth after Rer Conn to/do
s ofed t tart City of b,'nti•4111,
,of Sap Lake City, Vtnh,`Ns 3gtk,
'daq of ADrll,-A.;-P.. 152e.
. Sl)11N F,HOW,Maw?.
'HII) No. 22. Ltity,0100erder_
Sewer.Rat. No:464. J'fe"'t.
Fftat'non Final Eat. I !!
, ata�p..i
Cri "