23 of 1932 - Amending Chapter 5 by adding new Section 123, relating to Controlling Insanitary Buildings. VOTING AYE NAY SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, July.•13, 193.2 Finch . . ` I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser • Knight . . Lake . , Mr.Chairman . . V A ORDINANCE Result . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER V, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, by adding in and to said chapter a new ; ection to be known as 2ection 123, relating to public health. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Chapter V of the Revised Ordinances of dolt Lake City, Utah, 1920, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and. to said chapter a new section to be known as section 123, relating to public health and which shall read as follows: SECTION 123. khenever in the opinion of the De- 'partment of Public Health any building or dwelling has because of its insanitary condition become a menace to life or health, or unfit for human habitation, said Department of Public Hca'th shall have the power to close to occupancy said. building or dwelling and/or cause to be vacated said. building or dwelling until the same is put in a clean and sanitary condition as re- C\P quired by the rules and regulations of the Department of Public Health. It shall further be the duty of the Department of Pub- lic Health to notify the owner, agent or lessee in writing of the action taken and post in a conspicuous place on s<id build- ing a. metal sign reading as follows, to-wit: "CLOSED TO OCCUPANCY BY ORDER OF DLPARTMP.NT OF PUBLIC HEALTH." Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to occupy, lodge or sleep in or cause or permit any person to occupy, lodge or sleep in any building or dwelling or other placeclosed to occupancy by order of the Department of Public Health. SECTION 3. Any person. violating any provision of this ordi- nance shall be punished by fine in any sum not exceeding Two Hundred Ninety-nine (y299.00) Dollars or by imprisonment in the City Jail not longer than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. -Thecour' 93 may, in imposing the fine, enter as part of the judgment that in default of the payment of the fine the defendant may be imprienned in the city jail for a period not exceeding six months. Section 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. -- Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Passed bysi the Board of Commisoner.: of Salt Lake City, i Utah, this /4lilta—ay of JAY, Mayor. City Recorder. • I i I i)r innarim� 23 Presented to the Board oftemmkodoners AND.'PA8$ED . JUL 141932 • - 1 IJ1riwf ,uf J'1tbr1iraIwu lotted *rarer of Aarerira STATE OF UTAH SS. . COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE *Ii OhtUOANOS AMN.'ftDINO CHAP- TBR,,Vr of the ltevlsed Ordinances of Salt take City,Utah,1W0,by adding to and:to said v cheater anew Section . HARRY WOLFF to be known es Section 123,relating t to public health. t• gMZIo.ordained by-the Board of 1'Colelaun/uners of Salt Lake.Clay,, ',motion I. That mote,v of the being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk �aevvlsed Ordinancee of Salt Lake City. jftali,':1920, he and the same is n}terebi emended by seeing.in sad of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in maid amen e a new section to be id known-.as Section 123:relating to public health andwhich*hell read as•fondwe}33. en whenever ils the cola- Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. ,.Son df the beosrtalent,Of Public 11eattsa,oOf 'ins or dwelling has because' ' e " +dnsanitary condltlan gr-Ufit menace t0 hie or health. That the NoticeATL...CRD.INANCF O uriflt for PySts ltsroftalth veld apartment of Pyblio Health lsheh • '4ve the power to.Neee to ticcu- porrnty spaid a to,beldvacated or daddituedingi SALT LAIC a II'Y CURFORA2'ION or dwelling until the game is put in a ulaeeen and maxillary condition as riq d Deportment of Public Health. It - all further be the duty of the Department or Public Health to so- ' SOOY'the owner, agent or lessee In ' writing Of the action taken and poet ' ,in.a apleucus place on weld build- 'tug p metal elgu reading'ea follows, •"to-ivit:'Closed to Occupancy by-Or- der.of•Aepertment of Public Health... eeotfds 2. It shall be unlawful of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- tot any Person to occupy,lodge or sleep 1n or muse or permit any per- naldiing or dwelling oor`otheprnpua paper in its issue dated the 15th Owed to°scummy by order of the Department of Public Health. SecWpn 3. AnY Person violating any ; pTt�wQeloh..of this ordinance shall be- July 2 500504 ed'by fine 171,any sum not day of , 193 ?MAGI Two Hundred'Ninety-Nine fo theOoittyy lJail'not ra or longeran ni and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on months, or by both such fine end Lbyrlsonment,. The court may, in impoetng the fine,enter as part Of the Judgment that in default of the July 15th for maybe imprisoneent of the d In the hedcittyy defendant for a period not exceeding elm month,: Board of Commissioners,opinion of � thereafter, the full period of the Une ins eTtion eery to'the peace,health and eedety of the ordlants of Salt Lake CRY ctive that.this ordinance become effective ib mealately. the last publication thereof section a. This ordinance shall take effect upon Its peerage. Passed by the Boatledl of Commis- stoners of.Salt take C!ty',Utah,thla 15th lath day-of Ally.A.b...ii932. being in the issue dated the day of LOINS MARCUS,Mayor, Ethel.Macdonald,City Recorder. Bill No.23, ,Pupnebad July idth.'1973.; • July ,A.D. 1 15t Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of July ,A.D. 193 2. 7 Notary Public. Advertising fee,$ PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM tZ? 'tat Ealte cat rihune i.5• County Entry No