23 of 1935 - Amending Sections 1123 and 1124, relating to second hand precious metals. ROLL CALL . VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 193 Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Knight 6 7/,4�Cal Lee Mr. Chairman - - - ,/j^'ff' Result N ORDINANCE _ I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1123 and 1124, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to second hand and junk dealers. Be it ordained by the Bthard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: "ECTION I. That Sections 1123 and 1124, Revised Ordinances °C of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to second hand and junk dealers, be and the same is hereby amedded to read as follows: SEC. 1123. DEALING WITH MINORS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any second hand. or junk dealer by himself, his agents or servants, to purchase or receive any personal pro- perty of or from any person under the age of twenty-one years. SEC. 1124. JUNK DEALERS TO KEEP BOOK. It shall be unlawful for any second hand or junk dealer to fail to keep a substantial and well bound book, in which he shall enter et 23 the time of purchase, in the English language: First: A true and accurate description of every article purchased by him. Second: The name, age, description and residence of the vendor. Third: The amount paid. Fourth: The date and hour of purchase. All entries shall be made with ink in a legible man- ner, and. all records of second hand dealers and junk dealers shall be open to inspection by any police officer at any time, and a copy of all entries made each day shall be reported in writing to the chief of police on the next business day. It shall be unlawful for any second hand. or junk 23 denier to deliver to the Person selling or delivering any of the property mentioned in sections 1.121 and 1122, or to sell or otherwwiec dispose of any of such property far the neri.od I of thirty days from the date of receiving the some _ales ex- pressly permitted to dispose of such property by the police department prior thereto. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary tothe peace ;hea]th and safety of the inhabitants of "alt Lake City tha4 thi ropdinance become ,etifective immediately. SECTION a ThJS ordinance shail take effect upon its first publication - Passed by !the Boa' of Commassidi iq-. Ault Lake City, Utah, this 19th day of _ ril , A. . 5. ---74- Mayor. 14 l% J toil"' I.4 I I/./S.1.I. ./' -C.ity Recor-or. . II • k-.`4 I . . „ . •..(. ,_ a 3..s- i A. -i I. 411 272: z -4- ete 1-•'.... . tn•W„ 6 C-- C1.?3° ,!p.rl = a .o a_ n G w x . r it Proof of Jnbttruttun lotted Ot'atro of'maim STATE OF UTAH se. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE AN•ORDINANCE-AMENDING. . SECTIONS 1123 and:1124,Revised .Ordinances of Salt Lake City, H. P. THOMPSON Utah, 1934, refating'to second- --band'and junk dealers. • 'Re it ordained by the.Beard of Utah: sslonera of Salt Lake City, being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk SECTION 1., That Sections'. 1123 and 1124,Revised Ordinances: of salt Lake City,Utah,1934,.re of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in lacing to second-hand and junk dealers,be and the same is here-' by amended to rer.d as follows: SEC.1123. DEALING WITH Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County, State of Utah. MINORS PROHIBITED.It shall • be unlawful for any second- ' hand or junk dealer by him- self,his agents or servants,to purchase or receive any per- • sonal property of or from any person under the age of twen- BILL.NO 23. ty-one years. SEC.1124. JUNK DEALERS ' TO KEEP BOOK. It shall be • unlawful for any secondhand SALT LAKE CITY--CORPORMi-ON or junk dealer to fail to.keels. - substantial and well-bound book,in which he shall enter at thetime of purchase, in the English language: First: A true and.accurate description of every article pur- of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- chased by him.. Second: The-name, age, de- 20th Velpporn and residence of the paper in its issue dated the Third:The amount paid. Fourth: The date arid hour April 193..__5] of purchase. day of "All:entries..;shall be made with ink in,a legible manner, and all records of second-hand and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on ' - dealers and junk dealers shall Me'open-,to inspection by any police officer at any time,and April_20th for a copy of all entries made each day shall be reported in,writing to the chief of police on the. One insertion next business day. thereafter,the full period of It shall be unlawful'for any second-hand or junk dealer to deliver to the person selling or the last publication thereof delivering any. of the property mentioned in sections 1121 and 1122, or to sell or otherwise dispose of any of such property being in the issue dated the 20th day of for the period of thirty days from the date of receiving the same unless expressly permitted ,A.D.193 5 to dispose of such property byApril -the--police department prior thereto. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,it is,ne,ceasary to the peace,health • end safety of the inhabitants of Salt-Lake City that this ordinance 20th hepaine'effective unmeaiately. orn to before me this ...._ day of I SECTION 3. This'brBlnarice . shall take !fleet'Upon its dirat qD p`licatiofi. Pabeed-by the$oalt''d`ofCoih04ie~ ,A.D.193...b. tStoners of Salt Lake City Utah, this•19ih`dayof:Moil;A.a,1935., j .9L'I'HEL•ARCUSt Mayor. MACDONALD. ( e@1); •City Recorder.. -- Notary Public. *,.Fill 4hed %r,'1ihhIC9'k�, Ap}`ll;,20hr:1996( ' • Advertising fee 23 . . 1 Z I ..), 0 0 a g 11 C.) : 3-o ...) 1,0 1 41 1:4 ---- .. . : W ' ---, -J-, -_' W-1 •F* ci,0 r4 • .-,..' ttt N .1q Wi I It* PI. . 0 ''. „ ril ' I F 1 ...