23 of 1938 - Amending Sections 252, 252X9, Item 21 of Section 252X12, 252X14 and 252X22 of Article 5, Chapter VII Salt Lake City,Utah,.—._L.h,_t 1 + 193 VOTING AYF NAY Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Matheson - - - - Murdock - - - Mr.Chairman - - - AN OINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 252, 252X9, Item 21 of Section 252X11, Sections 252X12, 252X14,and 252X22, of Article 5, Chapter VII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, re- lating to Dairy and Milk Inspection, and repealing Item 24 of Sec- tion 252X7 and Section 252X10 of said Article 5, Chapter VII, Revis- ed Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934... Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Skit Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 252 of Article 5, Chapter VII, entitled ',Definitions", Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to Dairy and Milk Inspection, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said section a new paragraph to be known as (t), which shall read as follows: (t) Homogenized milk or cream or viscolized milk or cream it milk or cream that, in addition to being pasteurized, has been submitted to treatment in equipment, approved by the Salt Lake City Department of Health, which breaks up the fat globules so as to prevent the normal raising of the cream upon standing. The addition of a portion of homogenized or viscol- ized milk or cream to other milk to increase the visible cream line is strictly forbidden. All homogenized milk or cream or viscolized milk or cream shall bear a label stating that the milk or cream has been homogenized or viscolized together with any other information required for pasteurized milk, or for containers enclosing milk and any milk products defined in this ordinance. SECTION 2. That Sections 252X9, 252X12, 252X14 and 252X22, of Article 5, Chapter VII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: —Al 1 -2- ; SEC. 252X9. GRADE "A" RAW MILK. Grade 'A' raw milk is milk the average bacterial count of which does not exceed 50,000 per cubic centimeter and which is produced upon dairy farms conforming with all of the items of sanitation listed under Section 252X7 and, except as otherwise herein provided, ; must be pasteurized before bottling. Grade 'A' raw milk may be bottled for sale at retail; without first being pasteurized provided that such milk must be bottled on farms where it is produced and shall be labelled and known as"Grade 'A' raw milk retail.` Grade 'A' raw milk retail shall be bottled and handled only in milk plants con- forming with all of the items of sanitation set out in Sec. 252X11, relating to Grade 'A' pasteurized milk excepting only; therefrom the necessary changes which are set out in the fol- lowing items of sanitation and which items shall apply soaely4 to the handling and bottling of Grade 'A' raw milk retail. The average bacterial count of Grade 'A' raw milk retail shall at no time before delivery to the retail consumer exceed 20,000 per cubic centimeter. Grade 'A' raw cream retail must' conform to the provisions set out herein for Grade 'Al raw milk retail except that it shall at no time before delivery tb the retail consumer exceed the average bacterial count of more than 40,000 per cubic centimeter and must be labelled and shall be known as Grade 'A' raw cream retail. ITEM I. PROTECTION FROM CONTAMINATION AND FLIES. The various milk plant operations shall be so located and conducted as to prevent any contamination to the milk or the equipment. All means necessary for the elimination of flies shall be used. This requirement shall be interpreted to in- 1 elude separate rooms for (a) the cooling and bottling opera- tions; (b) the washing and bactericidal treatment of contain-1 ers and equipment. Cans of raw milk shall not be unloaded or reail carried directly into the bottling room. Grade 'A' raw milk„ shall not be permitted to come into contact with equipment with which other grades of milk have been in contact unless -3- such equipment has had proper bactericidal treatment between the handling of any lower grade of milk than that which has previously been handled. Rooms in which milk or cream or cleaned utensils or containers are handled or stored shall not open directly into any stable or living quarters. ITEM 2. MILK FROM DISEASED HERDS. No milk shall be retail • permitted on the premises where Grade 'A' raw milk is bottled+ which does not come from disease free herds complying with all of the terms in Item 6 of this section provided, however, that this clause does not prohibit the bringing on to said premises milk which has previously been pasteurized and bottl(ld or other milk to be used for pasteurization when handled to i comply with methods prescribed by the Board of Health. retail ITEM 3. COOLING. All grade 'A' raw milkAsha±l be l cooled within one hour after milking to 50 degrees Fahrenheiti or less and maintained thereat until final delivery. i ITEM 4. BOTTLING. Bottling shall be done at the plade of production in machinery (approved by the Health Officer) in such manner as to prevent any part of the person or clothing from coming in contact with any surface with which milk or milk products come in contact. ITEM 5. TIME OF DELIVERY. Milk to be consumed in the' form of whole milk shall be delivered to the final consumer within 30 hours of the time of bottling. ITEM 6. HERDS - TUBERCULOSIS AND OTHER DISEASES. A tuberculin test of all herds and additions thereto shall be Grade 'A' raw retail made before anyi,milkAtherefrom is sold, and at least once every twelve months, or at any time at the discretion of the Board of Health thereafter by a licensed veterinarian approved by the Board of Health of Salt Lake City. Every diseased animal shall, be removed from the herd at once and no milk from diseased cowls shall be offered for sale. Herds in which reactors to tuberculin tests are four4l in addition to removing reactors from the premises the remain-1 -fl- ing herd shall be re-tested at least every 90 days there- 1 f after until no reactors have been found on two successive ninety day examinations. The agglutination test for Bang's abortion disease Grade 'A' Ifaw shall bp made on all herds and additions thereto before any, retail milkntherefrom is sold, and at least once every six months thereafter by a licensed veterinarian approved by the Board of Health of Salt Lake City. In herds in which reactors to the agglutination testl are found, these reactors shall be removed from the premises, and the remaining herd re-tested at least every thirty days thereafter until no reactors have been found on two successive! thirty days tests. All premises where reactors are found shall be disinfected by methods prescribed by the Board of Health. All females and breeding males on the premises six months of age and over must be tested for Bang's abortion dis- ease as previously described, and be properly ear-tagged for identification purposes. No pregnant animals shall be added to the herds. No - pregnant animals may be added to herds after having passed twol negative agglutination tests at successive thirty days inter- vals, provided that animals from accredited free herds may be added without test. A physical examination and brom-thymol blue test fori bovine mastitis shall be made on all lactating females in herd every sixty days by a licensed veterinarian approved by the Board of Health of Salt Lake City. 1Ll additions of lactating females to herds shall be required to have a physical examina- tion and a brom-thymol blue test before being admitted to the � I herd. All reacting animals shall be removed from the premi-- 'i es at once and shall not be re-admitted until the animals are found free from disease. A certificate signed by the veterinarian or attested! t, to by the Health Officer and filed with the Health Officer shall -5 • - be the only valid evidence of the above tests. SEC. 252X12. GRADE 'BT PASTEURIZED MILK. Grade 'BT pasteurized milk is Grade 'AT or Grade 'ET raw milk which has been pasteurized, cooled and bottled in a milk plant conforming with all the requirements for Grade 'A' pasteurized milk, and the average bacterial count of which at no time after pasteur-' ization and until delivery exceeds 50,000 per cubic centimeter. SEC. 252X14. GRADES OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS WHICH MAY BE SOLD. No milk or milk products shall be sold to the final consumer, or to restaurants, soda fountains, grocery stores or similar establishments, except Grade 'A' and 'B' pas- retail teurized, certified and Grade 'A' raw milk when bottled as herein provided. SEC. 252X22. FUTURE DAIRIES AND MILK PLANTS. All dairies and milk plants from which milk is supplied to the in-! habitants of the City of Salt Lake City which are hereafter constructed, shall before such milk shall be permitted in said; city conform in their construction to the requirements of the health officer, which shall not be less than the requirements j or Grade 'A' raw milk retail. -1 for grade 'A' pasteurized milks bii plans for new constructiol or for changes in construction must be submitted to the Board f f of Health for their approval before such construction work or 1 changes are made. SECTION 3. That Item 21 of Section 252X11 of Article 5, Chapter VII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, b and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: ITEM 21. TIME OF DELIVERY. Milk to be consumed in the form of whole milk shall be delivered to the final consumer within 30 hours of the time of bottling. SECTION 4. That Item 24 of Section 252y7 and Sectioi 252X10 of Article 5, Chapter VII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to Dairy and Milk Inspection, be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. In the opinion of the Board of Commissiont jers, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabi II -6- tants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect im- mediately. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first publication. i4�tr �� I Passed by the Board of"Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 17 r] -,day of? ej. it , A.A. 1938.- / Mayor. C i ze 4.ry tea.,.r. `ity ecorder " 1 t � iI 23 nnrni•j Rf C;`u ;�n�7/1 • • • • • flotated to the Board of Com'mitgionors AND PASSED M4f11 71038 • . • Gm(AweopirstiA First Publication in ... - cti`Y HECORDER • Proof of 11nblira ton LIniteb#11 AN ORDINANCE STATI API ORDINANCE AMENL ING SEC TIONS 252,252X9,Item 21 of Section COUNTY( 252x11,Sections 252X12,252x14 and 252X22, of Article 5, Chapter VII, I Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah,1334,relating to Dairy and Milk Inspection,and repealing Item 24 of I Section 252X7 and Section 252X10 of said Article 5,Chapter VII,Revised I 1'• Tu0P. p+Ql� . Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah, 1934. Be It ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, 'MOTION a. Than Section 252 of sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of Article 5,Chapter VII,nntitesd f It iniio Lake t City,Eroded O1934, rela in Salt Dairy and Milk hInspection, begand CE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake the same is hereby amended by'add- ing in and to said section a new paragraph to be known as ft),which shall read as follows: h, Homogenizedreoicikor or cream that,in addition to being pas- teurized, has been submitted to t y Y. O'=:1)3-NNAANCr 'IL.I_ :NO.2ni treatment in equipment, approved mice by the Salt Lake City Department of Health, which breaks up the fat globules so as to prevent the normal S�+T.`i Lrs?rE CITY C CRP O':;.1TIQ:i. raising o1 the ream upon g• The addition of a portion of homo- genized or vlscollzed milk or cream' to other milk to increase the visible cream line is strictly den.All homogenized milk oor via- colized milk o creamshall bear a label stating that the milk or cream - has been homogenized or viscolized, together with any other information . required for pasteurized milk,or for containers enclosing milk and any milk products defined in this ordi. is hereto attached,was first published in said news- SECTION SECTION 2. That Sections 252X9, 252• ole , 252X14 and 25Revis of rdi- os o ofChapter atVII,City, Utah, 1534 lath Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City,Utah,end- e dated the l�.th be and the same are hereby amend- ed to read 9, follows: SEC. rX GRADE "A"l RAW MILK. Gradete "A" milk is Mich Parch 1936 the esavnot countexceedr1al 50,000 per cubic ' centimeter and which is produced upon dairy farms conforming with{had in each daily issue of said newspaper, on .tall o1 the items of sanitation listed under Section 252X7 and,except as e� otherwise herein provided, roust be h LSth♦ • ' pasteurized before bottling. for Grade"A"rate.milk may be bot- tled for sale at retell Without first being patteurizetl' provided that each milk must belbottlea.on farms all period of One ins erti en where it is produced and shall be labeled and known as ':G=a"E 'A' raw milk a retail." Grade "A" spat milk otdy teal!e 7 j$,W tl.1d<han- dleddIg wle .silyoLfk'roeel�wCor� c4 the last publication thereof CPAZ _o a.aeiR _ 1 g 'only istilifebl(1 nehe dry changes which set o t th the ie dated the IS'th day of following items are 's rotation and which items shall apply solely to the handling and bottling of Grade,the raw milk retail. The average bmil ,A.D.1936 terial count of Grade"A" "retail shall at no time before dells-- ry do'the retail consumer'exceed,' • 20,000 per cream tail must Y—r' 'A"-a cream retail must OW en - b, to the In'ovlroOt t t al, 0 Y i Grade " w milk t 11, , that'it shall,Satt no timeb II_' , livery to thetell con r 19th Suseribt the average bacterial count of rdorts C day of than 40,000 per cubic centimeter 0w.t c,\ t be labeled d and small be'known asuGrade" lecrch , A. D. 193 6 {/J� \ i JG fits/- y--e— e'2--LL__, k___..) Notary Public, My commission expires/ fir''2- `.1.9V/ Advertising fee$... ITEM 1. PROTECTION FROM CONTAMINATION AND FLIES,The various milk plant operations shall be so located and conducted as to prevent any contamination to the Milk or the equipment. All means necessary for the elimination of flies shall be used. This require- ment shall be Interpreted to include separate rooms for (a) the cooling and bottling operations; (b) the Washing and bactericidal treatment of containers and equipment.'Cans of raw milk shall not be unloaded -- -- y� carriedor . directly into the kbottling the animals ere found free from dig_ shall Grade rmi edty mom retail ass. O shall not be permitted to come into e contact with equipment with Which A rlan forte signed by the Vet- other grades of milk have been m Hrealtahan o[ attested to by the contact unless such equipment has Health O4fleer and filed W(th qqad proper bactericidal treatment Officer obeli Ue the only:a lid ";Meld'of'Milk hthan g o4 any lower a idence of the above tests g{n.di+gt'In11k than that which has evidence 252X32, GRADE "B" pAS- ili previously been handled. Rooms in TEn eed m MILK, Grade'•B`•p6e_ Bich milk or cream rore leaned teurizetl milk is prfltle"A"or utensils containers pen handled B raw mil which has beta page or stored Or not o meurized, cooledand bottled in a into any stable or living quarters.Y requirements for Gratlewit A.,it the l ITEM 2. MILK FROM DISEASED teiurized milk„ ➢es- en the. No premiselk s shall here permitted Grade it A" terlal count of nd the averages bar_ raw the verr exce izatt alcand to ill tdee milk retail isbottled which does not lying from lso disease-free t herds Per cubic c complying with all of the terms in lmeter. tls 50,000 en- Item 6 of this section,provided,how- SE .252XIq, GRADES OF MH, e that this Clause does not pro- :AI E SOLDK No IDIkCot mICH MAYhiblt the bringing on to said pram- uctglees mllk which has previously beenhallb¢sold Lo the final ropnsumermasteurized and bottled or othero ec restBurflntsodaountains,Ilk to be used for pasteurizationw Y stores or similarestablbah handled to comply with meths- steurlsed,sil wohfiedandoda P�B•''he p[esCidbed by the Board [ w mllk retell whenbottled08 here- HeTth. provided. ITEM a COOLING. All gleads''A" SEC. 252X22. FUTURE DAIRIES raw milk retail shall lbek cooled 0 de- grees one hour milking to 50 de- milk MILK PLANTS.All ilk Ise an greee Fahrenheit or less and main- Ilk plants from which mllk is eupa e tamed thereat until final delivery. .polled'to the Inhabits Cloy' nts oP;the pit ITEM 4. BOTTLING. Bottling 'after construct d shall befor0 such shall be done at the place oI pro- duction In machinery(approved by conform 1n their contstrduCtloa Ito the the Health Officer)In such manner as to prevent any part f the per- son which slants OY tihe health ffloer, r clothing from coming 1n con- shall not be less than the re- tact with any surface with which 4alrements for Grade'A"milk rr- m11k or milk products Come in con- lzed mllk or Grade"A'•taw mllk te- tact. tOCll. All plans for new construction ITEM 5. TIME OF DELIVERY, be for changes in obmitted to the Beard ion moat Milk to be consumed in the form tar thel[ card of Health of whole milk shall be delivered to structlon week orlchnegee re made. the final consumer within 30 hours of the time of bottling. SECTION 3. That Item:Sa 1 of poorITEM 6. HERDS—ASES. ULO- ilea 252X31 fArtlCle5It Lake AVII,Revlsetl Ortlinanceao[ glt Laket. be AND OTHER DISEASE n n dl- Clty,Utah,1939,be same 18Cons to rest oY all herds and efo ahereby a entletltore th Cons thereto shell be made before ITEM 21. TI �DELIvrraoy any Grade"A"raw milk retail there- MIIk tom!) o be consumedOOa the form from Is sold,and at least once.every whole milk s twelve months, or at any time t hall be tlellVered to the the discretion of licensed of Health final Consumer within 30 houre off thereafter by a licensed veteriniarian_ the time I bottling. approved by the Board of health of SECTION q, Section ewsep 0[Ar- mal shall be removed from the herd non1 e 5,0C, Salter VII, sty,Ut Ord1_ at once and no milk.ir sale. eased, ea 1 Salt Lake ilty, spec re-++ cows shell be offered for sale. pealed to De1ry and ace Iereby lye. Herds Ina/Mich reactors to tuber- be the same ere hereby re Cull tests-are found; ad fon.to pealed. P' SECTION 5. In the op lttton of the removing reactors from he'p}'eml8es, Board of Commissioners.it Is neces the remaining Berri shall he e- Sexy to the peace,health an ' tested'tss least¢Very 90 days'there- p d setety i Prof Until no.Tractors have been a the tnhabitente oY Salt Lake Clty' found ontwo successive ninety-daythat this ordfnanCe shall Lgke ef4ect� hnmedlately. e The agglutination SECTION.6, This ordinance hall! Then'disease test for made take ePfeCt at once, h abortion'dlseeae shall be made on p Footetlon. Pon its Ilrst • all herds and additions thereto be- " fore any Grade"A" w milk retail Ra-Ssetl by the Board of Commis-stoners oY Salt Lake Clty,Utnh,this therefrom isis nold,thereafter ter by a once at least 19th day f March,A.D.1938. ' ceased veterinarian approved by the JOHN M.WALLACE,CCity It Mayor. Board of Health of Salt Lake City. SEAL) MBetlonaltl,Clty Records[, In herds in which reactors to the BILL NO,23, agglutination test are found, these Published March 18.1938, reactors shall be removed from the Premises,and the remaining herd re- tested at least every thirty days ' thereafter until no reactors haves • been found on two successive thirty-1 day tests. All premises where reac- . tore are found shall be disinfected by methods prescribed by the Beard of Health. • All females breeding males on tin months the premises six months of age and over must be tented for Hang'.s shot- . tlon disease as previously described, , and be properly ear-tagged for iden- tification purposes. No pregnant animals shall be add- ,"'-'--'---macs the.herds. Nonnre ergs ani- mals may be added to Herds after having passed two negath'e aRvhitl- nation tests at successive thirty-day Intervals, nrovlded that animals , from accredited free herds may be added Without test, A physical examination and brain- ' thtmol blue testal foe for bovine mas- titis shall be made on all lactating females in herds every sixty days by a licensed veterinarian apnro ed by the Boned ni Health of Salt Lake mole m All additions of lactating fe- ales to herds shall be r ired to have e a nhvalcal examination end boom-nice to e-test before`be- ."Ing•adeatted to the•herd, All reacting animals shall be re- ' moved from the premises at once and,shall not be readmitted until z t, 0 0 E tri \1 \ C.) p--1 It+ N. , PC1 CY _ -..,) 0 tz • \, 4, 0 9* C•r, r4 s•-.1 ,...=- -'-'-, Ct