23 of 1945 - Amending Section 4829 relating to public offenses-unlawful to allow fowls or domestic animals to tre ROLL CALL a,,,- r , VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . Romney I! Tedesco Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result AN OLDINANCa AmIENDliIG SECTION 4829 of the nevioed Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating; to public offenses. Be it ordained by the.yioard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 4829 of the i.evised "rdinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to public offenses, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 4829. UNLA NL TO ALLO ' FOWLS Oh D011ISTIC a8llALS TO Thd'SPASO UPON PROP ;;DIY OI i'NO hEf. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any person in charge of domestic fowls, such as turkeys, ducks, geese, pigeons, chickens, or other similar domestic fowls, or domestic animals such as dogs or cats, to permit such fowls or domestic animals to tresspass upon the premises of another. It shall be unlawful for any person to house, keep, run or reed any such fowls Within 50 feet of any house used for human habitation." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the board of Coruaissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of ;1 alt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immed.:'.-ly. • SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effec:46 the upon its first publication. a)1 / Passed by the board of Commissioners) 2 Cal Take City, Utah, this [Uy day of , r., ,, l9 o City Recorder. ,19 ,�cT ) 23 (.c,.710 F' Presented to the Boca of Commissioners AND PASSED MAY 29 194 an e First Publication in k /tw4 MAY 3I Ift's` (14414, wry RSCORDSR Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,' County of Salt Lake D M Ockey Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE,.AMENDING published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State ised Or- SECTION 4E19 1 tR dinanoes t Talt Lake C,ty. Ut4M. 1944,r lattna to Publret„PeBCara t of Utah. Be it oNa1nU1 by Commisglii: of Salt Lake City. bah: SECTION 1 That SeOrdinancesction 4919 e I the CiyR Utah 1'44.relatlnf`Le th Dbe That the advertisement offenses.be and the a is haieby m aaa to read ae*ow., a"SE0.4919.OR DOMESTIC TO AL. Ordinance Relating to Public LOW FOWLS S DOMESTIC AN!. MALT TO TRESPASS UPON PROP• lawfu, f r the o R.It shall honer• lawmi for orwaome>i,a`"fowls, Off ens es. uc6ra turkeys, ducs.. case• Pla• n chickens,or Cheers elmtar do• me tie fowls, or d tie nim.L neh as dons or cats.,o prrtitt.tr% Salt Lake City Corporation Sewls or aomest,c nether. Pass 1 Pon Ohs Ptful'for of a It hall be keep. ru unlawful'Y feednany esuch to shouse.within '° ny such was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the fowls Lhin 99 feat 1 a. used for human h op,en."of the -- ---•--9AOPION 1.In the 17/;Ind' fiecee- 45 Rnatd of Commfes'onera..t s fay 31st day of May 1 9 ',ITV:iL habtantsh f IS»lt I.akeaClty A•D• .Y that Aids ordinance oshall lake effect direly. hail 1 time immediately. SECTION ect 3.at This ordinanceos fmat and was published ne Paaf SaltLLahe ke a City, Utah._d of this on- "'a a"of Ma.Y; A.D. 1946. the last publication thereofbeing in the issue dated the EARL d.GLADE. Mayor. reEALI IRMA c iyRRa Eaer. 31 at day of Rey A.D. 19 45 RILL NO. 11, Published May 11, Mb. f Advertising Clerk_—' ----------) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of Jume A. D. 19 45 kNotary Publi•. l/\--- ..1.9 r.J'1 4� . , . . 1.1n, *4 r.• .‘ 0 imii t•••• ,i ‘ 1,i 0•1• `5 r "'t et o ....,,,_ lor• I 0) 0 s'' T1 ' Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 402E of the Re<iaed Orr D T.7 ()okay dmancen f Salt Lake Cit,!IItab, 1144,rel ating to Dby offenses. Hn It ordained by the Hoard . �ammfae,n¢era of Bait Lake D+U. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Utah SECTION I That es of lt20..of the. ta Ordinances of talc wake vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper offe es.Utah. and relating r.y b, offenses.be and the same fe hereby amend,°t¢read as tonowa. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State LO O TOOLR OR L DOMESTIC ANI- MALU TRESPASS UPON PROP. o f Utah. ERTY OF the owner It shall be un- lan in forharge`of domestic°.fopwls, charge of ducks, Reese.Dig• each ahi ken',o ther fmllnr do- „°afi<`rewla, e=a¢meeur final. That the advertisement such as dog"or cats.to permit ench such or domestic ,male ta.a, pt's upon me premises of a - i Public Offenses I ='rou,Ae'kecl.°unno��eean�Yes,"tme Ordinance Relating to within 6o feet r a v Souse 7owi" °' "a Ann. h belt:1,1 'r CTION 2.Ii the r.f It i of the ^,y�t I:�,�,•(; �i'rTr Coruorat ion Board of the peace. health and safety "f 6he inhabitants of Salt.Lake City that this ordinanceshall take effect mrsECTION 2.This.ordinance hell take effect at once upon its first Dttbll°°ti%° was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the Peased by the Hoard of Commfeaien� 29th day°Iof LMay.CAY D t1045,tlile EARL J.GLADE. 31st day o f is..T 65 (SEAL) IRDSA F.HITNER. ✓ A.D.19 City Recorder. HILL-N0. 23,Published May 31. 1 t mIC1e 1045, NOTICE FOR RIDS and was published Bids will be received at the Pur• chasing Department, University of tah n ttl June e, far the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the bridge 9impl com complete Research equivve equivalent.cardiograph,right comes rhPti'''''ofe reserved o to"Dwdw 31st Hay 45 a r ° at at the i' day of A. D.19 a Y informality, any bid in the tntereet of the Unl• �� versify. SEIBHR'T'a0. MOTE / Purchaeint Ata¢t. ��=�G�r� _-6-C .__--i - . Advertising Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to before me this loth day of Jule A. D. 19 45 '1(t--- Notary Public. (Alb \ • (aJ°1