23 of 1951 - Denver & Rio Grande Western RailRoad Company a franchise to the right to construct, operate and main `'H" MAR 29 1951 Salt Lake City,Utah, • ,195 .E.TUNG Aye Nay !Jv Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . . Lingenfelter . . Romney . . . . ✓ \ Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result 10 ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY AND OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD COMPANY (UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY LESSEE), THEIR AND EACH OF THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAIN- TAIN A STANDARD GAUGE RAILROAD SPUR TRACK OVER AND UPON SOUTH TEMPLE STREET AND OVER AND ACROSS SIXTH WEST STREET IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. A franchise is hereby granted to The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company and Oregon Short Line Railroad Company (Union Pacific Railroad Company Lessee), their and each of their successors and assigns, to construct, operate and maintain a standard gauge railroad spur track over and upon South Temple Street and over and across Sixth West Street in Salt Lake City, Utah, to serve premises in the south half of Block 60, Plat '[Ct[, Salt Lake City Survey, the center line of said track being more particularly described as follows: Beginning in the center line of the presently operated main track of the Oregon Short Line railroad in South Temple Street, about 177.7 feet west of the west line of Sixth West Street; thence easterly on a turnout curve to the left, having a radius of 764.49 feet, a distance of 72.5 feet; thence continuing northeasterly on the tangent to said curve a distance of 10 feet; thence northeasterly on a curve to the left, having a radius of 193.185 feet, a distance of 168.78 feet; thence northeasterly on the tangent to said curve a distance of 76.8 feet; thence on a curve to the right, having a radius of 193.185 feet, a distance c43' 69 feet to the east line of Sixth West Street. The location of the center line of said track is graph- ically shown in yellow on the attached print, which is here- by made a part of this ordinance. 09 -2- SECTION 2. During the term of this franchise the grantee, their successors and assigns, shall be subject to the following conditions, viz: (a) The ownership of said track shall be vested as to th respective portions thereof individually in said grantees in accord- ance with an agreement or agreements between them. The said track shall be laid upon and conform to the established grade of said I South Temple Street and Sixth West Street, but if said grade is afterward changed by ordinance of the Board of City Commissioners, the grantees shall, at their own expense, charge the elevation of said track so as to conform to the same. (b) Whenever said street where said track is constructed shall be paved, repaved, resurfaced or repaired, then said grantees, their successors and assigns, shall pave, resurface or repair be- tween the rails and for a space of two feet outside of each rail with the same kind of material used on said street, or with such other material as may be approved by the Board of Commissioners. In the event said grantees shall fail to pave, resurface; or repair and surface any area as herein required for a period of thirty ,(3O) days after notice from the Board of Commissioners so to do, the City shall have the right to pave, repave, resurface or repair between the rails or said surface or area aid the grantees agree to reimburse the City for the total cost of said work, labor and material. (c) The said track shall be laid and the road operated so as to cause no unnecessary impediment to the common and ordinar use of said street upon which it is laid. (d) Good and sufficient conduits to convey water shall be laid and maintained in good condition at the expense of said grantees in all water ditches crossed by said track so as to admit of free passage of water. (e) Salt Lake City reserves the right to regulate and control the speed of all trains, engines and cars operated by the grantees, their successors and assigns, upon the track aforesaid. Neither the engines nor cars shall be permitted to remain on said -3- track. (f) If, in the replacement or maintenance of said track said grantees shall remove or in any manner interfere with the pave- ment, sidewalk, curbs, gutters or waterways on said street, they shall replace such pavement with the same or such other material a shall be ordered by the Board of Commissioners aid shall replace such sidewalks, curbs and gutters and waterways to the satisfactio of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements aid shall s construct the gutters and waterways that they will allow the free passage of water to the satisfaction of said Commissioner. SECTION 3. Nothing in this grant shall be construed so as to prevent Salt Lake City or its authorized agents, contractors, per- sons or corporations to whom a franchise may have been or may here- after be granted from paving, severing, laying gas or water mains r pipes, altering, repairing, or in any manner improving said street but all such improvements shall be made with as little injury as practicable to said track and the operation thereof. When Salt Lak City undertakes to place any utility under said track, the grantee shall at their own expense underpin and protect their track while said utility is being placed under the track. SECTION 4. The said grantees herein, their successors an assigns, shall, and by the acceptance of the privileges and fran- chises herein granted and in consideration of the same, do bind themselves, their successors and assigns, upon their acceptance of, this franchise, to save the City harmless from all suits, claims, demands and judgments whatsoever, whether in law or in equity, which shall be asserted, found or rendered in any manner whatsoeve , against said City for injury or damage to abutting property or oth r- wise by reason of the granting of this franchise or by reason of the operation of said track, and that the grantees, their succes- sors and assigns, will pay the amount of the judgment, determina- tion or adjudication which in any suit or proceedings may or shall be found against Salt Lake City, aid the said grantees, their suc- cessors and assigns, shall appear in and defend all actions brought against Salt Lake City for any injury or damage by reason of the construction, operation, or maintenance of said track, provided, however, that said grantees, their successors and assigns, shall have had notice of any suits and an opportunity to appear and de- fend the same. SECTION 5. This franchise is granted for the period of fifty (50) years from and after the date of the passage of this ordinance, provided, however, that if for a period of nine consecu- tive months during the life of this franchise said track or any part thereof is not used for the purpose for which this franchise is granted, or if there isa substantial abandonment of the use of said track or any part thereof, this franchise shall be voidable at the option of the Board of Commissioners, and if so ordered by the Board of Commissioners, said track shalli within thirty (30) days after notice, be by,.taid grantees removed from the street and the street restored to a condition uniform with the balance of said street with respect to grade, materials, and construction to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improve- ments. In the event of failure of said grantees to remove said track and to restore said street upon said notice and within thirty (30) days thereafter, the work may be done by Salt Lake City at the expense of said grantees. SECTION 6. Unless this franchise and all the terms and conditions thereof shall be accepted in writing by the grantees herein within thirty (30) days after this ordinance becomes effec- tive, and unless said track be constructed Within two years from the effective date thereof, then this ordinance shall be null and void. SECTION 7. Whereas, in the opinion of the Commission an emergency exists, this ordinance shall take effectiI ediately after publication hereof. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Citg", .Utah, thi f day of , A.D. 1951, (471M):)%Hec da,N Jo. � y�Or City Recor r._____- ; � , Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 88 County of Salt Lake J Legal Notices AN DRDINANCE AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY '1Y AND OREGON SHORT LINE RAIL- ' ' "" 's ROAD COMPANY(UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY LESSEE). Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- CENSORS AND OF THEIR SUC- RGHT AND ASSIGNS, THE ERATE AND TMAINTAIN TO TRACTSTANDARD vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,'a newspaper, GAUGE RAILROAD SPUR TRACK OVER AND UPON 801T11 TEMPLE STREET AND OVER AND ACROSS published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake Count ,in the State SIXTH WEST STREET IN SALT y LAKE CITY. UTAH., C mnmisslonertne f bSalthL ke rCity, of Utah. utah' SECTION 1.A franchise Is here- by granted to the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company and Oregon dllort'acific Railroad That the advertisement Company Lessee).their,Pacific Railroad of theirsuccessors cad assigns,to e n Grp-inanoe ill :roe 23 standar gaue.,,,{{'1r11�a maintain t ac- s�standard gauge_ Temple track and(over and across Sixth West Street in Salt Lake City, Utah, to carve premises In the south half of Block 60,Plat 'C".Salt Lake City Survey,the center if.of said track being,more partigUlarly described sa follows: laeginning issi final canter line f the presently operated main track In .tScuOregon e lej,Street,raabout was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the 117'2 feet welt nf'the west line of 8hth West Stre,li,thence easterly � a tnrnnnt. a to t>;a ]elf, day of A.D.19 Hating a radius [ '; the feet, a tInuinae of tea feet; thence c tenting said curve at the tan- gent to Bald curs a dlstan:e of 10 feet; thence northeasterly on a r/;= curve 19 to the left, having a radius and was published �� -- i �, � � of I90]g5 feet;n anodistancertheasterly of the •tent; thence oc di on the tangent to hen curve°distance°t the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the nigh tees,having t°the ent, h d distance'es,69 of 10 the ' trot, ofSix(°},es feet to the lineto of Sixth he c Street. `all location of the center line y Geld track fe attached shown In day of A.D.19 yellow y the ttaohetl oprint,which Is hereby made a part I this +��j �G�� SECTION 2.During the term of �- �& thls franchise the grantees, ther / Advertising Clerk/successora -and assigns,,shall be sub- tent to the following conditions,vl".: (a) The p ership of said track shall be v stet as to the respective portions thereof Individually in said grantees in accor dance Rh a agreement agreements between them. Thesaid track.shall be laid Upon and conform to the established )orn to before me this ?n,-1 day of add SixthsaWeSouth S4 eet`b t if Street grade is afterward hanged by said i l dlnance o the Board a City Coma A.D.19 missloners, the grantees shall, at their own expense, change the ele- vation at said track so as to con- 0 form to the same (b) Whenever said street where asld track is constructed shall be s ._ paved, r paved, resurfaced or re- paired, ✓\IK\/- aire, then said aid grantees, their ---- --- -- e Mane d assigns, hall pave, 1 repair between two the et 1\ Notary Pu tc rails d for pace t two feet outside of each call with the s i kind of materi used an .�same street. or with such other material may be approved b" the Board of Commissioners. Ili u1e event said grantees shall fall pave, resurface, repair and surface any area as herein re- quired quired fora period of thirty (30) days alter notice front the Board of Commissioners so to do,the city shall have the right to pave, re- pave, resurface r urface repair between the rails a said surface or and the grantees agree to reimburse the City for the total cost of said work,labor and material. (c) The said track shall be laid and the road operated so as to cause no unnecessary impediment to the common a and ordinary a of said street upon which 1t 1s laid. (d) Good and sufficient conduits to convey water shall be laid and maintained in good rendition at the expense of said grantee's In all wa- ter ditches crossed by said track s at to admit of free passage of wa- ter. (s) halt Lake City reserves the right to regulate and control the speed of all trains,engines and rare operated by the grantees,their VIC- crosser and assigns,upon the track aforesaid. Neither the engines nr cars shalt be permitted to remain on said track, (1) If. In the replacement or maintenance of said track said m antes shall re p remove In any grantees Interfere with the pave- eet, sidewalk, e urbs, gutters or waterways o said street,they shall replace such pavement with the same s r such other materiel as shall be ordered by the Board of Com- missioners and shall replace such sidewalks, curbs and gutters and waterways to the satisfaction of the Commissioner at Streets and Collie the gutters ements and shall sthat constructthey the gutters and waterways at they will allow the free passage 1 water to the satisfaction of arid Commis- sioner. SECTION 1.Nothing in this grant shall be cn nstrue&so s to prevent Salt Lake City or its authorized agents. contractors, persons or cor- raryltiobenesay n r to whomy(ranchise hereafter m be granted from paving, sewering,lay- ing gas or water mains or p s r ipes, altering, repairing,or any r improving said street, but all such improvements shall be made with as little injury as practicable to said track and the operation thereof, When Salt Lake City un- dertakes to place any utility under said track, the grantees shall at their expense underpin and protect.own their track while said utility is being placed tinder the track. SECTION 4. The said grantees herein,their successors and assigns, shall and bythe acceptance of the privileges franchises herein tranted an pin consideration of he same,do bind themselves, their successorsand assigns, upon their eptance of this franchise,to con the City harmless from all suttee claims. demands and ptdgmcnta whatsoever, whether In law or in equity, which shalt be asserted, found or rendered In u manner whatsoever,against said City for in- fury or damage to abutting pro0- erty otherwise by r of the granting of this franchise or by of the operation o1 said track,1 and that the grantees, their SUCCe530tr and d assigns,will pay the ais ent of the judgment, deter- slfnatl0n or adjudication which in any salt or proceedings may or .shall be found against Salt Lake City, and the said grantees, their a and assigns,shall appear int agaloet end all actions brought _ gain et Salt Lake City for any in- fury or damage by reason of the construction, operation, main- tenance of said tracrack., provided, however, that said grantees,yes, their successors and assigns, shall have had notice of any suits and an op- portunity to appear and defend the eeSECTION D. This franchise I. granted for the period of fifty (50) years from and atter the date of the passage of this ordi- fance. provided. however, that It or a period of nine consecutive months during the flee of this fran- chise said track or any part there- of Is not used for the purpose for which this franchise Is granted, or 11 there Is substantial abandonment of the use f said track or any part thereof,this franchise shah be voidable at the option of the Board of Commissioners,end ifs ordered by the board of s Commissioners. said track shall,within thirty (30) days after notice,be by said grantees removed from the street and the street restored to a n ondition uni- form with the balance of said street with respect to grade, materla:s, and construction to the satisfac- tion of the Commissioner of Streete and Public Improvements. In the ant of failure of said grantees to remove said track and to restene said street upon raid notice and within thirty (30) days thereafter, the work may be done by Salt Lake OIty at the SECTION e6P Unless this franchise and all the terms and conditions thereof shall he accepted In writing, by the grantees herein within thirty (30) daeffective,thiss af ter ordinance be - comes track be constructed within two years from the effective date there- of, then this ordinance shall be null SECTION ON 7. Whereas, 1n the opinion of the Commission an emer- gency exists, this ordinance shall take effect immediately after pub- lication hereof. Passed by the Hoard of Commis- loners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 29th day of March.A.D.1951. EARL J.OLIVE, Mayor. IRMA F.BITNER, I SEAL) City Recorder. BILL NO.n3. Published March 31st,1951. G23