23 of 1957 - Ordinance 23 of 1957, Adding Section 8-1-3 to R.O. 1955, establishing a volunteer 'Police Reserve Co ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, 195 VOTING Aye Nay = I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . . Christensen Romney . . . . Mr.Chairman . . t. N ORDINANCE V Ad ORDINANCE OF SALT LAI. CITY, UTAH, ADDING SECTION F-1-3 TO THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF H Mf LAME CITY, 1955, EH CI aLISHING A VOLUNTEER "POLICE RESERVE CORPS" TO PROVIDE TRAINED RESERVE OFFICERS IN LAW ENFORCEaEN`T' FOR CIVIL DEFENSE Od DISASTER DUTY; PROVIDING FOR THE TRAINING, DUTIES AND CONTROL OF IPS MEMBERS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTRATION OF SUCH i'ilIILSi-;;IS AS DISASTER OR CIVIL DEFENSE WORM-ERS. Be it enacted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTIOII 1. That Title B of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, dealing with civil defense be, and the same is, hereby amended by adding Section 8-1-3, establishing a volunteer "Police Reserve Corps" to provide trained reserve officers in law enforcement for civil defense or disaster duty; providing for the training, duties and control of its members; and providing for the registration of such members as disaster or civil defense workers, which section shall read as follows: "Section D-1-3. Item 1. A Police Reserve Corps, hereinafter called the Corps, is hereby established as a voluntary organization composed of persons appointed by the Chief of Police, subject to approval of the Civilian Defense Council of Salt Lake City, said persons to serve -;ratutitously as a unit of the Police Services Division of the Civilian Defense Council of Salt Lake City, Utah. Members of the Police Reserve Corns, when ordered by the Chief of Police or any of his authorized staff officers, may assist regular officers of the police department in the performance of law en- forcement functions in order to train such personnel for that law enforcement service which may be required in the event of emergencies or disasters. "Membership in this organization shall be open to both men and women. Whenever the male sex is referred to in this ordinance, it shall be construed to include both male and female. '"ITtiM 2. Subject to the provisions of this ordinance, rules and regulations of the state and local civil defense councils, and subject to supervision of the Civilian Defense Council of Salt Lake City, the control of the Corps shall be vested in the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police may reject any application for member- ship. lie shall provide for the training of personnel in all fields of law enforcement activity, and, for that purpose, may assign such members to various police duties. "ITEM 3. No person shall become))a member of the Corps until he 23 -2- is able to meet all of the requirements prescribed by the Chief of Police, as approved by the Civilian Defense Council of Salt Lake City. When so qualified and selected by the Chief of Police he shall then be sworn as a reserve officer and a member of the Corps, and shall be registered as a disaster service or civil defense worker upon forms prescribed for this purpose. "Item L . In order to effectuate the purpose of the Corps the Chief of Police may by order establish rules and regulations to govern the Corps and its duties, subject to approval by the Civilian Defense Council of Salt Lake City and to a resolution of approval passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, provided, however, that such rules and regulations do not conflict with those provided by federal, state, and local disaster or civil defense laws and regulations. "Item 5. An identification card, badge, and cap piece, and/or such other insignia or evidence of identification as the Chief of Police may prescribed, shall be issued to each member who shall carry the card at all times. Each member must surrender all city owned property issued to him upon the termination of his membership. "Item 6. Therrembership of any person in the Corps may be terminated at any time by the Chief of Police for cause satisfactory to himself; and any member may resign from the Corpks at any time upon notifying the Chief of Police of his resignation. "Item 7. Subject to the provisions of Item 1 hereof the Chief of Police may by order expand or diminish the membership of the Corps as may be required. "Item $. It shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for not to exceed six months or by fine not to exceed $299.00, or both, for any person, not a member of the Corps: (a) To wear, carry, or display a Corps identification card, badge, cap piece or insignia; or (b) In any manner, to represent himself to be connected with the Corps. "Item 9. The necessaryizii.forms and equipment for Corps members and the proper use of such uniforms and equipment shall be prescribed by the Chief of Police. "Item 10. Reserve Corps members shall be entitled to medical and hospital treatment and compensation for injury tnd death arising out of, or in the course of his training, or in the performance of duties during an emergency, as disaster service or civil defense workers as provided by Utah Code Annotated, 1953, Title 63-5-16, and the ordinances of Salt Lake City. "Item 11. No person shall be employed or asdociated in any capacity as a reserve officer established under this act who advocates or has advocated a change by force or violence in the constitutional form of the government of the United States or of this state or the overthrow of any government in the United States by force or violence, or who has been convicted of, or is under indictment or information charging any subversive act against the United States. Each person who is appointed to serve as a reserve officer shall, before entering upon his duties, take an oath in writing before a person authorized to administer oaths in this state, which oath shall be substantially as follows: "I _, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Utah, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. 23 • -3- "And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor have I ever advocated, nor am I a member nor have I ever been a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this state by force or violence; and that during such time as I am a member of the Police Reserve Corps of Salt Lake City I will not advocate nor become a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the govern- ment of the United States or of this state by force or violence. "Item 12. The Police Reserve Corps of Salt Lake City established under authority of this ordinance shall not participate in any form of political activity, nor shall it be employed directly or indirectly for political purposes. "Item 13. This ordinance is an urgency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of public peace, health and safety and shall go into immediate effect. The facts constituting such necessity are; "During the present emergency in world affairs and the possibility of local emergency or disaster in this city3 it is deemed imperative that the Chief of Police implement his regular officers with trained reserves who shall be capable of supplementing the regular law enforce- ment service in times of critical emergencies or disasters. " SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 25,th day of April . 1957. vakik (�BD444arsr i1116City4 e ( S E A L ) BILL NO. 23 of 1957 Published May 1, 1957 • 23 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D. M. Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad- vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State o f Utah. That the advertisement Salt Lake City Bill No. 23 of 1957 An Ordinance adding Sec. 8-1-3 to the Revised Ordinances establishing a volunteer Police Reserve Corps.. was published in said newspaper on May 1, 1957. Advertising Clerk- - Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd ,y of Mal A.D.19 57 ( Notary Public -- -_-- - ------- "Rem I It shall be a m;arlemewnor, AN Oten lN.l h'CV. onishable by imprisonment for not to teed s,0 months o by lint s nor. Al, ORDINANCE OF SAI:C LAKE d 5299.0 r. CI'1'•,C0A11 ADDING SECTION 6.10 ti, hit. for TO TIES REVISED ORDINANCE'S Or fal 50 To t ar, Carry.,h f th;Co�s r display a SALT LAKE CITY,1355,ESTABLISH]- Corps identification card, badge. cap 1`IG A VOLUNTEER "POLICE RE- pie r insignia'oe SERVE. CORPS" TO PRO V IDS 141 In any manner,to rcnresent hint, TRAINED RESERVE OFFICERS IN self to be connected wCorp,with the Corp LAW ENFORCEMENT FOR CIVIL DE- ••Item 9-The necessary uniforms and 1ENSD OR DISASTER DUTY, PRO- equipment for Corps,ne1nbers and the VIDING FOR THE TRAINING, DU- PlItOCV Ine of such uniforms and enuln. TIES AND CONTROL.OF ITS MEM- t.shall he prescribed b,v the Chief HERS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE of Police. REGISTRATION OP'.SUCH MEMBERS "Item 10. Reserve Corps members AS DISASTER OR CIVII. DEFENSE shalt be entitled to medical and hog, WORKERS. pital treatment and c sation for Se It enaced by theHoard f C'mn. ,u and death alining out of.o in i.sSi0110' of Salt Lake City.of the re of his training, o in the m SECTION 1.That'fide 8 of the Re. performance of duties during an erne, Ordinances of Salt ake City. gooey,as disaster service r ivilnrde- Utah,1955,dealing with civil defense fcnse wotkers as Provided by Utah be, and the same s.he-eb,y amended Code Annotated, 1953, Title 633.16, 'by adding Section A-1.3, estalising and the ordinances of Salt Lake City. inteer"Police Pc,r e establishing plover(-Item o II. No f led o, shall be I- PrOVide binned reserve in an- conneks' mftolrt ne t n civil defense or illscers In - ns associated stale ll d porter t.r duiy;prOVifiitl8 for the tptining. this d ] - ady, l. force pr dillies d control F t b and the f of the g n • v tiers for thy eat of the United Stales n this ,name disaster section t hcivil read as state DI II to f ony foltowss which ctio shall cad as 1 the United Slatesv f - f1 (rviolence. or who has bran c victed "Serum,6-1-3.Item 1.A Pollee Re- under indictment or Info ring• Co' hereinafter the eharo'.ng snbre1slv0 ail Cory s hereby established on vol. the United States Each p untidyxalio sed of n inted to serve sons pointed h.r ftheo('hint of Police, officelr shall•before enteried a n`his subtect to approval of the Civilian De. dui to lie anoath i witting upon tense Council of Salt Lake City, said authorized to adminisef"oaths a'to s uito,rmv a In thisslate,which oath shall be sub-at prisons • ilia Police ServicesCup Division of lake situ Tally s follows( CilY vilian b.Me e,S jolt Lake 'ea— —rm) do so serve Utah.Mhel101 of the Police let r far the that I will support s c Chips,whet head by o the Chief anitede Star the CIle Cotiofi ,e the of Police of his t,.officers sta rf United fs and the Constitution o the police11;nay eMm ,I Ill r officers of the innStateof Utah,againstla II enemies, the 1,1l ,'enforcement nt s„ the pions in i foreign and domestic;that will beat on]Id enforcement functions t i true e t and allegiance to the camu: nf�der to eerie such person.,for that I any this reservation freely, without loot i not s emerg may tar mart , of '.oa�1n Ina event of emet genclee n .nit discharge e dui or faith- di.asfter fully evasion; the duties upon which "ll tic open t In thin and uP n, I"t bout toe ter. 'hall ben n to bathe and u at d I do Further s,neat or affirm,Ieer Whenever the that I d t it 'have,ever ' inelu rdibo both mile llt shall f ale.s is �v.rladvocated. I be' nor to1 dude both male e female. 0otilica1 party been n organisation that of gall, "ITEM,2_Subient tothe Voleaten the o r rthrow fof the g - of this ordinance.rules, regulations ' seat f the United States orfv this •of the state ocals�ncivit defense ' Seat' of fore- o doll that councils. and sot-sleet to s during ch time as l I`am P. emler q r Ismn of tells Ity,inn Defense contro Council Salt f the City PonceReserve Corpstof Salt shell a veiled the control of the ndea Lake aim I will not advocate r phe- arty half be tested in eee Chief p mar of a caesi o over, The Chien Is( Fn1ic act"tic gate g that advocates the o application for f mhntg frC shall area aor the government of the United • vide for the training n/apersonnel, Statesknee o,of this v State by force or vfo its,a hallo of law r may a ]c"It, ity.and,for that n rtyn "Item ISLake The Police Reserve Codes such Member:0 to t anti/1r r authority Salt Lolce Citr established under luts�s "ITEM 3. he n until)Ie 110 a .e o1 this form ace shah not member n1 the Cloens until he is able yiiv,pate in form of 0politicaldre an- to rat all of the ni ell.ta 01 indirectly,n flrit be employed ses. peproved ved by the Chirian; eeer, en IS.for s political purposes. v d al the Civilian Defense Cpun. or ea This ordinance nil of Salt Lake City_ l'When s tea11- dip for the.is lice a selected toted by the Chief es rPe-ve mediate preservation fetyand nubile peace, Ron officer crsand then he sworn as a reserve health dg leffect. and shall 00 into and s and n member of the Corps, immediate effect The facts constitut- sershall be t r eft'Id asa disaster icesnecessity a such vice civil defteth on "Outing the ant emergency forms prescribed for this purpose. -lp world affairs anda alga possibility of n, "Iln locale medn i le dive th in he tile. of the Cor�e.s the Chill o/and it P deemed eO imperative t Eve that the Purpose et v by o establish rules and o1 Police implement his regular e officers be yulut to the. Cores and with eofes who shall be IlsCivilian li n Defense a vat by iha Capable of mnnt servile the es of Civili nn D toense resolution onof Call royal law al emergencies me gent s , times of Cis end to .ol„olnn of al critical a er 2. In toer`opiniers." passed by then City. t of C11 hon.,. SECTION 2. In the o of the sr all s s'iav, _ho,"evrrt Hoard pf Commissioners,it lfea.nit, that such h lot and ovidedby do not to the peace,health dsafety},tat the this conflict 111 1 thane isle Ideal by federal, ordinance Sofe Salt me Lake Cif},that this ;dab,se and local disaster or civil tl e- In'dlnflnee become effective imnedi- e law and regulations.ttatcs. ateiy. nd c,a Spi An Identification co lard.bodge, feet upon 3-This t publication.ace shall take Ina aml coo n t and ton such other In- 'effect e is Pest fCommission. f d.t'f ton a d by the Board 1 Co ( Chief _f Police cr lbe. f Salt Lalre City Utah thd ath shall he issued ` I b who d 1 April,1957. shall carry the.card.all times.'Each Adiel F.Stewart Bravo, tuber must a ender all city owned Hetn,an.i.Hognnsen • pert i,11,1 lfto him f on the ter- h H gensRecener of membership. lVnat, Int.,.'TeteI f.. " fir TComnnrn he in am RILL No.2,of 1A.s7 n.he Corps in,he If-inns-an,-e Published Mat 1,1957 IC-67) a miry,any in by the Chief o Police for satisfactotY to him eH, ancl Ata , time upon notifying the C hie( of n of hisiesistinden "1'c1nher 4nbieel to ehe n of Item t re�xpa the Chief of Ponce�m Irearea,'o .ill+the e sy n nr<I bush,' of v the Corns na, may be ale nu,ell (.3